Friday, September 14, 2012

New York City Passes Soda Ban

So long Big Gulp. Farewell, Super Size drink from McDonald's. Auf Wiedersehen my huge movie sized drinks to go with my giant buttered popcorn. Goodbye Slurpee. Apparently the city of New York thinks people drink way too many drinks over 16 ounces that are bad for them. So, they are banning them. Notice though they are not banning my ability to buy 25 boxes of candy or to refill my 16 ounce soda 25 times or to ban cigarettes or booze. Nope. Just drinks larger than 16 ounces that contain sugar. The only exception? If they contain more than 50% milk, because you know, milkshakes are so healthy. They are on every diet. Beginning March 12th sugared beverages will be limited to 16 ounces at most restaurants, concession stands, movie theaters and other eateries in NYC. I don't think this will fight obesity at all.


  1. While I don't understand why anyone would drink that much soda, or drink soda, period, I bristle at people telling me what I can or cannot do! Grrr...

  2. This is so stoopid.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I love that as a country we insist on prohibiting things instead of teaching personal accountability. Banning things does not makes things simply go away. Look how successful Prohibition was...

  4. They really should be worrying about things more important than this shit! It's called moderation/self control - 8oz is more than enough. people are such gluttons and then they wonder why they get called fat!!!

    1. If u can name all the "ingredients/chemicals" in your beloved coca cola then u deserve the 32 ounce death trap. That is, if you aren't grossed out enough to actually ingest the toxic poison.

  5. Big Brother Nanny State gov't regulations banning and controlling everything again. So now it's a war on obesity, go after the fat people....what next, will it be illegal to be ugly, too?

    1. Ugly people don't clog up doctors waiting rooms and pay for doctors golf outings and FDA mansions because of their endless cycle of prescription drugs that make them fatter but the government loves bc it makes them money and makes Americans dependent on them bc the government will pay for your antidepressants and Vicodin and then we won't protest the government because we are so addicted to the brainwashing.

  6. Exactly! Has banning something ever fixed anything or taught anyone self control? When I want to be fat I will ...and when I want to be skinny (ok average) I will!!

  7. "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!"

    Bloomie, you're not Patrick Henry. Stop interpreting and dictating to the poor (the 'former' working class). Follow the money on this one, folks:)

  8. Glad I can still get a 32oz Margarita!

  9. They didn't actually ban soda - they just banned selling cups for it that are over 16 ounces. I really don't see how this is such a big deal; if someone wants more than 16 ounces of soda, then they can use their legs to walk over to the dispenser and refill their cup. No one is taking away their freedom to do that.

    1. @cathy it's promoting exercise!

  10. It's more government intrusiveness b.s. This is exactly the kind of nonsensical, control freak, do-gooder garbage that drives people absolutely up the wall.

  11. Actually Enty can still get a big gulp it does not apply to convenience or grocery stores. Just take out and restaurants. It's actually more so a way to make money rather than fight obesity.

    This is because while you can only buy a 16 oz drink. Nothing stops you from purchasing multiple 16oz drinks to consume the quantity you're accustomed to. In this economy, people will surely do so, or perhaps just drink more frequently. Which either is still a profit gain.

  12. Well, luckily this is a city bylaw, imagine if it was a country wide one.
    Sometimes I think politicians create these silly laws to take away focus from the real issues they have no clue on how to tackle.

  13. Buy one 16 oz soda get the second one for $0.01!

  14. I love it. I can't wait to see a fat person try to balance their supersized extra value meal along with 5 tiny 16 ounce sodas which then spill all over her plus sized clothes. Maybe THEN she will want to make a change in her life? Soda isn't even food. It's so disgusting. I'd rather see proper nutrition education in schools rather than the bullshit government food pyramid which is just propaganda if u look at how it said we needed so much grain in our diet but I'll take what I can get and still hope that America loses its embarrassing rank of one of the most obese nations in the world. Can we ban wheat next? Please???

  15. Does that include diet soda?

    Agree - the government needs to get out of our lives in such an intrusive way. It's all about personal responsibility.

