Friday, October 19, 2012

Rihanna's Dad Says Rihanna Should Marry Chris Brown

I have never understood what Rihanna's father sees in Chris Brown. How can he see any good if he has seen his daughter beat up the way she was by him. I don't know if Rihanna's dad and Chris Brown went and hung out in strip clubs or if Chris passes along some of the women that throw themselves at him or if they are both on the down low, but there has to be something that keeps Rihanna's dad from calling him out for the a hole he is. Chris brown almost killed his daughter, but told Life & Style this week that he hopes the couple get married and start a family together. Yeah, more people for Chris to beat.


  1. Oh that's a GREAT idea :|

  2. Or, he could think that beating the shit out of a woman is A-Okay.

  3. IDIOTS! All of them.

  4. Jamie Spears. Calling Papa Jamie Spears.

    That douchecanoe (thanks!) Ronald Fenty needs a talking to.

    I am amazed sometimes that people turn out OK after bring raised by asshole idiots. Rhianna run away!

  5. He beat his wife and sees nothing wrong with someone beating his daughter. It's the circle of life. Good people.

  6. It s sad for a dad to speak like that.
    And it s sad and frightening to realize so many of these starlets come from such appalling backgrounds. Used by relatives, groomed to be used by the industry and spat out ultimately.

  7. Thanks for that fab word - douchecanoe! I can't remember who used it yesterday. Hats off to you my friend!

  8. I'm guessing her problems are because of her father. Only a guess. Abuse keeps going. And he's passing the torch to Sleazy Brown.

  9. If someone did that to my child, they'd never even make it to the trial

  10. Anonymous7:51 AM

    $$$$$ is all he cares about.

  11. My dad was the most gentle man on the planet but if some guy had done that to me - he would have killed him. Literally killed him.

    Mr. B is equally gentle (I think I married my dad) but he told his daughter's fiance if he ever hurt her he'd hunt him down like a dog, kill him and hide the body. It's been 4 years now and he and the son in law get along great!

  12. And the cycle continues. SAD.

  13. Anonymous8:23 AM

    At least it goes a long way in explaining Rihanna's blasé attitude toward physical abuse- she has grown up in an atmosphere that condones it

  14. he is just trying to get back in Rhianna's good graces, and by good graces I mean money.

  15. Oy vey, I'm sick of Rhianna and Chris.

    Get back together, get married, whateverthehell.

  16. This is absolutely disgusting. I lost whatever respect that I had for Rihanna and I think she is no better than Chris Brown. There are so many nasty things that I would like to say but I am a lady and in some countries it is illegal for women to say what I am feeling about her (which is also absolutely disgusting).

  17. It's all about the culture you're raised in. This guy abused his wife and presumably saw abuse and/or was abused himself in childhood. So it is with Rihanna, and likely with Chris Brown too. Physical violence means very little to these people. It's just another lifestyle.

  18. It's genius, sneaky, indirect abuse that leaves the abuser "innocent'. He tricks another guy into abusing the one he'd like to abuse. I can't believe people like this exist.

  19. Look at Rhianna's face. She's had a nose job since this pic. It is wider there.

    Her Dad is a fucking asshole.

  20. There was entry on m' s blog about her wretched upbringing, the abuse she witnessed, the drugs, dad pimping her out- its all she and her appalling father know. It seems normal to them. Heartbreaking for rianna, and prob wont end well. Cant stand Chris Brown. A user and abuser.

  21. When Chris Brown kills her who do you think is first in line for the $$$

  22. Holy crap. To whomever has injected our vocabulary with douchecanoe - I yelled it at a guy that pulled out in front of me in traffic yesterday and had the stark realization that I spend way too much time on this site.

  23. Her dad must really love and care about her.

  24. Birds of a feather flock together. He's a beater, too.

  25. Nothing like your own dad supporting the idea of having your ass kicked.

    Rhianna is stupid. I don't want to hear about it when Brown beats the shit out of her again. He will do it again and worse I am sure. But I can't allow myself to feel bad for anyone so willfully asking for it. She is a disgrace.

  26. Wow this is sad and probably the root of her problems. When me and my dad talked about their fight my dad told me he'd kick any guys ass that touched me....that's what a father should say!!!

  27. Rhianna is not stupid, she's not asking for it, and she's not a disgrace. She is an abused woman who could benefit from help.

  28. She's got guns tattooed on her. She's obviously into violence.

  29. A lot of over exageration in this post.

    Did he almost kill her? No

    Girlfriend beater = child beater?

    Probably not.

    But I do believe that SHE NEEDS TO MOVE ON.

  30. Robert says Rhianna's dad should shut up.

  31. I absolutely agree with AKM. How can people have so little sympathy for her? Her dad was literally a crack head who would come home and beat her mother all the time. That screws a person up seriously.

  32. Yeah, that's def some father of the year shit.
