Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jay-Z And Beyonce Finally Lose Something

I know it seems like Jay-Z is printing money in his basement and that Beyonce has never had a bad hair day in her life and manage to always miss those late night calls from Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland hoping to reunite Destiny's Child, but the couple finally lost something. They wanted to trademark the name Blue Ivy and is one of the reasons they named their daughter what they did. Something they could easily make money from that no one could guess in advance. The only problem is that a Boston event planning company has been using the name since 2009 and no matter how much Beyonce & Jay-z tried to argue that famous people were better than regular people and that they knew the President, but the US Patent And Trademark office ruled for the event planning company. Beyonce & Jay-Z will have to settle for being billionaires and not multi-billionaires. Now they will probably change their kid's name to something else.


  1. I still don't get why they would try to TM that name.....*eyeroll*

  2. HA HA! Sucks to be you two! I really dislike Beyonce and her music. I tolerate Jay Z's music but I don't enjoy him either.

    1. I cannot tolerate her at all. Every song sounds the exact same going all the way back to that group she was in. I just dont get what is so great about her at all. Do love JayZ tho...

  3. This is why I ALWAYS tell all expecting mothers, who like Bey & Jay, want to whore out their child's identity for extra cash---Google THOROUGHLY. You have to really put in the extra 15-20 minutes to make SURE nobody else has the name.

    'We're more famous, so we need it more.' Whatever.

  4. @libby - or at least, PAY SOMEONE TO GOOGLE THOROUGHLY

  5. From what I've read, they were trademarking it to stop others from making money off of her name. I didn't know Enty disliked the Carter's so much. The post was a little snarky.

    1. That's what I heard at first too, but their trademark application said they planned to sell a line of baby products using the name.

  6. I cannot express how tickled I am over this.

  7. Cathy---I honestly think they knew the little store had the name, and thought they could steamroll them. Probably thought the company would be thankful for the association. JMO.

  8. and they can't use her initials because that's BIC love it

  9. *karen*, your new (?) picture is so pretty! You look 'tickled' to have that Guinness.

  10. I think you're right, libby.

    And kgirl - are you new around here? They are both assholes and enty snarks on them at every chance he gets.

  11. HA!!! So glad they didn't get it! People in business since '09 and all of a sudden here comes the big important celebrity to take their name away!! It's true money doesn't buy class!

  12. kgirl, if that's the case, it seems arrogant of them to assume someone would want to use their child's name, right? And if they are the couple wanting to have a line of Blue Ivy products, I'd like to thank there wouldnt be a huge market for them.....ugh.

    @libby, that's hilarious!

    1. One of the products they want to license is listed as "baby cosmetics", wtf is that?

  13. Anonymous6:26 AM

    heee heee heee

  14. there's a rumor that they want another baby, but Bey doesn't want to act pregnant again and if they use a surrogate openly the truth is out...such problems.

  15. Idiots. I've never had much of a problem with them, but expecting this woman whose business was established long before they had their kid to just roll over is such a dick move. I get it - you think you're super clever naming your daughter after your album. I can see the marketing gears turning that hamster wheel in your heads at top speed.

    The judge said they can still use it - just not in the same way that the woman is using it. Looks like that marketing team is going to have to work a little harder.

  16. @MISCH - but that's exactly what Nicole and Keith did...

  17. @amber -thank you for explaining that. My understanding of trademark law was that you could trademark it for a category/usage, not overall. So there can be a Levi's cosmetics brand, but not another Levi's jeans brand. Bey & jayZ need to shove it if they are trying to trademark their child's name for all uses.

    I really hate these two over privileged heifers.

  18. So happy for the little Boston company. What horrible people Bey and J must be to not give a crap about someone else's livelihood. Guess they won't be happy til someone puts a crown on their heads and anoints them king and queen of the universe.

  19. Bey and Jay simply filed for the trademark, I've not read anything about them bullying or attempting to steamroller the Boston wedding business.

    The owner of that business is extremely open to selling them the Blue Ivy name so that they could have exclusivity if they want (and I assume reapply?).

    Not really as big of deal as Enty is spinning it IMHO.