  16. Can we be honest here regarding what this is all about? It's just making money off of people...if someone wants a larger soda that means they buy more than one drink therefore more sales tax. Doesn't seem like much but it adds up. If you pay more attention to the laws that states pass, it is to help make up for shortfalls in state or local tax level. Such laws include seat belting pets in cars, the red light camrera in school zones in Chicago, etc, etc. And of course rolling it up in such BS propaganda telling people that it is "good for them". Really it is good for the taxing bodies.

    1. Raising the cigarette tax got many people to cut down or quit. Myself included and my friends mom who smoked FIVE packs a day.

  17. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "I love it. I can't wait to see a fat person try to balance their supersized extra value meal along with 5 tiny 16 ounce sodas which then spill all over her plus sized clothes. Maybe THEN she will want to make a change in her life?"

    As one of the fat people that you just stereotyped, I can tell you we don't spill our sodas. Nope, we love them too much and they cost too much for us to spill them. That's for your skinny folks.

    1. That's a shame. I'd love for you to experience life healthy. As a former size 18 I can tell you there is nothing like it!

  18. I love POP (we say pop in my neck of the woods, but most call it soda) and I'll drink it always. Never diet tho, id rather have extra calories than the nasty after taste of fake sugar. I love that places have the extra flavor shots too, is it wrong to add cherry to cherry coke? If it is, i don't wanna be right.

  19. @Susan, I believe Diet Sodas were specifically excluded from the law. Thank god for me and my Diet Coke addiction. Hell yeah, I get me one of those 64 ounce cups at 7-11.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. How lazy does someone have to be to buy two 16 ounce sodas instead of buying one 16 ounce soda and walking over to the machine for a refill once they finish it? Seriously, if someone is that lazy, then they deserve to pay more.

  22. No one needs a soft drink that big. The cups are banned but the soft drink isn't. If you need that much Coke, figure out a way. But as long as dumbasses continue to sue McDonalds and the like for their obesity, people won't take any accountability so measures like this might be necessary. I love my Diet Coke but when I go to a movie theatre and get the popcorn/soft drink special, it's ginormous and I dare not finish it because I'll have to pee 1,000 times if I did.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Since I rarely drink soda its hard for me to understand why anyone would want 32 oz of any sugary beverage.
    But if chocolates next I protest..

  25. @theBlackCat, ITA.

  26. @Katsm-

    Perhaps you would be happier reading and commenting on skinny gossip

    Your attitude is disgusting, and I hope you learn some compassion.

    1. Until u can name every ingredient you're ingesting, and how it makes your body feel, you are doing horrible damage to your beautiful body that you only get one of.

    2. I'm not fat, but I gues I'm dumb, because I don't understand what you mean by knowing every ingredient you ingest and how it makes you feel. What?

  27. It's not what they are banning, it's the principal. It is a person's right and choice to make decisions on their own without someone telling them what they should eat, drink or do with their life. And it always starts small. Give them enough time and they'll add something else that "they" think is "bad" for you to the list.

  28. @Lurky Loo - excellent analysis - made me look at it in a different way.

  29. "Super Size" has been gone for years.

  30. How is this gonna stop anyone from ordering more than one?! Sugar junkies will pay for their fix!

    1. Exactly. Which will give NYC more money via taxes....

  31. @Katzm - FUNNY!!! Yes, the government knows that they will spill all 5 of the small drinks, hence, they have to buy
    more = more taxes!!! LOL!!!!

  32. @Lurky Loo - I don't really see how this relates to the examples you mentioned. In each of those examples, law enforcement can ticket individuals for their actions, which yes, does result in revenue. While the individual restaurants MIGHT make money off of this (if people really are lazy enough to order multiple drinks in lieu of getting a refill), it's not like cops will be going around ticketing people in some way.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Stupid law.

    I just love coming here when there's some self-righteous person coming down on overweight people. Judge not.

  35. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Experiencing life happy and without judgment for others is just as important as experiencing life healthy.

    Food for thought from a fat girl! Pass the Tab soda, please.

  36. Cathy,

    States and local govts make money off of more than just ticketing. It's called sales tax and any local taxes added on. There is more than one way for states and local govts to make money and they are out to do it.

