Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

Much has been made over the past few weeks about Lady GaGa's weight gain. People even talks about it on their cover this week so that must mean they are Madonna fans. GaGa is said to have gained about 25 pounds. I don't see it in these photos she Tweeted of herself yesterday where she told the world that she has suffered from bulimia and anorexia since she was 15 and that now she loves being curvy. You know what does bother me about what she said? She says she is curvy because her boyfriend loves her curvy. She needs to do it for herself. Is everyone convinced these photos were taken in the past couple of days? She has never been shy about stripping down to next to nothing and they look the same as every other photo I have seen of her. I really don't see any weight gain and even if there was, everyone is beautiful no matter their size.


  1. She looks great.

  2. I saw other pics where she looked huge but I wonder which pic is the "correct" image, not lighting to make her look fat or thin. . Knowing her she's getting Junebug Booboo fat and then is going to write the new anthem for fat people. Everything she does is calculated and fucking annoying. I miss her first 2 albums now she's over.

  3. I remember the very first time I threw up my food to stay skinny. I would alternate btwn starving and binge/purging. It has been years since, but every time I think about it, old feelings come back. I hope hope hope GaGa can overcome her body issues. I think she looks great even if she gained more.

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    This picture is taken from above which is different perspective then the concert photos which appeared to be straight on. I do believe this is the most flattering angle possible so it is possible this is a recent photo.

  5. Admirable that she is speaking out about this sort of thing but she looks... fine. Not fat at all. Hardly even "curvy". I don't see the big deal.

  6. She looked a whole lot chunkier in her meat outfit. The tights were squeezing out a huge muffin top. I don't think these pics are current.

  7. Snore, trying to stay relevant, thinks she has to compete with Madonna for stories.

  8. Anonymous9:58 AM

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  9. She looks great. Can't stand it when we talk weight on here because I think we unintentionally offend each other. Wouldn't wish bullimia or anorexia on anybody. As long as she's happy and healthy in her own skin, who are we to judge? I would think she's really thin when she's on tour because performing is probably grueling on the body.

  10. On a different, and much sadder, note, the 6-yeart-old girl with cancer in our neck of the woods who got to hang out w/the Bieber just died:

    I don't particularly care for him, but it was very decent of him to come to see her and make her so happy, including singing to her on stage, so he definitely gets credit for that.

    As for Gaga, I'm not sure what she really weighs right now, and don't much care; if she does indeed have a history of eating disorders, I certainly hope she's able to get some help for them; it's no way to go through life. (And no, I doubt she gained weight intentionally to exploit it, although she seems to be making a teachable moment out of it. Hey, if it helps some poor kid feel better, I don't have a problem w/it...)

    1. Omg, she passed away? I remember seeing her on channel 5 news and thinking she was so adorable. So sorry for her family.

  11. I wish I looked that good in a two piece. I don't and haven't for years. Trying to get there, but it's harder now that I'm in my 40's. It seems I eat less and still gain. Blah!

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

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  13. I've said it before - fat is one of the two last acceptable prejudices. Just remember - karma is a bitch.

  14. Here's the thing with fat, being or perceiving...I recently had a pretty significant weight loss and I'm going through so much mental bullsh#t, that it makes me a little crazy.

    When I was a kid, and not fat, my mother always tried to dress me to look thin, so mentally I thought I was this huge eyesore. Not worth much, other than getting good grades. I was invisible girl.

    After pushing out 2 kids and relocating to a very rural community with nothing within walking distance, found myself 50 pounds heavier than my fighting weight. It's okay in America to be discriminatory to fat people. It's okay to be 'disgusted', right?

    Us fat people are the same underneath our fat suit, so maybe just kindness and empathy towards all others without the constant body shaming or exclusionary attitude will help us focus on being healthy mentally and emotionally, so we can be healthy physically.

    Sorry this was so long, but I'm really going through some mindf*ckery right now, and probably should see a shrink to work all this out.

