Friday, September 28, 2012

Johnny Lewis & His Family Are Big Scientologists

Earlier this week if you looked at Scientology websites you would see photos of Johnny Lewis. He was their poster boy for their own personal rehab. His parents are both long time members of Scientology and his father has reached a level almost as high as Tom Cruise. Probably cost him millions to get there. Anyway, Johnny would go around back in the day telling everyone that it was because of Narconon that he had got clean. Well, it turns out he was not clean, went to a different rehab and was on drugs when he went crazy the other day killing anyone in his path. Scientology then removed him from all of their websites. See, they must have known through auditing his parents that Johnny was on drugs and yet they kept him up on their websites. He was probably on drugs because he was hanging out with suppressive people. You know, like Katie Holmes, because she is evil.


  1. And the plot thickens...

  2. The distancing has begun. They claim he was not a part of the church for years. I wonder how badly his parents are being audited right now :(

  3. Oh, this is juicy!

  4. Who? What? Where have I been?

  5. He killed and mutilated his landlady's cat, too. I'm glad he's dead.

  6. What a huge tragedy! Could this have been avoided if Johnny had been able to go to a real rehab and receive real mental health services instead of Co$ brainwashing BS and auditing BS?!? I feel like ANY religious practice would be better for you than Co$ and that's coming from someone who hasn't been to church in years.

    Heartbreaking waste! He was troubled and needed REAL help. Now innocent people are dead and injured.

    I'm waiting for Tony's tell all book. And I hope the question is finally answered....


  7. I wonder if his family will have to pay for his sins.

  8. I would bet that he had some mental health issues that Scientology refused to acknowledge so he didn't receive proper psychiatric attention and he started self medicating with street drugs. We are seeing the beginning of their implosion.

    1. I was thinking the same thing!
      So sad.

  9. They're saying C2-1 on the LA times blogs, some kind of ridiculous designer drug called "smiles."

  10. The more i read and study addiction, i really and truly hate to say thus, but i think its hopeless. Somehow their cursed addiction trumps everything else.

    1. I'm living proof that this isn't true. But! I'm still here so who knows about the future. One day at a time

    2. Cam! I love to hear it!!!!!! Good on u!!!!!!!

  11. @auntliddy, in some cases that just may be true. :-(

    Another chink in the $cientology wall...when oh when will it fall? Anyone wanna bet? I'm goin' with Dec 21, 2012, there will be an event that makes the whole thing bloooow.

    (cuz surely that's what the Mayans had in mind, hee hee)

    1. I totally do not say this in a happy way. Its heartbreaking.

  12. @Figgy, you can't have the 21st, I have been waiting for that since last December:)

  13. This is just sad, if he could've gone to real therapy there is a chance all these people would still be alive.

  14. Btw, with Tony Prtega's time off I actually think he plans on finding Shelly, among other things, so there is hope!

  15. Maybe we should have a CDAN hunting party looking for Shelly

  16. Wow so how's that anti-psychology thing work for ya, CO$?? Where is Tony Ortega when we need him!?

  17. so nice of a "religion" to disavow you once your life goes into the shitter. But as long as your a working actor you can pretttyyy much do what you want.



  18. Well that makes sense. Guy had obvious mental health and dependancy issues so of course he wasn't going to get the help he needed as a long as he was a member of the "church". Very sad.

  19. Where's Shelly and where is our own Steppy? Seriously, at least when Steppy was posting we knew she was alive.

  20. Okay, about to go off on a tangent here, but...this leads me to believe that Katy Perry is a closet Scientologist, because she used to date rhis guy, and also because th guitarist in her band dates Alexandra Breckenridge, who I also suspect is a Scientoligist because she used to date Scientologist painter Bryten Goss and modt of the links on her webpage are for other Scientologists (I know because I got all hot for her when American Horror story was on), and I've never known anyone who is regularly & consistently around a lot of Scientologists that hasn't turned out to be closeted one themselves (or at least a dabbler that says shit like "well, I'm not a Scientologist, but some of what Hubbard says is interesting, and...)

    OK, that's my completely unfounded rumor of the day...

  21. @Rick her parents are hard core christians maybe she rebelled and dabbled in CO$ but if she was in the fold David "don't call me short" Miscavige would be whoring her out on every website and marketing campaign possible. I don't think she took the bait and she is very pro-gay and that doesn't fly in CO$.

    But good news my Scio-Busters!! Tony launched his new blog today!!

  22. @Rick i thought something slighty different, that Katy Perry is a hard core drug user and behind some of the blinds posted here. I think one about chilling with Lindsey Lohan and a shared gay friend snorting coke at a club one night? Think of all her exes, they've been crazy, addicted shitshows at some point, and yet Katy is supposed to be this clean cut singer who just drinks and enjoys her youth? Nahhhh, somethings up
