Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kate Middleton Toasted With Water Again

Kate Middleton and Prince William are in Singapore and SE Asia as part of a goodwill tour. At one of the events, Kate Middleton toasted everyone, but did so with water. Well, that is one way to get everyone to stop talking about Prince Harry's scepter and start talking about pregnancy rumors and babies and I don't know if Kate is pregnant or not, but it is a great PR move by the Palace if they had anything to do with it. Maybe Kate had a hangover from the night before and does not believe in a little hair of the dog. Maybe she was planning on drinking all night and didn't want to get an early start and get drunk too fast and end up playing beer pong with the guys that protect her. That would be fun to see. Do you think Kate played beer pong at college? Is there anyway that someone could ask that or when she becomes a Duchess that kind of question is not allowed anymore?


  1. I would totally ask her about beer pong. Get me press credentials, stat.

  2. She needs to get pregnant. The Royals have nothing on the docket for 2013. The Olympics are over and so is the Queen's Jubilee.

  3. Her face suddenly filled out, around the time of those pictures of William hugging her at a sporting event.
    She's also gained just a few through the boobs & waist. It's just a smidge, but unmistakeable since she was so bony before.

    It's fine if she's simply coming back to a normal weight, but I admit too i will be excited for them if they are pg.

  4. She should be announcing a pregnancy any day now. It is her main job, and it has been more than a year. Do you think the palace checked out her fertility status before William was allowed to propose?

  5. @libby - I totally agree with you. When I saw the pictures yesterday from the Botanical Gardens I took one look at her fuller face thought immediately that she was pregnant.

  6. She still looks extremely old for 30.

  7. If she's pregnant, great. However if I had to be awake and on my best behavior I wouldn't drink at those kind of events. Plus, staying that skinny means having as few calories as possible. I'd hazard a guess that she's not a big drinker for those reasons.

  8. If she's truly pregnant, let's all wait and see if the baby's born a little ginger ;) I kid, I kid....

  9. I'm guessing that if she's not pregnant, she's at least trying to get pregnant, in which case she would likely avoid alcohol.

  10. I appear to be in a 'bah, whatever. Cynicism rules' mood today. Should bode well for the big meeting I have with my boss in an hour.

  11. Sarah - I was going to say something similar. I'm on a no-wine-diet this week, because I'm in a wedding on Friday and want to eliminate any traces of bloat before I have to put that dress on. (I already failed, btw.) My trainers said no alcohol, no carbs, lots & lots of water, and NO dairy for me because I'm lactose intolerant. She may follow a similar plan to stay slender.

  12. LOL shaunie - now wouldn't THAT be a scandal?

  13. @Sarah, I love your pic! That's my favorite movie of all time, and EVERYONE makes fun of me for it! That being said, maybe Kate just age something now that the whole wedding thing is over and she's at a 'normal' weight for herself? If she's pregnant, great, but let's wait for the oversized purse or huge bulky sweaters before we start speculating. Right now, she just looks healthy.

  14. Oooooh, @Amber, how about I drink the wine for you this week?!? I'll call it the Wine Plus diet. Cheers!

  15. Just Browsing - Jealous :( As soon as the reception starts, my wine-gut comes out to play. :P

  16. I doubt she would go on an overseas trip in her first trimester. Seems too risky.

  17. If i were her, i wld hate everyone being all up in her grill about being pregnant!! Give her some space! She cant breed in captivity, lol.

  18. You know, back in ancient times if the Queen (future) could not produce an heir, she was beheaded. Get out the turkey baster if you need to, Kate!

  19. I'm staying away from wine too. Big difference in my body but is it worth it? I'm not sure. I've been going to bed early because what else do you do at night if you can't have wine?

    Regarding this post, if Enty is going to post this speculative nonsense, I really hope he/she/they never complain again about others speculating pregnancies.

  20. She seems like she would be fun to hand around with! But she's a royal now so we will never know......

  21. anita - maybe limit it to weekends, so you have something to look fwd to? That way it's more in moderation, and you should still notice a difference. It really sucks getting older and having the way your body metabolizes things change!

  22. Her bustline did look a little fuller in some of the beige-dress photos. Now is the time. She had to wait for the Jubilee and Olympics to be over, so I'll be they're on it like white on rice.

  23. @Silly Girl - you beat me to it! I was going to say the same thing about Sarah's pic. I LOVE that movie. One of my favorites of all time.

  24. i think she would have to gain some weight even to be ABLE to get preggers...

    A lot of constant, extreme dieters stop having their periods and really fuck with their bodies. She may need some time to get back on track. Self-esteem is a fucked-up thing.

    1. Lets not forget nicole richie, who got pregnant at 76 lbs.

  25. @Amber, but then I drink the whole damn bottle. I know I'm not an alcoholic since the rum and rye is not tempting in the least but red wine..... (or gin or vodka), I just can't resist.

    Wolf Blass comes in half bottles, I will probably buy one on Friday.

  26. @anita, I'm doing the same thing. I am not drinking wine at all during the week. I have already noticed a difference in how my clothes fit. I go to bed super early now too and feel great when I wake up!

  27. anita & goheels - Maybe try cooking meals that require wine (braising meat), and that way you don't drink ALL of it. Just most of it. hehe.

