Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Honey Boo Boo Needs A Break

Honey Boo Boo is 7 years old and she is on television and making the rounds as much as an adult who is out there promoting their movie or television show. It doesn't seem like TLC is giving her much of a break and have had her running around LA almost non-stop. Has anyone seen a photo of her at Disney? Six Flags? Universal Studios? I haven't. I just keep seeing photos of her doing talk shows and maybe a stop on the way to another talk show. I think maybe it is time for her to be able to take a little break and not have to do all this promotion. Let her change places with her sisters or let mom handle one or two of the appearances solo.


  1. I saw this and only the little girl is starting to grow on me. I felt so bad! Interviews are boring enough for adults and here's a 7 year old who god knows should be running around in the grass getting some exercise but she's being forced to have boring adult conversations. Once in a while sure bc it's her little tiny career but it seems like she's being made to do too much and yeah needs to go to Disney!

  2. That fat cunt of a mother needs to be locked up with her baby daddies.

    1. Woah !!! Can't stand the c word. That's harsh.

    2. I'm going to have to go ahead and give this comment a huge thumbs up

    3. +1 with Vicki Cupper. And Vicki, so glad to see you again. I've really missed your caustic, sharp-tongued ass. It tempers all the fluffy sweetness and light.

  3. I have a feeling that this will be one of the few if only shows that might end up being called off eventually by the family that's being filmed. Say what you want about mama June but I think she cares more about what her girls want then the money and fame. And obviously Alanna doesn't understand the money or fame aspect

  4. Okay I fully admit I love trash television. Toddlers and Tiaras is my fav show. I've watched every ep. Im going to tell you guys a little story abt a girl named Alaska. Alaska is blonde hair, blue eyed, fair complexion. She has a half brother Braxton who's dark complexion, brown eyes brown hair. The mom was w Braxtons dad, and Braxton was her pride and joy. Mom would say "I hope Alaskas gonna be okay with losing. Braxton's just sooo beautiful." etc, Braxton was the golden child and Alaska was the evil step child in the moms eyes. Anyway Alaska was so sweet and just "I hope I do okay" etc etc shy and nice. Competition comes, Alaska KILLS it, Braxton sucks, Alaska wins it all. One season later, Alaska comes back and she is just as evil as her mom!!! She's rude to all the other kids puts them down the way her mom used to do her. And anyway just like that Alaska was ruined.

    The honeybooboo dynamic is a lot different, but I'm just saying any one of those kids that got a crapload of attention from the show turned into brats because in their eyes they're "sooo famous". Like imagine at 6 cameras following you and people asking for autographs. And as much as I love the show, I think they need to chill the fuck out or it'll completely change them. Crossing my fingers mama June's got a handle on it.

    Anyway, way tmi abt toddlers and tiaras lol but I'm bored and I was thinking abt it haha.

  5. I cannot believe anyone watches this or Toddlers and Tiaras. Keeping these people famous is just WRONG. I am disgusted by the fame of all those people.

    Nice that the kid is BAREFOOT on Television. I am surprised her feet aren't black with crusted dirt.

  6. The Human Thumb needs to be stopped!

  7. Why is she barefoot? I noticed that too and I think it's grody. Maybe that's why...

  8. @CamColty
    Some people just call it like it is. I do understand that some words seem harsh. They are just words.

  9. @Cam You know, I agree with you. June did say in an interview that if the show was going to go on it would only be about 2 or 3 seasons. But yeah there is no way this kid should be doing this much press for a show that has already aired.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I've never watched Toddlers & Tiaras or Honey BooBoo. I have seen video clips of this girl and she does not act like a normal 7-year-old. She acts more like a 3/4-year-old with her lack of self control. I have a 7-year-old and I'm her Brownie troop leader ... NONE of those girls act like this. And they didn't even act like that back when they were 5 & 6 back in our Daisy days.

    Not sure what the deal is but she needs to learn self control. She's bouncing off the walls and has zero sense of appropriate behavior. And if she's doing the LA TV circuit right now, why isn't she in school?

  12. I admit to watching the first episode and was absolutely appalled. Seeing Alana now, it's obvious her diet of junk food is taking effect. She's gained weight, and not in the healthy, growing child way. Sadly, I think she'll end up being the poster child for diabetes before long.

  13. Kid has the same reaction of any normal person to having to endure Dr. Drew.

    That's about the only good thing I can say about her. She and her trashy family need to go away.

  14. I'm happy to say I watched 5 minutes of this crap and decided that was plenty.

    I remember my daughter getting scouted when she was four and the agent telling me she was better than all his existing kids.. He started talking pilot season, moving to LA and personal tutors... I ran so fucking far away. Instead I put my daughter in ballet, gymnastics and theatre and let her figure it out. If that's what she wanted later in life cool but it had to be her mature choice. She is now an arial gymnast ( for the past 8 years ) in a wonderful dance company and thinks acting sounds great in theory but too hard of work! I'm really happy she had the chance to figure that out four herself and I didn't turn into the Culkins parents.

    1. *for herself .. I swear that was autocorrect

      My daughter is now 18btw and my son just turned 8 today yay!

  15. I don't know anything about honey boo boo except that they're all white trash making loads of money off the American people. Kind of like the Kardashians. It's embarrassing that this is what Americans gravitate to and keeps crap like this on TV. We should actually start a TV show called "Save the child stars from their parents". Now THAT I would watch.

  16. SilverOnyx, I remember Alaska and Braxton. Yikes! You don't suppose that TLC or her mother told her to be rude and sassy on camera on purpose, do you? I's like to think that's what it is. If not, you're right that it's a damn shame, because she was a sweetheart in that trainwreck family.

