Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kelsey Grammer Says He Didn't Have Sex With Camille Grammer For A Decade

Kelsey Grammer was on Conan last night and said that he wanted to clear up a few things about his relationship with Camille. He says that prior to meeting his current wife, that he and Camille had not had sex in a decade. So, when he says sex, he means actual intercourse right, because I have a feeling they might have been doing some other freaky stuff during that time. Does sex not count if you are dressing up in Camille's things and then having her spank you? He also said that he only kissed his new wife for several months before they actually had sex. But, I thought she got pregnant almost right away and then had a miscarriage? No? Am I missing something. Does Kelsey count time differently than the rest of us? Was he a dog in a prior life?


  1. Wish more people would stick to "don't kiss and tell".

    I don't need to know anything about their sex life, existent or non-.

  2. Camille looks like she'll melt if she's in the sun too long

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It makes me want to puke to even think about anyone having sex with him.

  4. Or is he a big fat liar?

    Oh, and Kelsey? We don't care.

  5. Word, EmEyeKay.

    Perplexed as to why Kelsey would say that.

  6. i love him, but he's a fool when it comes to women

  7. I used to like him, but now I think he's a petty, self-absorbed asshole.

  8. Um isn't his son under 10 years old? Kelsey seems to be one of those people that makes up his reality as they go along.

  9. Have another bump!

  10. OOPS never mind. I forgot Camille went the surrogate route. I still stand by my statement that Kelsey is not firmly rooted in reality ;>

  11. He needs to stop talking about Camille. He moved on while he was still married to her, yet he can't stop talking about her. She hasn't said a thing.

    Each time he opens his mouth, he makes himself look worse, if that is even possible.

    He's behaving like a jilted teenager, not a grown-ass man.

  12. Seriously, who cares if he likes to be spanked or cross dress? We don't mock gays/lesbians (and rightfully so) but why is it ok to mock this guy if he has a few kinks? It's not like it's not consenting adults. I agree, he doesn't need to be talking about it whenever he opens his mouth, but still - just drop the hate on his sexual preferences.

    1. I don't think he was hating about his dressing up in Camille's clothes, just stating that that activity probably took the place of sex.

    2. Here, here! So what if he's a little kinky? Good for him! I think it's kind of cool. Funny, but cool. He should totally embrace it!

    3. Here, here! So what if he's a little kinky? Good for him! I think it's kind of cool. Funny, but cool. He should totally embrace it!

  13. He is a dick. And probably has one that doesn't work all that well.

  14. I think Camille cheated on him. He is so angry with her and slamming her in the press every chance he gets. She must have f*ked his brother or best friend or golf buddy(ies) or something. This man is just bitter.

  15. @Katie - lol!

    He got what he wanted; I don't understand why he has to keep on talking about it. And he's a bigger fool for not having a pre-nup in place for his current marriage.

  16. gr8p - totally not saying you're wrong, BUT! Some people get more and more pissed off the more you take the high-road and ignore them. I've had relationships with a couple people like this. One ex-bf would get so mad that I wouldn't fight with him, he'd do whatever it took to make me cry and wasn't satisfied until I did.
    So, maybe her refusal to talk a bunch of smack in the press about him is just pissing him off. Just a theory!

    1. i had an experiance with an ex like that too... i never talked bad but i wanted him to just move on. He bugged me the more i avoided drama. He even hacked my pc to spy on me. Cray cray....

  17. sounds like a BI reveal when Enty says "Does sex not count if you are dressing up in Camille's things and then having her spank you?" ...maybe?

  18. Kelsey Grammar has an impeccable resume. I think no one can deny how truly great he is as an actor; tremendous comic timing, and he can even sing.
    Kelsey Grammar could go down in history as the 'Lawrence Olivier of tv' or something, except for this one little problem he has with DISCRETION. Kelsey seems unaware that his ongoing success relies on him not being so trashy!

    The man definitely has a PROBLEM. He desperately needs to clam up and hold his temper.
    He is a good actor, but cannot control his spite, even for the sake of the mother of his kid(s). He is such a trainwreck, makes me sad.

  19. This guy is a first grade dick. Who would do that? Cheat on your wife and then go on national TV to humiliate her? Doesn't the jerk know what the word "gentleman" means. He is the lowest of the low. Why even talk about Camille at all? He is a piece of work. Because of his characters, I would never watch any thing with him in it. Maybe, many people feel the same bc no one was watching his critical acclaim show "boss".

