Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jim Bellino Tries To Cash In On Firing Of Alexis Bellino From Real Housewives

Jim and Alexis Bellino released a statement that says they always take the high road while other members of the Real Housewives Orange County cast do not and that the Bellino's feel they were bullied. I don't know what all of you would consider the high road, but Jim spent most of yesterday trying to get $5K from a tabloid for an on the record statement about Alexis being fired and how they feel about it. So, your wife has just been fired from her job and the first thing you can think of is how to make a buck off the firing? The news has already been reported so if you see a tabloid that says, "Exclusive Alexis Bellino Speaks," then you know that tabloid paid $5,000 for the privilege of using the word exclusive and then repeating news that has already been reported.


  1. Her husband is so gross and he's such a jerk in all the episodes. He has the mentality that a woman should stay barefoot and pregnant.

  2. I liked her a lot, surprisingly. The busty Penthouse hostess look worked pretty well on her, and I got mad sometimes when people mocked her religion. But last season she turned one-dimensional, and it was nothing but self-pity mixed with arrogance and narcissism -- a bad recipe! Don't leave in anger, Alexis, but please, leave.

  3. Well if she just got fired don't they need the cash, Enty?

    I can't blame these reality whores for cashing in on their 15 minutes.

    I don't watch RHOC, so I don't know much about this trick.

    Post about Jersey, Enty!!!!! I need to discuss it with some rational people.

    1. I <3 rhnj - they r totally on the Theresa as the new bad guy train, I think bravo & the producers set that whole thing with the strip club guy to ad drama & they all bought it hook, line & sinker - & don't get me started on that shit stirrer Kim D, asking all those questions even after Theresa expressed how uncomfortable she can the rest of them STILL feel Theresa set them up when Angelo admitted he never met Theresa before the day of the fashion show & u saw on camera her saying pls don't talk about my family. Melissa couldnt stand them all getting along so she blew that waay out of proportion, it would have been done after that guy walked away if she didn't run into the bathroom calling joe saying she'd been set up bc she didn't want her past known

  4. They are so fake and annoying. I'm glad I wont have to suffer through scenes about Alexis pornstar couture but I was hoping they'd leave AFTER the media discovers that all their assets are a sham and the house is rented. She's not couture, she's more of a Bag Borrow or Steal kinda lady.

  5. aren't they rich? i would think trying to sell a story for $5,000 would be beneath them.

    i want to say i feel bad for alexis, but she doesn't make or break the OC Housewives series for me. I think the show was the only thing she had going for herself, cause her husband pretty much wants her to be home 24/7 with their children.

  6. what does her husband do for a living?

  7. They had bad financial troubles a couple of years ago(like most of them), and the house they were in last season was rented. Tamra or someone made a stink about it being rented.

  8. Jim Bellino is a scam artist.

  9. Is it just me or does every single one of the these Real Housewives husbands look like a rapist?

  10. I could have sworn I read about this on Yahoo or something, but can't find it now.

    And yes let's talk about RHONJ. I can't wait for the final episode and then the reunion.

  11. Serena - I totally agree with you. I think the whole thing was setup to bring Teresa down. Bravo thinks we're all a bunch of dumbasses, the editing of this season is completely screwy. And really, would anyone be surprised that Melissa WASN'T a stripper. She acts like a former stripper. I don't give a shit how many times she says, "Thank you, Jesus." The Stoopid Housewives and Fame Whorgas blogs reveal a lot of dirt on Jersey. I take it with a HUGE grain of salt, but it is quite eye-opening. I wonder how many viewers just watch the show and take it for what it is. The bottom line is the ENTIRE cast is so jealous of Teresa they can't see straight. She ain't the brightest bulb in the lamp, but she clearly is the star of the show. I can not wait for Sunday.

  12. @ Serena Skye - Yes! IMO, that whole thing was a set up between Kim D. and Bravo. For ONCE Teresa wasn't involved; she really and truly looked poleaxed. And then she asked that creep Angelo to stop talking about her family and her so-called friend Kim continued to ask him questions while Teresa was sitting there.

    People are calling Tre out on the IMDB message boards for not telling Melissa about meeting Angelo but when exactly was she supposed to do that? Teresa was at the salon before the fashion show. Maybe she had plans to say something to Melissa later on. She had no idea Angelo would pop up later that night.

    So what if Melissa was a pole dancer for less than a year? She's married now with 3 kids. Leave her alone.


  13. I thought Teresa should have texted Melissa the minute the creep mentioned the stripping. Maybe it happened just an hour before te party and there was no time? But watch Alex Mccords take on I forgot which site. She talks about how Bravo sets them up and even if u find her annoying, it's interesting to get an insiders take.

  14. They are probably "rich" like lots of ppl who live on credit cards and illusions. They may have lots of new stuff but gtd it's all with maxed out credit cards & cars & homes on leases, etc. Just to LOOK wealthier than they are. The avg middle class family with a savings acct & only one mortgage probably has more real money than they do. Know what I mean?

  15. It just came out that the Gorgas fund their lifestyle through business loans for buildings that never get built or as Teresa likes to call it, "redone"

  16. I thought that's what reality people did -cash in on stuff they do. Or don't as in the case of the Gorgas...

  17. @g.strathmore...more like perverts.

    Ugh, and that chin. Oy-

  18. Sorry to hear Alexis is gone--she kind of grew on me this last season even tho she's not the brightest.

    Jimbo is a creep. I wish Alexis would get from under his thumb.

  19. Rich... Hahaha. He got caught scamming people into buying signed memorabilia that was fake. I wonder if her new nose was bought on credit? I do actually kind of feel bad for her. She has dreams, asperations and goals that are much bigger then this con artist.
