Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tom Cruise Has Not Seen Suri In 49 Days

Today is the 49th day that Tom Cruise has not seen Suri Cruise. That is 7 weeks if you are counting. Seven weeks since Disney World and that blow out vacation. Yes, Tom has been filming a lot, but when he was married to Katie Holmes and she was not a suppressive person, I don't think he went 49 days without seeing Suri or Katie. Now though, it appears that work has become the priority. Now, if you ask his lawyer, he will say that Tom talks to Suri on the phone everyday at least once and generally twice. Considering she is in school all day and Tom is in Europe right now 5 time zones ahead, I find that to be a bit of a stretch that they can talk twice a day. Everytime Tom sees Suri though he is shoving the noses of his fellow parishioners into the ground who have been told they can't see their children, and that because Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise that rules don't apply to him. Last time he was called out on not seeing Suri he took her to Disney. This time he might buy her Disney.


  1. Why are we criticizing him when there are so many other horrible, negligent, absent parents? They are the ones that need the help and (constructive) criticism, not Tom.

  2. Well It seems obvious that he gave Katie full custody in return for her silence.

  3. Suri's probably better off the less she sees of him.

  4. I called it! I didn't think TC would stay too involved with Suri without Co$.

  5. It seems like he was weaning himself from Suri by seeing her infrequently and with more time in-between visits. We'll see soon enough.

  6. Recently i was on Christian Bale's imdb message board and someone complained on the fact he travelled with his wife and kid during the promotion and they were with him during Out Of Furnace's Pittsburgh filming whereas his daughter could be at school and with her friends

  7. Figgy...I'm with you

  8. It's nice to see that he chooses a cult over his child. Regardless of whether or not she's better off, SHE doesn't know that. She's what..6? 7? All she knows is that her daddy doesn't have time for her. Trust me, even when you KNOW you are better off, missing what the relationship COULD be doesn't necessarily hurt your heart less.

    @FrenchGirl - (This is OT, sorry) - Where in France are you? How are things over there re: the cartoon drama? I'm supposed to arrive in Paris next week.

  9. He totally looks like Fire Marshall Bill in that!

  10. OMG shaunie. I love you for making an In Living Color reference. I used to LOVE doing FMB impressions (terribly, might i add). May have to drag that one back out. Haha.

    1. Girl, me toooo!! LOL! One of the funniest shows ever. I loved me some FMB and Men on Film...I may have to have a marathon this weekend :)

  11. That photo of him from yesterday with the Tea Leoni lookalike was yucky -- he's so inhuman by this point. They've audited the "human" out of him by now, and I believe he thinks he is "at cause" and "clear" and all the mumbo-jumbo.

  12. @amber: i live in the North Of France in a tiny town but for Charlie Hebdo cartoon drama It s just another idiot controversy just after Middleton gate and Innocence ofMuslim polemic.In one week évery one will forget it

  13. big whoop, my kid hasn't seen her father since Feb 2011 and he lives 30min away. and he doesn't have the scientology suppressive person crapola to use as an excuse.

  14. Yeah! Glad Amber and FrenchGirl found each other! Paris will be so fun!!! Maybe Enty will let you guest blog with random crazy shit you see on the streets. You could write reviews of all the accordion players on the Metro, who beg, I mean play for money.

  15. I want to add Tom to that Gilligan's Island boat with KK, PH, LL, etc.

    Tired of him. I haven't watched any of his recent movies bc I refuse to give his religion any of my money vicariously through TC. He was still normal (or acted normal) during his Nicole days. That cult has really messed him up!

  16. Oy. Every day of my life I give thanks that I married and had children with someone who is reliable...and sane.

  17. i bet he sees her but does it secretly. he's pretty sly that way.

  18. I have this horrible feeling that he said something to Katie like, "Fine. If you leave, I'm done with Suri, too. YOU can have her."

  19. I read the Vanity Fair article last night and what I got from it - is Tom Cruise is controlled by David Miscaviage, and he is totally unaware that this man is controlling him, because they are besties of course!!!!

  20. Oh and Scientology denied everything the article said happened!!! I am so glad that VF is standing by their story! Maybe Tom will read it and realize that he is in a cult??? Keeping fingers crossed - simply because Suri should have a normal daddy:(

  21. @Stef-fa...ditto. mine's a 15 minute drive away but he's always in bed asleep from pills/alcohol. But anyway, my daughter is 22 years old now and she doesn't have an ounce of sympathy for him even though I've tried to teach her about the disease of alcoholism. Your child will do the same one day, and Daddy will have no one but himself to blame.

  22. good. maybe suri will have a chance to live a more typical life. i think its tough on a kid to go back and forth. kids shouldn't be divided, like property, between parents. its not mom or dads weekend, its the kids weekend. the occasional fancy/expensive quick trip with dad can let her feel special and keep her away from tom's weirdness. katie must be thrilled. seeing your child get on a helicopter with someone you don't trust must be awful.

  23. Free Tom! Where's Shelly!!

  24. He won't buy her Disney. He'll get some Scientologist slave to build a replica for her.

  25. looks like Conner and Bella have disconnected from Suri completely. Because, they are good Scientologist/slaves.

    He has no need to see Suri now his next movie isn't out until December. You won't see any PR photos of them until at leas November/December.

    He isn't a man he is a well programmed machine.

  26. well she's not really his kid...that was obvious by the payout

  27. Tony Ortega will be looking for Shelly in the weeks ahead. He leaves VV this week.

  28. I read the VF article last night too.

    I can only hope that Tom will be a good little cult boy and following the rules. If Suri isn't a member, then he has to cut all ties.

  29. well, it doesn't sound like Suri saw her daddy much before the divorce from the sound of it. Now, she will see him less and less and that's probably a really really good thing.

  30. I want the old tom back. Culty tom is not doing it for me. I cant wait fir him yo see the light and get the hell out of this soul sucking organization. Free tom!!

  31. Suri was nothing more than a photo op prop (as was Katie). Cruise probably likes her, but not in any profound way. I doubt very much that she's his biological daughter and he's well aware who her biological father actually is, so the attachment probably doesn't run very deep. He probably wasn't really much of a dad to her when he was with her mother, either. This disassociation is not at all surprising.
