Monday, September 24, 2012

Joumana Kidd Talks About Jason Kidd

Joumana Kidd gave an interview that comes out this week which talks about her marriage to Jason Kidd. Their marriage was like one big blind item. Jason accused her of stalking him and putting tracking devices on his car while they were married. She accused him of beating her and cheating on her with strippers while they were married. In the interview she admits that one time she did have her son go into the locker room during a game and take her husband's cell phone and she scrolled through his texts while sitting courtside and would yell at him whenever she found one from another woman. That is brilliant. Crazy, but brilliant.


  1. Baby mama drama. Do not want.
    Have a great few days guys and gals! Off to my island sanctuary.

  2. Jason Kidd is no saint, but she is a real piece of work.

  3. @smash - Have a great trip :)

  4. Thanks amber! We are breaking through the fog to sunshine. It is chilly but beautiful!

  5. SMASH! I forgot that you already have your own Brownie Island. LOL!

    That works on so many levels. Haha! Have a blast! I bet the fall weather out there is stunning. All the whales are swimming south too.

  6. Ladies. If you marry a professional athlete, you may enjoy wealth, glamour, and even a bit of fame. But know this: he will cheat. Especially if he's a basketball player. He will cheat. No exceptions. And please for theloveofthebabyjesus do NOT act all shocked Shocked SHOCKED when he does cheat.

  7. All of this was the point of focus on E! True Hollywood Story: Basketball Wives. Nothing about their marriage is shocking, nor a secret. Both of them are crazy.

  8. There were rumors when Steve Nash's ex-wife was pregnant with their 3rd kid that it might have actually been fathered by Jason Kidd (among other players). I think he has definitely stepped out on his wife many times but she does sound a bit cray cray.

  9. I feel like if you marry/date anyone who gets more than the average fair share of attention, especially from females (or males you know whatever if thats how they roll) then your man is gunna step out on you. The temptation is far to great, I mean I've had a couple douchey exes cheat on me, I couldnt imagine if there was young tail constantly being thrown at a person, that they'd remain faithful, ESPECIALLy if they travel for their work.

  10. Having her son grab his dads phone is shameful. Can you imagine how bad that kid must've been cringing every time his mom yelled courtside? What a selfish twat of a mom.

    I learned after my first boyfriend cheated on me when I was 17 ... If you feel the need to investigate your partners cell phone/emails etc chances are you won't like what you find. Save yourself the drama and leave the relationship!! I've been with my partner a year and not once have I ever felt curious about his phone/texts. Most ladies know when that inner voice is telling you something is wrong, then something is really wrong. People who cheat never cease to amaze me at the amount of trouble they go to to cover up the affair. Hasn't anyone ever heard of being polyamorous and having adult conversations with your partner to make sure they are on the same page?

  11. don't know who she is and don't care, but she looks like octomom.

  12. Ingrid Superstar said...
    Juwanna Mann.


    That dress/top isn't doing her any favors, it looks like she has some hairy armpits.

  13. My message to her: grow the hell up.

  14. I have to agree...brilliant. She's the one cheated on and because she refused to be a victim and turned it around, she's the bad guy? I don't think so.

  15. Just watched Alec baldwins interview last night. His wife is haaaawt n Heidi Klum ahwazing

  16. This may be overly technical, but is it really cheating if you are doing it with a stripper?

    This from a guy, who when he asked his ex wife (married 20 years) if she thought he had cheated if he had tried something new in bed, had her laugh at him, because it was laughable--literally--that I would cheat. (It was not laughable that I would try something new; I confirmed that through follow up questions.)

  17. Well they sound just perfect for each other lol that's some funny shit.

  18. They were always in the news when they were in Phoenix. This does not surprise me one bit.

    One time flying across the country back to Phoenix, my plane was delayed and I ended up being stuck in Denver for the night. It turned out that the girl I was sitting next too was being flown in by a Cleveland Cavs player to "party." She was very nice and I ended up sharing a hotel room for the night that he paid for. While she told me pretty much everything about herself, she never told me the name of the player she was uhm visiting. I never asked, but it could have been any one of them.