    With regards to your refill comments, this is just the first step. If people don't scream too much about the initial ban they will add on to it and pretty soon you won't be able to do refills, they will be behind the counter like they used to be.

    And for people who think they are safe with diet soda, your day will come too. There are incresing studies proving that articfical sweetners make people even hungrier so of course lawmakers will somehow seize upon that and include that in the ban too.

    It's how govt works. They will move in increments to see how loudly people protest and then move to the next step. With more and move people defaulting on mortgages, not able to pay property taxes, you are pretty naive if you think the states aren't going to get their income somehow. Of course to, it depends state by state and how their taxing bodies work.

  37. I would just like to state that for me, this is not about coming down on overweight people. I know plenty of skinny people that drink tons of pop too. With this law, no one is saying you can't drink more than 16 ounces - they're just saying that the cups can't be larger than 16 ounces; people are still able to get a 16 ounce cup and refill it five times if that's what floats their boat.

  38. I'm a New Yorker and I'm honestly more concerned with the 99 cent Arizona iced teas. I see school aged kids going to the bodega every morning and getting a donut/croissant for breakfast and a 23.5 oz Arizona iced tea that costs 99 cents.

    Why is junk food so much more accessible? Healthy food needs to have a lower tax so it's incentive for people to buy healthier.

    1. I agree, they need to make healthy food more affordable instead of banning things! The first things you see when you enter the bodegas in NYC are the cheap, unhealthy snacks!

  39. I gave up tonic (soda) that's what we call it in these parts:) about 3 years ago, I am not fat at all - never have been - they used to call me Olive Oyl when I was young! But, my point is I am 5 pounds thinner because of it!!!

  40. Spoons and forks made me fat; I think they should ban those too.

  41. @Katsm0711: Who pissed in your cereal this morning? Should we also all get together here and declare this "hate speech" and then come after you? I think the point is regulating what people choose to or choose NOT to eat. It's a personal liberty. As someone who find cola's toxic and never drink them, find the cig tax a good deterrant to smoking (although not enough for me)I am offended at someone dictacting what is good for someone else. I'm going there guys!!! IT'S A SLIPPERY SLOPE. There, I used the cliche and I'm not sorry.

  42. LOL ah people crack me up. Is there really ANY need for a freaking BIG GULP? I mean really, what exactly is being taken away here? Think about it?

  43. Wow Kats, I'm impressed you get a wifi signal all the way up there on your pedestal.

    I'm not for a ban on soft drinks because then where does it stop? But banning a ridiculously large cup is not exactly a ban on one's civil liberties.

    I'm more irritated by Toronto banning plastic bags - and I don't even live there.

  44. Katsm- I hope everyone looks tiny and frail from the heavenly cloud in which you lay, you holier than thou jerk.

  45. Some parts of Los Angeles are banning plastic bags too - we call those "places we won't shop.". Simple.

  46. Such elitist Manhattan viewpoints?
    This is a way to tell day laborers goodbye... from Manhattan and the boroughs. They're not sitting at a stool where they get up and get a refill. They buy this crap to sustain them all day, and possibly get a refill elsewhere. Just sayin'

  47. @A Gypsy, I so agree. I read somewhere that sugary high carb foods are cheaper to make, therefore, more accessible to lower income people. It's pretty awful that lower income people are preyed upon in a sense and forced to eat lower priced and lower nutritional food.

  48. Anonymous9:09 AM

    LOL @moondancekat! Plates and bowls should be outlawed, too.

  49. @ AGypsy ... you are so correct about those Arizona Ice Teas.

    Also, it's not New Yorkers. It's our New York Mayor Bloomberg who makes his own rules who decided this.

  50. Lurky Loo,

    Thank you so much for explaining this to me. I had always wondered what that extra money added to my total at the bottom of my receipt was!

    But here's the thing - larger drinks tend to cost more money. So while some people may buy a second drink, the majority will just stick with a smaller drink than they would have bought bought.

