Friday, September 21, 2012

Paris Hilton Says She Is Sorry

I think Paris Hilton knows that times are different for her now. Clubs and promoters call less frequently. Opportunities are drying up and people generally don't like her as it is and what she said about gay men really pushed her over the edge into an abyss in which she would never emerge. Yesterday she said she was sorry. She didn't write it of course because it sounds sincere. The thing is no one believes her any longer. She has said too many bad things about too many people and ethnicity's and hangs out with people who have no respect for others, so we know she is a cretin. She went from calling gay people disgusting on tape to the strongest people she knows. The apology is totally not hers at all. I would have been much more impressed if she had gone on television last night and apologized herself rather than someone writing it out for her. Any talk show host would have been happy to have her yesterday.


  1. Who really cares what she thinks anyway?

  2. Leave the tape on her mouth!!!

  3. Paris it's over....

  4. Her comments were stupid and offensive, but I was more worried listening to that clip that her mental age seems to be around 9 or 10.

    1. Oooooo, what clip is that? Cos i totally believe it!!

    2. She either thinks its still cute to talk like a baby or her heavy drug use throughout these years has killed any smart brain cells she had left

  5. Hopefully this is the last we hear of her.

  6. It should've said, "It is so wrong when people bully or put down others." PERIOD. However, then she'd be a hypocrite.

  7. Micheal K's interpenetration of her apology on Dlisted was hilarious.

  8. Yes. Please leave the tape over her mouth.

  9. She's a has been - lets hope the kartrashians follow suite!

  10. How old is Paris Hilton? Isn't she too old to be acting like such a self-involved high schooler? Don't people roll their eyes when they see her? Are they really still paying her to attend parties? Wouldn't the arrival of Paris Hilton immediately label the party as lame?

  11. auntlic--No, that was last month.

    auntliddy, Enty posted it yesterday with a link to

  12. I don't believe she's sorry, only sorry she got caught.
    All I care about is what life threatening illness she has that allowed her to be released early from jail.

  13. Cretin=perfect description is perfect

  14. @Elizabeth, you are so right. Any party she attends should immediately be labeled as lame. Same with LL. Lame and over. The other partygoers should recognize it and just vacate. Take the Kartrashians with them, too!
    PS. I'd actually watch that if it were filmed for 'reality tv'!!

  15. Don't buy it and yes, she's like a ten year old in the body of a thirty year old

  16. I honestly could care less about her. She must be elated her name is being mentioned again so she's going to milk this story until its drier than those dried fruit things. Let's never mention this again.

  17. I can't wait for the world to feel this way about Lilo and Kartrashian. No one cares about Paris to the point where we just don't care.

  18. She's a sorry motherfucker, that's for sure.

  19. She really put her foot in it with those comments, and everyone is right: no one believes her apology.

  20. The apology thing...the very worst thing for her is that nobody cares. Even the gay people shrugged that shit off and didn't even bother getting mad. It's Paris is too short to be wasting time.

  21. Am I the only person to defend her on this one? Don't get me wrong, Hilton is a vacuous pile of shit and I have zero respect for most of her views, but I also feel like someone needs to say there is also context and banter? There are some truly offensive things said between friends, and I just would like us to quit judging people out of context. I am massively pro equal rights for all people, but also massively pro free speech, and also having the right to say shit to people you know without having the world throw it back in your face. This may make me unpopular but bollox I'll say it anyway.

  22. @Common, I agree and said largely the same thing yesterday (except I called her a fucktard-- yours is better...and you said "bollocks" :D).

  23. I'm no PH lover but I commend her for apologizing and not trying to do a PR spin on it like her people did yesterday. The fact that her people tried to call it a "Public Service Announcement" was a huge insult to anyone with a brain. Im glad she (or whoever wrote this for her) made it clear that she was sorry and didnt mean to be offensive.

  24. "an abyss in which she would never emerge"?


