Thursday, September 13, 2012

US Embassy In Yemen Stormed By Protesters - Embassies Around The World Being Targeted

I am definitely not a political reporter, but this stuff that is happening all over the world in response to a film that no one appears willing to take credit for. The actors on the anti-Islamic movie "Innocence Of Muslims," that has sparked protests across the world and led to the death of the US Ambassador to Libya say that all of their lines were dubbed in after they finished filming. The alleged director says he did not direct it but someone else did, but AP can't find that person. No one is coming forward to say they financed the movie. I am wondering if this is all part of some big conspiracy to achieve exactly what it is doing which is causing unrest all over the world. How do you stop unrest? By bringing in troops and to do that you need to spend money and that money goes to big corporations. Or, you could say that it is designed to allow an excuse for some kind of attack on Iran. All of a sudden today there are a bunch of articles about attacking Iran. Where did they come from. They weren't there a few days ago? This is the strangest conversation ever, but probably the richest person I have ever met has some even richer friends who told him and then he told me a few months ago that they all thought Iran would be attacked at Christmas or right before. Considering our election would be over by then it did not make a lot of sense to me and there was nothing really happening that would seem to make it true, but now? Now I am beginning to feel like there is a group of people who really run the world from behind the scenes.


  1. "Now I am beginning to feel like there is a group of people who really run the world from behind the scenes." Durr!

  2. While I think many people & corporations want this, I do not see it happening so soon. If the incumbent loses, look for it next Spring though.

  3. This should probably been filed under "Your Turn" based on the sheer number of comments this is going to get.

  4. Nice baby sandwich FSP!

    I try to not let the conspiracy theorist in me take over during these kind of incidents but this is a very strange situation. I was watching this all on the news this morning and i just thought, is there going to be another war over there?

    My brother who is a conspiracy nut believes that Lizard people who live in the earths core are the ones running the show. He said most of the government is reptilian in nature.

  5. No kidding, Ms Cool.
    'Quest for blog hits.'

  6. Let's say for a moment that it's strategy of some sort - who wins here - rich folks in the business of supplying defense contractors? I'm not too politically savvy, but which presidential candidate would this benefit? Or is it just a power play to benefit Halliburton (among others)?

    I was getting the drift from NPR reports that this was more of an Isreal vs. Muslims kind of affair, which is certainly nothing new.

  7. Thanks RCB. Sounds like your brother subscribes to the teachings of David Icke.

  8. I believe that there are a few groups of people that run the world. They play a never ending game of chess with each other, and we are all their pawns.

  9. To clarify - I heard that the man who made this firm identified himself as a Jewish Isreali living in America. And that the primary offense here is portraying the prophet Mohammad by a person (an actor), which is expressly forbidden in the Koran.

  10. Canada suddenly and strangely cut ties with Iran last week, a very aggressive political move without any apparent provocation or reason, just citing the country as 'dangerous' - puzzling both us citizens and our media. Interesting timing all this.

  11. I'm leaning more and more toward the view that this film's production and release were probably an Israeli psyop (psychological warfare operation). One group of so-called "truthers" has been saying for years that that's what 9/11 amounted to--that Israel wanted a massive, and semi-permanent American involvement in a shooting war in the Middle East to suit its own purposes, which it certainly achieved, if those allegations were true. And this could easily be more of the same. The reaction of already-crazed Middle Eastern Muslim fundamentalist/jihadists was certainly predictable, and a stooge like "Pastor" Terry Jones would be easy to play by a six-year-old child of average intelligence.

  12. I would certainly hope we'd have yanked our Ambassadors and their families out of these volatile places by now. Didn't we used to do that in previous uprisings as a precautionary measure?

  13. This all shaping up to be one giant mess....again. Regardless of your political leanings, it is going to require all branches to navigate this correctly if we are going to (as a nation) deal with this with as little collateral damage as possible. Already there are way too many deaths and violence in general. I won't even go into the conspiracy theory about the movie, but I will say....I think it probably got a bit more of a reaction than the people responsible expected.

  14. "All of a sudden today there are a bunch of articles about attacking Iran."

    You're definitely not reading quality news reports. Enough with the conspiracy based quatsch. Rather give us more good old Hollywood gossip.

  15. More importantly, where do I sell my soul to become one of those people that decide the fate of the world? Do I pray to Satan?

    Totally OT but I just got an email from beyonce on the behalf of Obama urging me to vote! Ok Beyonce, I wasn't going to vote but since you emailed me, I going to register STAT...

