Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Random Photos Part Two - Fashion Week

Marc Jacobs' collection scares me. All part of the Zombie takeover.
Kristen Wiig and Rose Byrne were there.
Same with Alexa Chung and Hailee Steinfeld.
Ashley Greene was at a different show.
So was Lauren Conrad.
Elisabeth Moss has turned into a different person.
Angela Simmons has gone to every show.
Natasha Bedingfield has gone to the ones which will invite her.
Kelly Osbourne and her swizzle stick.


  1. None of these people look good.

    1. Right??!!!! What happened???!!!!!

  2. Why skank up the page with angela "wannabe virgin" simmons.

  3. Seriously Natasha Bedingfield? A black bra showing thru a sheer top? How very cutting edge...circa 1998.

    And yet I find myself really like Kelly Osbourne's look here. Sorry, I know I shouldn't. ;-)

  4. Natasha Bedingfield would wear something like that...Annie Hall for Strippers?

    Kelly Osbourne is wearing one of those caps with a fake dog turd on top.

  5. I find myself liking Elizabeth Moss's new look!

    I didn't even recognize Kelly Osbourne, and I mean that in a good way.

  6. I really wish color blocking would just DIE already.

  7. O.O
    Is Elizabeth "Xenu" Moss's look for Tom Cruise? I just have a gossip tingle going on. Not liking it.

  8. Marc Jacobs collection made me dizzy! Is Kristin Wiig's hair naturally brown? I think she looks better as a blond! Kelly Osborne - get over yourself girlie!!! Is Ashley Greene trying to secure a modeling job in this picture??

  9. Can someone explain why Kelly "caca hair" Osbourne is considered a fashionista? She annoys me.

  10. Amen @Mother Campfire.

    I don't know who half these people are. Why does Kristen Wiig look funny? No eye makeup?

  11. Is it me or does Rose Byrne look really, really tiny? Like an eight year old.

  12. None of the above are very good looking outfits. I like the fun in Kelly O's. Everyone else is taking themselves all to seriously. It's fashion people! Lighten up!

  13. I can't even get over how ugly Lauren Conrad's dress is. I feel like I saw and passed by the exact same dress in the 1980's while shopping for a COOL dress. It reminds me of what Becky or Darlene Conner wore to prom.

  14. Lol so true and her bun is horrendous. For once I would like to see a picture where she doesn't look bored and bland

  15. Wow this is a post full of a lot of ugly outfits.

  16. Marc Jacobs collection looks a whole lot like the Runway Mondo prints!

    I kind of like Kelly's look, but I thought color blocking was so last season.

    Hey Lauren, join us in 2012, 1985 is long gone hon.

  17. I like Kelly's dress, but she totally muffed on the hair.

    I hope somehow that hair twig got knocked off when she got in a cab, limo, or maybe walking under an overpass?

  18. I guess there's the answer to the BI about ashley greene.

  19. Why does Lauren Conrad always tilt her head that way? It just bugs me.

    Kelly, you can try and try and try some more but no one will ever take you seriously.

  20. I like Kelly O's look. And it has nothing to do with the fact that they were out of pink dye last night when I was having my hair done so we went with purple underneat and a couple peekaboos. And guess what? I'm 42 and work in a conservative government management job and I don't really care anymore. I like it and am having fun in my new single life.

  21. @New Life...you go girl. :)

  22. Natasha I love your music so much. Your outfit: no. Big fat no.

    Kelly looks great except for the hair.

  23. Rose Byrne is completely beautiful. Her face is perfect.

  24. Kelly O. looks very different. Did she have work done on her face???

  25. Hailee Steinfeld always looks so happy to be there, so "in the moment." She's generally dressed age-appropriately, too. Hope she comes out of it reasonably undamaged.

  26. Kristen Wiig had work done after she started SNL didn't she? Yeah, she looks really different again, it might be the darker hair and less makeup. Her eyes remind me of Annie Lennox here.

    I don't know who Alexa Chung is but she's very pretty.

