Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fiona Apple Is Fiona Apple

About 15 years ago, Fiona Apple was everywhere. I know that many of you reading this are only 15. You can be forgiven if you do not remember Fiona. She was not a true one hit wonder, but it was pretty close. Everyone just remembers her because she always looked like she was addicted to heroin and she gave some crazy interviews and speeches. Like, these were Gary Busey quality. On Friday night, Fiona told the people at her concert in Houston all about her arrest, and again, she made no sense. Welcome back Fiona.


  1. Would gladly take a bite of that Apple.

  2. I disagree with Enty's post she never tried to be a pop star her people tried to force her into that cookie cutter role and she rebelled. But she has the talent and artistry to say what she said about the phonieness of the "MTV's World" She went through a lot as a child with being raped and poured it into her music.

    She carved her own career much like Radiohead that didn't rely on hits but have a cult following and lives by the beat of her own drum.

    I admire her.

  3. Why does she talk about MTV at all? She is in the music business. MTV is in the reality TV business.

    1. Shockingly, MTV was about music. About 15 years ago.

    2. Shockingly, MTV was about music. About 15 years ago.

  4. oh and to add, she was talking about her arrest and this is how I interpreted it.

    Most of the cops were nice to her and a few were being shitty and mocking her and she felt they were trying to take advantage of the situation and maybe try to sell what happend to her or have pictures of her in not the most flattering light.

    She was saying I know who you are and if you do anything against me I will use my power of media to expose you and destroy your life.

    I mean yeah it's extreme but when has Finona never been extreme.

  5. I miss her early days when we were like WOW who's this new cool chick? She's one of the original "guys want to do her girls want to be her" 's. they DID try to make her into a pop star and she DID rebel but unfortunately so did anyone who publicized her records. Does she still sound like those first two amazing albums?

  6. BULLSHIT Enty. She has an extremely loyal fan base (myself one of her biggest fans) who love her. She takes her time putting out music, unlike say Rhianna, who puts out 2 crap albums a year. She has made four BRILLIANT albums, and has toured. People don't remember her for the reasons you gave. Her last CD debuted at number THREE. So, there must be some people who appreciate her for her talent.

    She is a genius. I love what she said here. And she did make sense. Try listening. And then fuck off.

    *stomps off*

  7. Agree w/ timebob. And her label has a history of being less than supportive. In an interview on Charlie Rose, IIRC she mentioned that, for her 2nd/3rd album she did not have much of an advance. Each track had to be submitted for *review* before the label would consider releasing (just) enough money to make another track.

    If I had to go through that, I would have hibernated with a box set of Columbo mysteries too.

  8. I remember when she was hawt and dating david blaine.

  9. I love Fiona Apple. When Tidal came out I listened the shit out of that album.. I still do! I love her other stuff and how true she is, even if she is a bit cray cray..

  10. "Everyone just remembers her because she's incredibly gifted and her music is incredible."

    Fixed it for you.

  11. Is there a transcript for this because I can't understand what she is saying.

  12. This post inspired me to play Pawn... on the Stereo, what a fantastic album!

  13. Fiona's a genius, not a pop star.

  14. I just saw her perform about a month ago. She was amazing and her voice is still so rich and vibrant even if she is looking more and more like Gollum..

  15. Glad to see most people here agree with me. Fiona rocks!

  16. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Love Fiona

  17. She's got more talent in her pinky finger than Rihanna could ever dream of! Her songs are unique unlike these other pop stars nowadays whose songs and looks are the same!

  18. Definitely not a one hit wonder

  19. Timebob = Perfect Explanation!

    Fiona can be Fiona, because she IS Fiona.

  20. thanks Himmmm! and welcome back, we have missed you!!

  21. LOVE her. I don't care if she takes 20 years to make an album, I'd rather have a quality record to enjoy (but I really don't wanna wait that long!) She makes music for the ears, not the eyes.