  20. Maybe this is why people shouldn't TRADEMARK THEIR BABIES NAMES LOL

  21. I kind of lost respect for him when he was trying to make money off of the occupy wall street movement.

    plus, harry belafonte says that he and beyonce don't do much of any charity work.

    and lets face it, the reason beyonce never has a bad hair day is because she has got a serious weave. although, theoretically, I supposed one can have a 'bad weave day.' perhaps I'll trademark that!

    1. @annabella, she's not wearing a weave, she wears lace front wigs, which is why it always looks like it's her own hair and she never seems to have a bad hair day. LOL

  22. A W E S O M E !

    And curlyhairslacker is exactly right. The only two people who ever had plans to make money off that name are the parents. I'll bet "Lavender Potato" is still available if they're fixing to change names...

  23. My next kid will be Purple Passion Kumquat.

  24. Magenta Artichoke™.

  25. @Angela, you just made my day. My dad has long joked that he thinks there's a market for "baby cosmetics," he thinks people who dress their babies like dolls anyway would be all over it. It's finally come true.

  26. HAHA! I can't stand them. I'll never forget how they closed the maternity ward down, so people couldn't get to their premature babies. Both of them are so smug, they probably thought people would bow down to them

  27. If they're so money hungry, why did they really pull out of that casino deal? They have a surefire way to make cash but would rather hawk products with their baby's name attached? This situation doesn't even make any sense.

  28. And the tiniest violin I have is playin' for these two.

  29. I really believe that Jolie and Pitt, Nicole Kidman and some other celebrities ARE protecting their kids identities.
    THESE two are a completely different animal, though. I do my damndest to avoid their media coverage and I am STILL sick to death of them. I believe they love each other, but they have turned into this obnoxious, two-headed beast demanding constant attention. I think they pay attention to the people they consider their peers and try to top them.
    It's a disgusting display of co-dependent narcissism and I wish the media would stop helping them with the constant, fawning coverage.

  30. Anonymous8:06 AM

    At the end of the day, they're stinking rich and I'm not. I have no time to snark. I need to find ways to make money myself.

  31. How about changing the name to Ivy Blue. They're both stupid names for a baby...so it really won't matter.

  32. I think it would have been funny for the judge to be like, 'Well, if you want to trade mark your baby's name, you need to first prove it's your baby, so DNA from both of you, and I want to see delivery room photos! None of this 'fooling us' crap! You want to trademark your kids name, PROVE you had her!'
    THAT would have made my day. :)
    I don't like these two, either.
    I don't think I'm liking anyone today. Sucks to be them.

  33. Vindication is very sweet. Have kids for the right reasons, assholes, not to make a buck.

  34. So is this the reveal about the controlling husband who has chosen the name of the baby, wants to trademark it and the wifeypoo has no say in it.

    Everyone thought it was BAG and Megan Fox.. I'm thinking it was these two nitwits.

  35. I don't think that this was that blind. Blue Ivy had already been born and they had already filed for the trademark at the time of that blind. The blind implied it was a couple who was still expecting.

  36. Henriette just gave me a laugh attack!!!!

  37. I think they should surprise us all with the next baby name and go western. "Rodeo Meter" has a nice twang to it.

    Beyonce DID have a bad hair day not so long ago. If you google "Beyonce and baby" pictures there's a photo of her with a poof of braids (i.e. woven weave) on top of her head. Not her best look. I also saw a hilarious photo of a baby with Jay Z's nose (hopefully) photo shopped on.

    And as for their baby products,
    the line will probably be so overpriced that only bestie Gwyneth Paltrow could afford them. I'm sure they'll be hawked on the GOOP website.

  38. There is hope for the world, yet.

  39. For all their pretensions otherwise, Jay and Bey are rich, not wealthy. (You know the diff, right?). Give them 20-30 years. They'll be on the train towards brokesville with all the contingent reunion and nostalgia tours that entails.

  40. Trademarking your baby's name has to be up there in the list of tackiest things to do.

  41. Pini 27, beautifully put.

  42. They were gonna call her No Ivy F but realised no one would believe them.

  43. Spike, Jay-Z is worth almost $500 million. I doubt even these two could blow through that much cash. Well, maybe.

  44. I think they're missing out on the opportunity to call it what it is, one big ego Bey Jay.
