Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Miley Cyrus Wants To Be Tough So Bad

It is so very hard to shake that Hannah Montana image. Miley Cyrus is trying though. Whether it is her marriage proposal or wandering the streets of Hollywood in as few clothes as possible while "accidentally" being caught by paps or cutting her hair and telling the world how much she likes pot and peen on her birthday cakes, Miley wants you to think she is older and a bad person. Now comes her attempt at getting in a bar fight. Over the weekend, some guy accidentally hit Liam Hemsworth's chair at a bar. Liam got all upset because the guy said, "Sorry Chris," and the next thing you know Miley is all up in his business and shoves the guy and slaps him in his face, and does her best Pinky Tuscadero impression. No arrests were made, but the guy did file a police report on Miley. I bet she would love to be arrested and to have a mug shot on Google and have a criminal court appearance where she can talk about how the man is bringing all of us down and how she wants to fight the power before she goes home in her Mercedes to her multi-million dollar home and her staff of employees.


  1. She reminds me of when I was 15 and dyed my hair hot pink and acted like an uber bitch to anyone who interacted with me. Luckily I grew up

  2. Oh Miley .
    I've been on your side thru thick or thin.
    do you really want to be associated with Lohan and Bynes?

  3. Pinky Tuscadero, hahaha.

    This seems like a sort-of case of delayed teenage angst.

  4. I read about this last night and other reports said she got in between them to try and break it up. *shrugs*

  5. Guy should have reached back like a pimp and slapped the ho.

  6. Agreed, @Cathy. That's what I read too. It does seem, however, that Miley's struggling trying to "find herself." She's not the first kid to find that a tough chew, and she probably won't be the last, either.

  7. Did the guy call him "Chris" on purpose? That would be pretty ballsy....My bet would be that he was maybe confused though. Liam is big enough that most guys wouldn't piss him off on purpose.
    Would they?

  8. I remember when her parents let her live with a boyfriend when she was under 18 and I thought, this is not a good trajectory.

  9. I agree with y'all - growing pains. Thank God when I was a punk kid, people weren't all into calling the cops every time somebody got their panties in a wad. Jeez.

    rejectedcarebear, that's one cute babyperson you're showing off there - your niece, correct? Adorable :-)!

  10. Yeah, christ miley, just power down and be yourself.

  11. Frufra- yup that's my niece, thank you! I didn't get to see her this weekend so I'm going thru baby withdrawl!

  12. @lib - who knows why the males do what they do - as a female, I don't really get all that pride/disrespect stuff that causes the boys to fight - I'd be all, "whatevs, freak", and move on.

    HOWEVER, I must admit that I feel young Liam would be pretty darn hot all angry and riled up - that I'd like to see :-).

  13. I do feel sorry for the young stars for one reason. When I had a 19 year old identity crisis, it wasn't splashed all over the news and well documented. I'm glad I grew up in the 90's and was not/am not famous!!!

  14. Rejected cb - " ya gotta come see the baaa-beee" is all I can think when you say that - too many Seinfeld reruns!

    I wanna hold the little babyperson - so sweet!!

  15. You're right Frufra, I see bar tussles through a lens of sober logic: 'He's big, better not fight him' SEEMS like what would happen....but I forget these are young men, and alcohol's involved.

  16. "Miley's rep tells TMZ, "This claim is completely false and erroneous."

    Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2012/09/10/miley-cyrus-nightclub-fight-brawl-criminal-battery-suspect/#ixzz26AV0P0RK

  17. I feel for the girl, she will get through it and be okay though, it's part of life.

  18. While I think Miley is annoying, I do recognize that as a child/tween star she probably hasn't had a chance to be herself and figure out who she is. We all go to start working on that in our tweens/teens/20s - Hell, still working on it. She had to be a manufactured persona. I just hope she can pause and reflect on what she's doing before it's too late and she's just embarrassed.

  19. @EmEyeKay - yeah, if it were just Miley saying that she never threw a punch, that would be one thing, but it sounds like all the witnesses there are saying the same. The only person saying she hit them is the alleged victim, who is seeming more and more like he's just trying to cash in on her fame.

    Trying not to rant on everything - horrible horrible mood today.

