Friday, October 12, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Bar Refaeli in a bikini? How did that get on top? because she is holding her breath going for a world record. You can tell she is a huge Chuck Woolery fan because she is saying she will be back in 2 and 2. If you got that joke, you are invited to my birthday party.
Brooke Shields in NYC.
Britney Spears at the Whitney Houston tribute.
Bobbi Kristina and her brother/lover sat in the front row.
Jennifer Hudson was there and channeled the early 80's MTV version of Whitney.
Bruce Willis and Catherine Zeta Jones filming Red 2.
Chloe Moretz looking way older than 15.
I can't help it, but I love Noomi Rapace. I just wish she would smile.


  1. Hollywood, for the love of all that is holy...PLEASE stop trying to make those god awful Biel bangs happen.

  2. I didn't get the joke but I am still available to attend your party!! Let me know so I can book my flights...from know it will be epic!

  3. Love Connection! I used to watch it with my momma. Oh the 80's.

  4. Chuck Woolery would cut to commercial by saying "We'll be back in 2+2" on the Dating Game.

  5. Yes! A huge fan of Chuck and Love Connection. 2 minutes and 2 seconds for commercials. Also known as a bathroom break. Or the time it takes for Chuck to sweet talk his guest into dumping the losers and go for him instead. :)

  6. Enty,

    I loved The Dating Game! Classic!

  7. And the Brittany scared face returns. She really does not like to be put out for show. She looks terrified!

  8. What a body on Bar. Damn.

    Britney, cut your fucking "hair".

  9. Britney looks terrible and awkward and not happy. It never used to be like that but these days (last few years), ALWAYS.

    Poor thing should be allowed to be put out to pasture.

  10. Yay!!! A party..woot woot!

    Um...side note Bobbi Christina get a better weave. That raccoon on your head is begging for mercy.

  11. Oh yeah and JHud looks like Jodi Watley (weren't the 80s great?)

  12. BritBrit, honey, you need a stylist. Or a better one.

  13. Wow Britney looks like a deer caught in headlights. I don't know who the person in the last photo is. Who is she?

  14. Two and two, Love Connection! I snuck a tv into my closet and covered it up with clothes during the day so I would not get caught. It was solely for this show. I think I was 16/17...

  15. They need to bring back Love Connection. That show was hilarious!

  16. I just wish, at the very least, they could get Britney some clothes that FIT!

  17. bar rafeli's body is absolute perfection!

    that is all.

  18. Anonymous2:24 PM

    2 and 2!! And they way he flipped his hand around =)

    Hudson looks like Downtown Julie Brown in that pic!

  19. Noomi is wearing a hair net and gold jeans. She looks like she went to my high school in the 80's.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Yay, and I have the perfect party dress!

  22. Is Noomi Rapace wearing a thin head band? Didn't she have bad teeth but got them fixed? Maybe that's why she no smile if that's the case.

  23. @Paris
    I believe the word for Bar's body is actually spelled DAYUM! :)

    I like this little Chloe person's outfit a lot except for the puffy shirt. Maybe her stylist was a low-talker

  24. hahahha Sunny. I stand corrected... :)

    Britney needs to go retire, and smoke her Marlboro Reds in peace.

  25. Speaking of Love Connection, does anyone remember the dating show Studs?

  26. Ah, loved Love Connection too. Guys, we are showing our age! ;)
    I'll second or third that DAYUM! for Bar.

  27. Sadly, I tried out for Studs. They called me back after I moved back to NorCal. But I loved that show.

  28. Jodi Watley and 'Downtown' Julie Brown mentioned in one thread...classic.

  29. criticism of appearance of one or more females in 'random photos'
    stereotype about Hollywood culture
    comment to inside joke made earlier in comment thread
    shout out to Enty

  30. ~~Chloe Moretz looking way older than 15.~~

    Oh she does not. She looks adorable.

  31. Chloe's shoes - I want them. NOW.

    altar boy - you've perfected the formula. now patent it.

  32. The Brittney picture is painful - someone who is full of anxiety and trying to hold it together. Look at the clenched fists, forced smile...

