Friday, September 07, 2012

Jessica Simpson Emerges

Jessica Simpson has been giving interviews and is scheduled to be on Katie Couric on Monday, but no one had actually seen her in the past few weeks. In her most recent published interview, Jessica says she is within 10 pounds of her pre-baby weight. I think that is great. I know she has been struggling for months and I don't have the will power she does. So, good for her and I hope she gets paid.


  1. Is that pic supposed to be the 10 pounds to go image? If so, I don't know about that 10 pounds"

  2. She was huge before she even got pregnant with that kid, so within 10 lbs of her pre-baby weight means she is still going to look pretty big.

  3. Is this a recent photo?

    Totally confession guys, I had a dream last night the tv was playing in the background and she was doing her reveal! She was in the same pink bathing suit from dukes of hazard. She looked amazing. Reality may be another story..

  4. This is one of those photos from right after she had the kid. I think she is a beautiful lady, no matter what weight.

  5. She was maybe 110 lbs in that Dukes of Hazzard video. She clearly passed The Deuce when she was pregnant with the new kid. I think she passed The Deuce and was waving at it in her rear view mirror, frankly. There's no way she could lose 100 pounds in 10 weeks. I don't even know if it's humanly possible. That's 10 pounds a week!

  6. Wow, maybe this picture isn't a recent one. It looks like she JUST gave birth in this one.

  7. Maybe she will be within ten pounds from the front, and ten more from the back, and ten from each side. there's no way she could lose all the baby weight.

  8. I've completely forgotten, why is she famous?

  9. Agent- I think because she thought chicken of the sea was actually chicken? Or her boobs. I can't recall.

  10. @ kara it is possible but it is unhealthy and will leave the person with loose skin and will most likely be gained back plus some.

  11. Dukes of Hazzard was out in 05'..I highly doubt she still weighed 110 when she got pregnant in 2011. I think its been said that she gained something like 50-70 lbs during her pregnancy.

  12. @ Agent

    Agreed. She was on lame reality show and was one of the first people celebrated for being (or acting like) a moron. She's one of those who made being stupid funny. Yeah, real funny.

  13. Anyone that is happy and HEALTHY looks the best - regardless of a few curves.

  14. Her first talent is singing. But yeah, she worked the "dumb blonde" roll into being a household name...

  15. @ Amber you are so right and when you have a boatload of money.....
    does it really matter:)

  16. I never cared for her singing, but her shoes rock.

  17. That pic is certainly not 10 pounds from her pre baby weight ... but good for her if she's getting close to her goal.

    I wonder if we haven't seen her lately because she had a little sneaky surgery and doesn't want any recovery pics out there so WW doesn't find out??

  18. The photo was on TMZ yesterday - it's a current one. The "before" picture was one of her getting out of her SUV to go workout. Enty had posted it before. So I wonder - when she's on the Katie show, will she be wearing Spanx?

  19. Amber, have I ever told you that I love you?

  20. Oh, good grief, she was not "huge" before she got pregnant.

    For some reason, out of the blue just now, it occurred to me that Jessica is Honey Boo Boo all grown up!

  21. According to the Daily Fail, the pics are from this week.

    And Amber, while I think she has it more together than, say, Lindsay, she is way overweight. Those aren't curves, they're fat. Any doctor would tell her to lose a good 40lbs more.

    And I wouldn't comment about this were it not for the fact that I think she has a multi-million dollar endorsement going with Weight Watchers. Normal folks don't get those offers.

    It's an embarrassment for weight watchers if she fails, so it'll be interesting to see how they "play" this.

    @Del Riser: LOL. I need to lose 20 pounds from my gut, and add 100 pounds each to my bosom and butt. Otherwise, my weight is perfect!

  22. she was at her heaviest when she got pregnant so who knows where she is now....

  23. She was roughly in the 120 to 140 range before she got pregnant, I would guess. It's hard to tell from pictures, but she wasn't near 110 in the last set of pictures with her boyfriend before we started to wonder if she was pregnant. I would guess 120 ish. I can't remember her height but if she's shorter than 5'6, 130 would be a little bit more obvious in photos. She's always been somewhat curvy and breasty, I cannot see her ever getting down to 110 again, probably wouldn't be healthy.

  24. Mooshki - you have not! Have I told you that you're my hero? :) How's the new digs? Did you move yet??

  25. Maybe she defines pre-baby weight as her weight the day before the baby was born.

  26. Jamie 2 - that's why I put an emphasis on being healthy. Obesity is not healthy, as it can be very, very dangerous for many reasons i.e. strain on the heart, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. People DO need to accept it when they're not naturally waif-like; being unhealthily over OR underweight is not good for the body.