  15. On my local news this morning, they were talking about this, and the newscaster said "Lady Gaga posted this unflattering photo of herself." I thought she looked great! I'm by no means "fat" (probably toward the top of my BMI range, for what that's worth), and wear about a size 8, and this photo is better than I look dressed similarly.

  16. Sounds like someone is looking for attention yet again! Enty, your the best and your right she should be curvy because SHE wants to be curvy not because her boyfriend loves her that way!

  17. Jesus fucking Christ IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! What I'm saying and what I mean in every one of my posts about Gaga is that I don't believe a word she says. Everything she does is as calculated as a Justin Beiber/Britney move. It's to sell records, it's not to empower you unfortunately.

  18. The look on her face says self loathing to me - she's posing without her many masks and she doesn't like it. An eating disorder is about hiding from yourself - in my experience, anyway.

    She looks fine, she's still slim. The problem with her concert outfits is that they were made for a skinny person, not a slim one, hence the muffin top. I do believe the pictures are current, the downward angle is indeed the best one and in another picture you can see she's gained some weight on her behind, but 25 pounds seems a bit of an exaggeration.

  19. Anonymous10:30 AM

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  20. this bitch doesn't do anything without a reason, and now we know, she started a foundation...or whatever her next move is, i give another 3-5 years, she'll be skinny again

  21. I got exactly what you meant, katsm0711, and I didn't find it offensive not one iota. I wouldn't be surprised if you were also predicting correctly. The woman is a total schtick machine.

    Signed, a slightly overweight chick.

    1. Thanks AKM! Never thought I'd see that and u made my day!

  22. Anonymous10:34 AM

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    1. I will motherfucking yell at you every time you make my post about you.

  23. I'm 51 and slim like GaGa (5ft4/115lbs). I can still wear a bikini and my stomach is flat. Girlfriends ask about my diet/exercise routine and want to know how I stay in shape? I explain that I'm trying to gain weight and don't like being thin. Women think it's great to be a size 4, but I agree with GaGa... MEN LIKE CURVES!

  24. I think this is the first post where he's said "People" instead of "Kneepads." First post I've seen anyways.

  25. I've seen 3 of the photos that she posted, front, side and back. The other two are straight on, not from above. She looks fine to me, not as toned and muscular as she used to look, but she still looks pretty good.

    Calculated? Maybe. Or maybe she's just tired of all the BS press and took matters into her own hands. I've seen comments from many of her fans, especially female, who appreciate that she was willing to post the photos and talk about it head on.

  26. Dont care about her, her pseudo weight gain, her idiotic costumes or her shitty music. Sorry u had a problem, hope u r healthy now. She looks normal to me in that photo, not self loathing. Whats going on snyway? First katie, now her. What are we; under the sign of bulimea maxis?

  27. Momster, totally OT, but -

    Are you in Bartlesville? If so, do you have any scoop on the big time movie stars who are there right now filming? We're talking Clooney, Roberts, etc.!! Saw a little about it on my Facebook feed - thought I'd ask you for the 411.

  28. @Layna Day--I'm really confused as to where you have taken offense to katsm's comment. She's saying Gaga is very calculating, and now she thinks her "target" for empowerment will be people who struggle with weight "just like her." Where did you get that she said overweight people will be too dumb to realize that? I don't think she insinuated at all. Every word you're saying sounds less like a real offense and more like projection.

  29. There were some pictures of her on stage in Amsterdam a few weeks back where she looked quite chunky, but I'm pretty sure at least a few of them were photoshopped or manipulated somehow. In these pictures she looks fit and healthy. Not that it matters ALL that much...she doesn't sing with her ass.

  30. Although it would be pretty awesome if she did.

  31. Anonymous11:03 AM

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  32. Gaga's gained weight??? When? She looks the same to me. Either way, who cares. If you're not looking like Kristy Ally on a bad fat day, then you're skinny to me.