    1. Nvm, she is selling me a possibility to dine with her and jay if I donate $15 dollars, Bey plz!!

    2. I got the same message and all I can say is no thank you!

    3. She is two-timing me! That email was so personal, it was even addressed to me! I wonder if the Romney supports get a million ridiculous emails..hmmm

  16. I totally see how you get that, enty. mb everyone knows more than is obvious to the eye about their hatred and plans for americans. All I know is we shld get out of middle east, let them self determine their future, and retaliate if we are attacked. oh,and commit to inventing a synthetic fuel in 5 to 10 years.

  17. I gotta say, I'm at least half with you there, Robert.

    It's pretty friggin' obvious if people would just stop and really look deeply. Not so much 9/11...but definitely this recent sitch.

    Religious fanaticism on any spoke of the hub turns my stomach--"Christians" included. Some Christians are the most judging and hating group on the planet.

    Jesus is rolling his damn grave.

  18. Ditto you, too, Auntlikky!

  19. Last comment--

    IMO Muslims just need to get over themselves about all this "can't do this" and 'can't do that" regarding Mohammed. Please.

    I wish all peoples of the world would just EVOLVE already.

    GYAHHHHH! Kills me.

    1. To a certain extent I blame the Muslim religious leaders for falling for this trick every time, instead of being a unified voice of the people and addressing the issue in a more diplomatic manner, they let the public form angry mobs and a Muslim it's heartbreaking to think that a 6 year-old can out-wit millions of people and anger them with simple words. Ditto to whoever said Jesus is rolling in his grave because frankly so I Muhammad (pbuh)

  20. Enty, possibly the most poorly written post you have ever assigned.

  21. Amen auntliddy!

  22. Who cares who made the film? I don't understand this idea that religion is above criticism and that our First Amendment rights don't extend to disparaging someone's faith. They absolutely do. You have a right in this country to be critical of any religion, be it Islam or Christianity. That right shouldn't be curbed because some barbaric animal in another part of the world responds to criticism with violence.

  23. The movie came out a long time ago. This was just an excuse to attack on Sept 11th, since they know President Appeaser won't do anything about it.

    The Radical Left and Occupy movement are a part of this (just to foment a general feeling of unrest; they don't quite get that they're playing with fire) and the extreme Right play right into their hands by over-reacting.

    This has been a long time brewing, and the rumors about attacking Iran have gone on for years and get recycled constantly.

    1. Hiw can u call obama an appeaser, he murdered bin laden!!!!!!!

  24. These people are crazy, however I do believe there a of money going towards stirring them up...

  25. Frufra - I heard the same thing as you. It was made by an Israeli-American man, and not only was Muhammad portrayed as human, but being sexual, drinking, etc.

  26. P.S. Be grateful Mitt's not in the White House, he'd have no problem sending your sons and daughters into another senseless war.

  27. C'mon Enty, we just want to know if Ahmadinejad and Netanyahu are doing it on the DL!

  28. Oh no, an auto-run video ad with Suze Orman! Yikes!

  29. Whoever the producer was said he knew something like this might happen. If you watch the tape it is obvious soome lines were dubbed in. The film, that would have gotten no attention (because it was just awfully made) if it weren't for this uprising, was translated into arabic.

    I think this was on purpose. I'm not saying on purpose from the government, but I think the people who did this wanted the uprising to happen.

  30. My advice to you, Enty, stop reading American papers.

    The Telegraph.UK has had numerous articles on the tension building up between Iran and Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that he doesn't need the "blessings" of Britain or the US, on how Israel will handle its issues with Iran.

    I think Britain and the US are struggling to stall Israel into not retaliating until after the US elections. This tension is increasing daily and I don't see it holding out until November....this situation will affect elections.

    American news is finally covering this topic to prepare "us" for the S*** that is about to hit the fan.

  31. Theo Van Gogh worked with the Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali (one of my favorite women) to produce the film Submission, which criticized the treatment of women in Islam. On November 2, 2004 Theo was assassinated by Mohammed Bouyeri. That is why this crappy 14 minute film was done under aliases.

    Enty should read American papers as well, something other than Kneepads!

    1. Agent, I loved her book. She is a true hero and inspiration. I think the strongest woman I know!

      Ali said several times that Islam is the only religion that hasn't evolved with the times and current religious leaders refuse to allow for a natural transformation or even discussion of change.

  32. These riots are a real distraction today. The world needs to return their focus to Alison Pill's breasts. The media sometimes really get their priorities out of whack.

