Thursday, September 06, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS weight-challenged star, who’s now on a new health kick, is trying to get the iconic fast-food stand Pink’s Hot Dogs in Hollywood to pull the popular wiener named after her. The new vegan convert is demanding that the stretch dog loaded with mustard, onions, chili and sauerkraut come off the menu!


  1. idiot...sounds yummy

  2. Did the heart attack scare Rosie O'Donnell into eating healthy?

  3. That hot dog sounds so goood

  4. The google tells me this is definitely Rosie. Love the google

  5. Sunny! You are so good. I was about to googles but you are fast. :)

  6. Rosie, yes. I love a chili dog, but hold the sauerkraut.

  7. I'm vegetarian, but that sounds fantastical!!

  8. I've had's delish!

  9. Pinks is nasty. Was on the toilet most of the afternoon in my suite at the SLS a few years back.

  10. Wow, Rosie went vegan? Props! Just pulled up the pinks menu online, and "Rosie O'Donnell Long Island Dog" is a 10" stretch dog, topped with mustard, onions, chili and sauerkraut.
    Sidenote: Pinks has a Huell Howser dog! I love Huell and his stupid questions/observations!!

  11. sauerkraut ist sehr gut for you! it's just cabbage and some vinegar people, so chill out. add some mustard (zero calories and tasty), onions, mmmm... and really the only bad part is the hot dog. Maybe the chili is it's con carne.

    But if you're going to a hot dog stand, then don't complain about not eating healthy. I don't go to McDonald's to get Kale cleanse after all. I just don't eat there every day because you know, I have a brain.

  12. Rosie, huh? I guess her heart attack did scare her and I wish her the best of luck, but vegan is a hard path. Very, very restrictive. I tried it and I think I lasted 2 days. I bet she falls off that wagon, but hopefully will settle into a healthier way of life.

  13. Anonymous10:18 AM

    My dad always said that hot dogs were made of lips and assholes. When you hear that when you are three, it sticks with you. Forty years later, I still don't eat them.

  14. Rosie isn't exactly known for sticking to her healthy resolutions. She'll be ordering her namesake hot dog next month.

  15. Rosie is such a turd. That bitch just isn't happy unless she's barking about something. It's a fucking hotdog, Rosie. Get over yourself. Be glad people desire something with your name on it.

  16. Rosie seems as if she is the type that has to go to the extreme with whatever she does.

  17. Why label this a blind if you can find the answer on the Pink's menu? Dumb, dumb, dumb.

  18. I thought it was Jessica S. Her hanger-on guy had her go vegan. Didn't know Rosie was going that way too.

    From a family member who worked in a meat packing plant...he said they all knew what went into hot dogs - everything but the squeal.

  19. @Texshan - ha! I've heard the old lips and assholes routine many times myself - and yet I still love hot dogs :-).

    I ate tons of hot dogs and bologna when I was pregnant - the prohibition against that type of thing (listeria fears, I believe?) when preggo came out after my kids were born. We used to joke that our kids are composed primarily of junk meats :-).

  20. I've heard the "lips & assholes" thing too.

    My reply: Then lips & assholes taste damn good!

  21. @Frufra: I ate bologna & deli meat sandwiches nearly every day with my pregnancies too. I wasn't gonna give that up. For chrissakes I gave up alcohol for those bitches, that's quite enough! *wink*

  22. From the Rooter to the Tooter

    I'm delirious

  23. Rosie it is! If you go to their menu, it is there under "Super Specials". Good for her!

  24. Doesnt matter what they call it, just dont eat it, lol

  25. They can put a veggie dog on the menu--that would actually give people a non-meat option for dining at Pink's.

    Giving up meat is not as hard as you think it is. Once you change your eating habits your tastes change, and so do your cravings. I don't think I can ever go vegan, because I do like real cheese, but if I had a heart attack, I could.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Boo Pink's, yay Skooby's.

  28. Yep, dogs are lips n'assholes. I don't eat meat and I don't want anything that tastes like a hotdog period. Blech!

  29. I was vegetarian for years and I loooved those Morningstar Farms Corn Dogs! I didn't care for MF's veggie hot dogs because they were always slimy but the Corn Dogs totally rocked.

    But back to the topic: Yeah, Rosie needs to shut her hot dog hole and bleat about something else.

  30. rosie loves lips and assholes!!!

  31. I agree with those who commented that it should just become a veggie dog: same topping, tofu wiener, veg chili. High in sodium but still healthier. Go Ro!

  32. Omg, you guys had me giggling so much on this thread. I needed it!

  33. Lips & Assholes is from Candy & Ackroyd's 'The Great Outdoors'. Remember the racoons?

  34. Lips & Assholes is from Candy & Ackroyd's 'The Great Outdoors'. Remember the racoons?
