Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Honey Boo Boo On Anderson Cooper

June Shannon also comments on Kris Jenner.


  1. I have to admit... that kid cracks me up.

  2. So obsessed with this show. Missed the remark about Kris Jenner, though? I hope with this success, June can get her forklift foot fixed. Or at least exterminated. :(

  3. I can't help it. I love that child. And I kind of like the way her beautimous mama treats her too - somehow, they seem to be on each other's level, like they're friends. In a good way.

    I've never watched the show, though. I don't have TLC. WHO THE HELL DOESN'T HAVE TLC???

  4. Love that family, love their show. They are real, regular folks doing the best they can, just like most of us. TLC should be ashamed at how little they are paying them if the published reports are accurate.

  5. I hv tlc! Cmon over anytime to watch! I dont get the interest in this child, and i certainly dont see why cooper wld hv her on- but to each his own.

  6. I haven't watched the show, but I've seen a few clips (couldn't stop watching them) and I can't hate on this family. There's a lot of love there, and I think June is a great mom. That's just my unqualified opinion. I'm glad their show is popular. "White trash" or not, they look like a fun family.

  7. I freaking LOVE Honey Boo Boo, their show is entertaining and endearing! So Kris I-prostitute-my-kids-for-money Jenner is upset? Interesting...

  8. ITA with the positive comments on this family, I was prepared to hate on them for exploiting children, but they have such a strong family bond, I just can't. Remember back in the day when everyone on tv was not beautimous?

  9. Honey Boo boo is just too much:) I like them too - you can tell they love each other and that is all that matters!

  10. @Maja, I don't have TLC. No cable. You're not alone!

  11. omg, am I the only voice of reason here?

    That child is a little monster at the behest of her family. She is going to be a nightmare of epic proportions as she grows up! And the momÉ She feeds her kids Mountain Dew and Redbull, for chrissake!!

    Sigh, I fear I shall be the lone dissenter...doomed, doomed I say!!

    1. @Majik, let's go find a lifeboat and go down together. I cannot stomach this little brat and her name sickens me, its so precious. Ugh.

  12. No Majik- I'm right there with you. And, I think TLC needs to change it's name based on the crap they spew.

  13. Majik, I'm with you. My husband & I do not get the love for this family all at. Then again, we never understood the fascination with the Kartrashian's either.

  14. i can't watch this shit. I don't need to see her teenage girls farting or declaring they "need to take a shit!" on camera.

    These people exist but they don't need to exist in my living room.

  15. Well as I look at it... these people are a real family (warts and all) while the Kardashians have created a "brand" around their name and pretend to be some sort of Hollywood royalty while in fact, their entire existence on TV is based on one of them staring in a sex tape. I'll take the redneck trailer trash over the fake Hollywood wannabes any day. Of course I too am a redneck... soooooo....

  16. @Majik, I'm with you. The mother and three older daughters are quite mean to each other. I'm embarrassed that I watch but it's more to mock. Alana will be a monster when she grows up. The mother doesn't parent, she's turned the girl into a puppet. The mannerisms and sayings by the little girl clearly indicate she is being coached into doing and saying the things she does.

    Mama June is mean to her daughters and equally mean to her common-law husband. And I'm pretty sure she's banging that man, Crazy Joe or Crazy Tony or whatever his name is. You know, the one in the last episode who inappropriately wrestled one of the daughter's to the ground and then rolled her in a carpet they had pulled out of a dumpster.

    And for the love of God, the channel's name is TLC, it is not The Learning Channel. Please stop using that as some sort of argument against the channel.

  17. Clips on The Soup are all I've seen, and that's enough.

  18. thk you, Majik (et al), for your voice of reason. i wholeheartedly agree.

    #Uncouth #Exploitative #DNL

  19. That kid is a brat. I can't believe people actually watch this shit. But then I can't believe people watch any of the reality crap they have on every channel these days. I wish TV would go back to the way it was before they figured they could make more money by putting idiots in stupid situations and calling it entertainment.

  20. I recorded this yesterday because I love love love AC. Chenoweth was cunty and the satellite connection with June & Booboo was awful. It was embarrassing to watch, really it was. I took AC off my DVR because he has an entire season with cohosts. Don't get me wrong, I really like Chenoweth, she just came off snobbish and boring. Anderson has been grazing bottom with this show for a while now. His Mom, GV is the highlight for me. I simply cannot sit through crap tv, what with new Horders, potential new seasons of Miami dance Moms & 19 K & C ..

  21. if I am correct- Kate & William are admiring orchid flowers named for Princess Diana.

  22. ITA, Jax. There are too few hours in my day to spend on this crap. Ugh.

  23. I refuse to watch reality tv period. Life is just too short. Of course thay doesnt stop me from reading CDAN, my guilty pleasure.

    That being said, I did make one exception. I watched a couple episodes of "Bridezillas" last month so I could make sure I didn't turn into one at my own wedding. Happy to report that I didn't. :)

  24. I CANNOT STAND THIS FAMILY!!! I think that part of the reason that we're such a screwed up country is that we pay attention to people like these, and not things like education, health care, etc., as I sit here and comment on a blog. :) (Things that this family could use, imho. Full disclosure, both political parties have good points, so I'm not trying to start a war here.)

    And the mother looks like a thumb.

  25. Anita_mark, you had me at "I appropriately wrestled"... I have avoided this show, even ironically, so far. Now I MUST check it out!

  26. *inappropriately wrestled, duh

  27. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Another TLC-less person chiming in here.

  28. So Kris is classier that June- June taught Honey Boo Boo to say "a dollar will make me holler". Kris taught Kim to swallow for a dollar. Now there's a klassy mom!

  29. I refused to watch this BUT I did find myself unable to sleep one night and ended up watching a bit of it. I agree with Majik. They need to reign this little girl in now or she will be a nightmare. She *is* cute but can be a little disrespectful as well. Not unlike a lot of parents, they seem to think everything that comes out of this child's mouth is hilarious, so she eats up that attention.

    I love Anderson but I really hate that his day time show is so...tacky, at times.