  33. Britney is looking a lot like Dina Lohan......

  34. Bar's hot body totally makes up for the duck face.

  35. Oh,Chloe Moretz, child actors don't end up as very happy adults. Sarah Jessica Parker was supporting her entire family starting as age 4 in Annie, soldiering on supporting Robert Downey Jr forever & ever-she didn't even end up with an Ironman tshirt. The happy fates of child actors is my favorite topic.
    As always ; M

  36. I was at the Whitney event last night. Britney seemed overwhelmed, she was very timid.
    Kristina is TINY!

  37. I absolutely loved Love Connection. A guilty pleasure.

    And I loved Studs! It was on when I was in high school.

  38. Forgot to add ... I always thought the blind about the celeb mom who made her child get gastric bypass was Whitney & Kristina.

  39. Bruce Willis looks small next to Catherine Zeta Jones.

  40. I read that book ("Between You and Me") that people are saying is loosely based on Brit. If that is even partially true, I feel bad for her now...

  41. Christ, where do I start? I'm gonna just slip in on this page and state some truths for the record. I have read this site for ages and have only recently began any posting. This is a coming out party of one as I expose myself in the snark infested waters of Enty's womb.
    I can feel this slow and deliciously agonizing "thinification of intelligence" (see Rachel Zoe Project) slaying my once voluptuous-plus size-brain. (Think Nicole Ritchie Project)

    This devilish euphoria is paralyzing, I do declare!

    All the fuckery of those that put themselves on that list, you know the one...the one Linds is allergic to.

    The parade of retards is epic and I have a front row seat to a quality fix here. I'm out. I'm proud. Gossip closet be damned.

    PS-Lindsay hearts Romney.
    (nevermind the house fire I just set off.)

    1. My dumb ass posted in the wrong section. Naturally. My intention was to declare my secret love for this site in a descriptive (and appropriately placed) fashion.

      I became the original run on sentence. Eh? Here's to more wine and careful comment placement.


  42. Lauren, what the fuck are you talking about?

  43. Lauren, honey, I need a translation or more wine...

  44. I didn't know where else to post. Jessica rest in peace. How can I be so angry and devastated for someone elses child? I hope the person that did this, rots in hell. Ugh, I want to scream!!!!!!

  45. That little angel! I don't have words to express how tragic this is. She is in heaven with the angels and will be at peace.

    Sending her family love. Very sad day.

  46. Kloie, right? I have mentioned that book on here several times, broke my heart for our poor Brit

  47. I'm glad I'm not the only that has no idea what Lauren is saying

  48. Because Lauren posted on the wrong comment page completely. I normally read from my phone, but the computer hurled all kinds of weird ads and crap at me and this-meant to be funny post wound up here instead of a different thread. Whooooopsie.

    Carry on with more wine, I will get my "commenting for Dummies" book out and start over.


  49. Lauren you are hysterical! Don't change a thing, babe!

    Keep that wine flowing in. Your post makes perfect sense when tipsy! Wine = translation decoder ring!!!

  50. Brooke Shields looks great, love her brown with turquoise and love her nude shoes - they match her skin tone pretty well and aren't those 8" platforms everyone will throw away soon.

    Kristina: The 70s called; they want their Farrah Fawcett-Majors style wig back.

    Brit's hair looks like something the cat dragged in. Or maybe it's the cat itself. And her dress might look cute if it was 2" longer and 1 size up.

    CZJ used to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. Talk about a cautionary tale.

    Chloe M has on a bit much eye makeup but otherwise looks fine. Love Noomi Rapace's jacket. Those gold flood pants are a bit 80s but it keeps the jacket from looks very ladies-who-lunch so why not.

    I'll be back in 2+2 [flipping the peace sign].

  51. Sunny said...
    I like this little Chloe person's outfit a lot except for the puffy shirt. Maybe her stylist was a low-talker


  52. Don't like mixing the grey with gold jewlery (Brit Brit). I see it a lot, but it looks missed match to me.

  53. So busy reading this site I missed CZJ and Bruce Willis shooting 100m away from where I live. Promise to self: not falling into the same trap when Chris "coochie magnet" Hemsworth will be in town.

  54. Perhaps Ms. Rapace doesn't feel like smiling.
