Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kris Jenner Talk Show Getting Close

According to The NY Post, the day has finally arrived. For almost two years now there have been rumblings of a Kris Jenner talk show in the works. You know that this is something that makes her jump up and down and break out into smiles bigger than when she brokered the sale of her daughter's sex tape. Kris would finally get to be the star and would not need to share the spotlight with anyone. It will all be hers. Except during the first week of the show when she would make Kim co-host and bring Kanye and anyone else her daughter can drag into the studio. Oh, and of course sweeps she will play Kim's sex tape and do like a coaches tellustrator and play by play like they do during football games. Use a laser pointer or circle where the action is and really analyze it for us and talk about how it made her rich and allowed her to move Bruce to the garage.


  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    1. I second that.

  2. I'd rather watch Chevy Chase hosting a talk show :-|

  3. The Mayans were right!

  4. This is proof positive that there is no God.

  5. I think I'd rather watch her daughters attempt at a sex tape...

  6. This can't be life!!!!!

  7. I do think I'd tune in for that tellustrator bit, though.

  8. This can't be life!!!!!

  9. Anonymous6:40 AM

    And she has guests on so she can talk to them about Kim, Kloe, Kortney, Kyle, Kendle, and all the other Ks and bore the world to death. I mean, will anyone really watch a talk show with her hosting it and promoting the Kardashians?

  10. Ummmm....

    Thanks for the warning?

    I guess....

  11. Oh please let the Mayans have been right.

  12. If she does get a show, I'll find out who the sponsors are and post them here so we can ALL write to them and boycott their products. That's the only thing that'll work.

    1. Excellent idea. Also go to the sponsor Facebook pages and post your displeasure there.


    Seriously, who is she blowing to get a gig like that and who thinks it will actually have a decent audience?

  14. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Can they please just fall through a hole in the earth. I just can't anymore.

  15. I'm afraid that this show will find an audience. That family is still going strong on The E Network and making a mint. Wouldn't be surprised if it were Andy Cohen or Ryan Seacrest behind this show. They are well aware that there is money to-be-made from the stupidity of many Americans.

  16. In funnier news, the dailymail has another article about "sexy Kim outfits" but this one is amazing because in the second picture down, something is going on with her spanx and surprise! Her left side shows how lumpy and untoned she is. I was laughing so hard!

    1. Thank you for posting that, her unlovely lady lumps have proved to be too much for industrial strength Spanx.

  17. I actually hope she does get this talk show, but during it, she and Kim have to get depositioned, and all their scamming will come out, and they lose everything! hahaha

  18. Is the woman behind her doing an impersonation?

  19. Eh. Lots of people get talk shows and they crash and burn. Do people like her enough to watch? I thought it was the girls drama they watched. I don't follow the show on E!, so I have no idea if this will be popular but everyone gets talk shows that are gone in no time. Even someone who looks like an alien. Her eyes are pulled so far back she looks like a grey alien.

  20. And the bar of humanity drops another notch... Good Lord!

  21. Let me guess? TLC? That channel is already gone to heLL in a hand basket and this would be the proverbial icing on the cake.
    S/O cake she could interview that booboo

  22. No fear, any talk show featuring this idiot is doomed to fail. Talk show hosts have to let their guests shine, but Kris is all about Kris.

  23. noooo, no kris jenner. none.

  24. Anonymous7:36 AM

    OT- has anyone seen the new Stacy Keibler pictures? Her face looks so different. Don't know if it's because of her hair or if she has done something.

  25. That looks like Lara Spencer behind her.

  26. Honestly, who the hell would watch this?
    She has NO fans. No one cares about her and her fame whore children.

  27. If this is Ryan Seacrest's brilliant idea, he should be tarred and feathered.

  28. My guess this vulgar family gets what they from from extorting and blackmailing. I bet she had her underage swines sleep with execs, films it, and PRESTO! Talk show.

  29. Stop with the torture Kardashian family!!!! Please I beg you!!!

  30. Oh and I agree with the boycott idea

  31. Could someone please release the gangbang video so this will all be over!!

  32. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Save Big Bird! Sacrifice Kartrashians!

  33. as boring as a pile of salt, or bowl of plain oatmeal. bad idea. will not be watching UNLESS she has drunken dina on, lol

  34. Kris and Dina make me want to get a sack of oranges and go at it.

    (The Grifters reference there)

  35. It is so fucking unbelievable to me how many jobs this worthless bunch of assholes get offered.

    They are disgusting, yet keep getting more and more. I hate the American Public. (and I am American)

  36. Only a small number of talk shows are hits. Hers will crash and burn.

  37. @Wen, I think you're right. This family is disgusting. When will they go away??????? I really hope all their shady dealings come out with Kim and boy Kris annulment trial. How amazing would it be if Kris Jenner and Kim ended up getting criminal charges filed against them?

  38. I work from home and have talk shows on all day in the background but so far Kris's show would be on my list of shows I would NOT watch--she has enough attention.

    On that list is also Steve Harvey and The Talk right now....

  39. This sounds a bit like PR overtime (it is the Post, after all) designed to push the idea over the edge for a network. Whatever.

    All I can say is, if E's giving Jenner a talk show, why not give them to other child-whoring, fame-whoring mothers such as Honey Boo Boo's scary-ass mother, Dina Lohan, Kate Gosselin or Nadya Suleman? Throw them ALL talk shows and see which ones stick! Ellen and Ricki Lake must be shaking in their boots right now.

  40. To whichever network is broadcasting this: Fuck you.

  41. Well, the woman must be a genius...she's pushing the kids, and SOMEBODY is watching this shit, I don't know who but somebody is because they keep being on TV and in blogs like this one.

  42. Good Lord. Never mind the fact that there's over 9000 talk shows this season, this woman shows up in those scammy TV ads for Zestra? Sestra? Some female sexy-time goo.

    I gotta wonder... how long is it before they edit Kim's sex tape to add product placement of this stuff?
