Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Chris Lighty's Wife Says Marriage & Finances Were Fine

If you believe what the widow of Chris Lighty says then all the reasons why he is suspected to have committed suicide get thrown out the window. Veronica Lighty told The NY Daily News that the couple had reconciled several months ago and that he had no debt other than a few hundred thousand dollars which was easy to handle. She says that she doesn't know why he would kill himself and leave his wife and six kids behind. She went on to say the couple fought all the time and were in a passionate relationship and that he would not kill himself no matter how much she hurt him because he wouldn't leave his kids behind.


  1. Its so tragic. If a man commits suicide, people blame the wife or girl friend. She drove him to it.
    If a woman does it, people say she was crazy and the poor man is the victim here.
    Its awful

  2. Some are better at hiding their depression than others.

  3. Depression is a beast. He could of been keeping it to himself. Working like normal and just dying inside.

  4. I read over at Jacky Jasper's site that he (CL) had recently hired his ex wife's ex as his security, which, combined with her statements, makes the whole situation even more highly suspect.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    That last sentence says so much.......

  6. @Nellie, no one is saying that about the Kennedy woman. That blows your theory right there.

  7. Suicide leaves behine so many unanswered questions. I feel fir these oeople, i really do. Esp the kids.

  8. Where were all his friends and hanger ons when he really needed them.

  9. @chopchop-

    Its not a theory. Just something that I have observed over and over. There are exceptions to everything. And most people know that the Kennedy men are terrible to their women. That right there makes it very different from most cases.

  10. Anybody remember actress Adrienne Shelly*. In 2007 she was written off by the NYPD as a suicide when she was found hanging in her shower.

    Her family pushed that it wasn't a suicide and a footprint on a toilet seat that didn' match Shelley's is what lead to the conviction of he murderer Diego Pillco. If it wasn't for the family he might of gotten away with it.

    I wouldn't write Chis off as a suicide so quickly either.

    *Waitress was her last movie that she wrote and directed. It's a wonderful film and I highly recommend it.

    1. i love waitress. i never knew that the nypd thought it was a suicide wow, i only knew she was murdered b/c after i saw waitress the end of the movie said something about her and i went home & googled it. and i think she had just had a baby a few months prior to her murder. it's still so sad waitress is just such a good movie

  11. Timebob- I love that movie and was so sad to hear about Adrienne Shelly passing away :(

  12. Wow timebob, I had no idea. That really is a sweet movie. Now I have to think of a way to NOT think of pie all day. Mmmmm, pie.

  13. How awful! I had no idea she'd passed away. I loved that movie. I mean.. Nathan Fillion... come on.

    She was a great character actress and obviously a talented writer and director as well. What a shame.

  14. I remember the Adrienne Shelley story well and thought it was just insane that they even thought for one moment it was a suicide. Seemed like they were just being lazy. Glad they solved her murder.

    I have no idea who this person in this post is however.

  15. Adrienne Shelley and I had a few friends in common, and with one of them I hung out with her one evening. Tiny, tiny woman. My hands were like bear paws compared to her dainty hands.

    I originally believed the murderer's story about a confrontation where Adrienne slapped him because during our evening together she spoke a lot about slapping men if something displeased her. She said no one had ever slapped her back. I said that because she was so tiny, no one would dare, but with me being three times her size, I would probably be punched in the nose. Then we laughed...

  16. Should mention that the murderer's story about the confrontation about dust & noise was a lie. He broke into her work apartment to rob her. I felt so horrible for believing his first story...

  17. I did not know Adrienne Shelly was dead. I remember her in Trust. A very good actress, I ll follow your advice and try to find Waitress.