  27. It looks like Kelly had a head reduction!

  28. @Sylvia, that's what I was thinking! her face used to be a lot broader than this around her jawline.

  29. @Sylvia, that's what I was thinking! her face used to be a lot broader than this around her jawline.

  30. Aw .. I love Kirsten Wiig's hair color. Very pretty and brings out her lovely eyes.

    Elizabeth Moss, on the other hand, Yikes! No. Just no.

    Kelly O looks good in the face but her hair - while amazing - makes me feel bad for her because I would assume she had a massive scalp headache!

  31. #NYMBFW #IheartyouHARD

  32. Rose Byrne is gorgeous!

    Alexa Chung has a scary tiny wrist. Yuck.

    I agree about the color blocking, I've never liked it.

  33. I think one day these girls will look back on this strange bun hairdo with the same way we reflect back on perms (the bad ones), shell bangs and banana clips.

    I still have a banana clip...

  34. I'm not into fashion but I kind of liked that Marc Jacob's collection, zombie models aside.

  35. Rose Byrne is stunning! The only good one in the bunch!

    The Zombie Collection may be inducing an epileptic seizure because my eye is starting to twitch.

    Kelly O's head is morphing into serious Bobble territory, esp with that knob on top!

  36. @figgy, I like Kelly's look, too, I must admit. The hair is silly but at least it's not lavender anymore. It's fun. the dress fits her fantastically. I don't like the nude pumps with it, though.

    Lauren Conrad looks great from the waist down. The top of the dress fits funny.

  37. laura conrad is wearing the exact replica of a dress i loved to wear as a ten year old... but now as an adult i wouldnt be caught comatose in it. also like kelly o... the skirt and clutch are great... but the orange top is a no no.

  38. I wonder why Natasha looks so dour? Pretty clothes and cocktails are supposed to be fun!

  39. Rose Byrne looks like she's going to break.

  40. Elisabeth Moss looks like a crazy Co$. Oh wait, she is!

  41. I didn't recognize Kelly O but she has a lollipop head. She's trying to be something she isn't. Just doesn't fit for me.

  42. I actually kinda dig Marc's collection...love me some black and white!

  43. @Mother campfire. Yes!! Hate it.

    I do like Elizabeth Moss' look though. Edgy replaced awkward.

  44. Eliz Moss looks like the love child of Martha Plimpton and Sara Rue. If such a thing were possible, of course. I wish she wasn't Co$-I like that she isn't Hollywood-conventional pretty. Kristin Wiig should never leave the house without mascara. Kelly O looks odd--there is something off about her face. Mybe just the weight loss?

  45. Was the comment about Angie Simmons being at all shows a way to expose a BI with Natasha because it's not even possible to be at every show.

    P.S. Angela, if you're reading, you need a new publicist. You lost out on at least two features yesterday because she was too busy being a star and not interested in getting you the press you desperately need.

  46. @ New Life and Attitude : I'm going pink myself, been playing with temp color until I decide how I want it, I'm over 50!

  47. Good for you, @New Life!! I went RED, and I mean RED for Valentines Day last year! My mom said, Did you mean to color it THAT color?! My husband loved it. I'm 44. Next color for me though, rich chocolate Brown. Goes great with fall colors. OMG, I'm such a teenage girl sometimes!

    Seriously though, is that REALLY Kelly O? Her face looks great, but oh, the hair! I don't know who Angie Simmons is (or the blind about her), or Elizabeth Moss. She doesn't look familiar at all!

  48. They all look like hell but much hate for Kristin Wiig. Didn't even look like herself except for the horse face.

  49. I think Kelly Osbourne has one of the most perfect bodies. If I were a guy, I would totally do her.

  50. yep, totally think Miss Moss is being lined up as the Co$ Franken-bride...

  51. My husband loved Elizabeth Moss in that movie where Ryan Gosling has a relationship with a life sized doll (don't remember the name). He'll be very disappointed if she goes the Co$ route. Of course I'll rub it in his face. :)

    1. @g.strathmore, that was Lars and the Real Girl! I loved that movie. Ryan can do no wrong. :)
