Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kate Gosselin Beat Her Children As Young As Two

According to an upcoming book which was excerpted by Star Magazine, the author of the book claims he found handwritten journals from Kate Gosselin which she used to write her own books. In those journals, Robert Hoffman states that Kate repeatedly beat her babies when they were as young as two with a wooden spoon which was used to correct even minor transgressions. In one other incident which is excerpted, Kate admits to yanking Collin by the hair and pulling him up that way before spanking him because he had eaten a M&M.


  1. God, did we really need any more reinforcement if what a bitch she is? If this is true she shkd lose custody, and i cannot wait for thise tell-all books!!!! Eight of 'em!!!!!

  2. Lets just get her arrested, hand over the kids to a caring relative who will actually provide a proper upbringing not destroyed by her attempts to stay relevant and be over with it

  3. WHAT?! Kate Gosselin is a bad person?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    She's a Grade A Bitch, but really- who on here hasn't been chased by an angry mother with a wooden spoon??? My brothers and I used to hide them so she would just get spatulas instead....

    1. Yep! My mom's favorite was a paint stirring stick.

    2. I agree with you on the wooden spoon. I can't see one without having a flashback

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I am not nominating myself for mother of the year or anything, but I would NEVER have used a wooden spoon to discipline my kids. So I guess the answer to your question, bflogurl, is "my three kids".

  6. I have been chased by an angry mother with a wooden spoon. She never actually used it, but she'd slammed it on the counter to scare us. My dad used a belt. That sucked, cause he actually used it.

  7. I'm sorry, but 8 kids are too much for a person to raise at one time. With 6 of them going through the same stages, I think a lot of people would lose patience. That's why people don't just have so many.
    I'm sure what I just wrote will be unpopular, but my husband walked out when my kids were small. I remember trying to learn how to make dinner or take a shower while those two needed watched every moment.
    I don't feel much compassion for Kate in general, but I think she had those kids in good faith that she would be raising them with John. No one could predict how fame would affect him.

    1. ^ this. Not excusing her behaviour. But it's understandable.

    2. Agreed. She is not my favorite person. Raising two toddlers while their dad parties makes me harsh because i have to discipline and love and just be there enough for two people. Eight would make me lose my mind but I would still love them and try my damn hardest to make it work.

  8. Were u two? Was it fir eating a f*cking m&m??? Shes batshit, and i wldnt mind having a crack at her with a wooden spoon!!!! Line forms behind me, lol

  9. She's got six kids who will exact their revenge when they become teenagers

  10. I'm the oldest of six, four of which were born in four years, and my mom used to chase us around with a wooden spoon allll the time. She would never hit us hard, but it was firm enough to get the point and my brothers and sisters and I turned out just fine. For the most part...

    When you have children, especially multiple children, you are going to need to use more disciplinary action than a "no no little johhny". But yanking Colin up by the hair definitely sounds a little extreme.

    Look at what the kids are turning out like ever since spanking starting becoming taboo, OneDirection and Carly Rae Jepsen. Need I say more?

    1. Exactly! Some of my friends that only have one child wonder if I am too stern sometimes. But if you let one little dude get away with defying you, might as well just declare anarchy. That is how they know what they can get away with.

  11. I used to get the wooden spoon as a kid. I'm not emotionally damaged. I don't do it to MY kids, but insulting her for that would be an insult to my own mother.

    Anyways, if you had watched any one episode of the show you can see that she has anger issues and frequently took it out on the kids. She is also extremely controlling, and in a negative and damaging way.

  12. Anonymous11:07 AM

    @Syko- I wrongly assumed that most of the people on here are somewhere around my age (give or take 20 years) when parents often threatened kids with wooden spoons. We were never touched with one, only chased. My 4 kids could say "they haven't been chased" as well because people (aside from Kate) just don't do that anymore.

  13. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Those kids may have issues, but being chased around with a spoon won't be the breaking point.

  14. Ha! My mom used to chase us with the wooden spoon too. And she would also slam it down on the counter to scare us...until she broke it and had to upgrade to the more durable plastic spatula.

  15. "I used to get the wooden spoon as a kid. I'm not emotionally damaged. I don't do it to MY kids, but insulting her for that would be an insult to my own mother.

    "Anyways, if you had watched any one episode of the show you can see that she has anger issues and frequently took it out on the kids. She is also extremely controlling, and in a negative and damaging way."

    ^^^ all of this.

