Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blind Item #3

This A list celebrity in the rest of the world and probably a B- or C+ here in the States ran into her ex about two months ago. The ex that basically tortured her on a daily basis. Apparently this ex who is an actor made the moves on his ex and assumed she would be willing to have one night of fun. Well, he assumed wrong and she got the e-mail address of his current A list actress girlfriend and told her what happened, but the actress accused her of making moves on her man. "Look at the history" is what the A list celebrity wrote back.


  1. Kylie Minogue, Olivier Martinez, and Halle Barre

  2. Yup, Kylie, the jerk and his current bitch.

  3. Kylie Minogue and that guy she dated that I'd now with Halle Berry.

    Btw long time reader first time poster.

    1. I meant is not I'd. Stupid autocorrect.

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Damn, cam, you're on it!

  5. Poor Halle. She sure can pick 'em. At least Kylie learned from the experience. I don't think Halle learns anything from anything. A beautiful house but the lights are pretty dim in the attic.

  6. Halle needs to just be by herself for a while. She continues to get used up by these men...smh

  7. How the heck do you guys come up with these so quickly? lol I'm horrible at blinds.

  8. I've never really liked Halle Berry either.. meh.

  9. Ok I couldn't get that one at all. You guys are good. Halle seems to suffer from I need a man to validate my self-worth which makes me sad, but I use to be that way so I get it. I just wish she would realize that YOU is all you need.

  10. Anonymous11:25 AM

    @figgy -so funny. I'll have to use that description in the future.

  11. ah i wanted it to be Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie LOL

  12. I have never gotten the appeal of this guy and since being with Halle he looks even worse than before.

    Halle is the perpetual victim plus she needs Olivier in order to take Nahla out of the country.

    I don't think she'll be the one to end it. He might, but not her.

  13. Well, it is Angelina for the A-List celeb, and that Jonny dude currently in Elementary Watson or whatever. He was her first ex-hubbie.

  14. For everyone who doesn't get the appeal of Olivier Martinez: watch Unfaithful and I think you may end up whistling a different tune. :) I'm certain he's a bag of dicks in real life, but wowza is he ever sexy in that movie.

  15. @canadachick Oh yes, that would have been sweet....

  16. Jolene - Unfaithful was filmed 11 years ago. These days Olivier looks like Gilbert Gottfried.

    How did Kylie get Halle's email address - and can she pass it on to me?

  17. I got this one. Definitely Kiley, Olivier Martinez and Halle Berry.

  18. @enjoyableari:

    This one was easy because I never knew who Kylie was until I lived overseas. A-list in the rest of the world, "celebrity" or "entertainer". The rest just fell into place.

  19. lol none of these are easy for me. I feel like I need a decoder ring or something!

  20. Olivier and Kylie are still good friends.

    Don't think he tortured her.

  21. I can't stand Halle. Her mean spirited custody battle killed any hope that I'd ever like her again.

  22. Diane Kruger, Guillaume Canet, Marion Cotillard.

  23. Jolene, saw it, even made the man go along and he was pissed after seeing it! LOL.

    All I kept thinking was...who would screw around with Richard Gere for a husband? Hell nah.

  24. I'm with WorstCompany...didn't Kylie credit Martinez for helping her through her breast cancer fight? He stuck with her after the diagnosis and during the long treatment/recovery.

  25. Kylie is B- or C+ in the States? Yikes. She mustn't be doing as well as what people think she is over there!

  26. How did Olivier toture Kylie. And why would Halle write back "Look at the history"? Kylie Minogue has a history of trying to steal other women's men? Is this some Halle Berry insider dirt or something because we missed the dirt about Kylie screwing everyones man.

  27. i have heard kylie is a really nice woman and that halle is nice but dumber then a box of rocks so halle needs to wise up

  28. I am anti-Halle ever since she said she cured herself of type 1 diabetes. It was offensive to me and every other type 1 I know.......

  29. Just to be different: Ass-stain Cuntcher, Demi Moore and Mila Kunis?

  30. @Bubbles; what I made of it is that she means email-history.. No idea why I think that, but that's how I read it xD

  31. Bubbles and Shit You Can't Buy: Read it again. The actress responded to the A List actress's email with an accusation that it was the other way around and she must have made a move on the guy. Then the A List actress shrugged it off and said to look at his history with women and cheating.

  32. JoleneJolene... Martinez was a potent aphrodisiac in Unfaithful... fell in lust immed... Gere paled in comparison... totally unappealing and un-sexy juxtaposed with Martinez IMHO

  33. Oh I love Kylie... I mean would anyone else in Hollywood try to warn their ex's gf that the bloke they are with is a serial cheater who tried to hook up again with them?

    And whilst Martinez was devoted to Kylie during her sudden cancer diagnosis and sub-sequential treatment I'm sure that his cheating would have "tortured" her!

  34. Not sure if I feel sorry for Halle after her reaction though!

  35. Remember stories about martinez being a horrible cheater even to kylie during cancer

  36. Katy Perry, Russell Brand, Jeri Halliwell?
