Friday, September 28, 2012

Pete Townshend Talks Child Porn And Mick Jagger's Peen

For the first time since Pete Townshend was arrested and charged with purchasing child porn, he has spoken about his arrest and subsequent caution which put him on the sex offenders list for five years. of course, if you want to read about it all you will have to buy his new book. he is not going to talk about this stuff for free. A man and his child porn wants you to pay for the pleasure of why he needed to buy images of tiny children to get off. Yeah, I am not a big fan of anyone who likes kiddie porn and if he was arrested, and cautioned and put on a sex offenders list, you can bet it was not his first time ever at the site and you know that he is sick inside and he is probably just hiding it better now. People totally forget about that and just worship at the altar of The Who. He paid to watch someone abuse a child. Where did he get that money? From people who bought The Who stuff. In his book he says he is sorry and he should never have done it. He also says that Mick Jagger has the biggest celebrity peen.


  1. WHY do we as a public allow these types of shennanagins?! This sicko is going to make TONS of money off of his shameful acts. Ugh, its deplorable. UGH UGH UGH

  2. I am a fan of the Who's music and while yeah, raised eyebrow at his claim of "research", there are quite a few child abuse/molestation references in their music so at the least I believe he was probably molested as a child. Doesn't make what he did right though.

  3. Stopped buying their music after the child porn scandal. Won't buy the book.

  4. Why is he only on a sex offenders list for 5 years? He should be on the list for life.

  5. He should have been arrested when 'Who are you?' was released. That's some shitty ass music right there.

  6. He puts his back into his living. He fights for his meals.

  7. I really was unaware of child sex abuse until the rock opera 'Tommy' written by Townshend. Hard to imagine now, but all that stuff was hidden or denied up until the 1980's. Abusers got away with it because the victims were not believed. Huge change over a generation.

    I'm sure Pete Townshend was a victim. It's common for abused to become abusers and he really should have got help to break the cycle. Never liked him, no sympathy for what he did. Great music though.

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  9. Listen to "Fiddle About" from the Tommy album. I'm sure there was a wicked Uncle Ernie fiddling about in Pete Townsend's youth.

  10. Another amen for Amanda

  11. Amen to ms wonderland

  12. Pete Townshend: Can't explain!

    (Okay, so I stole that from The Onion when this story first broke about his child porn arrest).

    Disgusting, despicable, and deplorable.

  13. So I remember when this all went down he claimed that he was abused as a child and he was doing "research" to actually stop it and he just went about it all the wrong way.

    So does this mean now he is actually owning up to being a pervert?

  14. I can't find the links but it was eventually confirmed that he was doing research and that this was a case where the agency that could have cleared him had their hands tied by a law that said they couldn't discuss specific people even with their permission. I'll have to see if I can find that reference

  15. once I read about his, "research" and arrest...(even if he was sanctioned, or whatev the brits call it), The Who was taken off of my "like" list (and are not ever going to be back on).

    On a redeeming note, Jimmy Page and his wife do wonderful work (without any f'ed up sexual stuff), for the street kids of Brazil.

  16. ps. actually I can;'t say the who were ever truly on my "like" list but since this blew up with the researcher townshend, they are on my change the dial, disgust list.

    //had to clarify

  17. Ol Cranky (hey, that ought to be my name today!): I remember reading the whole story when it all happened and thinking "Yep, I can see Pete being that much of a dumass..." IIRC, it was indeed determined he wasn't there with any "bad intent" per se, but a big part of the reason he was put on the list was partly as a warning to others not to even think about looking at such material, and partly to him to not even contemplate doing any more freelance research, but to leave it to the authorities to handle, and yes, I definitely believe he himself was molested as a child. I know money talks, but I also get the impression that the authorities over there will nail your ass to the wall if it's proven you are indeed a pedophile (paging Gary Glitter...), and I've never heard of him behaving inappropriately to real live children, so right now I'm cautiously giving him the benefit of the doubt. (Subject to change, of course, should circumstances unfortunately prove otherwise...)

    I'm glad to hear Jimmy Page is doing good things for street kids now, because back in the wild-and-crazy Led Zep days, he was well-known for his fondness for barely pubescent girls; Lori Lightning was only 13 when they hooked up, and I'm certain she wasn't the only one around that age. Heck, being able to bang young nubile teens was considered one of the major perks of being a Rock Star those days! (Ah, the ' a teenager myself at that time, I remember them well. Back then, going after underage girls joked about more than condemned, and while it wasn't necessarily considered kosher, it also usually wasn't regarded as pedophilia, either, and a lot of people got away with a hell of a lot of stuff back then that they'd be doing serious time for now.)

  18. @robin ^^

    you said it well.

