Tuesday, September 04, 2012

"Lies In A Different Font Are Still Lies" - Tom Cruise's Rep On Vanity Fair Story

I'm not sure what Tom Cruise's rep was getting at with that quote, other than the fact it sounds like maybe they got it from someone who had eaten a plateful of pot brownies and was into a shroom high and they were asked what they would say about Tom cruise and his searching for a wife after Nicole Kidman. Over the weekend, Paul Haggis commented on the whole situation and confirmed that Nazanin did go through everything that Vanity Fair alleges she went through and that he reached out to her when he was doing his own expose on Scientology and removing himself so publicly from the church he had supported so long. He told Showbiz 411, "I was deeply disturbed by how the highest ranking members of a church could so easily justify using one of their members; how they so callously punished her and then so effectively silenced her when it was done. It wasn't just the threats; they actually made her feel ashamed, when all she had been was human and trusting."

Yeah, so what are these different fonts? Is Scientology just tired of defending themselves because they know they are wrong and the rest of the world is right? At what point do they give up and admit the whole thing is a bust. I keep waiting for it to implode and all the secret files and auditing exposed and honestly, the greatest book the world has probably ever seen.


  1. Not going to help him, he has the Jack Reacher film coming out at Christmas and the trailer isn't very good as Tom is badly miscast. I know he wanted this part and made it happen but it doesn't look good.
    They really must think the public are idiots...

  2. "THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them."

    - L. Ron Hubbard, "Off the Time Track," lecture of June 1952, excerpted in JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY issue 18-G, reprinted in TECHNICAL VOLUMES OF DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY, vol. 1, p. 418"

    Control this, MGD and Karen Pouw!

  3. I am always disappointed when I find out that someone is a Scientologist, especially someone I previously believed to be a somewhat intelligent person. The more I learn about this "religion," the more I am amazed that anyone would fall for it. Do you suppose it's the need for acceptance, or inclusion in something bigger than yourself? I just don't get it.

    I believe that religion is a very personal issue and choice, and I respect other people's religious choices, but the fact that they call this a religion is flabbergasting. How did this even happen? How did Hubbard convince so many people about the aliens, thetans, and the such?

    And I know the Scientologists will say all religions include some degree of blind faith, but seriously, this is outrageous.

  4. @TV Junkie - if you read a lot of the confessions/stories from people who have left Scientology you'll see that at one point they were "lost", despondent, unsure of where they fit in... Scientology swoops in to tell them they have a purpose. That is the premise of most cults. It is by no means a religion of any sort. Just a brainwashing cult. They are given promises about 'changing the world' when all they are doing is cleaning toilets, giving up rights to their children, and having to see and be audited for hours upon hours.

  5. what @SalsaLover said - also we need to keep in mind that the crazy thetan alien aspects of the religion were initially only revealed at the end of the bridge to total freedom [if i remember well] i.e. at the end of a long path of OT levels.. by then you are either completely brainwashed, or you have invested so much into it you cannot even consider it being a scam.
    a little bit like farmville... LOL

  6. and this was the case until relatively recently - when the whole story of Xenu, the souls, the volcanoes, the nuclear bombs etc [OT VIII i think] got leaked to the media..


  8. I don't know any Scientologist, and I have never met one in Boston (that I know of). Are they clustered in LA and in Florida?

  9. TV Junkie, Most adult Scientologists found the religion before the internet age, before their BS 'origin story' was widely exposed.
    Yes, the prey on vulnerable people. (Cult 101) Scientology also requires you buy thousands of dollars in books, 'textbooks', auditing, etc, BEFORE you can achieve a high enough level to be entrusted with the Xenu story about the serious BS. So by the time the wondrous foundations of the Co$ were learned, a person was in so deep, with ALL their secrets on auditing tapes, with YEARS of their lives and thousands of dollars invested, SURROUNDED by other Scios---and if you were an actor, they help your career, and/or promise not to ruin it as long as you continue to give them money. Actually, they would threaten to ruin anyone in any career if they left, so there's some motivation there also.

    Now that the Xenu story can be read anywhere without the cost, effort, brainwashing, and blackmail of the Co$ goons, you notice their church is falling apart before our eyes.
    That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it. With the help of journalists and famous 'early defectors' like Marty Rathbun exposing the inner sausage-making, I think the internet has done a lot to destroy Co$. Today, when they hit up a kid on the street, that kid can google, and have a million reasons NOT to fall victim.

  10. @Amber LMAO! good thing I'd already swallowed my drink.

  11. There will be Helvetica to pay!

  12. Maybe I should watch out for black SUVs near my house....

  13. I still say one of the scariest things about Scientology are their nuclear bomb-proof mines where they bury their texts. In a few thousand years, someone could find them. You know... "Look! Ancient texts! It must be true!"

  14. Thanks for the clarification, Salsa Lover & Libby!

  15. The Paul Haggis articles in her support were wonderful yesterday.There's a lot of updates in the comments at V.V. Enty, please watch the info about Tommy Davis' status with Co$ as being unknown. That's worth watching, that would be huge.


  16. @agent what is V.V.?

  17. dj - Hopefully there will be a well-documented downfall of Co$ so when those are found no one will be confused! Sickos.

