Monday, September 10, 2012

Man Kills 16 Year Old Girl Who Was Going To Testify Against Him For Raping Her

There are some truly awful people in this world. A man from Texas was going to be on trial for sexually assaulting his babysitter who is now 16. He had told her that if she ever told anyone about him raping her he would kill her. Well, the man set up a fake Facebook account and pretended to be a teen boy who had a crush on her. At some point he convinced her to meet him and when she did, he shot and killed her. For more on the story or if the video does not display, click here.


  1. His babysitter, or the babysitter of his children? Either way, it's sick.

  2. How disturbing. RIP.
    I weep for this world. Sometimes I hope that there really will be paradise on earth.
    makes me so sad.

  3. She was the babysitter of his children. He molested her while she was babysitting.

    What a piece of shit scumbag. Men never want to take responsibiity of their acts. It's always about getting out of what they do, not taking responsibility for what they have done.

    At least he confessed I wonder if he was able to live with it would she of just been another teenager written off as a runaway and forgotten.

    So many forgotten children in this world, so sad.

  4. This is just so horrible. I have no words. :(

  5. Actually I do have words. This makes me so frightened for those poor children/adults who have been sexually assaulted because I feel like this will make them even more afraid to speak up. Big time sads, here.

  6. This is so disturbing, may she RIP.

  7. Omigosh, how awful!

    The newscaster at the beginning said she was murdered and left for dead. Have I misunderstood the meaning of "left for dead" all these years? I thought you had to be alive to be left for dead. Can one of you smart lovelies please set me straight on this?

    1. From all of my years of watching Law & Order, both terms are technically correct. He shot her, and she died from the gunshot wound, therefore he murdered her. However, it appears that she did not die instantly from the gunshot wound, hence "left for dead" (implying there was a chance she could have been saved had she received immediate medical attention). Hope that helps!

  8. Because it's so much better to be on trial for murder rather than rape. :P

  9. What a dumbass! Now he'll be on trail for the rape AND murder! I hope he gets put away for a long time! Poor girl and her family, I can only imagine how hard it was for her to work up the courage to testify, may she rest in peace.

  10. Mail online post the most depressing news. There's another story of a 30 yr old man giving a 15 yr old boy HIV. Some effin' sick people out there. Smh

  11. RIP Shania. Another wasted beautiful life. Prayers for her family.

    No words for this tragedy.

    *This I why I dream of having Black Widow's super powers. I would take care of these horrible men and make the world a better place*

  12. So messed up in so many ways. Also, I'm so glad that Facebook did not exist when I was growin up!

  13. /buries head in sand - Too much horribleness. :(

    VIPblonde, I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate that you just used L&O as a basis!

  14. dear texas,

    death penalty. you have it. and i'm ok if you implement it in this case.

    k, thx.

    1. he's being charged with capital murder so i'm sure they will seek it

  15. @VIPblonde, Oh, so both are correct.

    But can you be "murdered and left for dead?" In the same sentence? Murdered sounds like the life is gone where left for dead always seemed like life is still there and left unassisted to expire. I hate feeling like I'm misusing words.

    This news is terrifying. The lengths this monster went to to ensure that he ended her. Chilling.

  16. This is awful! A special place in hell for sickos like this!

  17. This is awful! A special place in hell for sickos like this!

  18. This is awful! A special place in hell for sickos like this!

  19. I hope he gets executed asap.

  20. Yeah chances are because this occured in TX he could be executed. Tragically he probably would have gotten 5 yrs for the rape. Just horrible for this girl's family. I cannot imagine their loss. First their child is raped and then murdered..And he PLANNED it~!

  21. I don't understand people these days. Here in Jax a 17 year old pled guilty today to the beating, sexual assault, and subsequent murder of a 13 month old baby he was babysitting. Hope there is a special place in hell for these sick bastards.

