Friday, October 26, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

Christina Aguilera gets the top spot today for having the guts to use the same ad she did two years ago. You know, because she looks exactly the same anyway. How do you get your elbow to go like that? Not sure that is possible.
This is Christina last night with Vanessa Hudgens.
Coco in New York getting ready to go to vegas.
Edward Furlong looking fit. Well, he drinks Gatorade. Just getting that hair in a knot probably is a work out for a guy who smokes five packs of cigarettes a day. I'm shocked he can afford to smoke as much as he does.
Eve Hewson in her first big role.
Not sure why Kelly Bensimon keeps getting invited to things.
Judah Friedlander gets invited because he is willing to get naked with Debbie Harry and Rob Roth.
Patrick Stewart is invited anywhere because he is Patrick Stewart.
James van der Beek was in the movie, so that makes sense.


  1. james vanderbeek + eve hewson = blind reveal

  2. Christina Aguilera looks like a damn Cockatrice.

    1. Lol!!! Thanks for the laugh today I really needed it.

  3. oh sorry.... i meant: james vanderbeek + bono's daughter= blind reveal!

  4. Eve, does not look happy!!!

  5. Isn't Gatorade a tell tale sign of Crystal Meth users? I forgot what it does to your high, but I know I read that somewhere.

    1. Gatorade, soda, candy...all found in abundance while my ex was using meth.

  6. @MontanaMarriott I think it's Mountain Dew that meth users love. Mostly for the sugar and caffeine. Vanderbeek's head is ginormous.

  7. They aren't using that ad again, for some reason it started making the rounds on the internet yesterday as an example of bad photoshopping.

  8. I thought Debbie Harry was Britney Spears.

  9. Christina looks like she just stepped out of her "Dirrty" video.
    What happened to her?

  10. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Co co's girls look painful...not simply for her back, but they look like they hurt and are difficult to lug around.

  11. Thanks, Enty!!! <3

  12. Patrick Stewart, make it so!

  13. Edward Furlong was one of my many teen crushes, can we stop with the new photos?
    He looks much worse than even Lindsay. They make me sad, it's not even good gossip anymore. His photos warrant actual prayers, like Nick what's-his-name that played his Terminator role after him.

    1. Me too Sarah and its just sad to see him like this

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Eve does look just like her mother.

    I love me some Debbie Harry.

    Edward Furlong = Mickey Rourke Jr.

  16. Damn Sarah you took the words right out of my mouth! Great minds....make it so! PS put the sexy in bald.

  17. Eve Hewson is a pretty girl.

    Why is Judah shirtless???

    I like Patrick Stewart!

  18. Wait, did This Must Be The Place just come out? I watched that almost a year ago!

  19. My elbow actually does bend like that - I have some kind of weird, double jointed elbow or something. My husband always says it looks like it is broken.

  20. Ew. Furlong looks like he hasn't showered in six months *shudder*

    Christina would look way better with about one tenth of the makeup she's currently wearing. Her skin is begging for mercy.

    Eve sure got the jackpot in the gene pool. She's gorgeous.

  21. When I read "Kelly Bensimon" I thought it said "Bensonmum"--anyone who's seen Murder by Death will know why that's funny (Alex Guinness' character's name was Jamesir Bensonmum).

    Sir Patrick. We should all look that good at 72!

  22. Except that Van Der Beek wasn't in the movie...

    He was just attending the screening, like Butler and Friedlander and countless others in the Daily Mail pics. The DM goofed and described JVDB as a co-star, and Enty made the rest up.

  23. Wow, the Edward Furlong caption is really mean. It takes a lot of class to kick someone when he's down. I'm with Sarah - struggling with drug addiction, if that's what's going on, is no walk in the park, and making fun of someone for not having money is really cold.

  24. Eve 's co-star in film is Sean penn. there are pics of them together looking awkward at Venice film festival

  25. The Edward Furlong picture is just sad.

  26. i am usually pro-natural body, but i must admit... xtina is gorgeous when she is thin. and she has a small frame to pull it off. (tall girl feeling jealous over here)

    1. TE Cuz: Xtina looks so thin there but don't be jealous. As another tall girl if we add 20lbs it doesn't show as much (refer to present day Xtina).

  27. Eve is gorgeous, I see Bono in her eyes. Not digging her dress, though.

    Looking at Edward Furlong gives me the sads. I think he is a tremendous actor and had so much potential. I hope he can find his way back. :(

  28. Snapdragon - I was in disguise in disguise in disguise. I'm not a Frenchie - I'm a Belgie!

  29. I actually think Edward Furlong looks amazing compared to the last time I saw him.

  30. Patrick Stewart could just talk a girl to orgasm. Sexy voices totally do it for me. Russel Crowe is another. Too bad he's a douche.

    Coco is the very definition of curvy even down to her face.

  31. Omg Christina why are you such a total mess? You used to be pretty!

  32. Eve looks a little like Keira Knightley im the face if you look closely.

  33. That elbow bend is totally possible, but the pic of Christina 40 lbs lighter used for an ad today is funny. Wasn't she just talking about loving her body?

  34. That photo of Christina is two years old, then photoshopped to death on top of it. It's not really a photo as much as painting.

  35. I'm a "larger" girl, and often times I am horrified to see some of the clothes they make in my size. When your bigger, you need to accept that there are certain styles and clothes you can just not wear and look good. I find it hard to believe that Christina is in love with her new body when she is so desperatly trying to cram it into clothes that are so unflattering. She could look amazing, if she dressed more appropriatly.

  36. Wait, what?! Ed Furlong is still alive??? Seriously, I thought he was already dead. I think I mistook him for another former child star who OD'd.

  37. I can see Bono during the "October" era when I look @ Eve's face.
    I'm almsot 6'2 and always wanted to be petite. As I age I appreciate my height more b/c I can hide extra pounds well, see over everyone, reach almost anything. But, I do hate not being able to buy most pants off the rack. Also coats - if I want the arms long enough then the rest is swimming on me.

  38. Standing next to Vanessa Hudgens, Christina doesn't look nearly as large as she does in photos by herself.

  39. @Tango: Try

  40. I appreciate that xtina never has dark roots showing (big pet peeve when people have platinum died hair) but it always looks like she's painted her hair line and scalp with her foundation. It looks dirty.

  41. Listen, bitch, you can't have it both ways. Either you are against bullying people, in which case you can publish sad sympathy stories about the bullied and cry big tears, or you are for bullying, in which case you can publish side-by-side photos of celebrities in their fat/skinny stages. Choose.
