Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lindsay Lohan & Dina Lohan Hug It Out

One of the things I failed to mention yesterday when talking about Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan's knock down drag out fight was the fact they were out partying until 4am on a Tuesday night. You are not a normal 40 something and looks like a 40 something if you are out until 4am on a Tuesday. You can tell they have nothing to do in life except shop during the day and do lines of coke off stolen merch until the night falls and they can go out and get drunk in public and cause a scene because if they got drunk at home, no one would take their photo except for strange guys they picked up who are trying to sell the photos.

The best part of the audio tape below is to hear Michael Lohan hear that Dina Lohan got $40,000 from Lindsay and that maybe he can get some of that too. You can hear the dollar signs just spinning in his head. I mean he is going to be a new dad, so he could use the money. I'm shocked Lindsay actually had $40K to give to Dina, but if she wants it back, it must mean she is running low again. Time to make a visit to her benefactor.


  1. Oxygen thieves both of them.....

  2. I'm sure hugs in their family are code for "let's see if I can pick-pocket this broad before she realizes"

  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Dina Lohans nose is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a long time. Why the fuck is it so tiny?

  4. Of course they hugged it out - Dina doesn't want to lose her money train and Lindsay doesn't want to lose her #1 enabler.

  5. Enty, no pressure dude, but I was just reading a very incriminating CNN article about Lance Armstrong that I'd LOVE for you to post about, so we can all snark about him. He's possibly the guy I love to hate the most in this world. I promise I'll come back multiple times to read all the rants if you do a Lance post :-).

  6. Rejected, is that you and your sweet niece I see there? What a lovely picture :-).

  7. That's not the friendliest body language I've ever seen.
    Dina makes me want to throttle someone, and by someone, I mean Dina. As much as Lindsay has got to change her own life (for it to work, or mean anything) I don't think she has any idea how to do that. The pair who spawned her certainly haven't made any efforts.

  8. Frufra- yes it is, thank you! I was watching her last week and she fell asleep on me and I snapped a pic real quick and it turned out she was sleep smiling..swoon I know!

  9. Holy shit what a mess they are.

  10. I think that these two should just be in a room together, with no booze, no drugs and no money. Within an hour, I bet one would kill the other.

  11. Dina Lohan should be in the dictionary as the definition for horrible mothers.

  12. Paging Dr. Phil....

    1. I was just wondering if there was going to be a "Very Special Dr. Phil!"

  13. Wow, this is the saddest recording ever! First, why is Michael recording his phone calls with his daughter? Second, why is Dina hanging out with her daughter on a school night, doesn't she have smaller ones that have to get to school in the morning? I know Lindsey is too blame for her terrible lot in life right now, but with those parents she never ever stood a chance at success!!!! I feel bad for Lindsey all over again!!

  14. Man, that is one grudging hug.

  15. Mari - "Dina makes me want to throttle someone, and by someone, I mean Dina."


    I have to say though, I did find this very sad (listened to it on DListed last night) because everyone is obviously a mess and he SOLD the RECORDING which is an asshole thing to do.

    BTW - In NYC it is not uncommon for nighttime people to be out doing coke on a Tuesday at 4am. When I was younger and didn't have a job I used to do that too.

    Not that it is normal...

  16. Anonymous6:44 AM

    They're all a bunch of nut cases and should all be locked up so we don't have to hear about them. I mean, even the local news reports stuff about them.

  17. "she's like touching her neck and shit" lmfao is touching your own neck a crime?

  18. The saddest rising for me was Lindsay saying Dina yelling at HER for not doing enough for the family and not paying child support...Grifters...the whole bunch of them

  19. @Hunter: co-sign. Taping the call is a real dicky thing to do. I also understand too that with all the negative shit he rightly earned over the years probably gave cause to sell it. Very selfish.

  20. At least they are attacking one another and not the general public. They deserve each other. I have no sympathy because these are grown people. Lindsay is 26 years old. Some kids get away from their overbearing trouble making parents at 15 if they really have a bad relationship. Make your choices and live with the consequences. It is entertaining to watch them self destruct tho. Just stop hitting the public and keep hitting one another.

