Friday, October 12, 2012

Blind Item #3

The longer this B list actor from a hit movie franchise is single, the more oily he gets. Long married, but now free, the actor was working this week and was introduced to a production assistant and our actor immediately had his hand on her butt. As in within five minutes. When she didn't say anything then he became more bold and 30 minutes later had her practically sitting on his lap and told everyone he needed a quick break. He went and had sex with the production assistant and then when they came back out he acted as if nothing had happened and ignored her the rest of the shoot. Never said another word to her.


  1. Peter Fachinelli

  2. Why are some women so stupid ?

    1. Mb she enjoyed it. Who knows?

    2. Auntliddy- I love how you never judge!

      I was thinking "what a stupid idiot!"

  3. Peter facinelli. So sad.

  4. Agree with Misch - this woman needs a good talking-to.

  5. Agree...Peter f came to mind and I suck at guessing blinds.

  6. AnnWithoutAnE beat me to it. My question is - is Peter Facinelli b-list?

  7. Peter facinelli. So sad.

  8. hey, maybe she wanted a no commitment quickie, too? You never know.

  9. I unlike Mike Dexter.

  10. FSP, I was JUST thinking that he's just like Mike Dexter.

  11. Please reveal this.

  12. What an asshole and what an idiot woman.

  13. There are people who have sex with strangers. There are people who have sex with celebs in order to tell their friends. These people exist. They are not "victims," and they perform an important function in the world.

  14. I don't see any big deal here. Omg adults had sex!

  15. Depp is not B. That man is A++. Peter Facinelli, though really a B? If the married part wasn't included I would have said Bradly Cooper.

  16. Fascinelli and Ellen Parnett?

  17. ITA Eris and Katsm - who cares? If everyone involved is a consenting adult and knows what they are getting into this is a non-story.

  18. I think the point here is that the guy is a douche and the woman is super easy, INBD.

  19. How is this scandalous? He's single, he can do what he wants.

  20. It's not necessarily scandalous, it is just showing what a dickhead the actor is.

  21. I'm sure this isn't the first or last time this has happened on a set.

    They're both d-bags, IMO, but they're adults. There was no force involved, no trading job security for sex, nothing to talk about here.

  22. Wow...what a stupid PA. You something cheap and slutty like that, what did she expect? Dinner?

  23. Man I was way off base....I was thinking Danny Devito!

  24. Wow? Really? Some of these comments. If I was younger, and not married, and Daniel Craig in all of his glory wanted a quickie, you better believe I would have been first in line. Such a double standard between men and women when it comes to sex. Maybe she got exactly what she wanted out of it as well.

  25. My only concern is maybe she thought she had to have sex with him to keep her job. The right thing to do is leave her alone, but that's crazy I talk I guess in Hollyweird.

  26. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The first person who came to mind was Peter Fachinelli.

  27. When I think of PF oily definitely comes to mind.
    sajfasdfasfkkl Sorry I just had a spasm of skeeviness as I imagined PF with oiled back hair and somewhat of a Voldemort face walking towards me totally naked with his oily Slytherine in his hand and a vampire cape resembling Aro's. And now he is sparkling like the oily Twilight fairy that he is.

  28. Maybe she enjoyed the moment and really didn't care if she dealt with him again. YOLO. I'd like to think she scratched another notch on her bedpost and moved on, like my cousin used to do, LOL.

  29. This has to be Peter Facinelli, and how he's managed to have any career has always escaped me. The only thing the guy ever had going for him was that for some time he was a Tom Cruise lookalike when both were much younger.

  30. You can be a slut with class, IMO, and not speaking to someone afterwards ain't the way...

    Really sounds childish to me. Does he think if he speaks to her she'll demand marriage? A film set is still a workplace and corny bullshit like this is inappropriate.

  31. As mentioned above, they are both consenting adults. I just want to tell the PA to aim higher. Peter Facinelli? Really??

  32. He DOES look oily. And bloated in the face. I think he's had some kind of work done. Peter Facinelli, that is. He looks kind of feminine.

  33. Yes, the guy is kinda sleazy, BUT he is single now and probably a little anxious to get as much tail as possible. If it was a woman who was long married and newly single, she might be gettin a little wild too. We'd be "You get it, girl!" Yeah it sucks that he's ignoring her, but if a guy touched me like that when first meeting me I would not have been so kind. If she's working in Hollywood, I'm sure she knows how this works. She is no stranger to this.

  34. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Women are social-climbing whores. Film at 11.

    There's actually a movement afoot among men to stop funding this stuff through the men or the women.

    Why pay money to see a movie if the star is going to use the money and fame to steal women from the fans who made him rich and famous?

    The whole system is about to collapse.

  35. You know, I have no issue with the casual sex (although, ew). But to have sex with someone and then completely ignore them? Not cool.

  36. Another day in the life of a Hollywood dickhead...

  37. See, I see hints of you need to sleep with me to keep your job. Just a degree of pressure. Could totally be imagining it. I just can't imagine anyone wanting to sleep with him. Icky.

  38. Is PF really B list though? Really? C'mon. In his dreams maybe.
    I think Danny devito, doesn't say divorced, just single. And he is kinda oily from eating all that fish as the Penguin.

  39. James Marsden. Hit franchise is X-Men

  40. I was convinced this was PF (and same reaction, all consenting adults although douchey behavior) but just linked to this Radar article from Dlisted. Yo Yo Yo @Paper Trail

    (franchise Batman where DD played The Penguin)

  41. Also PF does not have the clout to halt production while he goes off with a PA. He could be replaced with some other douche. Danny D however, has the clout.

    He was so repulsive as the Penguin, just watched that movie again a couple months ago. Eating raw fish, ugh. Nasty little penguin.

  42. shame on you peter. i think he is creepy.

  43. Obviously who over the guy is "yuck"!!! Oily? But did you ever stop to think that the woman isn't an idiot. Maybe she wanted an uncomplicated quicky.? Men are always thinking that they are the ones who dominate this "use me for some sex" field. Not true. The fun part is letting them think they do.

  44. Gotta be rat-faced Peter Facinelli. Never did see the appeal of that one.

  45. Here is what everyone is missing. A film set is a workplace people. Just because actors and actresses all seem like kids at play pretending to be other people it is easy to forget that fact.

    It is inappropriate to put your hand on a co-worker's butt - it is potentially sexual harassment and is just unprofessional. Unprofessional for her as well if she was a wholly consenting party to the trailer whoopee and unprofessional and down right stupid for the actor whomever he may be because one day he will hit on the wrong woman- one who will cry sexual harassment [or even worse] whether true or not or one who will threaten it in return for something, if it hasn't happened already but swept under the carpet for now.

    If you get a rep for this kind of behavior , some of casting directors/production companies might just take a wide berth and not cast him because he's a potential liability now. Not all because many of those people are just as oily.
