Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bristol Palin Heads Home On Dancing With The Stars

Bristol Palin's goal in this return to Dancing With The Stars was to earn a nice sized paycheck and to also show producers of reality shows that she is popular enough that they should give her another show. Last night Bristol and Mark Ballas were eliminated as Kirstie Alley kept those SeaOrg workers dialing for her while Tom Cruise beat the ones who would not dial fast enough. Week 4 is kind of early to go home, so hopefully that will be the end of Bristol for awhile. She can go back to Alaska and try and convince her mom to do a show with her. That is probably the only way she would get one at this point.

Did anyone else think Susan Boyle looked like her stage fright returned? I thought she was going to stop singing. It was great of Donny to hold her hand.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yep, Susan look scared out of her mind and she didn't sing her best. Donny really helped her through. It was sad to watch.

    Bye Bristol, don't hurry back.

  3. My mom is thrilled! She doesn't like Bristol. I'm still bummed Joey is gone :(

  4. Bristol has as much grace as a giraffe on ice on drugs. I hope the door hit her on the way out.

  5. @Kewi LOL!!! Good one!!!

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I can't stand her, however, I must admit that she looks great now after losing weight and toning up. It makes me want to dance for 6 hours a day.

  7. I will always have a soft spot for Susan Boyle. Poor thing, all she's gone through, I hope her daily life feels warm and rewarding for her.

    Donny Osmond is just all kinds of wonderful.

  8. Donny's good people. Gotta love him.

  9. I love at the end they were picking teams and Bristol and Mark were not picked. So Tom is like don't come down yet, we are going to see who gets voted off to see if you can go on someone's team or you are the couple eliminated. Then they come back and she's eliminated, hahaha. Good riddance.

  10. Omg, thank xenu! I had class last night and haven't watched yet. YES!

  11. Donny Osmond, class act :)

  12. Just watched the clip: I want to be Donny's best friend. He's the definition of cool, dude. I want to hand out in his basement with his fam and drink Sprite or whatever. He's the man!

  13. *hang out, not hand out - sheesh!

  14. I think she came in flat and it frwaked her out and threw her off.

    Donny was great. He's still handsome, has a voice like butter and seems like an all around great guy. (And he was Shang!)

    1. LOVE Mulan!! He has a great voice!

  15. Lol.

    *freaked (but I kinda like "frwakwed")

  16. Holy crap, that's the first picture I've looked at with Bristol's "new" face. Weird.

  17. Ahhh, Donny Puppy Love...

  18. Anonymous7:54 AM

    yay! there is hope in humanity!

  19. Donny Osmand is such a sweet guy...I'm loving all the Donny appreciation here.

  20. Lola - his voice is like butta! And I bet he and Marie put on a hell of a show in Vegas.

  21. Ah Donny, my first love. It makes me happy that he's still so sweet.

  22. Btw--I just watched the whole song. IMO, Donny started out with his great voice at its best, but after hearing Susan struggling, he actually TAKES HIS DOWN, to not outshine her and make her look bad.

    Seriously. Not only is he a sweetheart, but such a pro. I can't believe I used to watch Donny & Marie like 35 years ago! Damn!

  23. I remember reading a message board the last time Bristol was on that explained to people how to vote multiple times from the same computer and that people were voting for her 400 times a night. Apparently the glitch was rectified and the truly abysmal dancers went first, then the less popular, now the less it goes!

  24. @libby - are you a little bit country or a little bit rock 'n roll? ( I loved my life when that was the biggest decision I had to make for the day.)

  25. I love Susan Boyle. After watching a documentary about her, I have a mansion sized soft spot in my heart for her.

  26. My bedroom was covered in Donny posters from Tiger Beat, Fave, and 16 Magazines! Ahhh, the 70's.

    @frufra - My sister and brother-in-law went to Donny & Marie's Vegas show and said it was great - very entertaining. They also stay after the show and greet the audience as they are leaving. Class acts for sure!

  27. Frufra, since I'm related to Dolly Parton and live in Indiana, I'd have to say 'country.'

    I used to just worship their show. I was like 6 or 7, and I loved Marie's sassiness, and their chemistry was so genuine. I wanted to be an Osmond sibling, they seemed to be having so much fun all the time.

  28. I had to fast forward in the middle of that performance last night. It was just too uncomfortable for me to watch. Kudos to Donny for holding her up.

    Reeeally glad Bristol got the boot. She and Kirstie were definitely the weakest dancers of the bunch, but at least Kirstie is entertaining.

  29. I remember seeing an interview with Susan Boyle where she said she had a huge crush on Donny Osmond growing up. I think she even showed her bedroom and there was a Donny Osmond blanket on her bed. I'm sure that contributed to her nervousness.

  30. Aw, Nerners--That's so sweet.

    I hope Susan is okay.

  31. I laughed so hard when bristol was last and she tried to walk down but was told not to move cause if she's not eliminated she'll replace whoever was. How obnoxious and shallow must she be that no one wants her on their team. I'm going to rewatch that part a bunch of time. This was a good ego check for bristol and mark.

  32. A friend has a great story about Donny… she took her niece to see him when he was performing in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat here in Chicago. After the show they went to the back door to wait for Donny to come out but after a while a man came out and said he wouldn't be coming out after all. He had another show that day and was resting. My friend explained they just wanted Donny's autograph so the guy took their programs and went inside. They figured he would just get the autograph for them. After a long wait, out comes Donny himself!! He was super-gracious, and took them inside and gave them a tour of the backstage and spent some real quality time with them. They were thrilled. I've always liked him and it's nice to know that even with all his success he's one of the good ones.

    On another note, I'm glad Bristol is gone... nothing against her but besides Kirstie everyone else is just a better dancer than she is. I kinda feel sorry for her... like her mom is pushing her into showbiz or something.

  33. Love Susan Boyle's voice. Will admit this wasn't her best performance because she was so nervous...but you can still tell the woman has an amazing voice. Even nervous and shaky, I still loved her voice.

  34. This made me cry...when I was 10 I just KNEW I'd grow up and marry Donny one day! LOL I had the Donny & Marie dolls, etc.

    Seeing the way he was with Susan melted my heart. What a great guy! She's been through a lot and I've been rooting for her success. Love him still. :)

  35. By Bristol, long overdue for you to be gone!

  36. I just love Donny!

    He is such a sweetheart!!!

    He is truly good people!

    I respect him too! :-)

  37. Christina - considering Bristol was clearly pregnant last time she was on the show, it's not all that surprising that she looks skinnier now!

  38. @anon
    When was Bristol pregnant again? There was a rumor she was shacking up with her dance partner, but never heard about another kid. Where is the kid?

  39. susan sounded bad. i don't understand why they keep trying to push her into live performances. her voice is wonderful; when she's calm. does anyone want to see her live? seems to me if she's someone you like, you will buy her cd, without even hearing it, because you know the songs and love her voice.

    bristol is a spoiled, immature brat. she embarassed herself this time. shawn johnson is younger than bristol, but you think of her as an adult because of how she handles herself. what has bristol ever done?
