Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blind Item #2 - Easy Easy

Overheard at a party this week. All the comments were made to a male B-/C+ list celebrity/reality star about a B+ reality star with A list name recognition.

"She was so wrong for you."
"Your new girlfriend is amazing. She is actually nice."
"It is so much better this year without her trying to get all the attention."
"How did you stay with her so long?"
"How long was she cheating on you?"
"Her show sucks."
"Are you engaged already?"
"How much work has she had done?"
"Everyone hates her. Does she even have friends that she is not related to or pays?"


  1. Kris Humphries, Kim Kardashian

  2. I agree with Dunne. More likely Kris than Disick (the engaged question is what tips me to that side), but it is definitely one of them.

  3. Kris and Kim. I can't imagine a scenario where she would have friends. I mean real friends, not the sort who only appear for the camera, get paid or are related in some way.

  4. I'd say Kourtney because of the B+ status. Kim K is A list reality star through and through.

  5. From Enty's FB and Twitter :

    An exclusive Twitter follower blind item reveal.

    Number 1 is John Travolta.

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2008
    Four For Friday - Friends Edition

    #1 Like all good AP stories, they take place in a bathroom. But unlike in the past, this one takes place in a men's room. Yes, AP was in a men's room. She says because the line was too long for the women's. I don't know. For all I know she could have been having sex with a total stranger. Kind of like the B list married film actor she saw in the men's room making out and reaching in the pants of another man. The B lister was in 2 of the top 25 films last year.

  6. Thanks for posting, Agent! I don't have twitter so I always wonder what I'm missing out on :)

    1. @Dunne: you don't need a twitter account. Follow Enty's link and just read! That's what I do.

  7. I disagree with Scott/Kourtney because it says "your new girlfriend is amazing" - they are a long term couple

  8. Kris Humpries. He hears those comments A LOT.

  9. Def Hump. I have it on very good authority that she is not very nice, and no one loves attn more than she does. She's a B+ and not an A because she's a joke. Unfortunately we all are forced to know who she is so she gets A recognition.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Does Kris Humphries have his own reality show because the line "It is so much better this year without her trying to get all the attention." makes it seem like people are still watching him.

    Maybe some dancing with the stars people, i have no idea really. Or Jon Gosselin

  12. @izz - I'm thinking "this year" could mean this season, as in basketball season. So, maybe it's a teammate or another NY friend that they're glad they don't have to deal with her now.

  13. You could be right Amber, not hard to believe his teammates wouldn't have liked her. If Kim K isn't an A list reality star though i don't know who is

  14. Also they called him a "reality star/celebrity". I don't know Disick other than reality show or gossip related, but the sports team component of Kris may be the "celebrity" addition.

  15. I thought Enty has called Kim A list reality star tons of times before.

  16. Yes but was Kris Humphries really ever a reality star? Celebrity sure, but I wouldn't call him a reality star.

  17. Kris was the primary in a reality show, and therefore he is a "reality star"..

    The entire Kardashian clan is disgusting. Like mother like daughters. Kris was lucky to get out when he did. I hear Kanye's career has suffered a few setbacks because of that" relationship"..

  18. It's Kim, because I so want to believe this.

  19. I think Enty was hoping if he called her B+, her star would start to fade.