  25. Anything anyone needs to know is contained in her 2009 deposition under oath labeled Paris Hilton, American Treasure:
    Read it & laugh. Describing her as a cretin is an insult to cretins. She actually says that the only way her drug & alcohol pickled brain can figure out "stuff", like where she has been, is by Googling her name & looking at the photos online. When asked if she knows what a film producer does, her response is "get cool people in the cast". When asked if she can tell where she has been from looking at her telephone bill, she says she has never seen a telephone bill in her entire life. It would have only been funnier if the follow up question was could she spell the words "telephone bill" so she could figure out what that "stuff" was about by Googling it later. she is actually 31, so she was 28 when she revealed that she has not got a single working brain cell in her wonky eyed head.

  26. Also, Anderson Cooper scooped this back in 2007, so her use of all sorts of slurs, terms, whatever shoudn't be news. "On February 5, 2007, CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 discussed footage obtained from the website which features Hilton using the ethnic slurs "niggers", "chink", "Jappy" and the derogatory term "faggot".
    Everyone should ignore her, that is what her greatest fear has always been..being relegated to the garbage bin, a nobody no one cares about. Anything she says or does to draw attention to herself is stoking her ego, making her feel famous again. Just Don't Do It Anymore. She is like 10 seasons back on the last decade's dial.

  27. @Common Land I don't know if you have any close gay friends, or know anyone who is HIV-positive. I suspect not.

    AIDS swept through all the creative professions in the 1980s and 1990s, taking so many gifted people with it.

    This is why it pisses me off when someone like Paris Hilton who pretends to be sympathetic to the gay cause, is heard to say something like what she did.

    Why you would want to waste your time defending someone like this I don't know. How could those words have been taken out of context?

    She wasn't in her own private car, she was in a hired taxi. All she had to do was keep her potty mouth STFU'd until she got to a safe place to vent.

  28. Anonymous6:46 PM

    This dumb heffa whore. Thank God who she really is is now common knowledge. It's funny, but with time, it seems most bullshit comes to light. That's whats great about the blinds, the sick dark shit hitting the general publics consciousness and becoming common knowledge. I say expose the skeletons, expose the abusers, the rapists, the prejudiced slags like Paris f ing Hilton. what a goddamn pretentious name. Paris. F'ing God. I have been waiting so long to see this cunt go down in flames. How long has she been known? God since the simple life? Simple minds more like it. Remember the firecrotch thing with brandon davis? Poor Linds, no one deserves that, not even her. Paris is a mean girl, the queen of the mean girls and her cruelty has been exposed. I'm lovin every minute of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. @carmelitelady, I completely forgot about that firecrotch thing. I saw that whole tape, and it was cringeworthy and not in the least funny what that guy was saying. And Paris (and Nicky. Don't forget she was there too laughing and giggling) holding her phone up so she could let a friend hear. Her PR released a statement the next day completely absolving her and saying she was just chatting on the phone, when it was clear EXACTLY what she was doing. She is not a nice person.

  30. Wasn't she revealed too have been hooking up with LILO.

  31. Tuxedo Cat, I respect your views, but please don't play the high horse. Yes I have gay friends, and while I don't know the personal impact of HIV, I am well aware of how devastating the AIDS epidemic was and is. But lets please detach a very unlikeable person from the context of the comments. I suspect we all know very nice people (even ourselves or dare I say it said GAY FRIENDS) who in certain situations have said highly offensive things. If you don't, I am afraid you must not be a human being, nor understand the very grey area of banter. Life would be very boring indeed if it became impossible to have human reactions to controversial subjects.

  32. her rep's statement really angered me he said something like "grindr is an app that encourages gay men to look for random sex with strangers" that is so not true!!!! my gay friend met his boyfriend on grindr and they have been dating for almost 2 years now and living together for 4 months now. she's just a homophobe who got caught being a homophobe, that's what she's really sorry for. oh and my friend has only dated 3 guys and they always got tested before having sex maybe paris should follow suit she's a walking std

  33. @Common Land, you posted:

    "But lets please detach a very unlikeable person from the context of the comments."

    I'm trying and failing to follow your logic of separating Paris Hilton's comments from Paris Hilton's unlikeable personality.

    Of course I know what banter is, but my friends don't banter about racist or anti-gay stuff, or we wouldn't be friends. My friends don't neglect their pets.

    Maybe that's normal in your world, but it's not in mine....
