Friday, October 12, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Sobers Up - Blames Michael For Everything - Voting For Romney - Paid Off Chateau Marmont

Lindsay Lohan has had a busy week. The thing is none of it is actually career related. Instead she is trying to put out fires she started. After calling her dad and telling him that Dina Lohan was on coke, Lindsay now says it was all a lie said in the moment. Uh huh. Totally random thing. I'm sure when all of you get in a fight with someone you randomly accuse the person of doing some drug. So, I guess we are supposed to believe that both were perfectly sober and had this fight and they were just tired after staying out until 4am? Lindsay says Michael is dead to her because he recorded the phone call and sold the tape. Duh. It is how he makes his living. That and what he can find in his girlfriend's purse probably. Lindsay says he mom is sober. Did Lindsay watch Dr. Phil? Oh, and in the past day, Lindsay has also managed to fly back to LA, change the color of her hair and announce to the world she is voting for Mitt Romney because he has more money and she loves guys with money. Wonders if he needs an intern. For all of you wondering where Lindsay will stay now that she is back in LA, she has paid off the Chateau Marmont and is staying there. Until she doesn't pay them again.


  1. Well, she's voting in the interest of her benefactors. 'More tax cuts for the wealthy? That's more coke for me & mom!'

    Who believes this trick is even registered? Come on.

  2. ugh...that made me dizzy, Enty.

  3. That hair color looks like I did it, and got the supplies at Sally.

  4. Ugh what will it take for her to wake up. I know your supposed to love your parents no matter what but dina has been walking that fine line for some time now. Also did anyone really expect lindsay to stay away from chateau marmont. How will she crash parties if she's not a guest there.

    1. No, you don't love your parents no matter what. Blood relations isn't an excuse for treating anyone poorly. You get away from those people and live a happy life. You break the cycle and do better. Better for yourself, your children and all those around you.

      Keep loving the losers and users will bring what's left of society to its knees.

    2. Skimpymist - I'm not attacking you. You are entitled to your opinion of course. You convey an opinion supported by many that I believe should be changed. Nothing more and nothing personal. I enjoy your posts and appreciate your time here. Really I do.

  5. As an Obama supporter, I was thrilled to hear that she is endorsing Romney.

    Now if Obama doesn't rectify Amanda Bynes' legal issues, he's in danger of losing her vote too...

  6. If she's ever seen the inside of a voting booth, I'll eat a bug.

    1. @lola if it's a cockroach make sure u chew it thoroughly or else you'll die like the contest winner in Florida.

    2. Lol. Maybe we can get Lilo to eat one.

  7. If the Chateaux Marmont is letting her stay there again they are idiots and deserve to be robbed and stiffed again. smh

  8. maybe she read the comments on this site and realized how scummy she's been acting? :)

  9. Doesnt she have a house? Also, on tmz, she says her father releasing her phone call to media could "cost her work". Pls! So i guess special guest of honor at the A&P grand opening is out, lol

  10. "she" paid for the Marmont bill? More like one of her middle eastern Johns paid for it. I think she is back on a downward spiral and things are going to get a lot worse again.

  11. It must be exhausting being them.

  12. She exhausts me. Am so over her.

  13. I agree, timebob. That Vikram guy or someone else paid her tab, that's the only reason Chateau Marmont will put up with her again. They know they will get their money.

  14. This ignorant bitch should never be allowed to vote..

  15. She must think people are totally ignorant.

  16. Doesn't she have a house? Her reason for voting is as ridiculous as the number of women who voted for Bill Clinton because they thought he was cute. Or, those who voted for Obama because he is half black.

  17. The whole Romney thing seems like a way to troll for mean comments about Republicans. I usually rise for the bait, but not today. Lohan strikes me as a Rom Paul person, actually!

  18. She must of woke up the next morning and said to herself "Oh shit, how do I get out of this one, oh yeah, lie through my teeth"
    still so sad:(

  19. Does her always-terrible hair---the poor quality color job & cheap, loose extensions--- only bother ME so badly?
    I always make the Sally reference with her, because I love that store---and I totally know where to find each item to make her hair (& 'hair') look that terrible. It even looks like my 'home-dye' skill-level at her age. I'm totally untrained, so it took me years (pre-internet) to figure out why that dye job is so bad, and how to solve it. So it makes me think she is going to someone really cheap, or someone poorly trained, or--even dyeing it herself sometimes.

    That's what I wonder, why her hair is so consistently low-rent, when she is given money to spend on everything else in the world....$65,000 at a hotel, but no money for hair?
    Sorry for the rant.

    Am I the only one who thinks it's always a tragic color job with this one? Anyone? Anyone?

    1. It's awful and always has been! remember when she was in her prime and went all anorexic and hung out with nicole richie? Remember that ridiculous blond color?? And that was when she fer suuure had money and stylists.

  20. @Cathy.......

    Me too

  21. Barton Fink---ITA. That's why I pointed out if she's registered, I'll eat my hat.
    Hoping to ward it all off!

  22. I am sure Romney is thrilled he has her support.

    She is such a fucking LOSER.

  23. Yes libby, the color, extensions, all of it is truly tragic. If ever a need for head shaving.....

  24. vikram's going to go broke b/c he keeps bailing her out. oh well serves him right for being stupid

  25. I'm with you Libby. Same thing goes for Britney. She has more money than God, yet her hair most of the time looks awful.

    Kim K has extensions, but you really wouldn't know it. Her hair, as much as it pains me to say it, always looks gorgeous.

  26. I'm surprised she's voting for Romney. She and her family don't come across as worker bees. They seem to want to never have to work and would like sit and sponge off the goverment. She should be an Obama fan.

