Friday, October 05, 2012

Amityville Horror House Is For Sale - Price Reduced

Just in time for Halloween, the house from Amityville Horror is back on the market. The owners have reduced the price by almost 40% in an effort to get someone to buy it. When you drop the price of a house by 40%, there is something wrong with it. Are you going to be the person to buy that house? Do you want to live in a house that had six people murdered in it and another family movie out after 28 days because of the ghosts and demons? The current owners have lived there for a little over a decade and are getting divorced. Husband fell in love with one of the demons. It was getting awkward.


  1. I would totally buy this house if I lived in the area!

  2. Haha. The last part was funny.

    Hell to the no!! I lived in a haunted house that was the spirit of a really abusive father, I always saw 2 girls running from the house. I would wake up screaming from dreams about it, it would hear people talking in the house, my friends stayed there one night and left after 30 minutes becauae they thought someone was walking by the glass door.

    I am very happy in my peacefully semi modern craftsman that is not haunted.

    1. Holy crap! Seriously??

    2. I remember that Smash. You know I wouldn't be able to go that house!!!

      Although I'd be trying to send everyone into the light and calm that sh*t down.

      I have one haunted room in my current house. An old lady who used to live here. She's pretty quiet but doesn't like it when I leave it messy. Haha!

    3. @Dia, send them into the light!!! Hilarious!!!

    4. @misspoppypants - I totally would! I talk to dead people, ya know. Maybe you weren't around for that whole conversation btwn me and OMAMA.

    5. Dia- as long as the lady is peaceful I would be ok with it. Have you tried sage Ing the room? My ex's stepdad died of a long battle with lung cancer in their house. I could see him and feel him watching over me sometimes. He was a very sweet man and the spirit was light like you say. :)

      The man in that house was evil evil. The people who lived there said sometimes they felt something weird but paid no attention. It was a weird old old old house they kept updating on a giant 15 acre lot in Boise. It was probably the only house there in the 1920's (on that side of town not Boise in general).

  3. The whole thing was a hoax anyway, I'd totally live there!

    P.S., the book the movie is based on is one of the poorest written things I've ever read. It's like a third grader wrote it.

    1. @stigs IT'S A HOAX??? Seriously???? I never researched it I just saw parts of the original movie! Hoax???

    2. The real murders are really sad and more interesting than the ghosts.

    3. Yeah, google Amityville horror hoax, it's well documented, I'm pretty sure there's even books about it. Apparently, they cooked up the whole scheme over a few bottles of wine.

  4. Actually, the house is a really nice house. My colleague knows the previous owners and I think the 40% reduction is more about the decline in value of Long Island real estate. Amityville is actually a really great town to live in (even with the spooky reputation!) ;).

  5. Wrong wrong wrong. This is not the house where the Amityville murders occurred. It is a house (not even in Amityville) that was used for filming the original movie.

  6. It was appraised for 1.1 m and the judge told them to lower it to get it sold. They paid 795k for it in 2001. Just a little factoid:)

  7. I think someone should buy this and turn it into a hotel! It has to really be cursed if nobody has figured out how to profit off of such a well known American story (tragedy). Even the Lizzie Borden house is a museum and I know people who have planned vacations to stay in a haunted hotel.

  8. I feel like a dick because I went through the town with friends and I asked a worker at this one (awesome)pizza place if the house was nearby. The worker was super nice about it, but it must be an annoying subject to have to talk about with tactless strangers.

  9. And know I read the article, just a "movie" house. I was where the DeFeo Murders happened...

  10. I used to work with an MD who grew up on the same street and whose parents still lived there (this was about 20 years ago). He said the whole thing was a hoax, that all the neighbors knew it was just the owners trying to get out of paying their mortgage. He said it was all a scam. He wasn't the kind of guy to exaggerate either.

  11. Ok I dont delete comments bc it's lame but maybe I need to read the entire article before I leave a comment.. A hotel in a former movie set? Lol I would TOTALLY plan a vacation to stay in a former movie set of a movie that not everyone cared to see. Totally!

  12. This house is in Tom's River NJ and was used as a "double" for the original house in NY. They used it for exterior shots. Factoid:)

  13. Again, this isn't the actual house where the people were murdered.

    Either way, I wouldn't let that put me off. I don't believe in ghosts or spirits.

    And no, just because you dropped the price that much doesn't mean there's something wrong with it--just that your original price tag was unrealistic.

  14. Where's Nic Cage with his money from poorly made movies when you need him? Isn't he into buying bizarre properties?

  15. It's a beautiful home. Wouldn't sage and a little holy water take care of that? I'm totally easily scared so I'm writing this shaking, thinking about haunted houses and things that go bump in the night. But as a property lover, it's really pretty.

  16. Agent! Oh how I have missed you and your amazing facts!!!

    Can we please start Adult Beverage Friday?!?