    Here's a simple example: Let's say that 16 ounce drinks are $1.50 and 32 ounce drinks are $2.00, each with a tax rate of 10%. Once they eliminate the 32 ounce size, I'd estimate that MAYBE 10% of people will buy two drinks (and that is being generous). For every 100 people that would have purchased 32 ounce drinks, the total tax would have been $20 ($2.00 x 10% x 100). Under our new model, the total sales tax would be ($1.50 x 10% x 90) + 2($2.00 x 10% x 10) = $13.50 + $4.00. That comes to $17.50 per 100 people, which is 12.5% less tax than they were getting beforehand.

    You can argue with me about the math all you'd like, but please keep in mind that I make my living working as a statistician who analyzes consumer purchase behavior.

  51. (and yes, I admit that I am a HUGE nerd)

  52. Great, a reformed fatty thinking they can insult people into a healthier lifestyle. Nothing like a overzealous convert to derail a useful discussion. Extremists of any sort are nails on a chalkboard.

  53. Legislating health now are we? There should be sweeping changes then and McD's should be one of the first on the chopping block.

    This is nothing more than a grab for $$- I'm sure some people buy a large drink and share with the view it's a 'splurge' calorie wise. In no way will this deter people from making lifestyle/health changes..

    It irks me to no end that we don't encourage and educate about health and good whole food choices with incentives/price breaks/accessibility and instead focus on ridiculous practices such as this.

  54. Nobody is preyed upon unless they are a helpless human that can't think for themselves.Just ridiculous to insult human beings with this nonsense and this legislation.

  55. This is America. If I want to overindulge on a huge soda I should be able to do so.

  56. Mayor Bloomberg outrages me.

    I just find the whole big-drink ban ridiculous because honestly, when does it end? Who is he to tell me what I can and can't drink. In addition, he's fucking with businesses which in turn impacts employers, employees and our in-general shit economy right now. This is coming from a gal who DETESTS soda. Haven't drank the crap since I was a drunken college girl. Gave it up for Lent and haven't had it since for almost 20 years. Eek. I'm old.

    But his calorie listing requirements and the whole formula thing really irk me in every last way. Government, please get the hell out of my life.

  57. @ katsm0711 - I'm sorry but you're an idiot. Ex smoker huh? Explains a lot. You quit your unhealthy vice now you judge everyone else on theirs. Get a fucking life. I might not be giantly overweight but I love a soda now and then and I don't give a shit what's in it. Everything in moderation. I guess you never put one single tasty, unhealthy thing in your body once in a while? No wonder you're pissy.

  58. Katsm- please don't leave after reading this thread again. I see your point and everyone elses. I don't drink soda but my bf's mom does. When she stays here I can hear the pop of a can at 7am, diet pepsi no less. She has skin cancer and is in chemo regularly. It really CAN destroy your body.

    That being said. This is America right? Then let the people drink their 64oz cola!! That's their choice.

    1. Wow u read my mind smashbash. I'm obviously pissed at the Heath of America but I just realized I'm not directing my anger correctly. I won't post my long boring story but what I've learned is that we are being brainwashed into buying food that's affordable and quick to eat bc we are all in such a hurry trying to work to support ourselves and maybe families. I've been given horrible prescription drugs that turned me into a vegetable that could barely get off the couch for years. I don't know what made me realize it was the prescriptions doing it. I said goodbye to my rheumatologist and thanks for giving me steroids that left me needing a hip replacement at age 30. Since seeing naturopaths I've learned that my autoimmune disease is completely controlled by toxins and diet. I think I'm pissed at my family bc as I'm trying his I'm tearing up. After all the awful things they've seen me go through from idiot doctors who just prescribe meds that made them money without finding the root of my illness, my dad still eats garbage, weighs over 300 pounds and has about 20 prescriptions on his nightstand. A sister is on unneeded (yes I am sure she is not depressed, she's suffering from the mom syndrome where she does nothing for herself but only for her family just like our mom) and she's now 200 pounds and sad. Im on a quest to be paid free and I'm learning that it's toxins and food allergies. I'm doing a million times better than I was and I finally decided to have my hip surgery even though I fought like crazy with physical therapy and obviously diet which cut down on inflammation. If u see the movie Love And Other Drugs it shows how our medical system is horrible and brainwashes us. I'm mad at the government for making fast, processed food cheaper than whole foods and allowing wheat to be put in every processed food which makes it addicting and gives u a belly. I won't get started on cancer. I just want people to see that diseases are caused by your lifestyle and the government doesn't care about us. I'm so sorry to everyone I offended which is probably everyone. All I want is for people to love their beautiful body and to only put wonderful things into it tht make you thrive. You only get one body and it loves you! Its beautiful that whatever harm u do o your body, it fights to keep u alive in ways we don't understand. I can't explain the incredible electricity I feel after eating sprouts. I feel ALIVE and I want everyone to feel that. I do need an Internet real though bc I've noticed that when I spend too much time on it I get angry and don't direct my anger correctly. But seriously, last week in class I tried to dissuade my teacher from McDonald's chicken nuggets by telling her all 43 ingredients in them and that they r 40% chicken. I just wish people would understand the correlation between what u eat and what u feel. I also think I've been angry bc I started a detox and the dose is probably too high. You're really nice smashbash, thank you. One of my drs was telling me about Buddhism n I think I need to look into that. Maybe it'll calm me.

