Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Your Turn

Sheryl Crow thinks that he cell phone caused her brain tumor. While on Katie Couric, she said that while no doctors have confirmed her diagnosis, it is what she believes. Do you think cell phones can cause tumors or are bad for you? Lap tops? Other electronics?


  1. My fear is that they can. Idk if it's true or not, but I don't even sleep with my cell by my bed because of it. Maybe that's crazy, but ohh well.

  2. Who knows?

    I really hate when people take medical advice from celebrities (ahem Jenny McCarthy) though.

  3. I have no idea. It seems like no matter how healthy a person is, they may end up with cancer. I just cross my fingers and hope.

  4. Possibly. Possibly not. Everyone is different - if her cell phone use affected her that way, the same amount of cell phone use might not affect me.

  5. I don't have a cellphone and have no desire to own one. I do sell covers for them though....I wonder constantly if that makes me a hypocrite lol. ;D

  6. What about dental X-rays? I know a study came out recently indicating they might be a contributing factor since your head is not protected from them.

  7. I think that many man-made creations are bad for our health. Take the food industry. There's some nasty shit that goes into the food we eat. If you have Netflix, check out a documentary called Food Inc. It will scare the hell out of you. After watching it, I made some big changes to what I eat.

    1. Agreed! Very eye opening documentary!

  8. I tell people country music causes ear cancer..I once quoted studies to my dad..he continued to blast Waylon, Willie and the boys in the car. As for cell phones etc..everything appears to cause cancer - even bacon - sorry Enty. Everything in moderation.

  9. I'm so tempted to watch Food Inc but I'm scared! I don't know about cell phones causing cancer, I rarely use mine to talk, mostly text and for commenting

  10. The internets cause cancer.

  11. If it were true there would be a lot more people getting brain tumors besides Sheryl Crow. Not that other people don't get brain tumors, but I think there would be a really big difference in the number of brain tumors since the invention of cell phones, to the point where lots of studies would have been done and the public would know about it.

  12. Blinds that are not revealed cause cancer, so Enty come on and save some lives!!!

  13. Anonymous10:23 AM

    In other crazy people news... I guess everyone thinks that Khloe K is OJ Simpson's daughter.

  14. @Patty hahaha! Indeed, Enty, save lives!

    I don't "believe" anything any way or another unless and until I hear the results of robust research. In the meantime, it's just a hunch.

    And my hunch is that cell phones don't cause cancer, any more than living near power lines does. <-- That was another rumor that was passed around as fact, and still is, in spite of there now being extensive research indicating that power lines do not cause cancer.

  15. Science!: "Three studies since 1999 indicate that people who have used cell phones for more than a decade may have as much as three times greater risk of developing brain tumors on the side of the head against which they most often hold their phone—an argument for, at the least, shifting ears regularly or, even better, using an earpiece or the speakerphone feature while chatting." (from http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=fact-or-fiction-cell-phones-can-cause-brain-cancer)

    Then there's this: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/cellphones

    Or if you want to bring Ms Crow back into it (science is discussed): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/10/sheryl-crow-cell-phone-brain-tumor_n_1871991.html

    And finally: http://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/anecdotal :)

  16. I don't know, anythings possible I guess. I have heard that men should not have a laptop on their lap for extended periods as the heat is not good for their little swimmers. I have heard that doctors suggest a low sperm count guy to change from tighty whities to boxers to give the boys some breathing room and reduce the heat.

  17. Considering she also had breast cancer, I doubt her brain tumor is from her cell phone.

    I agree with libby above regarding celebs and medical advice. I'd like to add to that political advice.

  18. I meant to add: "But is Crow right? Is it a fact that cell phones can cause cancer?

    "According to numerous studies and even an official classification from the World Health Organization: We're not totally sure."

    (From the Huffington Post link.)


  19. Being alive causes cancer. Like someone said, everything in moderation. If the cell phone usage doesn't get you, the chemicals in your Diet Coke will, and if it isn't that, it's the proximity of your house to an airport, or the amount of swimming you do in a fresh water lake. It all comes out in the wash, I expect.

