Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Linda Hogan Watched Hulk Hogan Sex Tape

Yesterday Linda Hogan was on Access Hollywood because they have 30 minutes to fill every night and there are only so many red carpets you can show. Apparently she has written a book which no one will read. If there was anything juicy we would have already heard about it so why spend the money to go buy it. Anyway, Linda was asked what she thought about Hulk making a sex tape while the couple was married and she said that she knew he was cheating all the time but to see it happen just made her glad to be out of the relationship. So, yes, that means she did watch it. She did not talk about whether he used the same moves on her or brought different moves with the women he cheated with while the couple was married.


  1. How old is the video? I thought they had been separated for a long time. She dated that kid for like 2 years I think...?

  2. Lost
    The video was made while they were married, so it is a few years old.

    1. Thanks. I thought the video was made last year for some reason. I remember thinking it was really weird that he'd still have that song by his daughter as a ringtone so many years later.

      Btw your SN reminds me of a song. Called Circles, lol.

    2. By soul coughing? On heavy rotation on my iPod.

    3. The one I'm referring to is incubus ;)

    4. I thought it was the song by Sunny Day Real Estate, love that one.

  3. How could she NOT watch it? It's not like she would need to expend much effort to see it other than a mouse click. I would have done the same thing.

  4. Well the vid version out there is only 1 min long and was free, so.....

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Ugh... How in the world could she have lived with this human piece of beef jerky for that long? Good for her for leaving and taking half. what a pig.

  6. I have no damn respect for cheaters and adulterers. These people not only show a lack of respect for someone they loved enough to marry but for any kids involved. All the hulks are a damn joke now.

  7. This whole family is gross...

  8. icky icky ! cleary disturbed

  9. Hogans, its super tempting to call them the hulks. I feel like the daughter as a newborn would have been able to bodyslam me.

  10. No wonder their kids are such a mess. Cra-cra was the norm in that household. Nick should be dating a hooker by now and the daughter should be on the pole at least!

  11. @ __-__ agreed!

  12. I thought the video was shot while they were separated, but not yet divorced...not saying what the Hulkster did was right (I mean, paying a buddy to sleep with his wife?!) but I don't think it's THAT bad. And there were rumors of Linda cheating, too. I think it's common in the wrestling world.

    I hope he leaves his doo-rag on for future tapes, though.

  13. More cheese from the cheesiest, tackiest couple ever.