  33. Okay I don't really know what to say about this movie, but I do think the whole taboo-ness surrounding the depiction of Mohammed needs to go away. I understand the Koran forbids it, ill admit I've never read the Koran, but I fully believe that if by just showing his picture justifies murder, we need to desensitize his image.

    I think South Park creators and their years long fight over the portrayal of Mohammed with Comedy Central were right. By not allowing a free nation where freedom of speech is so protected to show his image, we're essentially letting terrorism win. They weren't allowed to show Mohammed opening a fridge, but to prove a point of how lame it was to censor that, they ended the episode with someone defecating on the American flag. That's okay, but a guy walking into a room is not. They couldn't even show Mohammed dresses in a mascot uniform and had to censor those eps too. I know initially showing his image will cause a lot of backlash but if it isn't desensitized, murder for free speech will continue to happen.

    I'm not in anyway approving of this movie or disapproving, I honestly don't know much about it, I just think the inability to even show the image without murders occurring is completely unacceptable.

  34. @Agent - I find less bias news coverage by reading other countries newspapers compared to the US news which always tampers it with a political party standing.

    Could you please share which US newspapers that you find absolutely neutral and just informative in the US?

  35. Rowan - ugh. It's going to be a mess. Israel just copped to that strike they've been denying, too.

  36. I'm not a Muslim, so I don't feel I have a right to tell adherents to Islam what should be sacrilegious in their religion. We have seen that the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed is met with anger yet it's continually done and the instigators hide behind freedom of speech.

    People need to understand that while we are free to say whatever we want, our words are rarely without consequence.

  37. It's true Enty. Please watch Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory on iTunes. It's the only place you can get it now and check out InfoWars on Facebook.

    The episode raising questions about 9/11 was forced off the air and the government had any episodes on people's dvr deleted. Immediately after that happened, the networks were flooded with shows about how 9/11 was not an inside attack. I couldn't change a channel without seeing one after the other and there wasn't any other rhyme or reason to it like nearing an anniversary or anything. I'm not kidding you about this because I am one of the people who had the episode removed. That episode was locked down protected on my dvr, my dvr had 20 + hours remaining recording time and it was deleted off my dvr. No one else had access to it. You can google that for more info.

  38. "People need to understand that while we are free to say whatever we want, our words are rarely without consequence"


  39. I am a little concerned about how many people here seem to think this is some kind of Jewish/Israeli conspiracy when that has been thoroughly debunked by both The Atlantic and the Associated Press. The person responsible for the film, at this point, appears to be a Coptic Christian from California who is involved with the evangelical Christian community.

  40. FWIW, I think we seriously need to stop labeling conspiracy theorists as nuts or crazy. They're simply keeping an open mind and considering alternatives. IMO, there's never harm in that and it doesn't mean you have to agree with what they say. But for pete's sake don't just blindly accept what you're fed and bash anyone else for considering otherwise. Sorry for the rant. Just an opinion.

  41. I'm so tired of Israel being the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong in the world, especially the Middle East. I'm not suggesting that Israel itself is a paragon of virtue, but at a certain point people need to step back take a good look at what's going on in these countries, most of which are run by either despotic rulers or religious zealots. Israel is the ONLY democratic country in the region.

    It was also just announced that Canada has temporarily closed its embassy in Cairo (The Canadian embassy is located only 400 metres from the U.S. embassy in Cairo).

    I also agree with SilverOnyx about the taboo against depicting Mohammed.

  42. I'll donate $20 to have a chance to dine with Bey's fake preggo belly.

  43. @Mish Mitt would also strap our sons & daughters to the top of his car to drive them to airport. lol

  44. Tyranny loves chaos.

  45. It's not just Muslims that respond to perceived sacrilege in film. Remember the turmoil over Scorcese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" in the 90s? Widespread protests, boycotts, and censorship (one large cinema chain refused to play the movie) organized by Christian groups.

    Iran has been beating its chest, looking for a fight for years. Diplomacy, thank god, has been working but, now, with Israel looking to put a dog in the fight and general unrest (Egypt, Syria, etc.) in the region, it's... worrisome. What's going to be the spark that ignites the powder keg?

    1. Boycotts and protests are one thing. Using it as an excuse to kill is another. How many times is Jesus and Christianity satirized? If Christians had this kind of dangerous fit every time, there would be nothing left of the world.

    2. Boycotts and protests are one thing. Using it as an excuse to kill is another. How many times is Jesus and Christianity satirized? If Christians had this kind of dangerous fit every time, there would be nothing left of the world.

