Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dina & Lindsay Lohan Get Drunk Together

After her booze and pill influenced appearance on Dr. Phil yesterday, it will probably come as no surprise to you that Dina Lohan drinks. A lot. Seriously, if you thought the sneak preview of that Dr. Phil episode was something, I hope you recorded the entire thing and save it your DVR and always refer to it because you will not get many better interviews. The high five at the end just kind of capped the whole thing. While he was taping that thing, Dr. Phil and his producers must have been thinking it is ratings gold. How often do they have teasers of Dr. Phil episodes, but they knew they had a winner and had to let the world know what was coming.

Anyway, Dina recently had her 50th birthday party and Lindsay, who looks 50, joined in. To celebrate, both Dina and Lindsay were throwing back booze. Lindsay preferred doubles because that way she could get drunk faster and hide the realization that when she is 50, she is going to look a whole lot worse and will probably be a footnote in tabloid gossip history. Michael was complaining that Dina should not be drinking in front of Lindsay. Michael has done that before and Michael has done his fair share of horrible parenting. Plus, he he violated a restraining order to get a woman pregnant and I am shocked he has not gone to jail again for beating her. Probably waiting until after she has the baby.


  1. "when she is 50" ???

    How about "if"

  2. The interview was just creepy and reinforced my decision to not watch Dr. Phil again. I saw the preview for the Robert Blake interview - for a second, I thought it was Charlie Manson. Can you imagine Blake and Manson locked up next to each other - now there's a reality show I'd watch!

  3. Ha! Yeah that's a huge 'if' statement. LL will be lucky to see 30.

  4. I've left Dr Phil in disgust many times and then wandered back. He's despicable, but watchable.

    I missed most of the Lohan debacle yesterday, but note the aftereffects in the media today. What was she thinking? What was she on? It's sad. It's like she's jealous that Bynes is pulling attention away from her daughter.

  5. Hey everyone, just caught your comments from last night while you were watching, tell me more tell me more!! I missed it. :(

  6. I stand by my previous comments - I think Lilo is one of those Teflon drunks who will stumble around for years, leaving a wake of destruction. Like mother, like daughter!

  7. @hunter, I misse it too! Curious to hear about it.

  8. I missed it but saw some clips this morning and all I can say is, it's a wonder that Lindsey is as normal as she is...... So sad on so many levels!!!

  9. Dr. Phil's website typically does a pretty good job of summing up the shows with clips and pics. You could probably get a good feel for the trainwreck over there.

  10. I don't usually body snark, but, at first glance, I truly thought Dina was wearing a brown leather jacket--but, no--that's her skin!

  11. Hit 50? There is no way that bitch will live that long.

  12. Anonymous6:44 AM

    WOW. Those two look ridden hard and put away wet !

  13. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I get the feeling these two would have a threesome with some random guy for cash...right?

  14. That interview was STUNNING. And somehow Michael came off looking coherent and sane. We figured Dr. Phil wasn't as tough with him, because he was actually giving straight-forward answers, though the accuracy may be debatable. She was alllllllllllll over the place! What a disaster. Oh, and of course she was trying to play the victim card. No wonder that's Lindsay's go-to move.

  15. "Dina Lohan called the police because the Carvel employees wouldn’t let her use her daughter’s “free ice cream for 75 years” card."


  16. @ Agent - LOL. Apparently the money train DOES stop. At Carvel.

  17. I think the interesting aspect of the "no ice cream for you" story is that Dina's reaction to the situation was to call the cops. I mean, think about it - would the rest of us, basically normally functioning folks, call 911 over a dispute with the manager of an ice cream shop?

    I think that speaks volumes about where her life's at. Folks who make lots of superfluitious 911 calls typically have problems more deep-seated than can be solved by the police.

  18. Wow, what a trainwreck.

    Apparently Dina Lohan was the one who contacted Dr. Phil, and she behaved as if it were an Inside Edition interview or something.

    One interesting item: Michael Lohan accused Dina of having stolen four thousand dollars from Lindsey's purse.

    I felt angry after this interview, because she wasted an hour of Dr. Phil's time, which he could have used to really help someone.