  18. Seachica -- that was perfect!

  19. As fir Tom being a nice person that simply not true, he's a bully but really had to control himself with Katie she dealt with him like an expert.

  20. LOL @Amber and @Seachica!!

    1. Yes, thank you Amber and Seachica. Because of you, I'm wearing coffee colored clothes today.

  21. @djphob The V.V. is the Village Voice which has done a lot of research on Scientology. It is all worth a read.


  22. djphob - vv is short for villagevoice - a blog who has documented a lot of the bad things Scientology has done over the years. Google it - they have very interesting articles..

  23. I agree! Coffee colored clothes for me today, courtesy of Amber and Seachica!

  24. <3 @Amber and @Seachica!! nailed it!

    I'm just praying the rumors of Tommy Davis has blown CO$ is true. He is a weasel he will spill secrets to make DM fall out of his booster seat.

  25. @dj, they will likely find a lot of dead bodies in those mines.

  26. I'm really curious about Tommy Davis too. But I'd be really surprised if he has "blown," as his mother is Anne Archer, long-time Scio, and he's married to Jessica Fishbein (sp?), a second-generation Scio as well, who was also Katie's handler.

    Maybe he's in the hole?

  27. I'm just jealous all of you have had coffee/tea. Hoping mine arrives SOON.

  28. As I see it Scientology isn't even really a religion but more of a philosophy and I don't get how people can actually believe about the thetans and Xenu and stuff like that; are they REALLY that gulliable?

  29. VV--Village Voice--duh! I've read a few of those articles. Guess I need more caffeine. Thanks all :)

  30. I'll have another cup for you Amber (sorry, I really do feel your pain!).

  31. I know there's no hope that Katie will write a tell-all, but I'm praying that Suri does. I'm willing to wait.

  32. Even better would be if Connor or Isabella Cruise blows and writes a tell all.

  33. Salsa Lover, I just read the article about Melissa Paris. This is horrifying! What the hell is wrong with people? The people treating kids like that must be sociopaths. I just want to go back in time and give that poor kid a much needed hug!

  34. @TV Junkie - Well, you can go to Ex Scientology Kids (Google it) and your heart will break even more. It is crazy...

  35. Well, as I stated on the other post about Naz the other day, I am a strong advocate against SCIENTOLOGY...

    Found an interesting article about Tammy Cruise...Nice read....


    I love the fact that the media is finally not afraid to publish facts about this cult...The cult is imploiding from the inside out.

    Seriously, where is SHELLY?

  36. anything cos says in part of the big lie. I dont think people are falling for their bullshit anymore, at least I hope so. Nothing in the world cld make me, or most people give up their children or harshly disicpline them under cos orders. screw them. Would love a suri tell-all. she looks a bit dark,she's the one to do it!!! wouldnt it be great if she is the one to bring the cult down?????????? gives me something to live for, lol

  37. I work with a Scio freak and she is so brainwashed. She takes a month off of work and flies to Texas and Florida almost every year for auditing. The weird thing is that she is also very involved in the Catholic church and her husband is not a Scio.

    I also knew a girl who was brought up in the "church" and lived in a compound. Her stories were heartbreaking. She finally got out in her early 20's but only after she had to leave her entire family because her husband was heavy into drugs and abusive to her. She was told if she divorced him (because you are not to sue a fellow Scio and divorce is a lawsuit) she would be excommunicated. She left and didn't look back. She has told me some scary shit!

  38. What happened to this woman? Is she still a ScienoNut?

  39. @Surfer: The correct spelling is Jessica Feshbach.
    Plus I agree that Tommy Davis won't leave as long as his mother stays with Co$. But he might leave his wife.

  40. Loving all the typeface puns!

    The wording sounds like it stems from an autocorrect fail that no one caught--i.e., the flack had meant to say, "Lies in a different *form* are still lies."

  41. Omg, did anyone see Barbara Walters go off on this today on the View?

    Today was their first live show of the fall season and they've been on vacation during most of the divorce so today Whoopi was goofing on it and pretending she used to be with Tom...and Barbara.went.off. about how all of these lies were in the press and that Tom was one of the nicest, kindest young men she'd ever met and none of the stories were true.

    I see a big Tom interview in Barbara's future.

  42. Isn't there anyone outside of Scientology in the Miscavige's world who would be interested/concerned enough to put out a missing person's report on Shelley?

    Then the police would have to investigate, wouldn't they? Or David M. would have to prove her whereabouts to them.

    Ok. So someone please file that report and maybe they'll be some action!!

    As for Tommy Davis, I would suspect he's been banished to the hole. He seemed waaaay too indoctrinated to try and escape.

    Would love to hear Paul Haggis' comments on these subjects!

  43. There is something I don't understand.

    Once you had been there for a while n paid the money etc etc, and they finally turned around n told you that it was all intergalactic robots and crazy, wouldn't you just go FUCK THAT and leave?

    I don't understand why people stick around!

  44. Apparent Amway (or Quixtar) also has numerous books and tapes members buy too to help them reach their full potential. I went to one meeting with a friend to be polite. Wow. Wackos.
    (in my opinion)
