Friday, October 12, 2012

Ex-Bengals Cheerleader Still Having Sex With Student

That ex Bengals cheerleader who pleaded guilty to having sex with one of her former students is living with the guy now. This is probably why she would have looked stupid pleading not guilty to the crime because anyone could see they were having sex and are presumably still having sex.  The thing is, Sarah Jones told her ex-husband right until she went into court that she was not guilty and he had no idea she had sex with the student or was still with him until he saw the pair holding hands as they left the courtroom. Crazy.


  1. I believed her when this story first broke. Stoopid stoopid me.

  2. I think this only looks bad cause he's under 18. She's not that much older than him. She should have waited one more year before the initial hook up

    1. It's not just that he's a minor, as his teacher, she was in a position of authority over him.

  3. Didn't she sue Nik Richie for libel over this? I hope he counter sues and that the judge sanctions her for lying to the court.

  4. Queue the cheerleader jokes in 3, 2, 1, ...

  5. @ 10:41

    She's 27,the kid is 17.


  6. I truly believe a woman can do anything a man can do,good and bad.

  7. It's been said before, but I'm really pissed that when I was a student all the teachers were old and ugly.

  8. both her family and his support this,move on. Yes she was his teacher but please stop acting like he was a 10 year old boy. He was a year away from voting,serving in the army or being charged as an adult in a court of law.

    At worst she is an immature woman who found validation from a someone who probably treats her like gold.

    She isn't a pedo and certainly not a predator.

    As for Dick Ritchie, he's deplorable and should be sued for his remarks about her. He's about an inch of scum away from Joe Francis likability and anyone who reads his site should be ashamed.
    Lamas picked a real winner.

  9. Sure jax we'll move on but if this was a MALE teacher and a FEMALE student there would be a shitstorm of disgust.

  10. Ok she's ten years older and was his teacher but in many states 17 is considered an adult and I'm pretty sure he pursued her verociously prior to the hook up. if she would have waited until he graduated and turned 18 which would have been one more year this wouldn't be an issue. Look at amber tamblyn.

  11. Whole I agree that Nik Ritchie and his website are disgusting, he wouldn't be where he is without people submitting others. I think he found a market to exploite and he is doing just that.

    However, that girl did sue him cause someone submitted that "dirt" on her and also some before this whole mess. Last I heard the suits were dropped.

    My whole thought is, if you can't take the consequences for your own actions or are embarrassed by it, don't do it! Common sense. She is just as low as he is to me.

  12. Yeah I don't really think it is that big of a deal. Like others previously mentioned it was a consenting relationship, 17 is the age of consent in most states, and yes maybe she should have looked for guys her own age but I guess some women were just born to be cougars.
    If this was a guy I would probably feel the same way. If this was a 27 year old and a 17 year old, mind. If it is a 27 year old male teacher and his 15 year old student, that would be all kinds of wrong and visa versa with a female and male student.

    BUUT if they had waited to penetrate until he was 18 wouldn't she still be in all sorts of trouble for soliciting a minor? Lose lose either way for this couple I suppose.

  13. Jax, it's not WHO said it, it's the fact that she hauled him into court under the pretense of libel when she KNEW she was lying. It's not okay when anyone does that, whether the person being sued is Nik Richie or Jerry Sandusky's victims. There is a reason we don't allow lawsuits to be brought under false pretenses.

    Whomever is okay with it, she broke the law (and the terms of her employment). And how can you be sure she's not a predator? There is something wrong with her that she would seek out someone that society views as a child (no matter how CLOSE to adulthood he may be, he is...or was, not an adult yet).

    And I agree, if this was reversed we would all be talking about what a sick fuck the guy was (just like we do with Doug Whatshisname-- Courtney Stodden's perv).

  14. but she ISN'T a man and it's NOT the same. Is this that hard to grasp?

    SEVENTEEN. Hey it's ok to go get killed in Afghanistan but you better not have consenting sex with a hot chick under 30! And you better not actually love her!

    alarmist nonsense.

  15. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I understand the laws and everything, but this is where feminism and reality collide.

    In my day, this was a Van Halen video, only the women in that video weren't as hot.