  22. If he, and these other sick shits dont go to hell, then i dont believe in anything.

  23. That poor girl, and her family and friends. I will never understand people who prey on others as if they were put here for their own amusement. She showed courage in speaking out, only to be victimized again. Tragic. :(

  24. I don't know why they seem so sure there wasn't an accomplice. He used a 17- or 18-year old boy's photo for the fake Facebook account, and somehow convinced her to get into the car -- she was a star runner. I know predators do all sorts of different things and who knows how he managed it, but I just can't imagine she would have gotten in if she had been paying any attention at all to the driver.

  25. There is so much sick premeditation in this case.

    Most criminals have a mother, sister or girlfriend / partner, and many have children. I would NOT want to be this dirtsandwich in the penitentiary.

    I hope the guards get "forgetful" and leave him with the general population regularly.

  26. As comedian Ron White says about Texas, they have an EXPRESS LANE in their death penalty process.

    Here's hoping they USE IT.

  27. I pray sometimes that, when I die, God will let me come back as an angel of vengeance for the neglected and abused, and let me slaughter the living HELL out of all sicko rapists, torturers and every other cruel, sick fuck out there.

    I'd start with that fuckwad President of Syria, for one.

  28. I haven't read the story yet, but prayers for peace for her poor family and friends.

    I'm interested to see what county this took place in - Dallas is used as a catch-all for this whole area, even by locals, but there are many little cities and counties all together in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Dallas county has had quite the ongoing scandal in the court system there - many people accused of murder later acquitted. I have no info on this terrible situation, but I wonder how it will all play out in the courts, in light of the death penalty abuses that have been exposed there. If it IS Dallas county.

    Off to the google.

  29. Texas do your job!

  30. Ugh. Life in prison, no possibility of parole. Death is too good for this fucker.

  31. so rather than getting 5 to 10 for sexual assault, child molestation,etc., now he'll get life and maybe even death penalty for murder? WTF was he trying to avoid, exactly?

  32. @Snapdragon, I agree...Many times, when the murderer realizes that he/she will be spending the rest of their lives in jail, they try to commit suicide, rather than face being locked up.

  33. noseygal48 , indeed, it is awful.

  34. I'm just sick about this... why, why, why, God?

  35. Something similar happened in our area a few years ago, (murder to shut up a teenaged sexual assault victim), but the assailant didn't only kill the child, he killed her mother, also... I'm so sad.

  36. Disgusting. May he rot in hell.

    Also, re "left for dead" I think he meant shot and left for dead. I don't think "murdered and left for dead" is correct.

  37. Bless you, little girl.

  38. ITA, Snapdragon. Child rapists/murders are the most despised of the prison population. Let the hardened criminals and gang bangers punish him for the rest of his life.

  39. I read this site backwards, from the most recent forward so the kittens make a lot more sense now....poor, sweet girl, thoughts and prayers tonight for her family

  40. @Shallowgal I thought the exact same thing. Instead of going to trial or a plea deal for rape,where he would have most likely gotten less time. He kills her, allegedly, and now might be facing the death penalty. There was similar case in NY where a woman was raped,threatened, and eventually murdered.

  41. RIP child!
    No words for the POS who did this!

  42. This disgusting animal has children?

  43. It's when I read things like this that the mom in me never wants to let my daughter out of sight.
    It's also when I realize that there's an evil part of my soul that wouldn't rest until I was sure that ba*d had suffered a thousand times as much fear, anguish and pain as he inflicted on this poor girl. The death sentence seems like letting him off easy.
    My heart and prayers go out for her and her family.

  44. What a sweet face.


  45. If he was set to be on trial how the fuck did he have access to her?! This is so sad.

    He was caught after he killed her though right? They do have the death penalty in Texas still ya?

  46. Agree with all the comments (and appreciate that L&O reference earlier!). This poor young girl. RIP sweet child. This is one of those crimes that is both sick in deed but completely dumb in reasoning. Rape your kids teen babysitter, expect to get away with it? Murder charge over that of rape? What kind of amoral idiot is this? Texas- do your thing. Put the DP to good use.

  47. Ditto to what Pookie said.

  48. Sigh and what really saddens me is that he lured her out by pretending to be a boy with a crush on her. I can't imagine what must have ran thru her mind when she finally realized what was going on. That poor poor girl.