  27. Hi Libby - yes I'm with you on the extension train. And I have to second surfer's comments on the K-trash, her hair does look spectacular.

  28. @libby - yes, absolutely awful hair. Clearly did not follow directions on box.

  29. I will never believe she lied. Even in court, the first statements she made are considered "excited utterances" and usually considered to be the truth. I'd put this trick under oath, but I don't think even a perjury charge would compel her to be honest.

    As for her being a registered voter, there's a better chance my cat will show up at the polls on election day and fill out the ballot.

  30. @crilla,

    Yes, but lately celebrities have been getting attention for saying they supported Romney. So there you have it.

  31. Thank you, guys. I'm scratching my head, thinking.."Were all my bad color jobs that looked just like that, actually not that bad? Why does no one say anything?"
    I was afraid maybe my hair had looked great all those years, and I never appreciated it...hardy har.

  32. @Eris. So true. Celebrities will do anything for attention.

    Lindsey would actually make a great politician. She loves to lie.

  33. I don't for a minute believe she is voting, period. I think she saw all the attention other celebs have gotten (negative, usually) after saying they're voting for Romney and wanted in on it.

    I don't think much of her, but damn, you can't help but feel for the gal after seeing what her parents are all about. They are the WORST! How about having a parent who listens to you when you call them instead of taping you and selling it to TMZ? How about a parent that supports your sobriety instead of snorting and drinking with you? The girl really didn't have a chance.

  34. Libby, ita about her's just that so many other things about her annoy the fuck out of me that the hair gets lost in the shuffle.

    (as bad as this is, it looks worlds better than when she had that white blond hair)

  35. Exactly! She only said that about Romney for the attention.

  36. I love her hair color there. She's probably not even registered to vote. I think she saw how much publicity Stacey Dash got, and thinks that people will "bully" her and want to interview her

  37. Maggie, it's not the color, it's more the colorS. A professional colorist knows how to get all of her hair (over-processed ends, dark roots, AND extensions) to 'grab' color so it will all be even. And shiny.
    The new 'overwash' of color here looks just like a home box dye. She spends so much money, but her hair looks SO cheap.

  38. I want that dress.

  39. Okay, say she did lie about Dina being blown out of her mind. HER GUT REACTION WAS TO LIE. Her gut reaction to every situation is to lie! Idiot.

    And I agree with those of you saying her hair looks awful. Her extensions look ridiculous, and how her colorist (especially when she's that hideous blonde with a hint of orange to match her spray tan) should lose their license. Ick boo.

  40. ITA on the cheap hair. Both Lindsay and Britney have the grossest hair. I think it ages them to have bad coloring and even worse extensions. White girls should just stop with the fake hair. I don't think we can pull it off bc the hair texture is so different. Remember Kate and her possum nest to long locks. Just bad news!

  41. What's funny is, hearing the recording yesterday made me feel bad for her again. I felt once again that this girl didn't have a chance with a mom like that. Today she blames her dad and loves her mom? Whatever. And not only do I doubt she votes, but can she vote? Doesn't she have a record or something?

  42. I thought it stunk in Hollywood last night. I guess now I know why.

  43. I thought it stunk in Hollywood last night. I guess now I know why.

  44. Wait a minute. She came up with $40,000 to pay off the Chateau Marmont for cigarettes and porn? (See the detailed bill-there were massive charges fro in-room porn)
    Must be the $40,000 she took back from Dina!! And now Dina's going to lose her house. According to the NY Post, Dina is $1.3 million in debt. Wish I could link to it, but I gotta go...

  45. what a mess!!!! the family, the hair. that WHOLE family needs some serious therapy.

  46. Let's see, from the time she was a little girl she was shown the world of "Spin"...her mom was a master. She lives with a dysfunctional family therefore she has now idea what "normal" is.

    I suspect she has always had to be the "adult" the bread winner in the dysfunction. She supports the family, she doesn't have a house because she is supporting her mother in her house issues.

    Poor broken child who has grown up with such chaos. She is still a child even at her age because no one has shown or helped her with the life skills to be an adult.

    I can just imagine the berating she took from Dina over that conversation with her father...

  47. I almost felt sorry for her. Almost!

  48. She's going to end up passed out on the floor encased in the voting booth.

  49. ditto Ingrid Superstar...also, I wonder who's footing the bills for her now? Is the millionaire hotelier still around, or is it someone new?

  50. Ita about the hair as well. I was watching tv movie once starring heather locklear. I cldnt even concentrate, because her black roots were about 2-3 inches long! All i cld think was," no one sees that? No one in hair or makeup. Or looking at the dailies? No one sees her obvious tacky roots?" Dont get it! And how about lindsay's voice- nice meth growl u got going there, honey.

  51. Heyyyy, I shop for hair color at Sally and my hair doesn't look that bad. Of course, it's my real hair and not some horse's tail.

    Dina 1.3 million in debt? How, why? Never mind, I don't care.

  52. @libby, you sound like you know your hair... wanna do mine? i'm so sick of it always being boring-brown...

    lindsay, keep the red color. please!

  53. If this ignorant coke whore thinks the IRS figures your taxes by Forbes magazine wealth estimates, I feel safe knowing she has no clue how the voting process works.

  54. I saw this elsewhere as an actual news item--she really did say she's supporting Romney, but no, she's not registered to vote, although she's supposedly working on that. Time will tell...

  55. I thought criminal records disqualified you from voting in the US.

    Don't her drug arrests mean no voting for her?

  56. Don't think Blowhan even votes, but wouldn't want her to endorse me!