  33. Momster, Frufra, I'm in Owasso---think we need a CDAN meet-up in Bartlesville to see if we can find some filming. We need someone who can get the production schedule for us and scope out one in a public place----

  34. Why would someone avoid getting fat if it meant earnin a lot of money? Am I the only one who saw Bridgette Jones? I agree with Jolene Jolene. Yeesh!!!! I didn't read blatant offenses or hear screaming, personally. There is nothing wrong with different weights, and different cultures view shapes and sizes differently. There is a lot more prejudice in this world than simply weight discrimination. Everyone can play the victim somehow.

  35. Maybe someone in the industry can tell us the right questions to ask---maybe we need a free trial of IMDB pro?

  36. @Frufra, Clooney was spotted at a local restaurant, and Juliette Lewis tweeted from somewhere here. Haven't seen anyone, but have seen several very large, very shiny buses that have dark tinted windows and no markings on the side. They were headed west, where the filming is taking place.

    @CK76--I'm up for it! I head to Owasso for shopping a couple of times a month, and I go to OKC about once every other month.

  37. Anonymous11:19 AM

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  38. So a size 4/6 is curvy now? She looks good here, I'm sure the entertainment industry wants her in a zero.
    This year my metabolism changed, even eating better and less than before with more exercise isn't taking me back down to my old standard size 4.
    I'm trying to get used to my new size, which isn't big by any means, but feels different on me. I'm not used to having big boobs and the extra layer, but I think it looks good on other people, you know?
    It's harder to accept yourself.

  39. I do get her point, though. Here's a girl who looks better than most of us in a two piece, and people are publicly trashing her for gaining a few pounds, which may push her back into throwing up her meals. Not cool.

  40. Anonymous11:21 AM

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  41. I'm just lol'ing about how upset people when someone calls someone fat, but calling someone skinny or anorexic in other posts is perfectly fine. Just be happy being whatever size you are and if you are not work to fix it. I don't get why everyone is so weight obsessive.

  42. Sorry. I have a hard time seeing how a woman who is so given to pantlessness having these kinds of body issues. I know the subject is very serious, I am personally aware.
    As much as I am disgusted to say this, this seems like a pathetic ploy for attention. A shameless, shameful excuse to get people to talk about her.
    Gaga lost me. I feel like she is trivializing a very important issue just to get her name on the streets.
    Done and done.

    1. I think that pantless comment just made me pee a little.

  43. This is straight up improvisational comedy! I could say any word and have it twisted into a tangent, off-point, personal attack.

    If and when Gaga writes an anthem about curvy pride, I will throw some serious side-eye her way.

    But beyond that, hopefully she really is moving beyond eating disordered thinking. It sure would be nice if this whole bobble-head/meth-chic, and inversely the over muscled vein ridden thing, would just finally turn into something that actually looks achievable and comfortable.

  44. I think she was wearing padding or a far suit at that concert and this is a publicity stunt.

    1. It would be so awesome if I could just take off my padding right now.

    2. Lol @waffler take off my padding is hysterical!!!

  45. Who cares what she weighs? She doesn't trade on her sex appeal anyway. The men she appeals to are mostly gay. So her body shouldn't matter at all. As long as she can make outrageous costumes to fit her whatever her size she should be fine. If this was somebody like Jessica Beal or Scarlett Johansson who are famous for having spectacular bodies, fine, talk about their weight. I never even noticed what Lady Gaga's body looked like because it's always covered in meat or some other bizarre substance.

  46. THANK YOU Gypsy! I was in treatment for an ED for 10 years and this shit drives me BANANAS. This is both a desperate act of insecurity AND trivializes the struggle of many other sufferers. Sorry but why did she post the photo? To make others feel better about themselves as she claims? NO, she did it so people could see she's not fat because she's upset that people are calling her that. THAT'S body acceptance? I call bullshit.

    In fact I wrote a whole blog about it I was so mad (and my blog deals with the subject matter anyway)

  47. @ Maja, that wuold be epic!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!