  21. Did Lindsay know her dad was taping her call? If she lives in a state that requires both parties to know, and she didn't know, she could have dad arrested.

  22. Watching her being used as a financial pawn by her parents is just so, so sad. For all the shit we give her for being a nutjob, it truly is just heartbreaking to see her mom getting tens of thousands from her one day and then her father selling a recording of an emotional phone call the next day. She really doesn't have anyone to tell her "THIS IS NOT NORMAL. THIS IS NOT OKAY." because Dina keeps her isolated and intoxicated.

    Of course personal responsibility enters into it, as well, but I'm sure her emotional and intellectual development have been far below average and she has no real coping skills other than drugging and fighting and acting like a damned fool. It's what she grew up around and what she knows. I really wish she could find a way to spiritual and emotional health.

  23. Roman Holiday, I thought I might be the only one with some sympathy left for LL. Glad I'm not alone. Dina and Michael are just beyond sick.

  24. @ discoflux, totally agree. She has no idea what normal is and I don't think she ever will. Hopefully, the younger ones see all the delusion and move far far away as soon as they are able!

  25. @ AKM, can you imagine having parents like that? I know LL is a mess, but she really never stood a chance, and I truly feel bad for her, yes she is entitled and beyond but no-one ever showed her the right way...... So so sad:(

  26. @Susan B
    I cannot read your posts without saying
    Susan B . . .

    For some reason I thought Michael L lived in FL. So both parties have to live in a state where both parties need to know? I'm just curious, because it seems there would be some fallout with TMZ when they published the tape

  27. I just bought an appartment and im counting my pennies, 40k$ ??! that would make my life!! jeje give them to me linds!!

  28. @Sunny - Florida is a two party state - both parties have to know they're being recorded. I checked and was very surprised to learn that New York is a one party state - only one party has to know. A brief check of case law showed that the law of the state where the injury occurred should apply (Krauss v. Globe International). I'm using a website that advises reporters about these laws ( This website advises that in cases where laws vary by the states, the reported use the law of the stricter state (the two party state) for legal protection.

    What I gather by this (and I am NOT an attorney) is that it depends on where the injury occurred. If Lilo is in NY and dad is in Fl., Lilo would be the injured party but since she was in a one party state (and it doesn't matter which party knows the call is being recorded) I THINK she'd have no recourse. Bummer.

  29. Thanks Susan B :)

  30. Oh, fuck these gross whorebags.


  31. ITA w/donner. Many with far less resources get away from horrible parents every day and make a successful break in the bizarre behavior.

    **mails LILO copy of Adult Child's Guide to Normal**

    I think we need a Dr. Phil - Dr. Oz - Dr. Drew special Lohan series. They could do years on this!

  32. very awkward hug. dina prob said, oh linds the things I know about you, and linds said, oh yeah, heres the 40000. ugh ! that mother is the lowest of the low!

  33. discoflux, excellent points!

    i can't believe michael lohan taped this call...the people LL is supposed to trust most have been the ones to betray her the worst. incredibly sad.

    it'll be interesting to see how and when dina comes out to take this story for a spin.

  34. Not that I have any sympathy for this family, but it would suck having your disfunctional family garbage aired publicly.

    Again, Lilo and her siblings need to dump both of these hideous excuses for parents and get as far away from them as possible. My god.

  35. Wow, Lindsay looks so pissed off. I can't believe Im saying this, but I actually feel badly for her this time.

  36. I don't want Lindsey to die, but if her life continues down this path she will, possibly taking others with her. And then I do very strongly hope that both her parents live in lucid agony and regret for the rest of their lives , waking up with it, passing out from emotional exhaustion everynight and suffering unremitting nightmares. I want them to grasp the full impact that they had on their daughter and the world in this their only lifetime. There's got to be nothing worse than reviewing your life and grasping all the big and even little pain you have meted out to people day by day. We all do it. Ugh. I want them to live aware.

  37. Disco, you said exactly what I was thinking. Besides her brief shiny moments in her late teens, has she ever had a real chance with that set if "parents"? And Roman, love your use of "school night", I use it all the time even though no one around this house is in school! It just sounds more fun than work night.

  38. Lindsay would be furious if/when she found out! Furious because she didn't get a cut of the profit!