    1. Yes, all of that, plus my mom was a bad mama-jamma with a flyswatter. And we still had my dads belt to deal with, too. All 5 of us are normal, well adjusted, no jail time, non drug addicted, 40-somethings.

      Kate is just a bully bitch control freak. Pick one.

  16. Chasing a kid around with a wooden spoon =/= "repeatedly beat[ing] her babies when they were as young as two with a wooden spoon which was used to correct even minor transgressions."

    C'mon, people. Let's use some common sense here. YOU DON'T BEAT TODDLERS. PERIOD. And don't give me the excuse of "well I got beat as a 2 year old and I'm fine." End the fucking cycle, jesus.

  17. Maybe someone should beat her for rocking that hideous reverse mullet for years! Bitch.

    1. Ha ha! I seriously hated that crazy ass haircut. Mary j.blige could pull it off more but still. Damn. It's like the ugg boots of hairstyles.

  18. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I DO NOT, repeat DO NOT condone beating anyone (child or adult) with a wooden spoon. My first post was asking how many of us were chased by an angry mother with a wooden spoon. Just wanted to clear that up.

  19. I hope my comment doesn't read like I'm defending Kate, I can't stand her. I just wanted to point out that no one can watch and effectively discipline 8 kids at once, which is why it's stupid to implant and keep a whole litter of babies you can't really care for properly.
    The m&m thing is just weird.

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    No one is saying beating children is fine, good grief. How did anyone come to that conclusion?

  21. She's one mean bitch.

    Whatever my Mom may have done to me is irrelevant. I just bet she knocks the hell out of them all the time.

  22. Right. These kids are in for a rough time because she's a mean nasty piece of work who also spanks her kids. My siblings and I turned out fine because we had loving, stable parents who also happiness to spank us when we were bad. Big difference there.

    Just wanted to clear that up. My mom would smack me w a wooden spoon if she heard I was comparing her to Kate.

  23. Forget the spoon, beware the switch!! My mom would make me go outside and tear one off myself. And if I got a brittle one from off the ground then she would take me outside and pick one out herself for me to pull down. And let me tell you they hurt like a SOB. And through it all I'm not damaged or a child abuser.

    However, I will say that at 2 if my child did something out of line like throwing something, telling me no, or slapping somebody, they got a slap on the hand. It got their attention but didn't hurt them.

  24. My parents used wooden spoons on us. More of a chase and attempt to whack, rather than an actual spanking. Can't recall every receiving a spanking. Usually, all they had to do was rattle the spoon drawer, and my brother and I would smarten up.

  25. That will be a great first memory story for her kid!

  26. Anyone remember the episode from the earlier years when they were in the store and Kate was verbally berating Jon for absolutely everything? Yelling through the store, calling him names, just being an all around cunt in general. These kids are definitely going to have serious issues, just not because of spoons.

    Havn't there also been several articles over the past year about Alexis and Joel getting expelled from school for being extremely naughty and ill behaved? And all of the other kids have behavior problems too, according to Kneepads and other gossip sites. I'm not defending Kate but lets get real here, if you have 6 very naughty children who are getting expelled for bad behavior of course you are going to bust out the wooden spoon. I would like to see any one of you be a total raging psychopath, raise sextuplets and twins, one of whom is also a raging psychopath, and deal with the most dueschtastic husband of all time and not discipline your kids with no more than a slight tap on the wrist. Parenting is hard, but parenting that crowd with her personality is probably near impossible. it's foolish for us to sit here and think that after all the reality BS that family is living in a perfect household with stepford children who do absolutely everything they are told with no arguing or fighting. Just tryin to put it into perspective, again not defending yanking your child around by the hair and beating your two year old. Bring on the heat

  27. Just adding to the pile that my mom also threatened us with wooden spoons, and she's the most patient person on the planet. Pulling a kid around by their hair, though, is about anger and dominance, not correction or impatience.

  28. Hitting children or threatening to hit them doesn't work. They do studies and studies and they have known for decades that it does not change the bad behaviour.

    Taking away privileges gently and in a firm calm voice does work. eg. time out (taking away the freedom to move around and separating them from the other children)

    It is exhausting, but worth it in the end when you have a child that listens.

  29. Here are some articles about Alexis and Collin at school.

  30. I'm up for taking bets on which kid is going to murder her first.

  31. A wooden spoon is nothing! I was beat with coat hangers, belts, rulers, whatever my mom could get my hands on. I'm glad I was spanked!! I usually deserved it lol

  32. Anonymous12:40 PM

    No matter what my parents may or may not have done to me, and the fact that I think I have turned out fairly well, IMO using violence to correct behavior is a ridiculous concept.