  20. I kinda-sorta remember myself at 19and I'm shuddering. lol Gah! I was so very obnoxious but never got into fisticuff. Not sure why, cuz I woulda wanted to slap the *idjit* out of me.

    Miley doesn't bother me: the Lohans and the Bynes do. They're menaces doing all that drinking/drugging driving.

    And! I love her new look! I do! Reminds me of a baby Reese 30 years ago. lol

  21. What I'm curious about is why SHE would feel the need to stand up for her "man." I mean, really.....how embarrassing for Liam.

    If I were a guy, I don't know if that'd sit too well with me: my girlfriend feeling the need to protect me and pick a fight with another guy because she thinks I'm not man enough to handle my own business. What the heck??!!??

  22. Horrors! The typos!
    I woke up with a dreadful cold and to add insult to injury: a pimple in my nose. ;(

  23. Sorry, Cathy. Feel better.

    The guy is totally trying to cash in. Can you imagine a grown man making a complaint about any other 100-pound woman smacking him in a bar? Most would be way too macho to whine about such a thing. Unless of course, there's money.

  24. Wendy Rene: some guys just eat that shit up! They may be laughing, but they eat it up!

  25. Thanks, Libby! Most days I love my job, but when I'm managing a $100,000+ project and have incompetent people throwing monkey wrenches into what I'm already spending 12+ hours a day working on, it kinda pisses me off. But it's not good to strangle co-workers, regardless of how misinformed, incompetent and annoying they are :)

    PS - and I'm not being one of those people who tries to drag controversy from one post to another, but did you see the way the comments about the whole photo thing blew up last night, Libby?

  26. OMG...no. I almost NEVER go back to threads the next day...I don't have time...what happened? Do I want to know?

  27. Oh, Libby, I don't think you want to go there. Seriously. Totally off the chain.

    Cathy, I feel for you. Mr. Frufra is going through the same thing at work right now, and it is beyond insufferable. People suck.

  28. I am not going to say I am proud of it, since I am old enough to be her dad (barely), but Miley looks hot with the new 'do. Still a hot mess, but then again I have a long history of being attracted to crazy (I submit both my ex-wives as proof on this one).

  29. Haha Lucas, it's okay. Everyone has questionable taste sometimes ;P

  30. Do that many people dislike me, Frufra, is that it? Why so grave? Why would such a thing blow up so? What the hell have I done to deserve any of this, TWICE in 4 days?

  31. libby - like i said, i'm not usually one to drag drama from one thread to another, but since your name was involved, i thought you should know, in case you wanted to go back and defend yourself on that particular post (not here, of course).

  32. What on earth would I need to defend? Attack, attack attack....people need to get a new hobby. If you don't like me, scroll on by.

  33. At least she's clean...and doesn't drive around drunk/wasted...well, not yet.

  34. Well, I went back to read the thread, and here's the winning comment:

    yodelay said...

    I hope CDaN has its period soon. Because this damn PMS is a lame.

    7:33 PM

    Boom! No one else needs to go back now. This is the only part worth repeating.

  35. She needs a job before she finishes out the child-star trajectory and causes wrecks all over LA and shoplifts for an arrest. Put her on "American Idol" after Mariah needs a body cast and a hospital bed after she falls while wearing another mermaid dress too tight to walk in, with impossibly high heels.

  36. I just went back and read it, and was actually flattered that everyone was so nice.
    The one particular person in that thread, I already know she doesn't like me, and I just scroll scroll scroll past her too. Even in this very thread.

    You guys had me thinking it was really really bad! damn!

  37. This girl grew on me like wart on a foot and I really like her more for doing what she wants to do for once! I just hope she doesn't take this faux-grunge persona and think being bad is fun...(I'm looking at you Amanda!)

  38. I like you Libby :-)

  39. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Libby I love your comments, and you have been apart of this community for a long time. The " haters" can just get over themselves.

  40. Shucks, guys....sorry, cathy & Frufra shocked me, before I read the thread.
    LOTS of regulars here have gotten on my nerves, over the years in general, but I just try to remember to scroll scroll scroll...it helps everyone's blood pressure.

    Also, I am off-line every day for several hours, usually until 'Random photos', so I MISS all the drama, and am never there at the right time, lol!