  46. Dia, she is one of my favorite writers, and her story hits you in the gut.

    1. Agent, I think that was the must painful book I have ever read. But she tells a story that must be shared and we need to listen so others won't suffer too.

  47. My dad's view on politics: "Follow the money." Whenever something "bad" happens in politics or in the economy, there are a few people who profit from it. When you look to see who made the money, you'll figure out why it happened

  48. Mitt won't do a damn thing, NTW. Neither will Obama. He's too busy getting on the David Letterman show. Any military action will be to secure the US Embassies. Iran has stated, over and over, that they want to annihilate Israel.Well, that attempt is likely coming, unfortunately. It will be interesting to follow Saudi, Jordan, Kuwait and other leaders in the area as this is their nightmare.

    Back to boobs, note- how many boobs do you see in the protest pictures?

  49. First of all let me say that my heart goes out to the families of everyone who died. Christopher Stevens was a brave man who helped others escape. He sacrificed himself and should be honored.

    When I heard about the movie, my first thought was Wag the Dog. Could this really be happening? The actors have all renounced the film and say they were mislead by the mystery producer. It was supposed to be a historical type film.

    I'm scared again. I hope we can thing long term about this before we start another war. ITA @auntliddy. Time for fuel alternatives. We can not continue to interfere in this mess.

  50. If this shit keeps happening I'm going to run out of tin foil.

    ~adjusts hat~

  51. @KZoeT - I remember the boycotts, etc. about "The Last Temptation of Christ", but I would point out THERE WAS NO VIOLENCE!!! Boycotts, protests, etc, are appropriate ways to fight a perceived wrong.

    Personally, I think that movie was just an excuse. There were plans for this months ago, timed for 9/11/12. There are reports this is a "response" to the killing of Al Quaeda people.

    As for Israel attacking Iran: it's coming and it's coming soon. I'd be amazed if it doesn't happen before the end of October. Netanyahu knows that if Obama is re-elected, he may not come to Israel's aid, but if he attacks before the election, Obama will be forced by popular opinion to assist Israel. Unless the polls show Romney with a huge lead in mid-October, they'll attack before the election. I'm sorry to be political and do not mean to upset anyone. And I also agree - Islam needs to lighten up about portrayal of Mohammed. If Christians acted like this every time Jesus was insulted, the USA would have become a smoldering ruin years ago.

  52. We hv to wonder why this film was made. To strike a blow for free speech? Or to deliberately offend and provoke muslims into attacking our embassies? So are we dancing to one person's agenda? And niw obama has released the drones, which seem uber effective. Reminds me of witch in "oz" - 'dont make me release my flying monkeys'. Obama's is, "dont make me release my flying drones" , lol. And an observstion: romney trying so hard to run on domestic agenda, and now its all about foreign affairs. Its happened to other candudates before. U cant be a one trick pony!!

  53. @ KZoeT "It's not just Muslims that respond to perceived sacrilege in film. Remember the turmoil over Scorcese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" in the 90s? Widespread protests, boycotts, and censorship (one large cinema chain refused to play the movie) organized by Christian groups."

    You're right. There was also protest against "The Passion of the Christ", but no one was murdered.

  54. Does anyone remember the 60 minutes, where the Man (PHD) had developed a fuel out of sugarcane and was building a plant to produce it. Said we would only pay about 7 cents a gallon and it would only cost the Auto industry about $50. per vechile to convert to it. What ever happened to him? The science of it made sense to me.

    1. You know what happened- squashed by the oil companies, same as anytime car invented that gets awesome mileage is squashed by them. And this is documented, not a nut theiory.

  55. Also, just looked it up, depicting mohammad is NOT banned outright in the koran. The Hadith bans the depiction of ALL LIVING CREATURES outright and urges against the depiction of Mohammed but does not suggest punishment or anything extreme at all.

    There are a billion protests in every religion, but literally just showing an image (even a non offensive image) of a religious figure causes murder. I can't think of anything similar in any other religion.

    Catering to terrorists is not the answer.

  56. My thoughts- screw all religious viewpoints fom being part of National Dialouge- only on Sundays folks.

    We all have the right to live our lives as we see fit....I could care less about GOD, Mohammed or Budda- fuck them all if it means I have to wake up each morning to see people throwing rocks at eachother.

    I just want to work, drink wine and see my hard work turn into good things for my family- probably the same as a woman my age in Iran.