    And for those of you defending Kate because she *must* be overwhelmed with 8 kids, it was absolutely 150% her choice to have all 8 of them. Twins first, then six later. I have read where her doctor and even Jon tried to talk to her about selective reduction, and she wouldn't even think about it. OK, but then when they were born, the family was on public assistance and Kate felt she was owed that. (How is she owed anything, when she paid good money for artificial insemination, and knew she couldn't afford these kids?) They had volunteers around the clock and again, Kate felt she was owed that. Quite a sense of entitlement, and very little gratitude that I can see on her part.

    Furthermore, whoever said Kate had those kids "in good faith; who knew how fame would affect Jon?" Can I just say, OMG! Look how it affected Kate. Bleach blonde hair, tummy tuck and boob lift, perfectly toned body, affair with her bodyguard, and if anything, her sense of entitlement has grown out of control. So, I am sure Jon had no idea how fame would affect Kate, either. I wouldn't nominate either of them for spouse or parent of the year, but Kate is NO victim of anyone here but her own unfriendly, domineering personality and selfishness.

    Her kids' behavioral issues are most likely due to a combination of her treatment, their parents' dissolved marriage, being on television, and being part of such a huge family that it would be hard to get any one-on-one time. Kids need that so much. They didn't ask to be born.

    As you can tell, this topic makes me extremely stabby.

  33. What Dulcinea said! The ONE episode I ever watched, she was all "we have nothing to do with either ofour families, it's us against the world." Ooooookay. Plus didnt she used to be very religious?

  34. Yeah my dad would beat us with a belt and I'm totally fucked up for life.

  35. While there may have been studies 'proving' that chasing with the spoon didnt help, right here you DO have people who are saying the complete opposite. I dont think you can ignore that. Studies are metrics which can always be twisted to prove whatever the study taker is trying to prove. At any rate I got swats and a friend of mine's mom would drive while wielding a wooden spoon in the wood sided station wagon. It didnt matter who was misbehaving, you'd better duck. It was common practice and Idont know anyone myself who is scarred by it. In fact i often think the touchy feely parenting style now is not disciplined enough.

  36. I never was disciplined with corporal punishment and grew up hanging out with gangs, coming home all hours of the night, having sex and getting drunk. All this before I was 17. I knew my moms verbal threats were empty.
    Now that I have my own child, I'm faced with so many opinions on how to discipline. No spanking, spanking, timeouts, talking gently, yelling, the corner, and I'm sure there are more. I don't condone beating, but I do believe in spanking. Especially when he has been warned the ” nice” way numerous times.
    I fear the day he is a teen, he will face the same shit I did. Hopefully, he will be smart enough to know that if he fucks up, I will fuck him up. and that will be done out of pure love for him.

  37. I feel overwhelmed sometimes being a divorced mom of two girls, 12 and 16. I can't imagine trying to parent 6 kids going through various stages of asshole behavior at once, like my teen daughter.
    Backtalk and pushing the boundaries are routine behavior. Not helping, and pushing back every time she isn't getting her way. I can't imagine 6 of them.
    With that being said, I didn't go and intentionally have 6 of them at once. I can understand the moral dilemma of not wanting to abort fetuses when so many are implanted and attach at once, but it's a known risk.
    No way would I take that on, partner or no partner.

  38. My dad beat me one time when I was 7 or 8 with a belt. He made me go into my younger brothers room and go to the corner of the bedroom and made me put my hands up against each wall and he beat me as hard as he could till he ran out of breath.

    He then went to the living room and sit down in the chair and I could see him and I could see my mother in the kitchen cooking. I wondered why isn't she helping me?

    I saw my dad heaving and breathing with his head in his hand he had exerted so much energy into beating me.

    Then when his breathing eased up, he came back in and round two.

    All this for going to the next door neighbors to play with a girl my age with her nice dolls and toys. (I am a girl!)

    But her dad was my dad's boss and they didn't want me there. So that is why the beating was so bad.

    He is now almost 72 and he still denies that he did it.

    I believe Jesus was standing right next to me while I was getting the beating. I have tried to witness to my dad, but he won't hear of it.

    As for my mom, I love her and I understand that she couldn't do anything unless she cracked him in the head with a black iron skillet. If she would of called the police, they would of not done anything and it would of gotten worse!

    kate Gosselin deserves every bit of angst that we can dish out. I wonder what Barbara Walters is going to say about this?