  28. In Eastern Europe, it's considered bad luck not to toast with alcohol. My husband (and his family) acts like I'm going to put a curse on the family if I try to toast with water. This includes a time when I was on heavy duty antibiotics.

  29. Sounds to me like she's probably preggers. What I don't see is why Kate/William and/or the Palace haven't just come right out and said so. From their point of view, this is a good thing, right?>

  30. I agree she's probably at least trying to get pregnant, hense the not drinking. On the other hand, I don't see Kate as ever having been a big drinker, and some people just don't like to drink very often. Fair enough to toast with water if that is what you are having with your meal.

    When you think of the number of these type of engagement they have to attend, if they drank alcohol at every one, that might be overkill.

  31. haha, @Amber, but thats such a WASTE of wine! You can use chicken or beef stock instead! LOL

  32. @Char
    I like my drank too, but I don't drink w/ every meal either and have often toasted w/ whatever I am drinking whether it be water, milk, Coke, etc.
    So I am w/ you.

    There is absolutely no reason why anyone pregnant shouldn't travel overseas (unless perhaps a third world country where disease might be an issue) in the first trimester.
    It is not recommended to fly during the last month tho.

  33. Maybe she just likes water. I have always been a big water drinker.

  34. I've been trying to give up the wine too. I gained weight over the summer and none of my jeans fit. The problem is, by the end of the day my kids irritate the heck out of me and I head straight for the wine. Ugh.

  35. I love being pregnant, but I friggin' miss my wine like nobody's business. As soon as I hit the second trimester, I'm having one glass a week. And it will be the first time in my life one glass has lasted two hours. ;)

    @anita, that's too funny...the few times I tried to cut back on wine before, I found myself going to bed early because I also had NOTHING to do! :)

    So many CDAN wine lovers, too bad we don't live close enough to have a wine tasting. Or gulping.

  36. How 'bout a cyber wine & cheese party?!? I'll bring my wine glass that says "Mommy's Sippy Cup" or a box of wine (AKA: Cardboardeaux)

  37. @Just Browsing - "Card Bordeaux" is BRILLIANT. I've never heard/seen that one before. LOL

  38. Ahhhh! I love that. ^^^
    Totally using that.

  39. I wish I could take the credit....
    My 17 year-old son found it and said he thought of me!!! I don't know whether to be embarrassed or proud of his sense of humor!

  40. @silly and @nichole thanks for the Zinone love (why does Netflix class the greatness that is Grease 2 as a comedy?)

    I used to love wine but have completely gone off alcohol in recent months. Not at all anti-booze but I feel better for it.

  41. Robert: Even if she is pregnant, they're probably waiting until she's past the first trimester and well into the second before they make an announcement--if, God forbid, she had a miscarriage, the last thing the poor woman would need is to have news of it splashed all over the place; once past the 3-month mark, though, the odds are much better that a pregnancy will go smoothly. Not everyone feels compelled to make the Big Annoucement as soon as the stick changes color, you know... :-)

    Another possibility for the water-drinking is that she's not pregnant yet, but is hoping to be soon, and doesn't want to take any chances. Or she could just be on medication, or any number of mundane reasons people don't drink...who knows?

  42. I've never bought the rumours before but look at how her arm is resting on her stomach, there's a definite bump there. At first I thought she was slouching but you can tell her back is straight.

    Also, Diana toured with Charles during her first timester. It didn't go well, but the trips are planned in advance so I think they try to struggle through as best they can. They seem adventurous, they kayaked while here in Canada. I think if you see only William participating in a strenuous activity it's a pretty safe bet...

    Also random, I saw some psychic on TV that said they would have a baby girl nicknamed "Frankie" and Diana's middle name was Francis so I thought that was sort of interesting...


  43. @Seachica: I'll bet they DID make sure she could bear and heir. Good luck to everyone on the wine diet. My problem is beer and you can imagine the bloat on THAT!

  44. I have read a few times that she does not handle her drink well and therefore does not partake more than a sip. That said, she seemed more bosom-y in the pictures in the first dress she wore to the botanical gardens. Her belly was still pancake-flat though. It must be tough with the entire world pestering her about having a baby. She must feel at times like she is a broodmare. I think she is a lovely ambassador for her country and I hope she becomes more well-known for her altruism.

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  46. I think the draping of the beige dress at the Botanical Gardens looks very suspicious. Her face does look fuller.

  47. I'm so glad there are so many cdan fans who love wine! I'm cutting it out for a wedding next week too, but my replacement, mgd 64, was just awful. Now I'm just like, "why bother?"

  48. I read somewhere (poss. Lainey) that some of the shots you need for where they are aren't pregnancy friendly.

    I don't see the need for all the speculation though. If she is it will be announced in due course (most likely after the 1st trimester), and if not there are plenty of reasons for her to be drinking water. Perhaps (SHOCK HORROR) she prefers it?

    Imagine, though, if she's not and everyone is running around saying she's fuller in the face and has a belly. I'd get such a complex, especially considering I'd love to have her figure, fuller face, supposed belly and all!

  49. I would hate to have so much speculation surrounding me all the time. :/