  57. The assumption that these riots were sparked by a movie is really naive. These riots were coordinated in countries run by Muslim fanatics or where Muslim fanatics have a free rein, to occur on 9/11. OMG! What an astounding and totally unexpected development that is, killing and provoking Americans on 9/11.

    This post is lame and so is your conspiracy theory. Evil Corporate Gnomes are not causing militant Islamic fundamentalists to riot and kill Americans on 9/11. They don't need encouragement for that. You're not "beginning" to feel like there is a group of people who really run the world from behind the scenes; that's your idiotic operating assumption and events of the day are shaped to fit that assumption.

    Also naive is your assertion that it's only just recently that people are concerned about Iran. Just because you don't read the real news, don't assume that everyone else doesn't either. Iran has been developing nukes and making bellicose statements for years and it's getting to the point where they may achieve their goals. There aren't "suddenly" articles about attacking Iran; this hot potato has been tossed around for a long, long time.

    You really should stick to blind items and who Heidi Klum is screwing.

    1. Wow, u r pretty cranky!!!!

    2. I agree. This has been a long time coming. Just because you don't keep current with world events doesnt mean they are happening. Also, the CIA announced this attack was well coordinated, long before the movie surfaced, and the movie issue was a smoke screen. Also, how about we NOT apologize to people who murder our citizens.

    3. We did NOT apologize. Check the facts.

  58. @ :ady - hope you're more at peace and found serenity to things going on...much love to you.

    Christians learned years ago with the Crusades, the Inquisition and witch burnings that murdering large masses of people isn't profitable in the long run. They changed tactics and went with loud noise and missionaries to convert the masses to assimilate to the churches own agendas. That is where the money is, not mass murder.

    Large automotive industries buy out alternative fuel plans/ideas/successes to inhibit loss of profit from the oil/plastic industry. They buy the patents, shelve it and threaten anyone who creates anything that is similar to their patents. This is to suppress the people from utilizing alternative (cheaper) energy. To get an idea of how this works, read up on the Dyson vacuum cleaner inventor's bio. He wrote how he met this kind of suppression when he invented a new vacuum because of his frustration with the cleaning capability of the lab vacuum.

    Supposedly, there is an engine that runs on H2O, and effectively works...see any cars driving around using water yet? Most alternative energy products and successful ideas are coming from the Australians. My husband's hobby is to read up on all alternative energy inventions, so I hear him babble all the time about it.

    1. Thanks for the great info Rowan! I watched Who Killed the Electric Car years ago. Yep! That's what the big automakers did.

      Aussie Friends! Give us some deets on your cool inventions.

  59. @ MISCH...please be kind. There are Republicans and Mitt supporters on this site too.

  60. I see Obama has sent two war ships to stay off the Libyan coast. What a crock. What could they do? The only thing that might work (and probably won't) is to cut off all foreign aid to these countries IMMEDIATELY! Frankly, that might be the only thing these people understand. Why we give money to people who hate us is a mystery to me. It's a nation-size form of extortion: "You give me money and I won't kill your people". Cut off the foreign aid TODAY.

    1. Umm, they cld bomb the shit out iof them. Launch amphibious attack. Launch stealth seal team. Fire at will. What do u think War ships do? They aint bringing kittens and tulips, thats for sure.

  61. @FSP That's quite a little dumpling !! You must have ordered extra cheeks with it...So cute...

  62. @flanny I heard that too. Maybe they received a threat of some sort...It was never explained...Then again, what else is new in Ottawa?

  63. @Maja with a J... Totally agree...People need to take personal responsibility for what they put out there, and not use Freedom of Speech as an excuse to circulate hate literature.

    Even if everyone followed the simple Golden one likes their religion to be made fun other religions....

  64. I will state the obvious: more evil, murder, mayhem is done in the name of religion than any other force.

  65. This was a preplanned attack.

  66. I agree with Agent.

  67. @auntliddy - the warships COULD do those things but they won't. Who are they going to target? People rioting outside an embassy? They'd end up killing our people as well. They won't invade - that's an act of war, same as firing missles into a country. Agree, they're not bringing kittens and flowers. From what I've heard, right now Libya doesn't even have a remotely well-functioning government that can do anything about this rioting, even if they wanted to - and I don't think they want to do so.The only thing they'll remotely understand is losing their foreign aid. They'll scream discrimination but they'll cut out attacking our people/embassies if they want the money. And they DO want the money.

    1. I'm not 100% on this but I remember reading about war ships having fully functioning ER hospitals inside to treat casualties.

