Thursday, September 06, 2012

Farrah Abraham Splits With Boyfriend

Last week I watched every episode of the final season of Teen Mom. Yeah, I know, but tell me you have never been sucked into an MTV or Bravo marathon. What about a Pawn Stars or Storage Wars or American Pickers marathon? Are you really that sainted? Never spent an entire day glued to your television and then wondered where the last 8 hours went? Anyway, during two of those episodes Farrah met some guy and went on a blind date with him, slept with him on date two and within six weeks was traveling with him and meeting his family (who she insulted) and buying herself a ring to put on her ring finger until he got her one and wondering when he was going to ask her to marry him and basically being the clingiest person ever. The guy ran away so fast he could have beat Usain Bolt and Farrah was crushed and didn't understand why he didn't want to marry her after six weeks. So, imagine my surprise when I read in In Touch that she has broken up with her most recent boyfriend because "What went wrong was that he was upset I wouldn’t kiss him yet and make more time for him and move to LA. I have my values in line and I stick to them. I'm happy I chose not to touch him or get serious with some guy who seems controlling & clingy.”


  1. Wait, so she operates under the Pretty Woman rules where she'll F him but no kissing on the mouth?

  2. I totally got hooked on Beverly Hills Housewives in marathon form. I've also watched America's Next Top Model all day while doing a massive kitchen cleanout/overhaul.

    In my defense, I watched the first season of Mad Men in like two days thanks to Comcast OnDemand.

    Enty, you however, take trash TV to a whole other level. LOL. I don't know who these Teen Mom tricks are. And I have no idea who this Honey Boo Boo creature is that you speak of on a daily basis.

  3. This child really grates my nerves.
    Her relationship with her parents is jaw dropping at times. Yep, I would slap the crap outta her.

  4. She's probably so focused being a "model" that she has no time for men....I couldn't type that without laughing...bahahaha!

  5. Enty, argh, there was a marathon? I missed this entire season. But MTV will rerun the frick out of it.

  6. I admit that I am addicted to all things Teen Mom - it makes me feel like a great parent - lol

  7. She's a hard looking 21. Carrie Lynn Reichert looks more youthful.

  8. Yeah, I like Storage Wars, Pawn Stars and American Pickers but at least on these shows I occasionally learn something about history or see things I've never seen before. If I want to look at cheap women or teenage moms I just have to go to the mall.

  9. I have to say it for the hundredth time. Tyler and caitlyn are the most amazing people ever and if u think this show just rewards awful horrible people like Farrah who calls her dad by his first name bc as she said on the reunion show, she doesn't respect him, Tyler and Caitlyn are such incredible people who deserve the fat paychecks.

  10. I think Farrah and her mother, and family in general have alot of problems. think we only saw surface. other than that, shes young, she's gonna make loads of mistakes.

  11. I could watch River Monsters for days.

  12. Ugh I'm only about 5 years older than her and I'm about to sound like a grandma but I cannot STAND the way she talks to her parents! And they let her! She should have been smacked in the mouth when that shit started maybe she wouldn't be so repulsive and disrespectful as she is now. How about when her dad was taking care of her after she got her boobs done!? "PROP MY PILLOW UP MORE, MICHAEL! I'M NOT COMFORTABLE, MICHAEL! DO SOMETHING WITH SOPHIA, MICHAEL!" Ugh what a bitch. Amber is probably even more repulsive for totally different reasons, not even gonna open that can of worms. She makes me cringe. I really like Macy (who I think is an excellent mother to Bentley) and I really like Catelynn and Tyler. Rant's over :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. "Are you really that sainted? Never spent an entire day glued to your television and then wondered where the last 8 hours went?"

    No. Being truthful.

  15. the guy was ugly as hell anyways, i wouldn't have kissed him either

  16. I've never watched a marathon of any of those shows, but Netflix streaming (and unemployment) makes it VERY EASY to lose several hours. "Just one more episode..."

  17. Ok I have to say too, I can't explain this, well maybe I can, but I care about what happens to Amber. She is such a sad mess. I think when she asked for the 5 year jail sentence that's not what she really wanted and it backfired on her, but it was such a moment of desperation, she really had nothing to live for. She has huge mental problems and needs so much help, I hope she gets it and straightens out. Gary is just the most disgusting specimen (or maybe he's dozens of specimens stuck together). I love Amber's style and I want her to dress me lol. I just think she has zero control over any of her actions and I'd be really happy to see her get help and mellow out. I think the show is so important to show kids how awful it gets.

  18. My marathons usually involve, Sex and the City or Frasier.

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  20. @lostathome, I love river monsters. It creeps me out just a little though when the guy starts getting all orgasmic when he thinks he's caught something. I love seeing the giant fish, though. The giant stingray in Thailand was my favorite. I used to also love Jeff Corwin's show. He was so nerdy and cute when he'd catch a lizard or something.

