Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Best Edited For Television Lines


  1. I haven't watched this yet.. but one of my favorites is from Snakes On a Plane. Samuel L says, "I'm tired of these monkey fighting snakes on this monday through friday plane."

  2. LOL. It was one of the first ones!!!

  3. Some of them don't even sound remotely like the actor. This reminds me of the MS Paint-looking bras they put on the girls in Showgirls when its on basic cable. Hilarious.

  4. Bahahaha! "Yippi-ki-yay, Mr Falcon" has been a running joke with my friends for years. I hadn't heard the "monkey fighting snakes" one before!

  5. I hope I never find a stranger in the Alps. . .

  6. *In my best robot voice*
    We would be sloppy. You callin' us sloppy

    Brilliant! I was having a shooty day. Thanks for the laugh

  7. This video proves something that I've long suspected: that Janeane Garafalo gave up pursuing lead roles to make bank as the go-to girl for Sharon Stone's sarcastic voiceover.

  8. My favorite is "Ninja, please!" from Leprechaun in the 'Hood!

  9. I'm very busy listening to Depeche Mode right now, but I'm going to watch this later and I will love it. Edited for tv movies have long given me the purest joy in the world. The more edits it needed to make it to air, the more fun for me.

  10. They forgot The Jerk- changing the dog's name from Shithead to Stupid. Stupid actually worked better.

  11. God! I effing hate finding strangers in the alps! I carry a crowbar when I might come across them too.

    Time to eat pineapple with Mr. Falcon on a Monday-to-Friday plane, littlesuckers!

  12. Die Hard 3: 'Not every black man knows how to shoot a gun, you racist melon farmer!'

  13. Die Hard 3: 'Not every black man knows how to shoot a gun, you racist melon farmer!'

  14. So I saw the second half of the movie The Jerk on TV, and thought it was pretty funny, so I rented it and my mom and sister sat down to watch it. I was so embarrassed by all the cursing that I didn't know was there...it just wasn't a sit-down-with-mom kind of movie!

  15. This reminds me of back in the day (waaaaaaay back in the day, in the early 90s) when FOX played Ferris Beuller's Day Off and I taped it with my VCR.

    Went to watch it later and died laughing when Ferris said about Cameron,"If you stuck a lump of coal IN HIS FIST, in two weeks you'd have a diamond." The "in his fist" part was in a totally different voice and was just hilarious.

    They did the same thing with Cameron's "pardon my French" line...they had someone do a half-assed Cameron saying, "pardon my French, but you're an idiot!"


  16. I hate the edited voiceovers! They always sound so fake and usually have no context for the scene. These were all ridiculous and funny.