  17. I read somewhere ages ago that the original house was torn down.

  18. Look look at the facade. They got rid of the windows! What's the point of that house without the trademark windows?!

  19. Dia it 's about 8 pm in Italy (where I'd like to be) so Let the Adult Beverages flow! I'm coming off a week of vacation margarita 's .... ..... martini?

  20. I was (for that convo ;)) and I am still trying to figure out how you did it.

    //I'd buy that house......if it wasn't in LI (and if the side lot hadn't been sold off. I like my space ppl).

  21. It's only 11:17 in CA but if you add veg or fruit juice to a cocktail it becomes a breakfast drink like a bloody mary or a mimosa. Keep that in mind when selecting your drink of choice.

  22. i remember clearly that the real amityville horror house where the murders were committed had a gambrel this is not the 'real' amityville horror house.

  23. For some reason I am intrigued by the mid-century garage doors. Remind me of the garage doors of my childhood home.

  24. Well if it was just the movie set then no big deal. I haven't watched the movies but have watched interviews with the son, who denies it all, and the step dad, who said he watched one of the kids be basically taken over by demons (running in circles on the floor and puking).

    The boy said he did feel weird stuff and would see shadows sometimes. So he didn't flat out say it wasn't haunted, just that the movies and his step father were exaggerating.

  25. Im confused by the bits and pieces of information here. What exactly was the hoax and by whom?

    Guess I'll procrastinate my day a little bit more and wander around googleland for a little bit.

  26. I'd buy it. The supernatural claims were all b.s. anyway.

  27. FS- there was a murder in Long Island, the father killed the whole family. A new family moved in, stepdad mom and two sons. The original killer started saying the house made him do it. So the step dad wrote a book all about the house. The new family left the house saying they fled from the spirits. There was a movie in 1967 made about the book Amittyville Horror. A new movie was made usin the house above for the setting. The son did an interview saying the movies are way above what happened, while the step dad still proclaims it all as mostly truth.

    Hopefully that helps. I really am interested in this and will probably do more research.

  28. I want this house so badly! People go and just stare at it. I would totally screw with them/ and or hand out candy. Trick or treating all year long! Oh god I'm lonely.

    1. Good candy, and popcorn balls! Cider too! Fun!

  29. @smashbash - You have your facts wrong. The son, Butch DeFeo, killed his parents and siblings. Then the Lutz family bought it, and made up the entire story of the haunting because they could not pay for their mortgage. It's been thoroughly proven that everything the Lutz family said never occurred.

  30. There was some documentary I watched a while ago with the guy who murdered his family (DeLeo?) and he was talking about how the whole theory of a demon making him do it was all fake. Supposedly he and his sister hated their father and he claimed that the night of the murders, his sister killed the family and then he killed her in self defense. Weird, but who knows....

  31. I would totally buy that house if I had the money... urban legends don't scare me.

    I laugh in the face of fear.

  32. IIRC, the original house IS still standing. Ronald DeFeo Jr. DID kill his entire family, but he was the son, not the father. Jay Anson and the Lutzes cooked up the whole hoax over a bottle of wine one night, and I believe that their priest was even in on it. The house is not haunted. Finally, the movie came out in '79, not '67.

    I wouldn't want to live in the original house due to the murders. Natural deaths are one thing, but murders in a home are quite another. Now, the Lizzie Borden house I would like to tour for history's sake, but I couldn't stay there for the B&B.

  33. I have to chime in after Derek sort of said one of my all time favorite Buffy quotes:

    "I laugh in the face of danger! Then I hide until it goes away." - Xander Harris

    I so relate.

  34. I currently live in a haunted house and I have to say it sucks .. People are fascinated with it , and for the most part I'd say it's 90% quiet, but when it's " active " .. Oh boy.. Do. Not. Like. Maybe it's just me, but I'm really uncomfortable with seeing things. I get that's it's some interdemensional thing most likely and scientifically its completely probable.. However it still creeps me the fug out! I am moving ( not because I think my house is haunted ) next week though and I plan on doing a thorough sage-ing at my next place.

    1. Mine was built in 1852. Was once a saloon/boarding house. A stop for the pony express and we've been told used to hide escaped slaves. This place has a lot of paranormal energy. I've seen lots of orbs,actual apparitions and a ghostly cat that likes to mess with my animals. Things are always banging,foot steps on the stairs. They mostly keep to themselves. I've had two instances where I've been woke up in the night because one of them was staring at me sleep. That was very unnerving. Felt like a blast of cold air in my face which is what woke me in the first place. They are not a negative presence so we just coexist.

      I am very sensitive to the paranormal. We toured a house before we bought this one that had been a home for wayward boys in the early 1900s. The place was so vile energy wise I had to vomit when we left. All these awful images were in my mind.Simply awful!

