Friday, October 05, 2012

Jimmy Fallon Tells Jim Lehrer To STFU


  1. Both candidates should have shown more respect for the moderator.

    The clip is playing in the background and I still haven't laughed; I'm getting old.

  2. i doubt Obama would have displayed that kinda behavior if Mitt hadn't set the tone with his interjecting, interruptions and plain old Rich Man Rude. I want to believe he had to to keep up with Larry Liarpants.

    1. @jax agree 1000%

    2. @jax agree 1000%

    3. @jax agree 1000%

    4. Me, too. I would NEVER vote for the dual douche ticket of Romney and Ryan!
      Unless you make $250k or above per year, you are a moron if you do, bc otherwise, they will make you poorer.

    5. Yes the most powerful man on the planet has zero responsibilty for his poor performance. ug!

      I can't stand Romney (no Republican can. We're screwed this year - we know it), but I am so SICK of people making excuses for Obama. It wasn't the altitude, it wasn't meany Mitt. It wasn't an 'off-night' like when my 6 yr-old is overtired. Obama blew it. It's his own fault. He needs to own it and do better in the next round.

      Sorry. Rant over. I just can't stand our leaders being such pussies while the comman man they represent are some of the strongest and amazing people on the planet.

  3. I watched the whole thing. I didn't feel Mitt interjected at all, except when he had to defend certain accusations. Mitt was clear, concise and to the point. I actually thought Mitt was quite brilliant and tried to keep Obama on track about the topic at hand.

  4. @crila16 when someone is talking and you cut them off mid-sentence that's usually called interjecting. There was a debate that had rules & time limits that Romney agreed to. Mitt Romney didn't follow those rules. POTUS tried to respect the rules,but I guess he figured if 'Mitt's doing it I can do it to.' Does it even matter now?

  5. Wow! My comment magically disappeared. Nice.

    For all you who want to say mitt started it. Grow the f up. If you had watched it, would hear Obama specifically say "I still have thirty seconds".
    (In the actual debate, not this crap representation)

  6. Fingerbinger- did you watch the debate? Did you hear Obama stop the moderator and keep going? Yes mitt did it too. But don't pull this "mitt did it first" bull s. that's childish.

  7. Hey smashbash did you read the last line. First off I was being facetious with my comment. You don't know me, and should probably take your own advice and grow up because most adults can have a conversation without resorting to profanity or insults. But maybe you don't know any better.

  8. Fingebinger-My first comment was not to you. Facetious and sarcastic don't come off well in text. I myself have been attacked for it before. I really don't like how this video portrays the debate. Obama would never be made fun of the same way as Jimmy was making fun of mitt. And the fact is. They BOTH interrupted the moderator and eachother.

  9. And for the record. I have been very careful not to hurt anyone's feelings or eyesight when they see me writing profanity. So I abbreviate. I can use whatever language I want for crying out loud. I did not call anyone a name however, so if that was what you are implying you are well wrong.

  10. I didn't say you couldn't say you what you wanted to say, I didn't even imply it. All I said was that most adults can hold a conversation without resorting to insults or profanity and that's true.And being called childish is a bit of an insult.

  11. You know, Obama's the President of the United States. You'd think he would have spoken up for himself.

    Instead, he folded like a sheet of phyllo. Mmm, phyllo.

  12. the consesus around the world for this debate : mitt romney won this round. obama lost.

    its great to watch american election debate, and since im asian i dont have preference on anyone wining , but its clear from the debate that mitt romney won.

    as for those who keep blaming people, weather, altitude , etc . just reflect on yourself, are you really that blind to see that at this debate obama lost because he is unprepared ?

    its not anyone else's fault, its the president's fault and someone in his inner circle MUST tell him to improve on the next debate, instead of blaming others for this lackluster performance.

  13. @Smashbash: I saw your original comment; it was right before mine.

  14. Thank you Jem- my first comment was perfect and to the point. This clip was less funny then the actual debate.

  15. @dprijadi - Exactly. I wish I could delete my comment because you said it perfectly without dropping a p-bomb or including typos like I did.

    Man I'm grumpy today...

  16. Pop nursing- I feel your pain my friend!