  41. I think Miley could go on a meditation retreat at singer temple on a hill and that would break her image of Hannah! But yeah, she's just trying things out and as long as she doesn't drive drunk, I give her a pass.

  42. I have been a Miley defender recently, but I'm thinking that the punk image, the swapping of identities, and the anger is a big ol' cry for help. I'm not sure what's wrong, but this feels like it's going beyond regular teen angst.

  43. does her best Pinky Tuscadero impression -- OMG, I love you. Laughing so hard.

  44. So sorry, libby - didn't mean to give you a heart attack! Just as it was happening last night, it all seemed really over the top dramatic and totally unnecessary. I think Em summed it up perfectly :-).

    I'm totally with you, libby - it's not like these people commenting are in your home yelling in your face - just scroll on past if you don't like what someone has to say. It's just that easy. Or just log off and take the dogs for a walk or something. The interwebz is supposed to be for laffs, dude.

    The bru-ha-ha last night was just beyond silly, and I didn't want to endorse anyone feeling obligated to revisit it. That's all. Carry on. You know I love you, libs.

  45. The disturbing part of the story is Liam. A guy bumped your chair and called you Chris? Who cares? You win. You're young, hot, wealthy and a movie star. Who was that guy? Probably someone trying to be in your position but never will. Let that shit go, kid.

  46. @jane - i agree. i had always thought liam was maybe a stabilizing force in miley's life, keeping her from spiraling totally out of control. but if he's got rage issues, these two being together will not end well. this is why every chaos muppet needs to find an order muppet to spend their life with and vice versa.

  47. @Cathy: I'm stealing your chaos/order muppets, if you don't mind? Love it!

  48. jane--It's the same thing with LeAnn Rimes, IMO. She, with money, talent, and fame, should comport herself as ABOVE it. Trouble starts when she doesn't.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. @Cathy, i also like your chaos/order "muppet" analogy. That's how I knew my midlife crisis XH had lost his mind, he thought we were too "different". Duh, we always seek that which completes us.
    Yin/yang and the world keeps on spinnin....

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I feel sorry for her. She's trying so hard to prove she's tough and grown up. Not working. She's acting like a teenager.

  53. There's a whole theory behind it!!!

    I found this article so interesting and completely true:

  54. She's just being Miley y'all. ;)

  55. I do also have a soft spot for Miley as well as all spunky girls out there. (And yes, I'm talking to you Willow Smith haters from the other thread) I hope she doesn't go out of control in the bad way and eventually finds herself. And I hope her marriage lasts happily ever after. Squee!

  56. Jeez, even Enty has gotten the Helmsworth boys confused, but he could be drunk on a bacon/martini cocktail.

  57. love her, i really do, she's a Scorpio, there's no stopping her

  58. I don't see why Liam would be pissed at being called Christ, it's his brother! And dude is smoking hot, not like someone called him Quasimodo. Little inferiority complex maybe, a bit of anger at how he lost the Thor role to him maybe? All I know is, people mistake me for my sister all the time and we don't get in bar fights over it

  59. Lol! Chris, not Christ! What a weird autocorrect

  60. Also, I love Miley. That is all

  61. I like that promising to commit herself to one man for the rest of her life is listed as trying to make her look tough.

  62. All the Hemworth boys marry early. They have loving parents, who are still happy and together so it's normal for them to want the same thing.

  63. Sorry for typo. :(

  64. Just a quick comment -

    I think the guy probably just didn't know the difference between Liam and Chris. They are brothers and they don't look that different.

    Someone probably said something like "hey, it's that actor dude, what's his name, hemsworth?" And dude was like, "Oh, Thor."

    That being said, Liam is tall, but not big. I had the occassion to see him in person, just to walk by him, and he's actually very lean.

    I'm very good at marking a guys weight and I'd call him 6'3" 180, 190 tops.

  65. I read the guy was being a douche all night and ended up getting kicked out of the club. It's easy to imagine he got drunk and thought he'd be a cool guy punking a celebrity. I'm erring on the side of giving Miley the benefit of the doubt this time.

  66. I think you guys covered everything Miley. I just wanna say I'm glad no one jumped on your shit today Libby (in case you read this).

    And thanks EmEyeKay! Its been over the top here for a bit.