  19. Haven't the lohans had trouble with that ice cream card before for the same reason? I would have thought Carvel would have revoked that card

  20. On a better note today's my birthday!!:)

  21. LA Mac - I think that was a re-hash of an old story. Not sure why that was written about now. Their sense of entitlement is nauseating.

  22. Happy birthday Netta!

  23. Amy Winehouse is dead, but Lindsay Lohan is still breathing. Irrefutable proof that there is no God.

  24. Does anyone know where I can go to waste an hour of my life watching this?

  25. @netta - Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have lots of love and fun planned :)

  26. I can't believe I actually watched her "interview" lol, but did anyone see the preview of today's episode? With John Edwards and the girlfriend of one of the theather shooting victims who died?? Apparently he's going to see if they can contact her boyfriend. How tacky can you get?! I can't imagine how his ex-wife, children, and the other victims are going to feel about that episode

  27. @surfer and Amber thanks for the bday love! I do plan on having lunch with a special male friend! Lol

  28. I have rooted for Lindsey to get it together for a really long time. I have finally given up on her:( I thought she could overcome her demons, but, alas, she is delusional! The best she could hope for now is a steady job, and of course she could never pull that off! The overdose will be real soon.

  29. Does Dr. Phil pay his guests? Otherwise why would Dina agree to go on the show?

  30. After watching Dina yesterday, I have a newfound sympathy for Lindsay. Dina is a drunk, pill-popping liar, who refuses to take responsibility for anything in her life, and (allegedly) steals from her daughter. If this is your frame of reference for "normal behavior," you don't stand a chance. Totally clarified for me why Lindsay is the way she is. It doesn't excuse it (other people have certainly risen above their circumstances/parenting), but it definitely explains it

  31. I've had ENOUGH of all your criticism of Dina and and your tiny little shoes!

  32. Dina's extensions are worse than Britney's.

  33. Roman Holiday, I rooted for her for a long time. As an addict, I've learned that many people with drug addiction never actually get out of it. It kills a lot of people, and it eats up people's minds and schedules and money and time -- and Lindsay was (if Michael is being honest about this, which I think he might be, a rare moment of honesty) Lindsay was exposed to cocaine in utero, during gestation. Her chemistry is wired for drug abuse, and everything about her is poisoned by the fact that Dina Lohan is her mother. It's a sad story! And a hopeless one for her. It's good to root for people's recovery; it's also good to recognize that lots of people never get that chance. It's why we say "celebrate" sobriety.

  34. Happy Birthday Netta! I hope good things will happen during lunch!

  35. That interview was possibly one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen on television. I would guess the slurred words were due to alcohol, but she was also working her jaw the whole time. It was very Steven Adler a la Celebrity Rehab. (A show she is more likely to get on than DWTS!)

    I did find it interesting that Dr. Phil claimed Dina reached out to him, although I'm guessing it would be more accurate to say she reached out for a paycheck.

    The double middle fingers were probably the high point of the interview for me. At one point she actually went for the fist bump.

    It really does make you wonder how Lindsay ever had the years of success that she did, given the complete trainwrecks who raised her.

  36. i have got to find somewhere to watch this online...totally missed it. am not surprised it was a trainwreck tho...breaks my heart for lindsay even more. i desperately want her to get it together.

    1. Im sure its on you tube. Its really a dont miss. Carvel card. Lol

  37. this is also the trick that when Lindsay started to break into Hollywood, she thought it would be a great idea to send her daughter to LIVE ALONE at Chateau Marmont. At age 16!!! In Hollywood.

    Yeah, that's gonna end well. Hollywood plus under-age starlet. yeah.

  38. I recorded it and am drooling with anticipation to watch! I can't Dr Phil, but will try to get through it somehow. Maybe I should have a few drinks first so I can better relate to Dina!!!

    And LiLo looks like a full on porn star in this photo.

    Happy Birthday Netta!!! Have FUN at lunch, may it lead to after dinner drinks and breakfast tomorrow...

  39. Yes, Barton she didn't stand a chance from the get go:( But she is old enough now to either deal with it or continue to spiral out of control, which I think the latter is happening right before our eyes! Sad all around!