  21. We are more in to radio and podcast marathons. Right now it is the No Agenda Show with Adam Curry and Dick Duvorack. Hilarious! Gold! I am into that type of thing.

    I used to watch it all! Housewives, teen mom, jersey shore! I was a tv whore. Then I had some sort of snap when I turned 25.

    All I watch religiously is project runway or ru Paul drag race. :)

  22. I think she is on minute 13 of her 15. she should use the two remaining minutes wisely.

  23. We'll watch Teen Mom in marathon form, as well. After DVR-ing it, so I can FF through the 28 minutes of commercials crammed in. We also got sucked into Toddlers & Tiaras and Honey Boo Boo, but that's where our poor TV taste ends. It's all Food Network, AMC and HBO series, and Criminal Minds after that.

    Agree that Caitlyn is a saint, and deserves so much more. Can't stand Farrah or Maci. Also get super annoyed that it seemed Gary or Amber were constantly giving McD's to their little girl. EAT A VEGETABLE.

  24. Barely watched teen mom this season. Can't stand 3 out of the 4 girls on the show so if I did watch it was only to see tyler and catelynn then I would change channels. I also don't like how they showed maci and gary buying houses. 99% of teen parents could barely afford to raise a newborn but yet they have houses. Great message mtv sent to its teen viewers, "get knocked up and if we put u in the show you can own a house before your 21"

    1. I know alot of teens, and believe me, that is not the message they are getting!!! They are doubling down on birth control, lol

  25. I don't watch Teen Mom and have no interest in ever watching it, but I have some questions for those who do: I keep hearing that the purpose of this show is to document/demonstrate how difficult it is to be a teen mom, with the intent of discouraging teens from getting pregnant. If that's true, do you think the show does a good job in communicating that message clearly? How well does it succeed? Do you think it's working? And if so, have you seen any firsthand evidence that it is?

    I ask because I *don't* think it's working. At all. Especially with the girls being treated as celebrities, getting big salaries, etc. Maybe the show does sincerely try to portray the difficulties of having a kid so young, but even if it does, I am unconvinced its intended target audience is receiving the message the show purports to send.

    1. Oh, the teens are getting it. I watched first few seasons. When they see friends drifting away, parents annoyed and not willing or able to help, how the boy either leaves or still goes out every night, hiw that cant finish school or get decent job, their dreams for their future implode, how , as usual, the girls do 99% of childcare. It isnt glamorous at all. The teens i know are like, utoh, not me!!! And no matter the shooting scheldule ffot show, most of time its them and the baby. So i get annoyed when peeps who dont watch it think it gkamorizes teen motherhood. That is totally NOT what ut shows, or what kids are getting from it.

  26. TRASH TV? Moi? never...LOL Yeah i couldn't even type that w/ a straight face. I got sucked into a marathon on TruTv of Dumbest Criminals - always good for some laughs. And last weekend a show - not sure what it's called - but it's 2 guys and a woman and they evict problem tenants ? Holy Mess batman - that one had me for hours.

  27. @shiny, I'm with you...if nothing else, this show encourages teens to get knocked up. Why else would we have so many seasons of 16 and Pregnant?

    @Stacey, I need to research that eviction show...that sounds like something I could get sucked into! We never miss an episode of Cops. I suppose that's our fave reality show.

  28. Well, Liddy, I hope the majority of teens watching it are reacting like the ones you know. I still see teens in my area (SoCal) getting knocked up left and right, and I *know* some of them watch the show, because when I'm in line at the grocery store I hear them talking about whichever teen mom is on the cover of whatever shitty tabloid is featuring them this week. I never hear them say anything about what a hard time those girls are having.
    Also, my sister-in-law just told us that another of her daughters just got pregnant at 16. This despite the fact that her older sister did the same thing a few years ago and went thru (still going thru, actually) all the expected hardships you mentioned. I have no idea if either of them have ever watched Teen Mom, but I know they watch typical shitty reality tv like the Kardashians, and they watch Jersey Shore.
    Anyway, thanks for the reply, it's encouraging.

  29. Whatever you're seeing in your towns, teen pregnancy has dropped since the show began and it's believed that it's BECAUSE of the show. I don't understand the hate on Tyler. I think he has been dealt such an awful hand and what he's going through with his dad is heartbreaking. Does he really treat Caitelyn badly? I hope I'm not missing anything bc I find them amazing from being the first to graduate HIGH SCHOOL and now college. Of course Tyler would have anger issues from his dad but doesn't he seem to be working on them? I'm really asking, not arguing with opinions I just think I've missed something all of you have seen.

  30. Okay.. I admit I got sucked into 3 hours of Billy the Exterminator...still dont know why or how

  31. You don't know if she had sex with them. But her quote does not make sense. Why would he want her to move across the country if she doesn't touch or kiss him?