    Oh, she's a STAHHHHH!


  39. There's discipline, and then there's abuse, and she's waaaaaay over the line into the later--beating up a 2-year-old over a lousy M&M?!? WTF?!?

    You know damn well she had all those kids w/an eye to getting rich & famous off them, and it even worked...for a while. Yes, raising 8 kids is hard, but she has no one but herself to blame for the sheer number of kids, and for being such a raging bitch that she turned people against her and an the gravy train right off the track

    Timebob: When that day comes, can we take up a collection for her/his defense fund and find him/her a really good attorney? (No offense, Enty, but I don't see you doing a capital murder case somehow.)

  40. Any one see that baby being helped by his parents to do a keg stand at ASU??

  41. Sarah - "various stages of asshole behavior" made me laugh out loud. Such a succinct, yet apt description of ye olde teenage years. Hang in there, Mamma, you can do it!! 12 and 16 - you're so close!!! But I do feel for you - two girls. Damn, I had a smart mouth at 16. I'm not sad I have two boys.

    lukebandit, thank you for telling your story. We've got to shine a light on child abuse so we can clean it up as a society. I am happy for you that you've found peace in your life. Helping little kids is what keeps a smile on my face and a song in my heart; I'm so glad you've broken the cycle. *Hugs, brave lady.*

  42. My mom soaked us with a wooden spoon (argh!) but it wasn't malicious or abuse, just occasional punishment for being bad. One time I cut my own bangs (real crappy) and she wailed on me.

    Turns out she was having proba with my dad and was at the end of her rope. She felt terrible and really apologized to me a couple days later. I've never forgotten that - she never apologized for any other spanking I can remember but it made her seem oddly human to my young little heart.

    My bro & I are normal, the spankings were only when we were bad, Kate Goslin is a bitch whether she spanks her kids or not.

  43. I was beaten with a belt a few times ... So bad I had welts down my back that I had to hide in grade school ..

    If I so much as raise my voice to my 7 year old he cries.. I could never imagine hurting his beautiful tow head self :(

  44. whatever the truth here, you can bet money on the fact that it will be blown out of proportion and exploited to extremes in the same of selling a book. and tabloid rags.

  45. All I can say is that if you breed them, then it's your responsibility to feed, train, and manage your kids. I'm already socked with hefty taxes to subsidize other people's kids, which I deeply resent. If I have to keep my dogs in line, I don't care what you do to keep your crotch droppings in line, just keep them out of my space.

  46. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Didn't read all the comments, but it was probably LESS about eating an m&m and MORE about the child disobeying her. It was probably LESS of a "beating" and MORE of a swat on the behind. Just sayin'.....

  47. I have seen every episode of the show and I remember one episode where one of the boys--I think it was Colin--broke something --playing --by accident and she went off on him and the look in those little boys faces--you knew they were afraid of her being angry. She was always much harder on the boys than the girls. She had a favorite--Hannah--who could do no wrong--and it always seemed like the boys and Alexis were always on her bad side.

    As someone above stated--it was about control--some mothers have kids as accessories--and they really resent it when the kids develop a mind of their own.

    I doubt if she really hurt them physically but she showed enough ON camera to make you wonder about what wasn't shown. She is a very needy complex person.

  48. Anonymous5:51 PM

    When did it become a bad thing for a kid to be afraid of an angry parent? ESPECIALLY if the kid had done something wrong?

  49. The picture of her is perfect!!
    I wonder if that's how she looks in her kids dreams or should I say nightmare!

  50. You don't hit a two year old. Ever. Ever. You put him in time out. And she isn't raising them alone, she has two nannies and a "bodyguard" which is a hell of a lot of help.
    I would love to chase her with a wooden spoon and smack the shit out of her. Fame whoring bitch. Those kids are going to be messed up because their mother is a horrible person. Horrible.
    Thank Zenu she has not gotten that dating show off the ground yet. I have an idea, how about a show where strangers chase her with a wooden spoon and smack the shit out of her? I'll go first. I guarantee I can catch that bitch.

  51. @lukebandit, I'm so sorry. *hugs*

    Whatever side you are on -- spanking or no spanking -- I think we can all agree that two years old is way too young for that kind of punishment. Jesus, they're still babies! I hate stories like this about children ... as much as I goof about getting irritated/frustrated by my own daughters, I love them more than even I can comprehend. I just want to take all those poor, neglected, abused children into my home and show them what parental love should look like.