  68. I remember on the news in Tampa that there was a guy who invented a car that ran on water. He said he had a meeting with a large auto maker (I forget the name as this was probably 5-8 years ago. Never heard a word from him since. Everyone just assumed they bought him out to keep him quiet. I wish I could remember his name to see what happened.

    OT: one gas station in Fort Myers is trying to help people out, they put fuel at $1.87 a gallon this morning. I think they said it would last an hour. How awesome is that?

  69. Forgot to add - the warships would be useful in case we decide to evacuate all Americans there - which we should do. Also should be closing our embassy in Egypt, Yemen and other countries rioting.

    Just a thought - can you imagine the reaction if Americans did the same thing at the Libyan and Egyptian embassies in DC? I know the police would stop it, but can you imagine?

  70. And THIS is why politics and religion make a foul, nasty tasting cocktail.
    Co-Sign with Jemtastic.
    Don't know enough about this film to make an educated comment just what the aftershocks appear to be.

  71. for the first time in my life, i am very frightened.

  72. @dia papaya, they do have full functioning ER's. Nephew is a Master Chief 20 + yrs in the Navy. He just returned from deployment.

  73. @Rowan and all others who rue the loss of a car run on water...To do so one would have to convert the hyndrogen w/in the water to energy which so far has been a) impossible and take be b) a MASSIVE amount of energy. Supposedly some quasi Scientist (actually he has a degree in mechanical engineering) in Pakistan has actually done this. Physicists (sp?) are baffled since no one with a bonefide PhD has figured this out and he cannot seem to prove this.

    It is sadly, another conspiracy theory.

  74. The Obama administration has disavowed a statement from the USA Cairo embassy that seemed to apologize for anti-Muslim activity in the United States.
    This is what the embassy had stated: "The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions" (statement was published online).

  75. That 'Last Temptation' incident which occurred in 1988 was written about in exhaustive detail in the book 'Hollywood Under Siege.' Scorsese did receive death threats and needed bodyguards around him wherever he went. Much like he did when John Hinckley tried to assassinate Reagan in 1981.

    Apparently ABC news has released the name and home address of the producer of this short film.

  76. Firstly, wanted to write how sorry I am for the loss of life. It was an horrendous feeling to know that this had occurred on a day of such significance for America.
    Everyone has the right to practice their religion, but not everyone is religious. This dichotomy must be acknowledged when discussing the rights of all people to freely express their opinions.
    I would like to thank the other posters for their thoughtful comments and felt it was very brave of the poster who stated that they are Muslim.
    Fanaticism from any corner, whether it be religious or otherwise, seems to inevitably lead to violence as there is no room for other people's point of view. May we have peace in our lifetime.

  77. Thanks @old ;ady! Glad your nephew is home safe and sound! I remember the US sending a ship to Tokyo after the earthquake & tsunami and the floating hospital was the reason.

    I hope are doing well too! Sending you happy thoughts lovely lady!!!

  78. AP broke it hours ago :
    Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. I know of him from his massive bank fraud schemes, if it is the same person.

  79. @Lalaay
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts as a Muslim, and for bringing the funnies about Bey too :)

  80. I don't think Amartel sounds cranky at all, s/he sounds just as annoyed as I am with this stupid post. You know why I don't believe "Enty" is a lawyer? Because I can't believe a lawyer can be that naive and stupid about the world.

    All of a sudden Iran is an issue? Really? And you think there are a group of people who really run the world from behind the scenes? You think? What kind of pollyanna world view do you have? Iran is a terrifying threat, always has been but now, even more so. And a lot of stuff isn't discussed openly because of national security issues. Shouldn't you know that?

    I know better than to get involved in the completely ignorant and naive opinions of the writer(s) of this blog but I just couldn't help myself. If his/her rich friend said all this, it must be super important.

    1. I know anita, i know, i was trying to lighten mood somewhat. I'm very well informed in world affairs; i find it interesting. But for me, this is the place i come to to get away from all that before i go nuts, lol

  81. Agent: Yep, that's the one...

    At the risk of being even more cynical than usual, I have to say that I think the people behind the film got pretty much exactly what they wanted out of it--they wanted to piss off a whole pile of people and get them to go on a rampage, hopefully killing a few of their own people, so they could go a nice little Muslim-hate rant. ("See, those people are evil/ignorant/animals/whathaveyou!") What they didn't count on was the embassy being burned down and the ambassador and his aides killed, with Americans not only being pissed at the perps, but at whoever lit that particular Molitov cocktail and threw it through the window, i.e., the people responsible for the film itself. (I strongly suspect that it was Nakoula himself who did the translation honors for the clips on YouTube, or at the least that someone from their camp was responsible.)