  48. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I want to say how disappointing it is to give a thought-out opinion, only to have it questioned and ridiculed just because it doesn't correspond to your beliefs. To be considered a projectionist, but it be deemed OK for someone to project against one's statement because it doesn't blend it with the group's. To be cussed out because I had the *audacity* not to agree with how someone viewed a story.

    You say you're cool with opinions different than yours, but many of you don't act that way and will often take sides.

    You claim celebrities trivialize topics. Some of you trivialize the opinions of others around here. And that's worse. You don't want anyone railing on your beliefs, but feel comfortable doing it to others.

    It's disappointing and quite frankly, hurtful.

    1. Well, hey now. You've removed all your comments, and now are saying you are hurt and bullied (my word there based on what I gather, admittedly not yours). You've been very aggressive and accusatory, with no evidence to back up your conjectures. I was accused of telling you what to think, I believe. But those words do not appear in my post- I state my opinions. I really don't care to tell you what to think or feel, nor do I care or feel hurt or offended if you have different ideas. But I do not appreciate being falsely accused, or made to feel like a bully. My fat butt is on vacation right now, and I am in no mood to be a monster.

  49. Layna, let it go.

    Do I need to send victim services to your house?

    Seriously. Welcome to the internet.
    Not everyone agrees with you.

    1. Let's make weird spermless babies @jax <3

  50. Layna, I'm guessing your are still offended by Kats' incredibly insensitive comments from a week or so ago about New York banning the large soft drink cups. I don't blame you, they were very insensitive. But thankfully some other posters are here to tell you exactly how to feel.

  51. I don't know...Layna was quick to jump on me today over some of my comments about Madonna, for God's sake. There's some kind of saying about dishing it out and taking it, isn't there?

    1. Layna isn't getting enough attention at home.

  52. @Layna--If you're referring to my comment, all I was doing was defending katsm because I didn't think what you accused her of was true. I am not telling you how to feel nor disagreeing with your opinion of this post. My comment had nothing to do with the post, it had to do with your accusation. Read it again. Disagreeing and ridiculing/attacking someone are two very different things. I can't understand why some people cannot differentiate the two.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Gaga was the size she is now when she released Just Dance. Extreme partying of the Lohan kind caused her to lose a fair bit of weight, which she has now put back.

    I must admit I have grown tired of her since the Elizabeth Taylor trailer 'incident'.

  55. I'm purposely staying away from the Madonna thread(s).

  56. @Kats, you could let it go, too.

  57. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Did I say everyone had to agree with with me? Nope. So don't label a victim. It's an insult to actual victims. What a rude thing to say. But you won't see that.

    I can't differentiate no more than some can't see that katsm was being rude toward a certain group. It had nothing to do with Gaga. Hell, ol' precious might be Gaga for all I know.

    No, I don't need attention from home. I get plenty from out of pocket folks like katsm.

    1. I want to understand.

      Please. I'm not being mean or attacking. I just do not understand how anybody but Lady Gaga an her tactical ways, and maybe June from HoneyBooBoo (though she is self deprecating with regards to her outward appearance) is being offended, let alone an entire group.

  58. Anonymous2:28 PM

    And now I see where katsm made fun of me because I had mentioned that Andy Williams had died. What in the everlasting hell? Enty hadn't posted and the feed I got said it was just breaking. So fuck me with barbed wire for passing it along. Everyone couldn't have known because I didn't.

    I didn't know had I to back up an opinion. That's a first.
    Why should I keep my comments up to be mocked and swung at by the mob? I'm not a pinata, last I checked.

  59. 11:30 am too early for a stiff drink?

  60. Anonymous2:38 PM

    All I said, you lovely folks, is that Gaga couldn't possibly getting Junebug fat because what would be the motivation? It wouldn't help her career. I suggested that is insulting to fat people because no one would put themselves in the position to be ridiculed in such a fashion. Unless it's an actor gaining weight for a role, no one I know gets intentionally fat. katsm was insensitive to a group, and has demonstrated that behavior before. It's who that person is, IMO. They've expressed it in other threads.