    2. Wow! Very interesting deree

  35. Omama: Nothing to figure out. Your mama came to visit and we had a nice chat! I like getting to help people this way. It provides great healing and a chance to say goodbye. But you know she's always around you anyway. You just have to reach out!

    Smash: I haven't saged in awhile. She's mostly harmless, but sometimes I don't like going in that room. I have a little boy too that comes to visit. That one I can't figure out. I wonder if he's from the Oregon Trail or something.

  36. Alicia: I used to be uncomfortable, but they kept bugging me and coming around. Now I use it to help people :D

  37. Any comment thread that has Buffy quotes makes me happy!

    Add me to those who now have to go on a Google journey to learn more.

  38. Our good friends lived in amityville for 20 plus years, around corner from that house. I passed it hundreds of times, nener saw anything weird. The town, which had been offered to hv the premiere there, HATED everything about this story, said no, tried to protect house. New owners changed the front so wasnt quite so reconixible. If u asked local where house was, they wouldnt tell. Again, i passed house on foot and in car, saw nothing.

    1. And that isnt the house in amityville, and wldnt care to live in a house where all thise murders took place.

  39. "But you know she's always around you anyway. You just have to reach out!"

    Um, Dia, I've studied the paranormal, metaphysical, etc. a little bit, but I'm unsure about, exactly do we do this? I think I've tried, so to speak, and I don't..."hear" anything. What can help this communication along?

  40. Thanks for the info everyone. Will try to read up some more over the weekend, but I'm seeing Peter Gabriel on Saturday and I have to do my grocery shopping and stop farting around so much today. :)

  41. @dia - I'm always amazed when people can do that! I've seen things since I was little and it's always scared the beejezus out of me! I probably scare them just as much as they scare me by the way I scream when I do see!

  42. The Lutz family lived in a house downthe block from me around the time the original movie came out. They kept to themselves & only stayed for about about 12-18 months.

    The original house, I would not want to live in because of the DiFeo murders - I would just always be thinking about it.

    But if this is just the house used in the movies, no problem whatsoever.

  43. @dia, you seem to know a lot about this...about six months after my husband died, he came to see me and the baby. I was staying with my in-laws then, they heard me talking and got up to see to whom. He was as solid as a real person, we did not touch, he stayed with me for maybe twenty minutes. He told me to go and live where I would be happy and everything would be okay. I moved back to WA. state where my family was, he was right.
    My in-laws didn't see him, but knew immediately that I was talking to their son.
    Does this happen often?

  44. Alicia and AKM:

    I made it stop for a long time bc it freaked me OUT! I don't "see" like that anymore, but I have a good friend who does. Alicia, she lived in one of those old brothels (now apartments) off of NW 23rd and had to move bc too many peeps in there. She can see them walking around too.

    Now I have more of a knowing of things, I feel them in my body and I see in my minds eye. I think everyone is intuitive, there are just degrees and you can train it like anything else. It's really subtle for me, not like Ghost Whisperer or Medium at all.

    I meditate a lot and give my mind a break from all the chatter. The more I meditate and do my qi gong the clearer the insight becomes. I use my gifts for healing work primarily.

    I've also read a million books on this and studied with a lot of different people. I've also been hoodwinked a few times. Not everyone is legit. Authors I like: Sonia Choquette (I studied with her years ago in Chicago before she was so famous), James Van Praagh, Doreen Virtue, and Caroline Myss. There are lots out there. Just find some you like and start to explore.

    Sorry so long - that's probably enough woo woo today. I think I need to start a woo woo blog, but then I'd miss all you guys :D

  45. Del that is a beautiful story! Maybe me cry a little bit.

    I am so happy he came and gave you that message. What a beautiful gift! And good for you for being open enough to receive it. My father and grandparents both come to visit me often, so I think it's completely normal. Sometimes it's just a smell or a quick thought or a car will be in front of me with a funny bumper sticker. Little signs are everywhere. And meditation helps to clear the chatter. My teacher says, "You have to be home when the delivery man shows up with your package (i.e. messages from otherside)."

  46. My first husband, mom and dad are all dead. I was very close to my paternal grandmother, also gone...several times a year I wake suddenly because it feels like someone just got up from the bed.
    Sometimes at my side, sometimes at the foot.
    Our bed is very firm and my husband or I getting up doesn't disturb the other in this way, no transferred motion.
    I have never felt fear when this happens, I just wonder who it is.

    Fascinating subject, wish I had more answers.

  47. @dia, the above message was for you.

    You're right, I was always very grateful for the message. It made all the difference to me. Both sets of parents wanted me to stay by them, one set in Ill., the other in WA. first grandchild on either side,only child of their only son.

    I didn't know what to do till he came and told me it would be okay to go home.

    I know we're not alone.