    //and yes, about the prepubescent girl comment. back when I was 14 I ran away with an older man, just above legal age who I lost my virginity to (while on our "road trip") yet you know who was one of the people to go after me legally w/criminal charges once we were found by the police, jeanine pirro (sp?). She said I asked for it. now people understand that basically, anything under or anyone under 16 shouldn't be having sex, not are they of mental age to consent to such things. But then again, free pass if you're polanksi. (jk).

    //and I prob shouldn't have shared, but I'm in a f-it mood.

  19. What Robin said.

  20. I'm sorry to hear about your case, OBAMA is BROKO. It is hard to fathom someone not having empathy for a child in that situation.

  21. What Robin said. Things were different back in the 70s and early 80s, stuff happened and no one really cared that much. You'd get the message just not to hang around "that sort of person" if you didn't want to be groped etc. Before the 1970s no one even talked about it at all. Now you'd get millions for it if you sued. It's like everyone's overreacting in the opposite direction. Put the witch hunt on hold and consider individual situations on a case-by-case basis. Being accused of child porn is pretty much the kiss of death. It's worse than murder. Might as well go straight to jail. These are, by and large, easy cases to prosecute and DAs (and probably their English equivalents) get great publicity for putting pervs away so they're highly motivated to create a high profile precedent. I don't know one way or the other about Pete Townshend, I really don't. If he is a kid toucher or child porn enthusiast he can go straight to hell. If not, then not. But before you automatically label him, consider that he was never convicted. He was "cautioned" after the police found he had entered one child porn site, and this after publicizing his concern that child porn was even available online. Really doesn't sound like a perv to me. Sounds like someone testing a theory. No one's going to stop you from picking up your pitchfork and torch and leading the witch hunt. Hey, free speech. But maybe consider the possibility of exercising responsible free speech. This is someone's life and reputation you're fucking up. Maybe give it a little more thought than a child molester gives to his/her victims.

  22. Yeah, the story i got was he had been abused, and was trying to figure out why or something so thats why he was looking. I hope thats true.

    1. And why is he looking at micks peen?

  23. Even various child abuse charities said he was innocent, so really folks, put down your pitchforks.

    Enty, you're an idiot. He doesn't like kiddie porn. Don't accuse people of stuff like that without any evidence.

    Yes, I am a fan. Yes, I have taken my young kids to see the Who and will do so again.

  24. I'm not going to address the child porn stuff, because it's too upsetting and I don't assume to know the details.

    Let's talk peen
    There can be no way that Mick Jagger has the largest celebrity peen. Wasn't he always wearing those tight football looking pants on stage? The pants don't lie!!

    1. Yes Sunny MAYBE. Or, it could be as my gay friend said. All potatoes and no meat. Love ya grrrll.

  25. If we're voting for largest celeb peen, I'm voting for Robert Plant. I've seen those pictures of him from the 70s with the super-tight jeans and it looked like he had an anaconda in his pants!

    As for Pete, I too remember him saying that he had been abused as a child and that he was researching what could possibly be attractive about child pornography. I actually believed him especially when a number of people vouched for him. Plus I also remember watching that scene in Tommy with the uncle as a teenager and thinking WTF?! It makes sense if PT was abused and then decided to put that in his art in some way just to make a statement about it.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think the name for people who have sex with post pubescent teens rather than pre-pubescent teens while thinking it is something different is 'Equivocators."

  28. Ok, IIRC, he was abused as a child and pictures were taken. Pete was trying to find those old pictures of him as a child. I believe it. I could be wrong. Not gonna judge, yet. Tommy and this movie called Lipstick with Michael Sarandon and the Hemingway sisters totally freaked me out as a child. Shudder.

  29. Pete is his own worst enemy. So talented, but he has pissed so many people off through the years, and I am afraid the Who's legacy is tarnished because of it. I don't think they will be remembered in future generations in the way they should be.

  30. I thought he was doing research because he had been abused too. Don't recall the whole story but I thought he was cleared and warned.

  31. OMAMA is BROKO - Page had (still does, for all we know) a taste for underage girls during the Zep's heyday. They were absolutely underage, and he knew it, but - "The younger, the better" he said. The band's handlers insisted on him keeping the girls hidden in his hotel rooms because they knew if he were caught, he'd at least be deported, if not charged.

    So you picked the wrong guy to use as rocker role model.

    As for Jagger's peen, Townshend has got to be throwing an old buddy a bone, because it's well known that Jagger isn't packing much. Hell, the best Pamela des Barres could say about fooling around with him was, "Those LIPS!"

  32. Let us not forget Jimi Hendrix, and his amazing technicolor peen!!!!!! Incidentally, i like the word peen. Very trendy!

  33. @squeezebox...I did not know that. Guess I was blinded by his work in Brazil.

    thanks. (to you and Robin for schooling me)