  27. How come the paps aren't following Jonah Hill & speculating if he gained or lost a pound or two that week?

    Leave Jessica alooooooooone!

  28. Jessica can be whatever size she wants to be as long as she's healthy and starts putting out jeans again. Her malibu skinny jeans are awesome.

    I want more jeans, Jessica!!!

  29. Of course she's saying she's 10 lbs from her prebaby weight, she has a CONTRACT WITH WW! Naturally she'll credit all her weight loss to the Weight Watchers program! The problem is, we all know she's no where near 10 lbs from her prebaby weight. But apparently WW thinks we won't notice that, but instead think it's awesome and go get on their program. FTR, it took me two years to lose all the baby weight, and I only gained exactly 30 lbs. I was 20 lbs above prebaby weight for almost a full year after giving birth! Now, I could lose 10 lbs and feel great about it!

  30. @ Jennifer H. "For some reason, out of the blue just now, it occurred to me that Jessica is Honey Boo Boo all grown up!"

    OMG, hahahahahahaha!

  31. Sorry, FS, but I am 5'4" and 120 pounds and there was no way Jessica was 120 pre pregnancy. I would say much closer to 140.

  32. I don't think much of her personally, but I will say it's refreshing to see someone who is keeping it real about pregnancy. As long as she tries in a healthy way to get back to a healthy weight and isn't a phony about it, she gets my applause. I just don't respect actresses or female celebrities who pretend that it isn't tough for most women - though I will allow some women are more fortunate in losing baby weight. Just not as many as the scandal rags would have you think.

  33. Yay for you, Enty, for saying something really encouraging and positive. It *is* a total bitch to lose the pounds. Yay for anyone that can step up to that task.

  34. pounds or kilos?- one thing i do know is that we have a pic of a 200-pounder right there. not that there's anything wrong with that. obsessing on weight is only a distraction from the real work at hand.

  35. obesity doesnt have to mean poor health. some ppl (like myself) have a medical condition (which fucks up your insulin and prevents weight loss) are absolutely obese by current definition. I am an avid bikram yogini and walk me old dog 4x per day. I can outdo many of my thinner peers. Even though I am in a great relationship, I pretty much have my choice in men and have been engaged and married a few times Aye- obesity is in the eye of the beholder.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Rock on, @good 'ol me!

  38. Judging from the pic, I think she is 10 lbs from that first post baby pic to now, not 10 lbs from before she was pregnant. But who knows, she could say she lost 50 pounds & who would know for sure? If her family is her priority, more power to her. It wouldn't be the worst thing for WW to show that not everyone loses it all in 3 or 4 months. They could use her as an example to all their members who are waiting a year or so to get to their goal weight while shelling out $40 a month for group meetings.

  39. Does anyone remember that line of edible body products she 'created' back in the day?

    What was it called..'Dessert Beauty' or something like that?

  40. Amber, it was long overdue, then. My move went great, thanks for asking! I am in love with my new house.

  41. Just wanted to write that some people are naturally big, like me. I didn't lose weight walking the Inca Trail, and one day was a 15 hour day. I also go to the gym, have a personal trainer and do line dancing. I am fit and fat. Can happen.

  42. Kara said...
    She was huge before she even got pregnant with that kid, so within 10 lbs of her pre-baby weight means she is still going to look pretty big.

    huge, really? shit like that is the reason women have such a fucking shitty attitude about their bodies.

    golf claps, Kara. you've earned a rice cake.

  43. What a piss-poor example for Weight Watchers. They must be kicking themselves for giving her a deal.

    I don't believe any of these stars who shill for weight loss plans actually follow the plans anyway, though. If Jessica does end up getting skinny I'm sure surgery, personal trainers, etc. will have had more to do with it than Weight Watchers.

  44. LOL @Jax! I love it when you post! I was coming to post the same message.
    Seriously, get a grip, people! If women stopped buying into all these reasons to hate on each other, we'd already be running the world. Who gives a crap if Jessica Simpson was 110lbs, 120lbs, 140lbs or 200lbs when she got pregnant?? Really???!!!

  45. she's still fat. and yes, i said FAT.

    obesity and health do not go together. sorry, they just don't.

  46. And junk food weight doesn't come off as easily as square meal foods do. Buttered pop tarts, tubs of ice-cream, krispy kremes, chili cheese dogs & tater tots with cheese all seem to deposit themselves deep within the body fat.

    If she had eaten more balanced meals but just more of them, the weight would drop off faster.