  20. I'm with Em. The end.

  21. Libby ~ I totally AGREE. He doesn't seem to understand how many people won't watch a show because he is in it. I love the show Boss, and he is great in it. He is still a great actor, but people's distaste for him IS affecting his career imo.
    It is sad.

  22. ungracious, pathetic prick

  23. I think he is busrting with talent, real incredible actor. In the same measure, I am not a fan of Camille so cant make an objective comment.

  24. Yeah, and to whom is he addressing his remarks? Who's fighting with him? Remember, kelsy," descretion is the better part of valor."

  25. Didn't his entire family die under a variety of tragic circumstances? That might explain some of his quirks. Always thought he was a great actor, a little hasty to jump on the marriage train though.

  26. Gr8p- Sorry, I think you are wrong. I think Kelsey cheated very publicly, but is so narcissistic that he feels we should blame his wife for his unhappiness, as he did.
    Kelsey has a history of unfaithfulness, and moving on quickly. I think wth his celebrity that he expected the public sentiment to be on his side. I think he keeps trying to embarrass Camille publicly both to pardon his behavior, and to make his new wife feel like she saved her husband from his horrible wife.

  27. He's also showing his current wife what she's in store for when their marriage ends.

  28. Lynette,
    Wow you are absolutely right. I don't know how to link but everyone should Google his name and read about his family on his Wikipedia page. Tragic stuff.?

  29. thanks, Z. I agree this image affects his fan base, for sure.

    surfer--I TOTALLY agree.
    It's so strange how every time he moves on and falls in love with a new lady, he HAS TO go around telling all of us dirty details--and retroactively negating the old relationship. It's nutty.

  30. Aw Kelsey. TMI! On the other hand, he's got to counter all the shade coming from the She Beast who lightened him by $30 million. Okay, forgiven.

  31. he's gay. when a man sleeps in the same bed with a woman most nights and they don't have sex and that's okay w/ him; GAY. he dresses up like a woman because he wants to be a woman and he likes sex with men. i lived this life, so i know a little something about this. my ex was remarried and had his next wife pregnant before our divorce was final (yes, you read that right. they were married in europe). getting the new wife pregnant right away is his way of showing people he IS having sex now. how many wives is this? how many womn does he have children with? that's enough now.

  32. AMARTEL- do some research. That She Bitch saved his life and got him working again when he was nothing but a used up cokehead.

    SHE is the reason he had $60M in the first place. I may not like her,but she deserves EVERY penny.

  33. Gotta love Kelsey and his revisionist history. Ever since this guy hit back in the 80s he has always pretty much altered facts to suit his purpose. Why should that change now. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, we all pretty much know he is full of sh*t.

  34. Kelsey, the more you talk shit about YOUR CHILDREN'S MOTHER the more you look like a giant walking dick.

    She is no angel--she's as weird as he is but it's over--he was stupid enough not to have a prenup (AND he was broke when he married her--she helped put him back together. Pay her the money and move on.

    I used to like him because I think he's extremely talented but between seeing him on Real Housewives and this crap he's spouting, I've lost respect for him.

  35. wow! Its amazing how much sympathy Camille has now. Especially after her horrible debut on RHWBH! He needs to remember he married a professional hooker what did he expect? I have this strange feeling Camille was a cold withdrawn woman in this marriage though and they lived within their dysfunction. Im sure she had something going on with that tennis trainer from the first season.

  36. He made a ton of money before he met her. Does anybody remember that the producers of Frazier were on the Boston flight that was hijacked on 9/11? I just remembered that...

  37. Nope he's a dog in THIS life.

  38. He was definitely a creep in a former life. And current life. haha

  39. Kelsey, SHUT UP. That is your kids' mother, you dumbass!

  40. Whenever I see this asshole's face, all I think is : BARF

  41. I dont know, I feel some guys, or at least K. Grammer, David Arquette and some others, want to put the blame on the woman by accusing her of not providing enough sex.

  42. I can't help it, but Kelsey Grammar strikes me as the type of guy who would have Camille killed if it wouldn't negatively affect his career- and only his career. He's a total narcissist who has repeatedly demonstrated he couldn't care less about his children unless they could bolster his public image. His unrelenting, outrageous ego makes him a very toxic and (potentially) dangerous person.

  43. I just caught up my DVR'd Conan today and thought Kelsey came across as a pompous dick in this interview. I didn't catch the "no sex in a decade" remark but found the whole "setting the record straight" on his current wife to be very weird. I would have loved to have been inside Conan or Andy's head during that little bit. There was little mention of his other children, just the new baby. Made me sad for his other kids.

    I have loved the characters Kelsey has played, but he just doesn't come off as very likable IRL.