  52. Let me preface my comment by saying I don't at all condone abuse, I don't even spank in my house.

    Oh, and Kate is clearly a bitch.

    Nonetheless, everyone is believing this is true with no evidence other than the say so of someone who claims to have found Kate's secret diaries and, oh yeah, wants to sell a book.

    During at least some portion of the year, cameras were in their house 24/7. Are you really telling me she beats/hits/etc. her kids all of the time but it was never caught on camera? Never took place when any other people (including TV people, volunteers, etc.)were around? There was never visible physical evidence of a beating (remember at the time she and the kids were in the spotlight ALL of the time)? That with all of the ill will between her and John, that he never brought up the beatings and left his kids in her care?

    She probably does use a spoon. She probably does spank...but imo, it is very difficult to elevate it to "abuse" because one person (who is clearly looking for a paycheck)says it is so.

    I need more evidence before I am willing to hang her in the public square.

  53. lukebandit your story was sad to read, it's a shame that your dad won't acknowledge his actions.

    We often hit out when we are scared, angry or frustrated, but it should never be directed at a child. :(

  54. i got it with a wooden spoon, MANY a time. and a ruler and a hand. never a belt, though not sure why(???) i remember staying home from preschool for a week because my back was bruised and my parents were afraid the teachers would notice. that was unlikely, since they washed our mouths out with soap and used a ping pong paddle to keep us in line.
    but i don't think i believe this story. not because kate is so great, but because there were camera's around all the time, and her husband was out for blood in their divorce. he would have used that info.

  55. Photo of Kate Gosselin spanking one of her daughters:

  56. @lurkebandit

    It turns my stomach to hear that awful story about your father. I don't even know what to say, except I hope things got better for you and that you have love in your life now. It looks like your faith has given you some peace as well. You are a survivor, and should see yourself as such :)

  57. This is bullshit and fucking below the belt.

    Like Jon wouldn't have used this, were it true. This is a disgusting lie. Kate is a bitch but she's not a child abuser. This makes me sick.

  58. Geez she's still around. Why??? Haven't we seen enough of her for one century. I'm don't know her personally so I can't judge by everything I see but every reality persons time has to come to an end. It is not a talent to act like an ass on TV and be famous for that. You need to posses some kind of quality (i.e. singing, good acting) to stay in the spotlight. Why are we promoting and encouraging this kind of behavior?

  59. yes, i got the belt, ruler, wooden spoon. but the worst was the tennis shoe. man oh man did the rubber off the butt hurt!black eyes, thrown and pushed down stairs... it's funny how i protected her, for years, thinking that being taken away would be so much worse. finally when i had my own daughter, (she still remembers this) my mom attacked me, and ripped my hair out and grabbed my lil girl. finally she left the house, and my kid now refers to her as crazy debbie. thankfully, my family no longer forces me to have any contact w/ her... i am sure she's sorry. i tell my kids we don't hit. and they (at least my oldest) knows why.

  60. @The I'd love to hear your details about the hefty taxes you pay to subsidize other peoples' kids! How does that break down?

  61. Let's all pile on the female token torturer. /s

  62. JSierra: I've observed from my daughter's friends and classmates that the children who were berated and disciplined by their parents for small stuff - like getting clothes dirty while playing as all kids do - ARE the ones who later acted out in school. A parent acts angry at home over smalls stuff, the parent teaches anger to a kid who knows no other way to handle frustration. Also, multiples probably are always surrounded by other little kids, in school or at home, handled as a group, with little opportunity for individual affirmation and one-on-one time, so they may act up to get it.

    Sarah: I understand, and you were in a difficult situation. The Goslings had family and nannies helping them daily, from what I read of the time the show was on the TLC. I have no idea if this report is true about Kate G., and not commenting on that, but just speaking in general.

  63. a few things here....#1, name an italian mother who hasn't chased her kids with the infamous wooden spoon. Although at a toddler....that's a bit much.

    But here's a thought....maybe there's a reason why God doesn't make it "normal" for us to have a litter of children. this *itch shouldn't have messed with nature, b/c as courtney love sang (and as she too knows all too well), "you get what you want and you never want it again."

    //not pro IVF (adopt...there are tons of kids in foster care who are past their cute baby phase but need love and a home all the same)
    //not pro surrogacy (again, adopt if you want to raise a kid so much....maybe even siblings who should stay together)

    because we are just now going to begin to see the effects of what messing with nature has done.
