Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ellen Does Sofia Vergara


  1. Ellen actually looks super pretty with long brown hair and a little make-up!

  2. I LOVED it but can someone translate what Sofia was saying when she was speaking Spanish?

  3. "Where's the coke?"

  4. Ugh. This brings back memories of the previous Queen of Nice, Rosie.

  5. Omg I think that's my fav costume ever!

  6. When she first comes out she says "you wish you had a body like mine", "she wishes she could see herself like that", "i am a beautiful colombian woman", " i am proud of my body and my breasts" , "lets dance".

  7. Thanks for the translation. Actually sounds kind of mean. Love the dress, and the butt crack back is hilarious. If you haven't already, watch the Ellen clip where she talks about Bic's new Pen for Women.

    Sorry, don't know how to embed a link. Love her.

  8. where's the coke. haha

  9. I can't stand Ellen, but I love when these 2 get together..shit, I love Sofia beside anyone! Girl crush & totally ignoring all the blinds & badrep noice. Lalalalala

  10. Nice headline Enty. I bet she'd like to...

  11. and Abadon...thanks for translating. Learning spanish is on my bucketlist!

  12. That was really funny. I love how Ellen couldn't even bother to wear heels for the costume. She has fake legs & heels on top of her feet!

  13. Yeah I noticed the fake heels too, funny.

    Thanks for the translation, really appreciate it though "where's the coke" is funny too!

  14. Love this! Big ellen fan and when she and sofia vergara get together i am laughing my butt off. off today so I get to watch it! Ellen's halloween shows are always great. Thanks for posting enty!

  15. I've always thought Ellen was a gorgeous lady! She looks great in this wig. Her eyes are so striking and beautiful! Darker hair always makes light colored eyes shine and look glass-like to me. Stunning!

  16. I'm not sure why it's supposed to be funny, but whatever.

  17. The reason this is so funny is because Sofia wore a dress like this to the Emmys and had a wardrobe malfunction mid show just like what ellen's costume shows.

  18. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Her body in this skit reminds me on Anna Nicole Smith.

  19. I remember Ellen from her sitcom, and always thought she was pretty.

  20. I love how Sofia can laugh at herself an Ellen is beyond funny. I have always loved her.

  21. I saw the headline and thought "I'd pay to see that". I'm going to blame it on the cold meds.

  22. Lucas, Please don't use my picture. Thank you.

    1. Sorry, I changed it earlier (to show my support for pit sniffing - your avi doesn't bother me at all) and forgot to change it back. Didn't mean to cause trouble :)

  23. OMG I have loved Ellen since I first saw her, back in the days of Open House, remember that? She is at the top of my free pass list. I love how she has allowed herself to go butchier as she ages. HOT! Too bad for me she seems to love the skinny-skinny blondes.

  24. @libby: I was just trying to figure out how to upload a pic to be my avatar (I've done it before but damned if I could remember how.)

    I was totally going to upload Sir Pitstasche as a statement of support for the site's resident liberal who is not afraid to show her pit and got trolled for it recently.

    Then I saw your response to Lucas. That makes sense. I would hate to become an internet meme or have my image used.

    Carry on Libbing.

  25. @Lynette, I know we had a great comment session on the ridiculous "BIC for her" pen here, but I'd never seen the Ellen D clip. Hilarious. Thanks.

    I'm still SMH at the marketing genius who thought this one up. In all probability it was a woman, charged with expanding the brand's shelf space to "niche" markets like the 51% of us who are female.

    All those years of using man pens that didn't fit a woman's hand!

  26. Ellen does Sophia??

    In her dreams!!