  40. I have no doubt whatsoever that these two skanks have doubled-up on a dude or three before. None.

    And my 12 year-old niece is more mature than this dumb ass. How she ever "raised" four kids is beyond me.

  41. Did anyone else catch Dina Lohan actually admit that she considered herself an enabler????

  42. @Silver - I did! But she said she enabled Michael. Sigh. She also claims that her two youngest (Ali & Cody) are unaffected.

  43. I am marveling at Dina's hair. She looks as though she was pulled through a hedge backwards.

  44. Didn't Enty blog about the Carvel card abuse? I searched but couldn't find it.

  45. Thanks guys, maybe I'll check it out on YouTube when I get home.

  46. Dina's public intoxication lately is like an acknowledgment, or a surrender, that this is it, Lindsay will never be a viable movie star again, there will be no "Orange Oprah" show. Might as well drink!

  47. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I will try to see if my favorite website that has almost EVERY EPISODE OF ANYTHING YOU COULD EVER WANT has this certain one up in the next couple of days so I can link it to you guys.

  48. Anonymous10:46 AM

    It's not up yet, but you can keep checking:


  49. Happy Bday, @netta!!

  50. Ok, still laughing about carvel card. I watched interview, even tho I hate dr phil and daytime tv, but he was really good with her and called her on her bullshit. She acts like a little girl, " is the camera on? Are we friends now? Look at your suit and shoes"? Dr phil was all "what the hell does that mean? You said you wanted to come on the show, now what did u want to say? If you arent going to talk, then we are done." and dina's all," am I your most diffucult guest? Do you hate me?" and dr phil is like "no", with the unspoken, who cares? She really made an ass of herself, and if she isnt on booze or pills, then she is just plain stupid. Nothing is her fault, or lindsay's, they get bad press, people are paid to make them look bad, blah blah blah. She denies Lindsay supports family, but never explains how she makes aliving. or where ali is. Michael lohan, who is a liar and former drug addict,looked smart compared to her. dina acts like a 14 yr old, not a 50 yr old woman. DR phil kept asking why shae went back to michael and had 3 more children, aafter he abused her, and went to jail. seh finally said,oh, I thought he changed. completely no wonder why linds as screwed up as she is. and now Im sure she is gonna be all, they edited the tape to make it look bad for me, without ever giving any possible motivation. and she caps it off with boozing with daughter and having carvel hissy fit. You. Could. Not. Make. This. Up.

  51. Unfortunately, I think were stuck with Lindsey. In this technological age 15 minutes gets stretched out infinitely. She may not ever do any decent movies again, but she'll be crazy and do crazy and stay in the tabloids. She'll stage crazier and crazier things RO make her living. Or shell join the yacht set like Tara Reid. Her mother is obviously a whacko and I doubt Lindsey ever learned that her lifestyle is abnormal. Dina has instilled every last drop of selfish selfserving rightousness possible.

  52. Wow I'm so shocked. NOT!!

  53. I wish they could put Dina Lohan in jail. Then may Lindsey would have a chance at rehabbing herself. She needs to get away from that woman.

  54. She said she has never collected money for managing her daughter. She also stated that Michael and his family didn't financially support her. Sooo....how the hell did a single mom raise 4 children in that lifestyle? When Michael Lohan makes more sense you know you have issues. She was def drunk and on something else. Rehab next? Jail?

  55. Din't she win some mother of the year award a few years ago? I'm serious.

  56. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Hags, both of them.

  57. Happy birthday Netta! I hope it was fabulous :)

  58. I cannot stand Dr. Phil. Years ago my aunt used to rave about him and even mailed me his book. I read a couple pages and couldn't go on. What a phony.

    Dina probably needed the money really badly. I had an epiphany after puzzling over why she would expose herself like that, even for money. Then that horrible scene in "Requiem for a Dream" flashed through my mind, followed by Jennifer Connelly smiling with her bag of heroin afterwards.

  59. Why do I feel that Dina secretly hates Lilo? It seems like she's competing with her daughter and enjoying her daughter's downward spiral. That pic is like her saying "It's me and my daughter! Who do you think looks better? I bet it's me, right?" This woman is disgusting.