  20. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I think the most harm that electronics has done to us is to make us inactive. I used to do ... something .... and enjoyed ...whatever .... before I got that first computer.

    @Del Riser...I think there's some medical justification for that one, the little swimmer factories work better at cooler temperatures or something. I like to promote this idea, personally, because I prefer boxers to tighty whities. And a man wearing a kilt can have his way with me, any day.

  21. Sheryl Crow has brain cancer??? I heard she had breast cancer, which she believes was caused by bottled water left in her car, but this new brain-cancer-from-cell-phone thing is news to me.

  22. her body just gets all types of cancer poor thing...let's remember the whole "one sheet of toilet paper"gate, she has her own theories about everything

  23. Sheryl honey, love you, but remember this guy named Lance that you were dating? Did he carry a cell phone in his underwear?

    I don't mean to be disrespectful. My brother died from brain cancer years before cell phones existed. So many things in our environment may or may not cause cancer. You can live a healthy lifestyle and cancer can attack you, or a small child like my brother. And then there are jokers who smoke, drink and eat red meat all their lives, and die peacefully at a ripe old age.

  24. Different phones emit different amounts of radiation. Research has shown that heavy use of cell phones does impact the brain cells (on side used by phone user). The study stopped short of stating that cell phones cause brain tumours, but the fact that they see changes in the cells...

    Cops who use radar guns for speeders have a much higher rate of tumours in their upper thigh and groin region. It was determined that they were resting the gun in that area between cars. Police forces now direct officers to keep the gun away from their bodies; to rest it on the seat, for instance.

    These things do affect us. Moderation is important - or using headsets to create distance between the phone and the brain.

  25. YAY Science time!!

    Cell Phones emit Radio Frequency which falls under non-ionizing radiation. Basically, the atoms don't have enough energy to lose their outter shell (Valence) electrons. Gamma, Alpha, Beta and X rays lose their valence from high energy excitation, but most of this happens out in the universe and Earth's Electromagnetic shield prevents the harmful particles from reaching us.

    Non-Ionizing Radio Frequency is actually lower strength than Microwaves -- Microwaves produce Microwaves that are sent into food to vibrate water molecules from which said vibration cause an emission of heat. That's why sometimes areas of frozen food stay frozen while other arts with ice become searing hot!

    Televisions, tablets, (yup Ipad, Kindle included!), set-top boxes, electric toothbrushes, Ceiling fans, many, many children's toys all use Radio Frequency. If it has a battery, it's an emitter! I don't think it can cause cancer unless you manage to expose your self to it at an incredibly high level for a super long time. I mean like 15 years of having that phone stuck in your ear every day. To be safe, use blue-tooth (Oh wait that's an emitter too!) Actually, just stick to texting...

  26. Cancer does not pick its victims randomly. It's toxin buildup in the body and yes the 10 year study on cell phones just came out and it was almost a 300% increase in brain cancer compared to before everyone had cells.

  27. Cancer does not pick its victims randomly. It's toxin buildup in the body and yes the 10 year study on cell phones just came out and it was almost a 300% increase in brain cancer compared to before everyone had cells.

  28. I don't have a cell and I do believe they have something to do with sickness! I sometimes think that I am going to get cancer on my legs because I sit with my laptop on my legs on the couch. As soon as the thought pops into my head I move the laptop to the table! I know I am weird but it is what I believe and I am sticking with it! Better to be safe than sorry;0

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. She has brain tumor, not brain cancer. Do electronics cause cancer? I dont know, i hope not. I know thet hv done studies on lomg island in ny to see if electromagnetic fields caused brst cancer. It was either inconclusive or negative. If she thinks thats what causes it, thats her business. I wish her good health. I will listen to a celebs take on health or whatever, but i certainly dont take any advice from them.

  31. It certainly can't be good for you. I hate ppl thinking that i am available at all times. Maybe the stress of hearing a ringtone all day...

  32. @ Roman Holiday - Ikea sells one of those laptop support thingies for your lap for $15.00, or you can prolly find one cheaper at Wally World or Target. Keeps your lap from getting hot, too.