  59. Urban chaos, Agent*it & KPeony, right on! I am soooooo in agreement with you!

  60. moondancekat , don't let this Soda Ban become your"Big Fork and Spoon":)

  61. I wonder if you can still get a big-size unsweetened ice tea? That's my go-to drink right now and I usually get a big one at McD's since it is only a dollar and they have the good foam cups that keep it cold and I nurse it all day long when I work in my office.

  62. However, you CAN still buy 2 or 3 or 4 seperate sodas....
    So dumb

  63. We all have different things we like. Some of us lime diet soda or tea or regular soda. I think we should all be able to eat or drink what we want but also express our opinion. I am not overweight anymore but skinny does not always mean healthy. Not for me anyway.

  64. I, too, bristle at being told what I can and cannot take/do/ingest/whatever, BUT I also do not want my already high-enough Health Insurance bills to go up and up and up and up and up ad infinitum because of people who can't control themselves.

    The grossly high amount of heart disease, diabetes and obesity even in KIDS these day is not getting any better on it's own.

    I say good for Bloomberg, and good for the FLOTUS for at least trying.

    At this point, many of us older adults in the USA might really outlive (or at least out "quality-of-life") our kids, nieces/nephews and grandkids because of their shitty as hell diets. Friggin' mothers giving toddlers Mountain Dew...GYAHH!!

    A client with a lazy wife kept me way late on an appt recently and, when I mentioned needing to get home to cook dinner, he said "just take them McDonalds." Jeebus.

    I am with @Car54 though--I go to McD's to get unsweetened Ice Tea. Our Subways also have it.

    Otherwise you cannot even get unsweet tea in a convenience store. Even Arizona Teas, etc. have diet flavors and simply refuse to offer unsweet ANYthing.

    Disgusts me.

    \rant over\

  65. Ha ha *like
    There probably is lime diet soda though

  66. Or will McD's now posting the calorie counts make anyone stop eating a Big Mac and large fries (1,000 calories!!!) several times a week? Probably not. But again--it's a start.

    Plenty ways around not buying a giant-ass Big Gulp. People should be using reusable/permanent drink cups anyway.

    Or, move down south here! Take away Big Gulps here and we'll be seeing some rioting.

  67. I think most people are not mad about the ban on the soda-pop ( didn't want to leave anyone out) it's more about the audacity for the mayor to make useless band-aid laws in the name of better health instead of addressing the real issue and taking productive steps towards educating children in school, providing cheap healthy options for poor families. If this works out in New York, other states will start to adopt it...

  68. Plastic grocery/shopping bags have been outlawed here for a couple of years now. It's saving a shitload of marine life and keeping the litter WAY down.

    A lot of things are actually good in multiple ways, after the initial bitch fest is over.

  69. Welcome to the Nanny "State"

  70. The fat shaming and misrepresentations in some of these comments is disgusting.

  71. Lol when I went to NY one of things I noticed was that some of the drinks were absolutely mahoosive, never seen anything like it.

