Thursday, September 20, 2012

Your Turn

What rules or laws is it ok to break?


  1. Speed limit laws.

  2. I know that this is completely illogical, but in my mind, if I have to drive slower for a portion of a road/freeway due to construction, I feel that it's justified to speed once I get past it (you know, since the two speeds AVERAGE out). Not sure how I'd explain that logic to a cop though.

  3. Fashion laws.

    I'm like the Hitler of those.

  4. Running stop lights when you can clearly see that there is no on coming traffic.

  5. Stop signs in the middle of no where! I hate them and I am always tempted to blow them, but I fear a cop is hiding.

  6. tax laws-I don't mind paying some but what I pay is ridiculous. Ohio also has a usage law where you are supposed to pay sales tax on anything you buy from out of state (internet or otherwise), just plain greed on their part.

  7. just the immoral illegal herb laws for me.....and well, the speed limit, but only if you have both hands on the steering wheel and aren't talking on the phone or texting.

  8. Growing, buying, smoking, inhaling, eating, ingesting and otherwise possessing marijuana for one's own personal consumption.

  9. None....but I do sometimes break traffic rules.....

  10. I concur selenakyle!

  11. +2 selenakyle!

    The very first one that came to me was j walking. Sometimes there isn't a crosswalk for 5 blocks or more. But if I am in a cross walk and people don't stop, I start to flip them off :) only if they have plenty of time to stop and dont.

  12. Smoking weed, growing weed, and rolling around naked in weed for personal consumption.

  13. Sex laws - of course only when between consenting adults.

  14. I confess...I wear white after Labor Day.

    I know, I know, might as well lock me up now.

    1. As I am wearing white shoes I'm guilty as charged califblondy.

      I break so many laws but not to be a rebel.There may be some stuff growing in the garden and some sex laws that affect consenting adults are pretty silly these days and times. I speed and jaywalk. I buy underage kids booze and cigs.(Made that last one up.)

  15. Ashamed to admit I speed all the time. But I can't stop. And I'm also a walking billboard for breaking fashion laws. In fact, I'm wearing white shorts right now. Come and get me!

  16. +3 SelenaKyle

    +1 doctressjulia

    only wear sneakers, my bad. Give my Dogs samples of whatever I eat. Allow my Granddaughter to play naked in mud puddles in fenced in back yard, while I laugh.
    Make home made foods for friends.

  17. Wow, this is enlightening.

    I live in Chicago, where people are killed and injured frequently by other people (in cars and on bicycles) blowing through red lights and stop signs. In the seven years I've lived here, I've been hit by bicycles twice. My boss's elderly mother was hit by a bicycle last week. In my neighborhood alone, there have been about a half a dozen hit and run accidents this year involving motor vehicles. When I first moved here, I lived in Lincoln Park, around the time a four year old girl was killed by a hit and run driver who "didn't see" a stop sign.

    I grew up in a very, very rural place, where people regularly do not stop at stop signs, and people were killed there, too.

    It is not okay to go through stop signs, or red lights, just because you think no one is around.

  18. Marijuana laws! I confess- I broke the law a few moments ago. ITA selenakyle, omama, julia and smash- legalize it!

  19. Anonymous11:09 AM

    weed laws.

  20. Well I dont' want to admit this but - I did one time rip the tag off of a brand new mattres:P

    1. OMG, you rebel! ;) that's hilarious!

  21. smoking weed, jaywalking (if you are stupid enough to get hit by a car, it is YOUR fault), (friendly/socialized)dogs off leash at parks....

  22. Marital vows.
    Marriage proposals.

  23. Cathy, too funny! I don't like breaking laws. I sort of live by the 'you never know' motto. Blame it on strict, overbearing parents who NEVER did anything wrong (or fun, for that matter). I even feel guilty when I speed, so I always tell my son 'this is NOT what you are supposed to do!'

  24. I speed - aren't those numbers posted merely a suggestion?

    I thought Stacy, and what's his name, said it's ok to wear white after Labor Day.