    Gaga is calculating. And? Is THAT a news flash? Let's all applaud katsm for teaching us this fine lesson! She and every freaking celeb is conniving. Whoop-de-do, throw me a parade for figuring that out.

    Look, if you don't think it was insulting, fine. Not my place to tell you what to think. But I saw it differently, and don't need the projecting victim card thrown at me. That's below the belt.

  61. Ok thank you. I finally understand! Indeed, I don't think Gaga would be like Junebug unless she literally wore a "fat suit," and I wouldn't put it past her.

  62. That submitted before I was done writing, and now my comment box is off the charts. I'll take that as a sign it's time for me to move on. Thank you for explaining.

  63. Momster, CK76 - sorry, was busy all day - y'all still out there?? I got a hot lead off my fb feed - a friend of a friend's brother lives right behind the house Clooney is renting right now!! I have no idea how to get the 411 on the production schedule, but Momster, keep an eye on the paper and stuff. Let's meet back up here on this thread if we get any kind of intel.

    I'll keep y'all posted if I get any more scoop off of Facebook.

  64. I have ZERO time to do actual real-life set-stalking right now, but if they're still filming mid-October, that might change. I'd love to hear the inside goss, though!

  65. i do not believe these pictures are recent.
    i do believe everything single gaga does is by design.
    i'm ok w/ all of us drawing different conclusions. most likely the truth is lies somewhere in between.

  66. Jesus Christ - she still looks fine and slightly altered costumes will look better on stage.

    Don't be shocked in a couple months when she loses it all. However, at that point I firmly expect her to say "ate salads, sweated balls, it sucked and yeah now I'm thin again."

    Gaga wears on me a bit but generally I still like her. She's not a naturally skinny girl and I respect her enough

    Layna - stop defending yourself, not necessary. :)

  67. You fucking psycho. I was NOT making fun of you for posting that Andy Williams died. I was thanking you dumbass! Here's your soapbox unedited...

    Layna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    katsm0711: you may have intended to insult Gaga, but you insulted us fatties even more. And I don't think we've done anything to you as a group.

    I have yet to meet a person who gets fat so they can write songs and become a spokesperson. Your post shows why. If you want to think Gaga is calculated, so be it. It makes her no different than any other celebrity, but that's a matter of taste.

    But I cannot imagine that she would look for attention in this fashion, knowing how so many so-called enlightened people use weight as a means to degrade people for their own cruel desires.

    Layna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    I'm assuming that lovely moniker has to do with the Honey Boo Boo show.

    Layna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    People think making fun of fat people is fine because, according to them, we don't have any self control. So we deserve to be mocked.

    So what about the drug addicts, drunks, parents who beat their kids, teachers who belittle students who don't catch on as fast, or assholes in general? All things that can be controlled. While some of those things may leading to being ostracized, they aren't used as the last frontier for those who are close-minded anyway and will use any mechanism to stay that way.

    Layna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    So what if it's to sell records? Do you think that we on this board are so obtuse NOT to see that? That's the point, yes, Gaga is calculating. So is everyone else, famous or not.

    If you don't like Gaga, cool. But don't act all put upon because of it. It's par for the course. She's not exhibiting that the rest of society hasn't already demonstrated.

    And I would appreciate it if you DIDN'T MOTHERFUCKING YELL AT ME AGAIN! I can read reasonably well.

    Layna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    Katsm insinuated that Gaga was getting fat on purpose so she can write an anthem. My original post indicated that I know no one who would get fat on purpose, because of the stigma.

    Then katsm SCREAMED about it's not about me. I can read. Don't YELL at me over a blog. Reading comprehension for the loss, I guess.

    We understood kat the first 2928179183814 times: he/she doesn't like Gaga. Whatever. But don't bring anyone else into the mix. Funny how I get called out for projection on this topic.