    If I could have an easier time imaginging the intensive psychotherapy this poor male "victim" will need to get over his "trauma," I could call this a crime more easily.

    Do women really want this woman punished becuase she broke the law, or becuse some teenaged boy got laid by someone hotter than they will ever be?

  16. Anonymous2:09 PM

    While the age difference may not be an issue for some, surprised few comments address the issue that she was his teacher. I teach college, am currently single, and would never entertain the idea of having a relationship with a student. All kinds of authority and ethical issues at stake.

  17. Wow Jax. Generally over the years I've always admired your comments. This however is just.. Wrong. Because her fam md his is " ok " with it, that makes everything ok? I have a LEGAL 18 year old at home and if my child decided to hook up with a partner ten years older I would be appalled. The elder 20somethings motives are obviously askew dating someone who is still practically a child. I'm all for giving rights to those that are of age to fight for the country too.. But are you seriously comparing war and abuse? She was his teacher.. Period.. And abused that position .. She taught him as a 17 year old to basically lie to his peers, to the police and to the public and only until court be honest because your are about to be sent to jail t? You must not have children to make a comment like this. Everyone knows the maturity level between 17 and 27 is oceans apart. ESPECIALLY when the 27 year old is a woman. Again.. Just wow ..

  18. And to the troll who compared peoples reactions to this case as " jealousy " because someone who is " way hotter than you'll ever be " got to sleep with a teenage boy ... Yah.. That's totally what it is.. Thanks for calling us concerned folk out on our true motivations.. We are all just ugly and jealous and you are insanely astute. Pat yourself on the back homie.

  19. Michelle, ita. i'm blown away at how it's being viewed as no biggie simply bc the sexes are revered. we'd be calling for the teacher's head it been a he + that age difference! and absolutely YES...then there are the innumerable issues of authority and ethics--you are beyond right. all that initial denial/lies...way to set an example! but hey, it's ok b/c our parents approve!) this isn't a lesser evil to 'move along' from quickly. these are our youth, and all deserve the same level of care and concern regardless of age/sex.

  20. I don't care about the age difference, but if the law says 18, the law says 18. You don't get to pick and choose which laws you follow, and the fact that they are "in love" or that I think the age is probably too high has nothing at all to do with it.

    They put a number in there for a reason, so you know where the line is. The line here is 18. Law broken, end of story.

  21. The age of consent in Australia is 16, so I don't find this that appalling. Even a 17yr old female with a 28 yr old male isn't shocking to me at all.

  22. Nancy Grace sided with Nick Ritchie on this case. That says a LOT. This "teacher" is a narcissistic liar who thought she was above the law. She should be in jail over this just as a male teacher would be. Disgusting.

  23. Actually Jax, it IS the same. I am more than perfectly capable of grasping that.

  24. I agree with Jax completely.

  25. jax is a hypocrite at the best of times. Her way or the highway. No grey, and no room for discussion.

  26. I think that her good looks are her saving grace in this. It kept her out of jail. Had she been an unattractive woman people would be asking for her head (no matter the 10 year age difference). Had she been a man, she would be in jail right now. How many times was Mary Letourneau arrested / went to court before she finally went to jail?

    I'm so tired of these cases and the example it sets for other teachers. Basically, you can sleep with a student and get away with it because the public will be sympathetic. At least you're not a gross looking guy.

  27. The issue isn't that she fucked a 17 year old, it's that she fucked HER STUDENT. She crossed a line.

  28. "She isn't a pedo and certainly not a predator." i dunno. its not the 10 year differencce that seems wrong, its the teen vs. adult who not only finished high school, but has been living an adult life. i feel the same way about taylor swift and that kennedy boy she's been dating. when you're still in high school, all your decisions are made for you. you need adult permission to see the movie you want, have a cerfew, etc. there are what, 6 billion people on the planet? these women can't pick a grown up??? skeves me out.

  29. "Sure jax we'll move on but if this was a MALE teacher and a FEMALE student there would be a shitstorm of disgust."

    That's because the power dynamics are completely different, and to deny that is to be totally disingenuous.

  30. Betteroffsingle: STFU.