    You know, there's a thing called the Golden Rule, and there's a version of it in pretty much every major, and most minor, religions, the gist of which is "don't be a dick." (Thank you, Wil Wheaton...) If you wouldn't want someone to do a certain thing to you, then don't do it to them, and if you already know that a particular wooden bridge is shaky and apt to fall apart suddenly, it would stand to reason that tap-dancing on it would be a Really Bad Idea. If you're quite aware that a particular behavior really pisses off someone else, it's generally considered polite and simple human decency not to do it around them if at all possible; people who refuse to follow standard etiquette because they want to behave badly, and think they should be able to get away with it, are quite correctly known as assholes. Being polite and well-mannered, even to those who you may feel don't deserve it, is the mark of a decent, civilized human being, and sooner or later, if you keep on poking at the parrot in the cage, it's going to take a big old CHOMP out of your finger; yes, the bird shouldn't have bitten you, but you knew better than to stick your fingers in the cage in the first place. *SMH*

  82. Do I think the embasssy attacks were planned in advance? Most likely; I daresay the people behind the attacks had their powderkegs all lined up and ready to go, and all they needed was a spark...which was oh-so-helpfully provided for them by people who claim to be doing God's work, but are really just as bad in their own way as those they condemn. (Christianity/Islam/Judaism/Hinduism/etc. isn't the problem; fundamentalists are the problem--they all want their own way and to be able to run the world, they don't care who they have to hurt to do it, and for the most part they're utterly obsessed with controlling women...I have my own opinions why, but I'll spare you my rant on the topic. They're all far more alike than they are different, and I wish there was a way to give them all free reign over a continent--the SAME continent--and let them all have at each other, while the rest of us agree to live and let live.)People who are understandably upset that their main religious figure is being smeared are having their outrage hijacked to achieve the ends of those who see them as mere puppets to be exploited for however long they're useful, and discarded afterwards; and variations on this theme have been going on throughout recorded history. (Do I think burning down building and killing people is an extreme response? Of course; I'm just saying I can understand being pissed off about one's religious figure being blasphemed. Understanding anger and condoning violence are NOT the same thing, and a pox upon those who would claim it is!)

  83. secretlybronte said...
    I am a little concerned about how many people here seem to think this is some kind of Jewish/Israeli conspiracy when that has been thoroughly debunked by both The Atlantic and the Associated Press.


  84. The hydrogen engine was developed in the 80's. The man who invented it sold the patent to BMW, it was shelved and he disappeared not long after.

  85. I'm just going to go ahead and jump down here and say a few things (I got about 1/2 through the comments).

    First of all, the people who did this are a group of extreme Coptic Christians, the main one an Egyptian citizen in L.A.. All of them are known anti-Islamic activists. The main one has several legal problems.

    The groups that attacked the embassy/consulate are small groups associated with fringe Islamic sects. There have been (in Libya at least) gatherings in support of the US and against the violence (Chris Stevens was well liked and respected by both the current Libyan government and much of the population).

    Yes, there is freedom of speech in this country but I think we, as a country would condemn videos attacking the beliefs of Christians (or other group); why wouldn't we do the same with a video that attacks Islamic beliefs?

    Most of the people protesting (in Yemen, at least) appear to not even have seen the video. If you watch it (I have) you will see that it is the most ridiculous, amateur hour, silly, piece of crap out there. The voices are obviously dubbed over in the most provocative speeches and the green screen parts are laughable. The fact that anyone made this, let alone took it seriously, seriously escapes me.

  86. @auntliddy, the rational part of my brain says look away but alas.....

    It was only Enty's comments that pissed me off. And this is my escape too.

  87. Uh, we didn't apologize. Our government condemned the video just as it would have condemned a similar video attacking Jews...just as it should have.

    And I'd point out that condemning speech =/= to suppressing speech.

  88. Watching you attack each others beliefs made me think. As I am an atheist, I can see without being clouded by dogma.

    Religion indeed is at the heart of most conflicts but religion itself is not bad, no religion teaches war and killing and persecution as the true path.

    It's the hideous way in which man manipulates and warps these teachings to suit his own agenda, that they misuse this powerful belief structure that is supposed to be about love and compassion, to incite hatred and fear.

    You can see in your own country how relgion is trying to influence and take away a womans rights over her own body, every day I read some new horror story on Jezebel, about another woman's rights abused.