  47. As a hefty fellow carrying most of my extra pounds around the middle (which is the worst place to carry it) I can tell you that being overweight doesn't always mean unhealthy. At my last physical all my numbers were good for a 37 year-old man. I am able to run 5k with no issues and often bike 20+ miles. I have a friend who is 24 and half my weight at about the same height and he can't keep up. So, yeah. Don't let the gut fool you, just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they are unhealthy. According to the BMI scale most professional football players are morbidly obese.

  48. She looks like she's lost a few more lbs since the last set of photos (her in that topical muumu, from what I recall) even if she isn't within 10 lbs of her pre-pregnancy weight and if she's over what is considered a healthy target weight for her.

    She has made such a mess of this thing if the reports about her deal with WW are accurate. I'd say she still has 30 lbs to go, which means she's already lost 40 if she did indeed gain 70. Losing 40 lbs is incredible progress. Why cheapen it by telling lies that are so obvious that it puts you in the Lindsay Lohan realm of believability?

  49. /tropical muumu

    Though I do think she's being smart about admitting how much she's struggled and that she ate poorly while she was pregnant. THAT I believe.

  50. Jessica threads - I always feel a little sadder after reading them.

  51. Thanks, Jax, I'll take that rice cake. I'm sure Jess appreciates your righteous indignation on her behalf, but since she and her dad are probably huddled in a corner somewhere counting her 4 million gold doubloons from Weight Watchers, I don't know that she'll have any time to thank you. Worse than that is the prospect that she somehow has become a symbol of the typical woman and we are supposed to hold her up as some gold standard we women should all aspire to be. She's no "typical" woman by any standard, and as someone who became relatively famous for asinine comments ranging from tuna being chicken to buffaloes having wings (and her latest--"I thought 50 pounds of baby just came out when you give birth."), I thank God for that. I'm not cutting her a break for her weight gain anymore than she cut any other woman a break when she worked out 6 hours a day to fit into that tiny pink bikini she wore in that Dukes of Hazzard video, when she held herself out as the paragon of female sexiness while shaking her booty all around. She throws the female body stereotype IN YOUR FACE and she gets paid 4 million for it and I'm supposed to admire her? And feel bad for her that she ate Mac and cheese every night while she was pregnant? You should be sad that she's held up as any kind of female role model. She is the very definition of the anti-woman in my book.

  52. I'm going on weight watchers after I have my baby (9 weeks, eek!) but not because of Jessica Simpson.

    I'm doing it so I have some kind of plan which doesn't cut out a food group.

    Also, I'm totally ok of it takes a year to come off... And I haven't gained as much as ol' Jess.

    I would like to point out, though, that if my progress was the subject of worldwide discussion and I had photographers stalking me to snap a shot of my fat ass, I would be highly unimpressed... So good on her for keeping on keeping on, even with the whole world holding their breath for her to fail. Girl must have balls.

  53. the way the photo is shot, and I'm not making excuses for her is unflattering. She's only 5'2" or something so the angle of the camera is not helping. I'm not making excuses. I'm petite and eat healthy and exercise, and work hard to maintain my weight, because as a short women, weight shows up fast. But the photo is not helping her.

  54. Kara, I agree with your post. I can't stand Jessica's bimbo act. Actually I can't stand any woman who does the bimbo act. Yuck.

  55. i just looked up pictures of her. in one (that says it was taken 3 days ago) she looks like she has lost most of the weight. that is amazing considering how much she gained when she was pregnant and how small a person she is.

  56. Couldn't agree more with Kara. The faux outrage doesn't belong with discussing her weight, the outrage should be at Jessica Simpson.

    She has made a career out of being dumb, pretty woman. She's as stupid as it gets but she's applauded, " aw, she seems sweet" or "oh, she's harmless." She's shown that as along as you're pretty, you can be dumb and people will take care of you and prop you up. Her father is a master at manipulating her image and she goes along for the ride. Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Madonna and Gwyneth are HATED on this site however these are strong women who have made their own decisions (maybe less so Beyonce) and have worked incredibly hard to make it to the top. What has Jessica worked at? Nothing.

    She makes every conversation about her body, she can't talk without bringing up her breasts, she admitted to letting herself go and then cashed a cheque for $4 million. Where's the outrage that this idiot is making a mint while we all struggle to make honest livings. We work hard to be taken seriously at work, to be knowledgable and interested in learning more. Do you think that's the message she projects to adolescent girls who admire her?

    And she's too stupid to be self-aware. She tweeted a pic sqeeing about the awesome $10,000 purse her boyfriend bought her for her birthday. She doesn't have the sense to not show that off because, "aw, it's cute, she's so happy." She has the reactions of a toddler and it's considered acceptable.

    Jessica Simpson is harmful to women. She'd die on her own in the real world.