  17. I think alana acts the way she does because she's given that sweet concoction to keep her active and perky. Mama june is used to it

  18. She certainly knows her own mind & her mind is saying the Dr. Drew show is super boring.

  19. Akm, no unfortunately I think she totally changed. I kept seeing her in other shows at the competitions in the background and she was acting up. Who knows tho, I like your suggestion better because she was one of my favorites! Do you remember Eden Wood tho? Like poor girl would say "I'm sooo famous" and I was thinking how sad it'd be to get the peak of your life at like age 6.

    Also, fucked up tv has existed forever. I love the people that usually talk shit on honey boo boo or act like television is dying are the ones that watch swamp people or something. Just remember cops has been on since 89 with gems like "I'm not a drug dealer, I'm a prostitute!". Lol trash tv is just a guilty pleasure :)

  20. Wait.. everyone thinks this kid actually fell asleep and was not just faking that whole thing for attention???? What kid that has actually fallen asleep snores and snorts in everyones faces? lol...

  21. @Vickie Cupper

    thank you I feel the same way

  22. Honey Boo Boo's actions are a major cry for help - let this little girl be a little girl!!! If Dr. Drew was a true professional, he would never let this go on air, because this is verging on abuse.

    On another note - I'm sure Eden Wood's mom is just cringing with envy. She was so sure Eden would be the big , breakout star.

  23. So Mom has four daughters by four different men, none of whom she married – and she can only identify three of them. Boo's dad was sen­tenced to five years in Montgomery Prison in Georgia for a crime spree in which he robbed a series of hunt­ing camps and set fire to at least one camper. Another dade was in prison for stealing a handgun in 1995 and again in 1998 for stealing several cartons of cigarettes. Another dad is a registered sex offender in Georgia who served more than two years in prison for sexual exploitation of a child over the Internet in 2005. No one seems to be sure who fa­thered Honey Boo Boo’s 12-year-old sister Lauryn.Mom served time for cashing bad checks in 1998.she received child support and welfare payments for each of those kids. The end and hi Vicki.

  24. could you be more miserable? smh.

  25. Good god, I don't watch these people but to read off agent*it's list???

    My jaw is on the floor! Why is it that people cannot go about their lives without trying to AW every last ounce out of it. At their child's expense no less? These people are vile.

  26. Maybe it's time we just don't put kids on TV all the time. Between crap like this and all the pedophile stories we're hearing about child actors, maybe we need to back away. Just a thought. Have TV shows (both fiction & reality) with adults and about adults. God knows there are plenty of strange adults out there without dragging kids into the mix.

  27. Paris, ITA. WTF?

    So sick of all the reality *winkwink* shows. There's nothing realistic about any of them. Let's call them what they are: scripted drama filled stories with little to no substance that are made on the cheap.

  28. She is getting fat and in a few years its not going to be cute.

    1. +1, Patty Mayo. She looks unhealthy already & headed for a lifetime of bad health.

  29. I'm not sure which is worse - these people, or the fact that they're famous? Seriously, what's wrong with America?!?

  30. I'm sure before this the family didn't have a lot of money so I think that's one good thing about the show. Their town isn't exactly high end.

    And FYI, kids that live in the country/rural areas, their parents think nothing of it to let them around barefoot. That is how all of them are usually raised. A lot of my family, myself included, always went barefoot to play in our yards. I guess that means we're trash. Idgaf.

    I don't think it matters who fathered what child, honey boo boo's father is the one taking care of the whole family. Jail or not, redneck or not, it takes a pretty decent man to take care of kids that don't belong to him.

    I doubt she'll be on many interviews for a whole, her school was on break. And they all do go to school. Even the one that had a baby.

  31. I used to do this when I was little--my mom would make me take a nap in the afternoon but I wanted to play--so i would get up and play Barbies or something--and if I heard her coming I would jump in the bed and pretend to sleep--I sounded just like Honey Boo Boo.

    I've seen her on a ton of these interviews and she likes June to do the talking while she goofs around--I think when Dr Drew wanted her to sit and talk with him, she was trying to get out of it, lol.

    Frankly I don't blame her. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  32. This girl is going to grow up to be a monster. Ugh...

  33. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Please this child is not a diabetic coma waiting to happen nor is her behavior a sign of any mental defect or a manifestation of age regression; she is overworked, stressed and having a melt down. She needs rest, playtime, and a greatly reduced schedule. Yes, she is overweight. Yes, she is precocious. Yes, she is uneducated. These are mild things compared to what many others deal with or choose to do.

  34. I like to be barefoot... If I could do it all the time I would :)

  35. I grew up in upper class suburbia and I would kill to be barefoot all of the time. I despise shoes. (Secretly, I think I have foot claustrophobia)

    I wish Mama June would get a good bra.

  36. interesting info here on June. Danielle? no one thinks she was really sleeping lol. Have watched but don't watch. I just love their names and nothing else about them. Seriously, I wish I had a father to call SugarBear LOL.

  37. lostahome, I like to be barefoot too. However, on a TELEVISION show????

    come on, how can you defend that? That is TRASHY.

  38. There are some people who stop to watch car accidents, same logic applies to shows like this.

    People like to rubber neck on those less fortunate or civilised.

  39. J-Mo? "No one"? Surely not the person who wrote the article. And Radar and TMZ and every other "news" station who reported on it. Oh and at least half of the commenters. lol

  40. I never really understood how Hollywood gets away with child labor. I mean if I had an 8 yr old working in a factory I would be a monster, but if I had an 8 yr old work at Disney nobody would bat an eye.