  22. I've been a fan since her first album. She is very troubled but brilliant.

  23. Love this woman! Her lyrics are fucking amazing!!! As many have said before she is who she is and she is brilliant!!!

  24. Always loved her. Fiona Apple is a genius.

  25. She made sense to me lol speaking of balls she's got some and she's also letting them know she can bust theirs lol

  26. I'm sorry, Enty, but this post is full of ignorance - you aren't a stupid guy, but this is a stupid post. Can you really blame Fiona for trying to stretch and grow as an artist, when record producers were trying to mold and pigeon hole her into the pop mainstream. You have to remember what was on the radio at the height of her popularity - Britney, NSync, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, freaking J-LO. Music really sucked for a good five straight years there at the turn of the decade, and I don't blame her one single bit for getting scared of the record industry and their manipulation tactics. As for her music, I have all four of her albums on vinyl, and Extraordinary Machine is probably in my top five of all time. She is a true musician, in every sense of the word, and your criticism is incredibly superficial and vapid this time. Boo hiss.

    1. Word. I adore Exraordinary Machine.

  27. She was an interesting young artist, but she had that super-famous meltdown and exhibited Natasha Lyonne levels of loss of self control for a while. I don't think she'll ever be able to pull in the money she could have pulled in if she had not gone on a bender like that. Talented, yes, but there are hundreds of very talented musicians and performers in the biz every year. The ones with good management and good coping skills succeed very well while the super-talented ones with "issues" tend to get arrested at borders and have lots of meltdowns. Get a good manager, girl!

  28. Nowhere close to a near one hit wonder. She has had four successful albums. Each one has been amazing. Barton, I am assuming you haven't kept track of her since the "meltdown". Perhaps she won't be on the pop stations like she was in the 90's, but she has only gotten more talented. Someone of her caliber shouldn't be squeezed in between Carly Rae Jepson and Rhianna on the radio anyway.

  29. Fiona is batshit crazy and fucking brill. Love ALL of her music. This post is bullshit. One-hit wonder, my ass.

  30. Oh, I have hipster friends and occasionally see these high-concept folks too. I mean, you can't simultaneously argue that someone has a big career and never gets press, can you? That seems inconsistent. She had poor management and some things got out of control in her life. Maybe she never wanted a career in music? Is that the new claim?

  31. Aha, you consider her music hipster friendly, and high concept. Have you listen to any of her work since her debut album? She has always had a following, I don't think she has ever aimed for the exposure given to the likes of Bieber. Thankfully, it does seem that she wants a career in music. She just released her fourth album in June.

  32. I adore her. I haven't stopped listening to her newest album since it came out and it just keeps getting better. I saw her in concert in Indianapolis in July and she was amazing. The thing is even though we have to wait approximately seven years between albums I never get sick of her old stuff and I know it will be worth the wait because she is an actual musician, poet, lyrical genius. Whatever you want to call her, the one thing she is not is a one hit wonder.

  33. Hi, Puggley, I have not put in the dutiful work of listening to her dwindling output, no, I apologize. All I said was that she could have had a better career with better self-control. I'm sorry -- clearly, she means a lot to you.

  34. Enty, you make me sad with your depiction of Fiona. I disagree.
    She has far too much talent to even be lumped in with any one hit wonder.
    There have been different reasons as to why her albums don't release regularly and they usually don't have a lot of promotion. Not all of it is in her hands. She's always consistently worked and is very talented.
    Her last album is still in regular play for me.

  35. Wasn't she living with Paul Thomas Anderson back in her heyday? One can only ponder the amount of time those two must have spent sitting around on the floor with wine and cheese, mispronouncing allegorical and didacticism...

  36. Her music video for "Not About Love" is my favorite music video of all time.

    She is my favorite artist of all time. Love love love Fiona.

  37. Agree with parissucksliterally. The woman is a musical genius, not some one-hit wonder by ANY stretch. EXTRAORDINARY MACHINE is a new favorite album of mine, AAMOF.

  38. (And I agree with all of the other Fiona fans. I just read paris' comment first.)