  68. Enter youLayna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    Did I say there was only one form of discrimination? Who's projecting now.

    Gaga isn't trying out for some movie. I really don't see how gaining weight would help her career. For every person who says she looks fine, there's two who will call her fat.

    Just because you didn't hear something, I'm not supposed to? Thanks for telling me. what I should hear.

    Layna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    I didn't make my post about YOU, precious. You wish.

    You stated an opinion. I gave an opinion based on that. I thought that's what this blog is supposed to be about. But I suppose only the selected few can actually do that.

    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    Who cares what she weighs? She doesn't trade on her sex appeal anyway. The men she appeals to are mostly gay. So her body shouldn't matter at all. As long as she can make outrageous costumes to fit her whatever her size she should be fine. If this was somebody like Jessica Beal or Scarlett Johansson who are famous for having spectacular bodies, fine, talk about their weight. I never even noticed what Lady Gaga's body looked like because it's always covered in meat or some other bizarre substance.

    Layna Day
    has left a new comment on the post "Lady GaGa Talks About Body Issues

    I want to say how disappointing it is to give a thought-out opinion, only to have it questioned and ridiculed just because it doesn't correspond to your beliefs. To be considered a projectionist, but it be deemed OK for someone to project against one's statement because it doesn't blend it with the group's. To be cussed out because I had the *audacity* not to agree with how someone viewed a story.

    You say you're cool with opinions different than yours, but many of you don't act that way and will often take sides.

    You claim celebrities trivialize topics. Some of you trivialize the opinions of others around here. And that's worse. You don't want anyone railing on your beliefs, but feel comfortable doing it to others.

    It's disappointing and quite frankly, hurtful.

  69. I'm saddened to see where this post went. Can we try not to swear and yell at each other?

  70. @Kats, you are rude. I went back and looked at that Andy Williams comment. It was rude and uncalled for. I usually ignore your posts, the only time I read them is when I mistake your avatar for Jason Blue Eyes. And then I realize really quickly that the post is yours and I move on.

    Let this go. You are acting like a child.

  71. I WAS serious about the Andy Williams post. She posted it before it was on yahoo so I was like wow cool. And I'm done.

  72. Every day there is a new desperate confessional from Lady Gaga. I liked it when she was aloof and let people think she was a hermaphrodite. No comment, vague comments, few comments. Ahh, the good ole days.

  73. I feel bad for her. She seems so needy. What's she going to do when the fame goes away? She doesn't need anyone's approval re: her body. Fuck 'em.

  74. What the fuck is going on in here!!!

  75. What the fuck is going on in here!!!

  76. nettalovesrobin I think instead of 'spilling the tea' , it sometimes gets flung around.

    C'est la vie

  77. she looks great, but that is NOT the body of someone with an eating disorder. FACT. also, having an eating disorder "since 15"?? ummmm that takes a serious permanent toll on ur body, there's no way she could run around on stage, drink and do drugs the way she does without DIEING.

  78. Wow, I just read the rest of the comments above. You guys are nuts. This is LADY GAGA we're talking about here. She's an attention whore. If she really had an eating disorder, why hasn't she been talking about it this ENTIRE TIME?! lol

    She's full of shit 99% of the time and everything she does is calculated & manufactured.

    No need to argue about it; it's a fact.

    lol some of u guys are so crazy sometimes ;)

  79. We live in a culture where all girls are groomed, taught that their worth is only measured by male attention. That is one of the ways the patriarchy keeps women damaged(e.g. eating disorders, etc.).

    I only hope she saves the money she's making now and gets out of this evil and woman-hating industry. I wish her health and happiness.

  80. Also: WHO CARES WHAT MEN LIKE. Men bore me. Blah blah blaaaaaahhhhh.

  81. @zombiecrush - people with eating disorders come in ALL shapes and sizes. It is a common misconception that they are all tiny like high level arorectics.