    1. Del! Kindred Spirits!

      Awesome. I have the same stuff happen. Feel someone sitting next to me, brush my hair, touch my face. I've felt the bed move before too. But who do you talk to about this stuff without sounding crazy? Although bc of my experiences I know death is not the end and our loved ones are always with us. It's very comforting to me.

      What a blessing that he was able to get through to you and give you that message. Then you didn't have doubts about moving forward. I don't know if you've read much about it but check out some of those authors I mentioned before and see if any resonate with you. I've also met James Van Praagh and really like his books. His last one Unfinished Business was really helpful.

  48. I read that book in HS and it freaked me out. I found out it was a hoax too years ago though.

  49. About 15 years ago, I rented a cottage in Amityville that was across the street and about 5 houses down from the "Amityville Horror House" and the one shown in the photo is NOT it (it was just used for exterior shots for the movie). And yes, the people in Amityville say the whole story was a hoax and hate when people come looking for the house. In fact, they will refuse to tell you where the house is!

    I did not know until the day before I moved in to the cottage that I was to be living so close to "the house" and I was pretty creeped out. In fact, I was afraid to stay in the cottage alone at night, and when my boyfriend was away, my sister would have to come and stay with me. I used to hear weird noises at night and once, the light in my bedroom turned off by itself. I lasted there for 6 months, then moved out. I told my boyfriend he could stay or come with me -- I didn't care-- but I was getting the hell out of there!

  50. I have very "real" dreams of deceased relatives and friends. Not very often, but I always believe it was really them talking to me afterwards. Very interesting topic.
    I couldn't live in the real Amityville house because I read the book at an impressionable age (maybe 7th grade) and scared the crap out of myself.

  51. lakeuniongirl - I would agree that it was them coming to visit. I get more visits in my dreams bc it's less scary for me. I don't like it when I can see them walking around.

  52. dia, I've already made note of the authors you mentioned. Thank you so much!

    I only told my adult daughter about my *talk* with her dad this past year, she was four months old when he died,she thought it was kind of weird but interesting, and knowing me, she believes I saw and heard what I said I did.

    I don't fear death at all, it's the dying part that might be troublesome.

    I'll look for your books, thanks again for being a kindred spirit!

  53. So Dia, what are your thoughts on imaginary friends? My kids have said some weird stuff to me over the years...

  54. and the worst of all...Ryan Reynolds was on the movie about this house!

  55. Yes! It could be a deceased relative, it could be an angel, it could be a spirit guide. Many possibilities. Doesn't mean it's some evil entity as the movies would have you believe. Here is a book I like about helping your intuitive children - The Wise Child by Sonia Choquette.

  56. Dia, you fascinate me. If you ever did start a blog, I bet a bunch of us would be right there with you. How did I live my whole life without knowing amity vile was a hoax? Can't wait to read more.
    I also have the vivid dream thing, and feel very lucky to have those experiences. I have lost too many friends too soon, and I feel like a bit of a conduit to pass messages along to friends from these dreams sometimes. Like we discuss the other people in our lives, and the ones that are gone want to let others know they are thinking of them. I wake up hearing their voices and seeing them so vividly for days, that I know there s something to it.

    1. Dia and E Bee G, I have extremely vivid dreams like this and sometimes even wake up talking to them. I never labeled anything and probably still won't, but agree all have intuitive capabilities.

  57. @dia I just have to say that I'm so impressed with how comfortable you are with yourself and your abilities. You're really inspiring to me in that regard. It makes me smile every time I read one of your spiritual comments and how open and natural they are. <3

    @Stigs Fuck, only drunk ppl would come up with a plan that stupid. And I believe in ghosts. Who does something like that? Someone with too much damn time on their hands!

  58. If you are sensitive, never work in a hotel! Most hotels are haunted. I worked overnight in many hotels getting through college, and it could be a bit creepy. You just knew you weren't the only one in the lobby.

    The Amityville book and movie were based on a hoax, but the were murders in the house. I wouldn't want to live in a house where anyone was murdered.

  59. @coriander - don't know if you'll read this. I was out of town and just saw your comment.

    Thank you very much! That means a lot from another sensitive :D I recently made a decision to come out of the psychic closet and just own it. I think when a person lives an authentic life (whatever that may be for them - lawyer, banker, massage therapist) other people see their genuine passion and it's inspiring! True passion in others is inspiring!

    I have also been simultaneously learning my gifts and hiding from them for more than 20 years. That's enough wasted energy to make a sane person go crazy. It's easier to be authentic and out as a sensitive than to stay hiding. Everyone finds me anyway! AND I feel like I get to help others come out too bc it's not so scary. I'm pretty normal looking and non-threatening. No gypsy scarves or crystal balls! Most people are intuitive. They've just been taught to fear it or mistrust it.

    Lastly, not being my self, my true self, was literally killing me - chronic fatigue, allergies, fibromyalgia, etc! Feeling much better now! Wink! Hugs to you :D
