Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blind Item #2 - Easy

Unfortunately this actor is A list. Mix of television and movies, although has had much bigger success with television. He hates his B list actress ex. A lot. Even though he is the one who cheated all the time, he feels like he is the victim because she is holding out for more money and because he feels like the public is on her side. Over the weekend, our actor had sex with his current girlfriend and called his ex during it. His current girlfriend is totally on board with it after getting her phone filled with angry texts from the ex-wife.


  1. Asston? There's gossip circulating that the divorce isn't going well because Demi wants more money.

  2. really I wish ashton would just go away. You can practically see him mouthing the lines of his costars and he tries to keep up and remember his.

    Def. Assdong... Oh Mila and Demi you could do so much better

  3. Ashton and Demo

  4. I would believe this if this blind item came BEFORE reports of Demi wanting Ashton's money.

  5. This was in the NYP this morning, minus the call during sex bit

  6. Sounds like Ashton. He sounds like a real Pig and I feel so badly for Demi.

  7. I thought that they'd never had a legal marriage, though--how would she get money?

  8. I was thinking Charlie Sheen? I hope its not ashton only because I hope Mila doesn't suck that bad. Then again, she's with him...

  9. That's really tacky and cruel if true. I would also dislike Mila very much if she would participate in that sort of pettiness.

  10. HAHA that is so mean but funny.

  11. Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards

  12. AK sounds more and more douchey.

  13. Just to throw another name, what about Peter and Jenny?

  14. Well, not so fast, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Demi surely has enough of her own money that she doesn't need to go after his. Especially if she's going after 3 1/2 Men since he started after their separation.

  15. Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards

  16. I immediately thought Charlie Sheen.

  17. oh, mila mila mila. I thought you were better than that.

  18. Ugh hate, hate, hate to say it but totally sounds just like Jackie (from that 70's show)

  19. Pretty cruel to do that to someone who is already dealing with emotional illness.

  20. It sort of sounds like Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger...

  21. Is Demi B list. If anything she is former A list and Demi doesn't need money.

  22. "I thought that they'd never had a legal marriage, though--how would she get money?"

    Didn't it come out a week or so ago, perhaps here in fact, that they WERE legally married, after everyone speculated that it was never actually a legal ceremony? I believe legal paperwork pics were shown? I didn't dream that, did I?

    Ashton came to mind first, but I agree with the posters who've pointed out that Demi's gotta have WAY more money of her own, shouldn't she?!

  23. This makes me dislike Mila.

  24. I think at this point Asston has more. Demi hasn't really been working and he has.

    I'd be distraught if this is Mila, I'm think it's someone else. Altho Demi may be off her rocker and sending Mila vicious texts.

  25. Charlie Sheen. The ex holding out for more money is Denise Richards. His new show is coming out and she sees dollar signs...again.

  26. @ AKM: Demi and Asston were listed as being married on some sort of real estate document but that doesn't mean a wedding actually took place.

    I hate to think that Mila participated in his mean calls but if she got texts from Demi, I can see how she might have been pushed over the edge. Demi is obsessed and that means she probably didn't text Mila once or twice; if she DID text her it was dozens of times.

  27. I would say Charlie & Denise if A) she were as high as B-list...she's down to a C by now; and B) if she weren't raising ALL of his kids now, even the boys he had with Brooke. It seems like she gets along with him now.

    I thought Alec & Kim too, but he's married not dating, and they've been divorced for ages now.

    Ashton & Demi it is, I guess.

  28. I think it's Ashton because reluctant A list is how Enty always describes him

  29. Gross. I hate all three of them now.

  30. I'm disgusted with Mila for dating Ashton. She was doing so well and her career was taking she's stuck with the life sucker outter.

  31. Sure it wasn't Olivia Wilde and that Jason guy? Didn't he have a really awful divorce?

  32. So you all supporting Demi say she gets a pass for being an all around shitty wife and probable nutcase? You think someone who refuses to eat for days or wants to sit around smoking synthetic weed all damn day is easy to live with? I swear some of you will agree with anything that doesn't have a dick.

  33. Amy Scott - I think most people would agree that Demi has emotional and psychological issues and needs help. It's certainly not a picnic dealing with someone like this, but calling her while having sex with another is pretty damn shameful. IF it is Ashton and Mila, I've lost respect for her. (I, admittedly, have never had any for Ashton.)

  34. And by "her", I mean Mila. Not sure why it is that I can't seem to type out a coherent thought.

  35. I agree w/Snit. I've never liked Ashton and I'm saddened that Mila doesn't have better taste in men (and isn't classier than to pull this, if it is her), but Demi is clearly in terrible mental, emotional, and physical condition. She needs professional help. Taunting her like this -- even if she did send nastygrams to the new girlfriend's phone -- is just tormenting the distraught and mentally ill. If you can't help her or pity her, just move on and leave her alone.

  36. I'm with Snit on this one, Amy Scott. Just because she's a RAGING LOONY does not give the 'normal', yet douchie, a pass to be completely hateful. Because, at that point, who is the bigger person? The one who can't help herself because she's always been a little 'kookoo' or the responsible one using her illness symptoms as a reason to totally mind-fuck her?

    I can't BELIEVE I actually commented on an Asston thread. *shameface*

  37. Definitely Ashton. Enty always refers to him as an "unfortunate A lister."

    Shame on Mila. I thought she was better than this.

  38. I'm not giving the ex a pass here. There is absolutely NO reason to go after the new GF, no matter how emotionally fragile or whatever you are. Not the best way to deal with a crazy person maybe, but I can understand the frustration.

  39. Why hate on ashton and mila? Even demi's kids wanted a restraining order against her. She is straight up bat shite cray cray.

  40. I wonder if Demi texted Mila to congratulate her for being named sexist woman alive.

    Demi has 20 years on Mila. Old enough to be her mother. She needs get involved in deep therapy and charity work.

  41. how do you call someone DURING sex? in my mind i'm thinking, unlock cell phone, go to phone app,go to contacts, go to ex (why are they on your contacts). yeah, not in the mood anymore.

  42. Nobody is giving the ex a free pass -- she's off the rails, for sure. However, the saying "living well is the best revenge" holds true. Demi's implosion is spectacularly public and alienating to everyone in her life, so taking the high road could only make Ashton & Mila look good. Doing something cruel, vulgar and juvenile (which is really all Ashton's career is based on) should be beneath someone who is 20 years younger, "won" (gag) the guy, and was named sexiest woman alive.

    @Me -- good point! If I have the focus to make phone calls, it doesn't speak well for the sex.

    @Voracity -- good guess, but in no universe has Peter Facinelli ever been A list.

  43. Remember the picture a few weeks ago of Ashton texting or looking at his phone while Mila was busy making out with him? That picture said a lot.

  44. Yep, good thing for Ashton that he started making that 2 1/2 Men money after he split with Demi. Yeah, she probably has plenty of money in the bank, but does she really ever work anymore? During the course of the marriage, I'm sure he made much more than she did. Also, she might be going after money not because she needs it but because she wants to be vindictive. In any case, someone who is as big a mess and has the sort of poor judgment that Demi has could blow through a lot of money, especially on drugs, so it's possible she needs the money. Ashton handled things poorly and is a cheater, but there's only so much you can expect from someone when they're married to a mess. Two people destroyed that marriage, both Ashton with his cheating and Demi with her self-destructive, profoundly desperate behavioral problems, her addictions, youth obsession and eating disorders. She's a mess. I think a guy would have to be a saint to put up with that nonsense.
