Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy Easy

What former B+ list pop singer who has not sung in years is now more famous for fashion and reality television could not speak for almost a week because her doctor went overboard plumping up her lips. She had to eat all her food with a straw for a week which she actually loved because she had nothing but milkshakes. Even now, she starts drooling sometimes because she can't get her mouth open enough.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Her mouth doesn't seem like it bends when she talks!

  2. Couldn't speak for a week? Bet her inner circle loved that.

  3. Yep, Jessica Simpson sounds about right. Good way to lose some weight!!

  4. No wait I read it again. Milkshake=Kelis she loves drinking them bc it gets her dates. How? Whatever works.

  5. That is so gross.

  6. "Drools because she can't get her mouth open enough" in what world does yhis become attractive/worth it?!!

    1. I thought you drool because you can't keep your mouth closed, not because you can't keep it open.

  7. I'm betting her doctor went overboard at her insistence.

  8. How about paula abdul? Shes a legend in her own mind, lol

  9. Can't be Jess - unless "years" are referring to two, since her lousy Christmas cd came out in '10. Flopped and was horrible, yes, but she still sang recently.

  10. Longtime lurker here who is fascinated with ya'lls knowledge :) It's Jessica. Check out Daily Mail fromyesterday. She's got fish lips again.

  11. Jessica should just follow Christina, if you want to be fat be fat who cares. All this silly running around working out when all you really want is a big mac and fries is dopey. Live your life girl.

  12. isn't she breastfeeding? it must be good for the baby to get breast milk with traces of that plumping goo in it.

  13. I thought that the drooling part was Pavlovian for her.
    I seriously doubt that she is breast feeding, she loves her breasts too much for that. Can one breast feed if you get a boob job? I really wish that she would stop with all the plastic surgery, it is quite shocking with the before and afters how much she has had done.

  14. Sounds like Jessica Simpson.

  15. Victoria Beckham?

  16. Posh because of that comment about loving eating everything through a straw-- she never eats a lot.

  17. Posh because of that comment about loving eating everything through a straw-- she never eats a lot.

  18. Possibly one of the least talented people alive, J.Simpson.

  19. This blind made me laugh. Drooling? It has to be Jessica!
