Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jaime Pressly Is Boozing Again

It was just about a year ago that Jaime Pressly was busted for DUI. At the time she was arrested she blew a .22 which is almost triple the amount needed for a ticket. You would think someone who was that drunk and got behind the wheel of a car would realize they probably have an issue with drinking., and especially drinking and driving. Jaime Pressly must feel like she has no issues with either because right after she was spotted drinking the wine above, she drove away in her car. I don't know how many glasses of wine she had. Maybe she didn't finish it even, but do you really want to take a chance after what you went through last year? She looks thrilled to be caught drinking too.


  1. Isn't this an answer to a recent BV...and Jamie was one of the guesses?

  2. Rats...I thought she was fabulous on My Name is Earl.

    I remember an article about her in the New York Times Magazine years ago. The reporter followed her around as she did all the things aspiring starlets need to do, and she was SO determined to make it. Then it seemed like she did with Earl. How awful if she's just blowing it now.

  3. That's too bad, she's actually talented but I really hate people who drink and drive, so irresponsible and dangerous!

  4. Find someone to drive you or stay home!! Sick of reading about rich celebrities drinking and being photographed driving off. Find one of your minions to drive you! Better yet, stay home and spend some sober time with your kid!

  5. Guess it's time for Jason Lee to intervene and have her go to some rehab, lovingly sponsored by Xenu.

  6. Two words:Brett Butler. nuff said.

  7. @Figgy...

    The article was in THE NEW YORKER... I remember it because it so wonderfully captured the desperate super ambition of JP and starlets all over LA. Just thinking about what these actresses are willing to do / often must do... makes me want to take a shower.

    Here's the abstract...

  8. I have no idea if she has a problem or not. And .22 is hella high of a blow. BUT ---

    Drinking and driving is LEGAL. Driving while intoxicate is not. There is nothing in this article that can point to her being INTOXICATED.

    And - one duii, even one with a high blow, does not mean that a person necessarily, automatically has a drinking problem. Certainly was doing something wrong, or wouldn't have gotten the DUII. But that doesn't mean that she hasn't addressed those problems.

    Just sayin'

    1. In California if you already have a DUI and are pulled over there is a zero tolerance policy so any amount imbibed is breaking the law.

  9. I'm still bummed that Jason Lee is Co$. I try to avoid anything Scio related (this includes the simpsons) so I never watched My Name is Earl but she was funny in I Love You Man. Stop drinking and driving!! It's freaking dangerous

  10. She is so talented and worked hard to get where she is. So sad if she's got a drinking problem.

  11. She appears to be drinking olive oil, too!

  12. that's a big pour too. probably equals two glasses. didn't she get so drunk once that she peed on the sidewalk in full view of everyone. sounds like a problem to me. sad. she is funny and beautiful.

  13. I got someone close to me doing the same damn thing after blowing .14 a year ago. I've told her if it happens again, I'm not going to be able to help her. She will go to jail for it here.

  14. I've always appreciated her, she's been in Hollywood for a long time, I hope she gets it together, for her and her sons sake

  15. I like her a lot, she's extremely talented and hasn't really 'aged' over the years. I just wish she could somehow break away from the white trash roles/image.

  16. In what world is she boozing AGAIN? She never stopped. She's been drunk for years. I don't think she was always sober when she was pregnant which is why her ex left her and has custody of heir son.

    1. Oh wow, that's sad to hear, I really liked her

  17. cosign shauniebear
    I wish people would grasp the seriousness of drinking and driving. It's immature and selfish and they should G(row)TFU!

  18. Where was that picture taken? I would love to find a restaurant in LA that pours a big gulp like that.

  19. So is there a correlation between doing everything it takes to be a star, and then being a heavy drinker?

  20. The New York Times one followed Nikki Bokal (who? LOL), Jessica Alba and I think Taryn Manning? around. And Shane West. Nikki Bokal came off as such a desperate no-talent; assume she's in porn now.

  21. That looks like beer, and that is a short pour according to Wisconsin standards. She looks so lost... I wish I could give her a hug.

  22. Right, thanks for the clarification @Tinsel Sass! That was a good article.

  23. Whatever happened to girls night in? My friends and I do that all the time. All us girls get together, eat, and hang out. Some of my friends are married too. The husbands just watch the kids. We have a great time. If we haven't had much too drink we go dancing. Otherwise, we stay in. It's so much more fun than drinking alone. Hell, sometimes we crash each other's dinner. :-)

    She needs to reach out to her friends (or make new ones). All it ever takes is one good meal.

  24. Why is she drinking in gym gear?

  25. Doesn't anyone in the US get a cab when they go out?? I like a glass of wine with my meal and thats why I do not drive. If you go out for an evening, get a cab. And having a glass of wine does not make you an Alcoholic. Every time I read Cdan I read about DUI's and these are famous/rich people that do not have to drive yet they still do. Thats the dumb part...

  26. Does she have a drinking problem? A DUI doesn't automatically mean alcoholism.

  27. It's a shame that she has demons because she has one of the best bottoms in Hollywood. She also has an overall darn great body.