  72. I personally don't care one way or another about the Big Gulp ban. I don't necessarily think that it will solve the obesity crisis in America, but it could (read: possibly) make people think twice about drinking so much soda at one sitting. But then again, we Americans are so headstrong about our personal choices, consequences be damned.

    What I don't understand is why American companies such as McD's continually feed Americans garbage when overseas they produce quality food. Has anyone ever been to a McD's overseas? They don't use additives, come up with monthly burgers/sandwiches, have vegetarian/non beef options, and when they do use beef, it's real beef not crap. Plus, they don't overload drinks with additives that make people sick. I remember when I was a kid, I used to eat McD as a treat once in a while, now, I simply cannot eat it because I will get sick. But overseas, it's fine. This applies to all fast food chains here, and have you been to a city grocery store in the U.S.? Good luck finding fresh vegetables, if you can unless of course you go to Whole Foods and spend most of your money.

    There is obviously no easy solution to this, but I wonder why Americans put up with this? Why are we ingesting things that harm our quality of life? This goes beyond soda, but involves everything we eat at stores, restaurants, everywhere.

  73. @Selena, in one of the malls in my city, an A&W posted the calorie counts on its large, picture menu. Although I know it's fattening, I like a Mama Burger every now and then. Seeing the calorie count on the menu made me walk away. It may not deter everyone but it deterred me.

    Baby steps. The drinks aren't banned, just a ridiculously large cup, that's all.

    I'm thinking of the most recent Honey Boo Boo episode and their dinner of "sketti" (ugh), margarine and ketchup. Good God, that's ignorance.


  74. Oh Kat, the irony-you just got personalized hate thrown all over you in response to a generalized off-color joke (at least that's how I read it). Sorry for you :)

  75. oh good god! The major hospital here banned all sugary drinks but is packed full of beverages with artificial sweeteners which isn't any better!

    If *they* are going to fight the war on obesity then start with the US food supply, get rid of the GMO, the high fructose corn syrup, the overuse of wheat as fillers and thickeners, stop feeding cattle grain and get them back to the land. Promote local farms over corporate farms, and the list goes on.

    and maybe do more to educate people on healthy portions, let them decide for themselves whether or not they want it.

  76. @Ash-agreeing with you! I could not get over the small list of ingredients on say, coca cola, over in the UK-no artificial crap, sugar instead of HFCS and it tasted like the coca cola of my childhood! I photographed ingredients lists on several food products just to show people back here how different it is, love that it was free of artificial everything in most of their goods I bought.

  77. @selenakyle Actually, I really like getting the Tradewinds green tea. They sell them in 99 cent cans now too. There's nothing in the ingredient list that I can't pronounce and it's made with actual sugar. White sugar probably, but it's a step up from GMO corn syrup in my opinion. I can't stand unsweetened tea, I think it tastes like butt.

    Ive weaned myself off of pop, except for the occasional ginger ale when I've hit a weight loss mark and I want to reward myself. Even then, the bloat afterwards and the lethargy always makes me wonder WTF I drank it in the first place. I can't afford to see a doctor, so it's all about the preventative maintenance for me lol!

  78. I just get mad because the small drinks (the REAL small drinks) aren't available. You have to order a kid's meal to get a drink that size. Seriously, if you are going to indulge in a soft drink, that's a good size.

  79. Screw losing weight, think of the money you'll save on dental bills! I'm not a fan of soda anyway as I can almost literally feel the sugar it leaves on my teeth, and I'm kinda freakish about my teeth...

  80. @pilly- indeed, from cradle to grave.

  81. Good Lord, diet pepsi doesn't cause skin cancer!! I mean, really??? Maybe it was that big glowing ball in the sky she exposed herself to for so many years.

  82. I don't care about the size,I don't get the giant sodas because I can't drink them fast enough to keep them from getting watery from the ice melting. I just don't like the fact that this is one more thing the government is getting involved in. They stick their nose into everything these days. I think America stopped being the land of the free a long time ago.There are so many laws these days that we didn't have when I was a child. And I managed to grow up healthy happy and safe without them.

