Wednesday, October 03, 2012

South Park Meets Honey Boo Boo


  1. Now THIS Honeybooboo I will watch.

  2. LMAO, the mom looks identical to her real life self! This reminds of the Snooki one South Park had.

  3. You know you've made it when you've been immortalized in an episode of Southpark.

  4. I like Honeybooboo and her family. They have some habits and living circumstances that are totally foreign to me, but they seem like good people and a really loving I the only one who find them endearing? ... ... ...

    1. @selock i immediately was nauseated and repulsed by them. I still am but after hearing how TLC offered to help them get a safer house with more security and June said no thank you bc she's so nvolved in her community, I have to give her respect.

  5. Is it better than the Parasite or JHo episodes?? I can't even imagine!

  6. I know what you mean, @katsm0711!

    One thing that really bugs me about the show is the editorial choice to linger on interviews when the subject coughs, sneezes, burps, or other bodily weirdness. Not that this family isn't that stuff, but these are clear editorial choices that would normally never be used, except that the producers want us to ogle them for being uncouth. Um...I work in doc production and we could make our most dignified subject look bad by unfairly leaving in some of those flaws they linger on. It's rude on the producers' part, IMO.

    Of course they also pile on a lot of other stuff that has less to do with editing, like the breath-smelling contest... :P

    1. I don't like the editing either. There was a show where Honey Boo Boo sneezed. A LOT of snot came out of her nose and she covered her nose with her hands. Then it became a stand-off, I guess, between how long she'd keep her snotty nose covered or finally move her hands away to wipe or smear or something. Nobody offered her a tissue or did anything. It wasn't little Alana who was being uncivilized or uncouth, it was the people there in the same room with her. I don't know what happened because after what seemed like forever watching her squirm uncomfortably trying to figure out how to clean her face with out uncovering her hands in front of the camera, I stopped the recording. I know the show's exploitive, but that was ridiculous and made me feel like I was doing something bad to her, too. Maybe I am by even watching. I like her, though. Some day, she's going to watch this show thru adult eyes and she's going to be pissed at how she waas treated.

  7. Anonymous6:35 PM

    That clip was awesome! Thanks for posting it, Ent! While I haven’t watched South Park in a few years, I won’t be missing tonight’s episode, even if I have to work late for DISH. I just went online and told my Hopper to record it for me. It will give me something to watch after I get done watching the debate; I will probably need something funny after all of that empty talk.

  8. It's amazing how much that really looks like June/Jabba. Too bad someone can't really raise the bar and have people quit watching shitty reality TV. Maybe then we could get a few shows worth watching for a change.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. OMG this episode was hilarious

  11. I was so disappointed with the episode and I love South Park. There were few actual written jokes and I can't laugh at a kid especially when the reason she's being made fun of is bc her uneducated mom feeds her garbage that they have no idea is just making her ripe for disease. But even so, it wasn't funny. A 6 year old acting like a pig and wrestling in spaghetti? Not funny. They needed more Rascal jokes bc they are hilarious and it's out of hand that stores provide them! The funniest part was Stan or Kyle yelling at Cartman on his Rascal "you can't even walk down the aisle to get your candy?" I'm still laughing at that!

    1. I feel the same way about making fun of a little girl like that. Southpark actually did her a far worse turn than TLC does. I get they were trying to make a point, but they could have stuck to the mom only.

      My favorite part was James Cameron listening to his own Daniel Boone-style theme song as he submerged in the ocean and found Randy Newman.

      And I love how Cartman can turn anything into his own personal weapon to dominate the world.

  12. Jennifer, I like her, too.

    I know the moment you're referring too - it made me angry. Ultimately - after a REALLLLLY long time - she backed away (still trying to keep the snot covered) and ran off into the house.

    Not very nice! I worked on a project where we interviewed little kindergartners and I can't imagine treating them that way. Kinda makes Northeastern media types look like the condescending bigots I think most of America probably already assumes we are.

    Also, I'm over South Park!

  13. South Park, much like The Simpsons, stopped being funny and relevant years ago.

    South Park will occasionally bring back some of its glory, like that NASCAR episode awhile back...but those shows are few and far between.