    Muslims aren't bad, Christians aren't bad, Jews aren't bad, but feed them hate and give them weapons and put them, in close proximity of each other, sadly the results are always the same.

    Please love and respect one another or we will all end up ashes.

  89. Why do so many people here think lawyers are overtly intellectually curious, all legal knowing, worldly beings?

    Most are only intimately knowledgeable about their chosen, narrow area of the law and are no more worldly, intellectually curious, dogmatic/non-dogmatic than any other decently educated person out there.

    The fact that enty may not be paying attention to world events doesn't surprise me any more than anyone else posting on here paying/not paying attention.

    1. Ditto for doctors!! Very proficient in their field, but not intellectual giants.

  90. To state that God absolutely does not exist is every bit as dogmatic as stating that s/he absolutely does. (I am an agnostic who is functionally atheist in my day to day life)

    Nonetheless, I'm on board with your post.

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  92. I had a history teacher in 1975 say that if there was going to be a World War 3 it would start in the middle east.

    Given our penchant for failing to learn from history, I could see starting a world war with the thought that it would change the economic disaster we are heading toward. Unfortunately with nuclear weaponry I think we are looking at mutual annihilation.

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  94. Sorry Lola I will try again, I labelled myself an atheist for want of a better term, I haven't researched all the different meanings to ascertain which one best describes me.

    I honestly have no idea what is out there. I believe in science that's why I have problems with the religion I was brought up on (anglican) other than that, there are mysterious forces like what is dark or anti matter, that even science can't presently answer.

    Considering our air is composed of 95% of this dark matter, i believe this could be the answer to lots of things if we can figure out what it is and does.

  95. It doesn't matter what images are shown or not shown in regards to religion. There are people out there who hate America. Nothing will change that. This you tube nonsense is convenient as an excuse, but the hatred existed long before and will continue long after. Don't be distracted by asking why, just accept that fact. Foreign policy must start with that premise.

  96. Astro, I think I came across as attacking and didn't mean to. I only meant to point out that not believing is a dogma too.

    Atheists believe that there absolutely is no God.

    Agnostics believe that there is no way to know whether or not there is a God. Some live life as though they should hedge their bets, others, like me don't think there is a God (hence my being "functionally" atheist in my day to day life) but heck, if he appeared in the sky and said, "HELLO...I'M GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!"...I'd believe.

  97. @Paper, yes. But you don't need to deliberately poke the speech aside.

  98. *lol, that was meant to be "Gooooooood" as in "God" not "gooooooood" as in "good"

  99. I don't think it matters who does the actual beast-poking. In the eyes of some, American infidels are always to blame. And maybe Israel, for good measure.

  100. Such serious matters - will there ever be world peace?? Not in my lifetime:(

  101. And I'm sure most of you realize that Libya is in North Africa, not the Middle East, right?

  102. That's cool Lola, thanks for clarifying.

  103. Surfer technically, Egypt and Sudan which is also in Africa is classified as the Middle East. It's a geographic region, not a continent as such. Some maps showing this region also include Libya.

  104. @astro :)

    @Paper...yes. Just as there are Americans and Israelis who will always believe the worst of followers of Islam. That doesn't mean we need to provide recruitment material and fodder for people who otherwise wouldn't believe the worst of us.

    “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility." -Eleanor Roosevelt

  105. It's known as the Maghreb region.

    Although I don't expect lawyers (or doctors, as was mentioned) to have a vast knowledge of everything, I do expect them to be intelligent. The naivete in Enty's posts baffle me. Not just this one but a lot of the other current event, true crime posts.

  106. I meant to say "of course not" in that last paragraph...that's what I get for typing in a hurry so I can leave work and get to store to buy more cat food, eh?

  107. All I've got to say: 12/21/12 - remember the Mayans.

  108. anyone who'd like to see a powerhouse of a movie, I'd like to recommend The Stoning of Soraya M., based on a true story from Iran. You won't quickly forget it, or the characters depicted.

    my personal feeling is that in two or three weeks Obama will go to the middle east and viola the situation will diffuse. This year's "october surprise". Obama the foreign affairs genius. Who knew?

  109. Jemtastic was fantastic above, and as usual, I agree with that mad photographer, Robin.

    What I wish and pray for the world:
    Freedom with responsibility.
    Religion with Respect.

    Condolences to those who have lost loved ones in these troubles.

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  111. justjoe 'The Stoning of Soraya M.' is quite and eye opener.

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