Friday, October 26, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

 Katharine McPhee with her dogs on the set of Smash. Is that still on?
Kristen Stewart hides her face in shame as she and Robert Pattinson leave a Prince concert.
Kristen Wiig on the set of her new movie which seems to be about a woman's relationship with a suitcase.
This is the house that Naomi Campbell's boyfriend built for her in Russia. I'm guessing he is a Star Wars fan.
Speaking of boyfriends, it looks like Neve Campbell's ring finger shows she is willing to move past the boyfriend stage for the third time.
A very skinny Ashlee Simpson and her dog.
L'Wren Scott is 6'5". Sarah Jessica Parker is not.
Renee Zellweger did not do much better.
Usher teaches Kelly and Michael some moves.


  1. Wowwww how many homes has Naomi's bf bought her?? I guess in her world instead of jewelry or perfume on holidays she gets homes? Remember the one he built her on the private island designed to look like the Eye of Horus?

    1. I wish she would donate a house/apt/condo/villa to my daughter and me. We live in Seattle and the price for.a house is atrocious, we rent and that is even more atrocious. My daughter's wish is to live in our very own house.

    2. @lc I'm sorry that sucks. I just hope you realize, and your daughter if not now, realizes one day that whatever your living conditions are teaches her something that people who do live in their own homes don't get to learn.

  2. Wow, I thought I was a tall chick! I got nuthin but love for my tall Sisters!

  3. Ashlee Simspon looks all sorts of grotesque.

  4. That dog weighs more than Ashlee Simpson.

  5. Wow another person from Seattle! Aren't there like 5 of us? I got lucky and bought a house in 91. We couldn't afford to buy a house in Seattle now, it's ridiculous!

    1. I was in seattle or normandy park twice on the past three months. You think seattle is exp? Try san francisco.

  6. Wow, how does miserable bitch Naomi get to be so lucky??

    I always liked Neve, hope this relationship works out for her.

    I don't know who L'Wren is.

    1. @rhino l'wren either has a fashion label that's her name or her label has a different name. I can't remember. But she's a designer.

    I wish I were that tall. I'm only 5'4.
    Reminds me of snooki standing next to Michael Strahan.

  8. Isn't L'wren also with a rock star type?

  9. Aw, Ashlee's dog is cute!

    Wow...6'5? dayum that's tall!

  10. @ Renoblondee - I think L'wren Scott is with Mick Jagger.

  11. I'm one of the Seattle-ites here. I am tempted to buy a house, but still have sticker shock after moving from Atlanta a year ago.

  12. That is an ugly house.

    Neve looks different

    Ashlee like always with her stupid pose..

    Jessica P. looks bone-leggit.

  13. usher is the about the size of kelly ripa? did not know that. anyone watch the kelly & (new host name)show? wondering how it is.

  14. SJP is looking not so sexy lately.

  15. Another Seattleite here who got my house before the huge run-up. By the time we wanted to move, house prices had tripled. This must be one of the more expensive cities to live in!

    Give Ashlee a burger!

  16. Any chance L'Wren Scott is the reveal for the racist model?

    And yes, holy crap SJP & Squinty are short. No one noticed SJP's matching dress & bag?

  17. seachica - when I found out you were in Seattle a few months ago, suddenly your name was easy to remember!

  18. Does anyone else thing that SJP and L'Wren Scott's dresses need to be a tad shorter? That length is "dutchy" as my grandma used to say.

    I gotta love Ashlee's dog. I have one too.

  19. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Ms. Square Pegs seems to have Square Pins in these pics.

  20. Sjp's arms look way too long for her body...she looks like a bow legged chimp in that first pic.

  21. I feel your pain Seattle-ites. The hubster and I are looking for our 1st home in the SF bay area. Oy. We have been bidding and bidding and bidding and losing and losing and losing. We lost out on one where we bid 71k over list - there were 27 other bidders. cuh-razy. And they are all old houses with small lots and "unique fixer upper opportunities".

    Meanwhile, I'm paying $1465 rent on a 2/1 with a shower with no water pressure and hot water on only warm days, only 3 of the stove burners work, a wheezing fridge, and the sewer has backed up into the bath 3 times this year (and counting).

    Not that I'm bitter or anything.

  22. I love L'Wren Scott, she has such great style! Mick Jagger must be a handful though.

  23. Ashlee Simpson looks ill.

    Wow L'Wren, it's neat that she is that tall and confident enough to wear high heels instead of slouching over (so many tall girls I know do that). My brother is 6'6" and she must be taller than him in those heels.

    It's interesting that Naomi Campbell gets so many expensive things and is still such a miserable and angry person. I've never been able to figure those people out. There has to be something very wrong inside of you to have so much fortune in your life and still always be so bad-tempered.

  24. Hi Seattleites! I grew up on 76th, between Aurora and Greenwood, walked to Green Lake every day in the summer.
    I lived in the Seattle area until 2000, when we moved to Las Vegas.

    Go Hawks!

  25. @ luvgossip - I also don't think the length on L'wren's & SJP's dresses looks good. But last night on Project Runway Allstars, the judges told Casanova that his dress would've been better (younger? edgier?) if he made it longer. So I guess this ugly length is in now.

  26. Seattleites, I'm sorry to hear about your housing price woes. I live in SW Florida, where the bubble burst about 5 years ago (the city we live in actually made national news when we hit #1 in the country for foreclosures). We thought we bought at exactly the right time; looked at the house in 2006 but thought the price was too high. Bought it less than a year later for $100k below original list price.

    Today, our house appraises for 30% of what we paid. Yeah, right time, my ass. I mean, we love our home, and it's affordable for us...but still. Although I am very glad we at least my department of 15 people, 9 have lose their homes.

    To see homes on the market today for $350k that sold for over $1mil in 2004 is insane. This area is a prime example of what greed does.


    I love Kristen Wiig, and I hope whatever she's filming turns out awesome! She's so darn funny.

  27. Good luck Hazeldazel, we live in the East Bay, and wouldn't dream of moving from our little 900 sq ft house because there is no way we could afford anything in our little city. But days like how beautiful it is today make it hard to imagine living anywhere else!

    1. Hey, i'm in the east bay too! Born and raised in San Francisco, but the cost of living there is ridiculous. More to raise a family.

  28. Can I rant about the cost in San Diego too?
    (That's my virtual Chewbacca impression)

  29. Hello Sea-towners! Seattle-ite, born and bred but we moved away in 2004 so that we could actually buy a house. My city is not the nice blue-collar enclave it once was. Everything is gentrified now and it is depressing.

  30. Why am I surprised that Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are photographed together right before their movie premier? I KNEW that was going to happen. These two are playing the heartstrings of young girls everywhere. Shameful.

  31. Gtzisshe, hella cool! (That's the east bay girl in me talking!) we have the better weather on this side, but I love being so close to a world class City, since we can't afford to actually live there!

  32. Another Seattleite here... Place is damn expensive, but I was lucky enough to buy a place downtown at an auction a couple years ago. Never would have been able to afford otherwise.