  25. For a very long time, a majority of my coworkers have been talking smack about this weasel at work. It's not just his lack of moral fortitude that irks the masses, but his wretched flatulence. Now, I'm not one to talk smack-office gossip is the big butt hurt, but I am passive aggressive for sure. Nobody has Figured out that it is I, after blatantly enjoying a radish and hummus lunch, that has crop-dusted their cube farm. It's a win/win for me.

    It feels like I'm breaking the rules by first doing it, and then by letting him take the rap.

    I call it justice.

  26. Yay for cannabis cards!!! I'm currently legal to smoke, ingest, cultivate and grow pot.. But not sell it! Although donations are accepted ; - )

    Sex laws should be thrown out! Legalize sex workers and stop the shame process!

    Tax laws - Oy vay .. They need to be completely reconstructed

    1. Agree with everything you said. The traffic laws are iffy because you know there's always idiots like LILO who still have a license to drive!

  27. @Lauren, that's awesome! OK, confession...the last day of work I put an egg in the microwave and forgot about it. YUP. Exploded everywhere. The programmer guy took the wrap because he was weird. Never said anything about it.

    1. Hey Silly Girl,
      It's the cross we have to bear, non?

  28. @Lauren - LOL!!!!

  29. Anything between consenting adults.

  30. I'd like to break a few laws of physics, especially the gravity one. I regularly break speed limits, and jaywalk (in Seattle, I often feel I'm the only person doing that). I don't think drugs or prostitution should be illegal. Sex laws like sodomy are ridiculous. Who cares what we do in the bedroom, as long as it hurts nobody else. Any laws denying abortion or birth control to women should be broken.

  31. It would be morally ok to break the unjust law in China where families are limited to only having 1 child.

  32. jaywalking. if it's safe, it should not be a ticketable(is this a word?) offense.

  33. Not blowing through, but rolling through a 4 way stop sign (if there is clearly no one there). Got a ticket not to long ago and I was irked, because I just didn't come to a complete stop. I guess the cop's pension has to get paid somehow...

  34. OMG, don't any of you jaywalk in Vegas, we kill a pedestrian a week here.

    Following the rules was my only option growing up, I obey the law.
    I did break some stupid workplace rules when I needed to help someone.

  35. @Unknown:
    The reason people in Chicago blow through stop signs here is because 75% of them are illegal under state or federal law.
    The sole criteria to get a stop sign put up is getting the idiot alderman to pass a city law requiring it.
    The simplest way to determine if a sign is illegal:
    1. If there's a CTA bus route on the street, the sign is illegal!
    2. If the street has a US route number, such as US 41 {Foster Ave] it's definitely illegal under federal law!

  36. I hide my dog in my purse and take him into the store/mall with me, I once told a security guard he was I working dog..he didn't believe me so now I have a small red vest for him to wear.

  37. I agree, legalize sex between consenting adults. If they want to pay, let them. And any pot law is ridiculous. And the speed limit.

  38. Assault - If you're Chris Brown.

    Grand Theft - If you're Lindsay Lohan.

    Sexual Assault - If you're Ben Rothlisberger.

    I mean, really, what laws can't your break if you're rich enough?

  39. And I color outside the lines too.

  40. As with selenakyle (love the name) and all of the others, I have frequently violated our nation's antiquated and ridiculous prohibitions against the possession and use of marijuana.

  41. Gravity .. definitely gravity.

  42. Inconvenient laws.

  43. Any law that interferes with what I want to do, with my own mind and body.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I think men should be able to pee outside, discreetly of course. Specifically, outdoor events with port a potties. I know a lot of them do, but they should be able to without fear of being arrested for public indecency or exposure.

  46. @Clark St. - so you mean to tell me I could've gotten down Irving Park 10x faster all the years I lived there? I *never* knew that! Damnit! And let's not even talk about Broadway, Clark, or Ashland. Bus routes!! Next time I go back, I'm going to be a rebel! Thx for the head's up!
