Saturday, September 08, 2012

Karrueche Tran Never Learns And Lindsay Lohan Idiocy Verifier #4,265

Apparently Karrueche Tran is upset that Chris Brown went to the Video Music Awards without her and then kissed Rihanna in front of the whole world. I'm sure she is upset but what about the last two years when Rihanna and Chris have been hooking up on a regular basis? She knew about that. She knew about all the other times he has cheated on her. I'm not sure why anyone would date Chris Brown to begin with if your name is not Lindsay Lohan. Yeah, let me change gears there for a second. Lindsay Lohan tweeted that she was so happy that Chris Brown won a VMA. I don't understand people sometimes. Do you think maybe she would have a different attitude if she was the one who got the botox knocked out of her face by his beating? Do you think she would be jumping up and down that Chris won? I'm sure Lindsay would date the guy if there was something in it for her. Is that why Karrueche dates him? She likes the publicity? The gifts? Being walked on and cheated on and looking like an idiot everyday? Move on.


  1. Expecting Lohan to have any semblance of clarity regarding any topic is like expecting fire to not be hot.

    1. Wait - does that work? I have a migraine.

    2. It works beautifully- i think the same thing. Her brain is prob like that room in Poltergeist, with everything swirling around.

  2. Girls fighting over a guy and this is the best they could do? A guy who hits people and has major rage issues. They would be better off picking a guy walking by on the street.

    I actually got into an argument with someone who said to me everyone should forgive him because he's so "talented". Um, okay. Well, when he kills someone we'll see what you think then.

    1. Yeah, OJ was talented too. When I hear Chris Brown's name and people making excuses about how he's paid his dues for the incident, I think to the blowups he's had since. Definitely not "cured" of his anger issues or overall douchiness.

  3. Why would Tran accept his behavior if not for the fame factor?

  4. Lindsay is in a drug induced state of permanent stupidity ...and will do anything simply to see her name in print.

  5. It's kinda funny. Lilo gets in trouble, flees town and now she is trying to get everyone to notice her via twitter. What a winner!

  6. I've always do you pronounce her name? I always read it Kare-OOSH but I have no clue.

  7. Lilo just wants attention any way she can get it. Karr is as doormat, she sold herself for fame and fortune. I doubt she cares what he does behind closed doors but it's another thing to publicize it for the world to see. I say milk it for what it's worth and leave him...

  8. Karreuche (whom my 10 year old just pronounced "Karaoke") is a gold digger. Period. Bitch knows what she signed up for. I'd LOVE to see CB and Lindsay hook up. I'm totally against woman beaters, but I'd cheer on a little Ike Turner action on her ass...

  9. Didn't Lilo tweet Chris Brown a few years ago after an awards show congratulating him and asking him to call her? I truly believe that if Ahmadinejad were on Twitter that she'd tweet him something favorable. She has absolutely no concept of anything but getting attention/money for herself.

  10. @smashbash, I LOVE your yawning kitty!

    And I would also love to see LL and CB hook up.

    LL reminds me of Kris Jenner in that "constantly inserting herself in the media" way. Kris Jenner said in an interview to Radar that she felt Honey Boo Boo's mom was EXPLOITING her youngest daughter. This is the kind of asinine BS that LL spouts off, too (a la Vanity Fair article).

  11. Well if this don't beat all!

  12. Didn't LL tweet at CB a while back? Said they should meet or something? Maybe I've got the wrong guy.

  13. Em- I left you info on Kris Jenner's church under the last - ian post. (Can't bear to say the full name).

  14. @Zorbiter

  15. If Lindsay hooked up with Chris and got beaten to a pulp, would she get sympathy back on her side though? I think public opinion would sway in her favor.

    Maybe Lilo is actually brilliant.

  16. Wasn't Tran pregnant? what happened to that?


  18. Thank you @Agent, I'll check now! Have a great day -

  19. Frankly, I could careless who celebrities date, marry or divorce.

  20. @Agent - ohboy. Not sure what to do about Pastor Brad's hair, or clothes. Or Pastor Brad in general. This is really a Kardashian Joint? Are you sure?

  21. Em, oh yes, for sure ! Studying up on it this week.

  22. Here's a link I found - interesting info about the church and the pastor:

    Thank you @Agent for the tip. Why am I surprised? Of course PMKris has her own church. And a questionable one at that.

    @Agent, I have to go now. Will take another look around in the morning and would like to compare notes if you're down.

  23. The three reasons I care about this post is that I don't want Rhianna hurt again, I think Chris Brown should have been kept in purgatory a lot longer, and I worry that impressionable young people of both sexes will think staying in an abusive relationship is not only OK, but somehow romantic.

  24. Thanks cornbread!

  25. This shit is getting ridiculous! It was a quick hug and peck. Lets move on!

  26. Re: Kardashians--i used to keep E! on whilst cleaning and I remember Kris performing a wedding bc she's an ordained minister.

  27. @SusanB Hahahahhaha!!! Thanks for that!

  28. Oh my Bob, Kim Kardashian's mom started a church. Now I have heard everything. I just looked at the website, thanks EmEyeKay. Why do I think that somewhere in there, Kris Jenner is getting interest payments?
    My brain just can't compute this on a Sunday morning....

  29. 1. When I first read the title of the post I thought that Karrueche Tran was the name of a company who maybe got pissed b/c they were a VMA sponsor and Chris Brown was involved. I'm tired and don't keep up with who he is dating.

    2. Lindsay giving shout outs to Chris Brown doesn't surprise me. They are kindred spirits and I'm sure she thinks he's gotten a bad rap.