  33. @Mango thanks for the heads up:) Of course I am too lazy to actually go out and buy one! I will wait until someone at work cleans out the closet and wants to throw one away and then I will pounce on it:)

  34. Honey we'd all be dead if that were true.

  35. Thanks for the clarification, auntliddy. SC has a brain tumor, not brain cancer. Not that I'd want either, but there is a difference.

  36. Turkish Taffy- took the words out of my mouth! lol.

    Cancer survivors sometimes want to rationalize their illness to find the "why?"

    it's fucking cancer, there is no why.

  37. Duh, she got it by blowing on Lances cancer stick. Makes as much sense as getting from the phone. If phones caused brain cancer there would be a worldwide epidemic of brain cancer by now, simple enough.

    It woud be great if one could prove iphones caused it though, as Apple has a mountain of cash just waiting to feed some starving attorneys.

  38. How long do you have to sit on the cell phone to blame it for cancer?!!

  39. Damn it .. during one of the worst summers of my life I was too busy with stuff that really doesn't matter to come here and read what are always amazing and insightful comments on a myriad of topics that make me laugh, think and sometimes cry! This grouping is a perfect example. Just nice to read people's thoughts on this.

    As for my thoughts on this cell phone tumor/cancer risk .. I am not sure. There was an engineer who worked for Motorola who passed away from brain cancer back in the day. I want to say that was in the early 1990s?? So there might be some anecdotal evidence that older phones might have been dangerous. But these days? I think if it were true we would have scores of 20-somethings and teenagers dropping dead at an alarming rate if it were.

    In any event .. we all have to die of something .. so I will take solace in worrying about my anti-rejection drugs getting me long before my ancient Motorola RAZR that still says Cingular! ; )

  40. Sheryl Crow has a brain tumor?!

  41. Fertility docs ask men if they use laptops in their laps...or if they leave their phones there......

    So I guess in theory there's something to it.....but I plan on dying of someone else much sooner...haha

  42. years ago I worked on a study on testicular cancer. that type of cancer strikes mostly young men, in their early 20's.

    bicyclists have a higher than normal incidence of testicular cancer, as do boys whose testicles were late to descend.

    the theory is that heat is a big factor in causing cancer.

    so, when one talks on a phone it gets hot, and holding it close to the head would heat the head. I have a flip phone (yes, from the dark ages) and I don't like to talk on it much as when I do, I get a headache.

  43. No, hon. If that were the case, we'd all be dead by now.

  44. One of my bosses manages our company's real estate and he is on a cellphone 90% of his day. He uses an earpiece now because he was getting daily headaches when he used the phone against his ear.

    This guy is not a complainer--but he seems to be impacted by it--when he uses an ear piece --no headache. For a while he had one of those plug in old fashioned handsets you can get that plug into your cellphone. Looked funny to see him walking in the hallway with it talking away.

    1. That headache was more likely caused by muscle strain of holding the phone up for so long. Holding something in that position will activate not just arm muscles but shoulder/back and neck muscles, which are commonly the culprit in headaches.

  45. There was a medical journal article about this not too long ago, I know that they are petitioning cell phone companies and the gov't to have the possible harmful waves that are associated with telephones reduced.

  46. There are many whys to cancer. Cancer survivors don 't rationalize why. They usually thank God and then go on to share the info they've learned to educate and assist others. Research in this field is tremendous.

  47. I work for a power company. Believe me, electromagnetic waves are not good for the brain.

  48. My friend who died of a glioblastoma -- a very aggressive type of brain cancer -- was convinced her first tumor came from the pesticides her father used in their garden.

    After that tumor was removed, they gave her radiation, which caused a new, larger tumor to form. It was removed, but she died anyway, 6 months after her diagnosis.

  49. p.s. should have said, work for a power company in an electric engineering position. Still not good for the brain. Or any other part of your body.

  50. I think lots of modern things, hell even the food we eat, over time slowly harm us. I mean really, they're not doing us any good.

  51. Also the sanpaku eyes have correlation to the usage of electronics/cell phones

  52. I'd believe it. What doesn't cause cancer these days?

    Sheryl Crow has had more than her fair share of health issues. :(
