Saturday, October 20, 2012

Justin Timberlake And Jessica Biel Get Hitched

Just like the successful and long term marriages of Mean Suvari and whoever she was married to and Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, this Italian wedding between Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel is sure to last a lifetime. Or at least a few years. A year? When did they break up and get back together? It was not that long ago and then they end up getting married. Well, I do hope it works out for them, I just think that Italy is looking for that third in celebrity divorces so probably would have gone somewhere else. I think it is that whole need to get married again after the first wedding thing that causes an issue. Then you have to worry about two anniversaries and which one really counts and that leads to fights because gas station flowers twice a year for anniversary and birthday are ok. That third time though for the extra anniversary? Forget it. Don't even talk to me about Valentine's Day because if you go anything below street corner roses on that day you might as well just drop them off on the dining room table and head out to the garage or wherever you have your man cave. Hopefully you have cable and a refrigerator out there because it might be a while.


  1. Are you already drunk? You grammar is crazy this morning. Maybe because writing about this wedding is about as exciting as cleaning under your toenails. I forgive you.

  2. Wonder whether her girlfriend attended...

  3. She looks so boring.

  4. Look at her face in that picture. I'm sorry but if that was anyone else they would be labeled "fugly".

  5. I think we are all in agreement here that this wedding is a snooze fest. No one cares, maybe not even them.

  6. I've been waiting all morning for a post ( east coast) and this is what Enty starts with!? Better be some damn good reveals today! Lol at Mother haha

    1. Waiting all morning @dija? Weekdays Enty posts from 9am to 3ishpm eastern time and weekends its noon to 3ish. That's how I know she is on the east coat, not LA.

  7. she is not pretty. this marriage won't last its all smoke and mirrors. She is his beard and I know Cameron Diaz is laughing her ass off at the both of them right now.

  8. Being a celeb must suck sometimes because people you don't even know will run you down, even on what's supposed to be a happy occasion. I wish them the best.

  9. Was Cam not his beard for years too then?

  10. Mean Suvari? Deliberate, Enty?

  11. This is horrible of me but I just can't wait to see how ugly her dress was.

  12. i don't think she's ugly but whoever told her those bangs look good should be taken out back and shot.

  13. whoever wrote this sounds drunk...

  14. She's just so boooooring.

  15. He seems like funny, laid back, very likable guy. Now Jessie on the other hand comes off like she dosent have a funny bone in her body. Very uptight, not likable...AT ALL. Not nice, not cool etc etc etc. Though I never wish ill will to the newly married, this marriage is goibg to take a lot of work to make it.
    Oh and she must give a pretty amazing ****job. Just sayin.

  16. I'm pretty sure it's the other way around... He is HER beard. He gets to screw around with whoever he wants, and she gets to be married to someone WAY above her status, and get her girl on the side.

    But neither of them is a particularly good actor and they are just not pulling this off.

  17. oh my! the grammar and rambling is particularly atrocious this am. I'm not even sure what I just read.

  18. I seriously did not understand this post. Good thing it had a heading to describe what it was about.

  19. You know what I think we need, more grammar nazis- said no one.

    1. Can we appoint you official translator, then? Otherwise asking for a decent sentence structure shouldn't be absurd. Seriously. Go back and read that post. I'll wait.

  20. Mean Suvari? Typing error? If not I'm going to need you to explain this one.

  21. Wake me up when it's over. Snore. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  22. She looks so much prettier without the bangs.

  23. This post pounds like Enty was out partying with Lindsay Lohan and realized he needed to post something in between lines of coke.

  24. @Princess I agree with you. Pretty dress though.

  25. yes, she is unfunny and charm free.

  26. @katsm0711 I was thinking the same thing! You know it's probably as tacky as that ring.

  27. I hope her dress is stunning so it can shut everyone up (me included) but then again I doubt it, this girl has less taste than raw tofu

  28. Enty wat are u talking about LMAO. mad me laugh

    congrats to those two i guess


    (Her dress in this pic is really pretty)

  30. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Actually, Enty's writing in this post is one of the main reasons I stay here instead of going to Lainey or Perez. I love that he rambles and somehow gets from a celebrity wedding to mancaves on Valentine's Day. It's really funny for me that he starts at "A" and ends up at "Parentheses" and "Cubicle" and "Unicorn" with lots of non-sequitirs thrown in just for good measure. His strange thought progression always has me laughing.

  31. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Did I just get a Ricki Lake chant? If so, my life is now complete. =)

  32. Timebob your comments always make me smile, thanks

    Dagny, Sunny yes, I love the rambles too

  33. Girl, you need to get rid of those bangs, like stat! And I loled with the Mean Suvari thing. I believe it's just typo.

  34. I don’t find her boring. I think she just doesn’t care about all the phony fame crap. She seems to be more of a regular woman who just happens to have one of the most spectacular bodies in history.

  35. Enty writes his posts the night before and schedules them to post in the morning. He was probably having a nice drunken Friday night when he wrote this. :)

  36. I think he's still saying that the Italian wedding is not legal and that they have to get married again in the US and will then have to celebrate their anniversary on two separate dates..

    1. Thats exactly what enty saying cuz there is no liscense u have to file for one and be married in the state u are living in. This pr stunt the biggest.

  37. this was written by somebody who was drunk or stoned. it made my brain hurt to try to decipher what enty was trying to say.

  38. I give this about 18 months.