  83. KatsM, NTW. Research how to eat like a diabetic and you'll have a great tool to use. Suzy Cohen is a great source of knowledge, she specializes in natural medicine. Try deep breathing exercises and use 'notepad' before you comment, it will save you stress:)

  84. If you care about this, you have some major issues.

  85. @katsm: Thank you for your explanation. That was more clearly understood and while you loooove brussel sprouts (as do I-no bacon please) some people are "super tasters" and they are a horrific thought as a meal. Point is, teaching and educating is one thing. Pontificating is another. NOT saying you were. But we all can benefit from knowing the difference but, better still, respecting peoples choices. We cannot save everyone, only ourselves and by setting examples (including kindness towards those different) can we truly effect change. Buddhism will tell you first:"Life is suffering"..Understanding the rest is up to you.

  86. Oh and also Katsm, wanna read a truly horrifying book about the messed up medical industry? Read "Trust Us: We're Experts" shudder...

  87. I've gone back and forth on this one. I do think it's over-reaching, but on the other hand, why does anyone need to consume all that?

  88. Thank u Sherry and Agent! I'll pick up those books! I promise I won't post much more (or I'll use notepad, brilliant Agent!) but I feel that it's not so much a personal choice to eat processed fast food. I feel our government is forcing the bad stuff down our throats bc it's cheaper and the twisted studies like the recent one that said organic food is no more nutritious than non organic food. I honestly feel that if people were educated (I only learned out of desperation like I mentioned) they would see the light and realize that bad food leads to prescription drugs and disease.

  89. Fathead---available on Netflix (and Hulu I think) it, you'll laugh and learn

  90. Seriously, this is ridiculous...way to spend tax dollars on stupid legislation. It's called freedom. Since when is it illegal? I swear, if I didn't know better I'd swear that this was proposed by the restaurants who want to have people buy more soda.

  91. First: smashbash if your bf's mom is in chemo and soda is her vice, I seriously doubt that gave her cancer. Give her some relief (and slack)
    (pops a tab)

    Not too worried about this passing here in Texas. Even if it did we are 'grandfathered' with the local gas station. We bought a couple of 100 oz plastic cups/mugs a while back (when the freezer was acting up..just wanted ice) and have free refills for life. YAY!

  92. I LOVE my 64 oz Cola Slurpees! I live for them.

  93. ABlake- you don't get skin cancer from soda. I wasn't implying that.

  94. This is so dumb. The person can just ask for multiple 16 oz drinks then, no?

  95. I think it's good - it's not telling people what to do really. It's just decreasing cup sizes.

  96. That organic food study was correct. Organic foods do not have more nutrients than non-organic. The study did not address the level of pesticides & additives; which is reason most people buy organic. Pointless study? Yes. But factually correct.

    Before I moved to prison nursing, I was in public health & in charge of obesity prevention programs for youth. I quit in frustration because all of the programs that are being disseminated are ineffective and EVERYBODY knows it. But we (government,the medical community, well-meaning do-gooders) just keep reiterating the same crap even though we know it's having zero impact (I'm looking at you Michelle Obama).

    The only program worth a whit is Brian Wansing's research out of Cornell University. Read "Mindless Eating". Want to lose weight? Eat all your meals from your salad plates; put cookies in an opaque container, take the fruit & veggies out of your crisper and put them on the eye level of your fridge. Wear your skinny jeans every week. You'll consume less calories w/out even noticing. It's the best info out there doesn't get any attention because it doesn't involve the food pyramid. grrrr

  97. PopN great book. I keep all my veggies and fruits to be consumed for the day on old but beautiful crystal platters and other keepsakes from family. Right at eye level in the fridge. My fridge is a work of "art " when you open it up. I use Japanese bowls and clear glass salad plates for dinner. I lost about 30 lbs eating like that. Presentation for me is key because we live in a small space. Canada Dry diet ginger ale is the only soda allowed and that is to mix with grape juices - makes a sparkly "mocktail ". Chocolate is frozen Toll House bits and sprinkled on cereal when the urge strikes. I eat small mini meals to control diabetes. Just takes time but once you get your plan enacted, it saves time and dollars are better spent.
